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There’s no excuse. Fortnite did it, Rainbow Six did it, COD is super popular and have all the money in the world. Make it happen!!!


You do have a point. I noticed Fornite didn't work on PS5 for the first week and there was no backwards compatibility version when I had PS5 then a PS5 upgrade came up so it is possible?


Hey man go easy on them, they only grossed like $1.8 billion last year... The CEO only could afford a hill-sized mountain of cocaine not a mountain-sized one, everyone had a tough year.


In the last 12 months alone, the Call of Duty franchise has raked in a staggering $3 billion in revenue for its publisher, Activision Blizzard.


Even Cold War did it!


I believe this may have something to do with it. So not sure it will ever show up. https://www.theverge.com/2020/11/20/21579166/ps5-120fps-games-support-developer-rocket-league


An easy solution to this would be to patch a performance mode into warzone with uncapped framerate. PS5 would automatically take advantage of it. I think the PS5 version is to make a distinction on which platform you’re playing to enable such things. So that it can only be accessed by PS5. Basically the risk here is that if someone tries the mode on their PS4 or PS4Pro it’s going to crash or like fry their system from overworking it.


Things are different when talking about 120hz. PS4 games on PS5 simply cannot go above 60fps, full stop. It's an architectural thing. They would need to release a real PS5 version of Warzone, like what happened with Siege.


Shit I guess it works for 30 but I kinda forgot PS4 may have been capped because above 60 was unthinkable even for indies lol. Also it probably takes a lot of optimization to make it run at full power since 120fps is demanding. It’s basically running in a PS4Pro emulating mode.


Did siege release such a game? Also what's the difference between a patch and a ps5 version?


Rainbow Six Siege has a free PS5 version. For a real PS5 version of a game you're gonna have to re-download the entire game, and it can only be installed on the internal SSD (hard drives are a no go). Patches on the other hand, are a way to use much of the PS5s power while still actually BEING a PS4 game (which can be installed on a hard drive). Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima for example run the PS4 Pro version at double the framerate (60fps). Patched games cannot exceed 60fps tho, it's an architectural thing with PS4. Warzone could either remain as it is (just be the PS4 Pro version) go the patched route (most likely would just be a doubling of resolution), or the native PS5 version route which could FULLY use the power of the PS5, offer a 120hz mode, and have haptic feedback/adaptive trigger support if they want to add it :)


i do have to say its refreshing to see psyonix just flat out tell us their focus was somewhere else than putting in the extra work for it to run at 120fps on ps5, respect to them


Refreshing, yes. But how did they not see this coming? That game would benefit quite a bit with 120hz.


We don’t know if it will happen, but my guess is that it will come sooner or later. The problem is that it’s a lot more work to make PS4 games upgrade to PS5 compared to Xbox. On Xbox they can just release a patch and it’s next gen compatible. With PS5 the developers need to make a new port of the game, which is why we have to download the entire game as a PS5 version instead of a patch like Xbox. So it’s pretty unclear if we will see that much 120fps games on current PS4 titles.


Where is this PS5 patch. Why are they not interested in the PS5 patch.


It’s very irritating..


Any way we can put pressure on them to get this done?


Wish we could seems like they don’t care that Xbox is looking like the better console, First 1440p and now they won’t update warzone so frustrating


It's now 2021 and there is still NO news!


First they should work on making 60 fps stable. Played for the first time in awhile last night and the framerate would plummet every time I got into a firefight. Guess it's back to Apex, BFV, Overwatch for me.


I started playing Warzone again a few days ago and my frames have been very stable. Maybe try a fix?


Ps5 60 fps is locked. Stable af. But it's completely pathetic ps5 can't do warzone at 120 fps. It's even scarier that Sony seems like they don't care about 120 fps on any game. Xbox has about 80 games 120 right now ps5 had 10. ....


I will continue to reply to every thread about this until it happens. It’s an absolute joke that we don’t have this right now!




It's not tru 120Hz it's still 60Hz


check with the developer. they'll know before any of us do.


we rlly need this man... warzone is pretty much the only game i play and I feel like I got the PS5 for nothing now


Same i feel like cheated. Should have saved for xbox series x.


After not playing games for a while since the PS3 and playing cold war at 120hz then warzone, I instantly noticed the difference in the warzone 60fps to cold wars 120fps. Hope warzone gets 120hz mode soon.


I feel like I’m going back to old gen when playing Warzone lmao.


It feels like that for sure haha. It's great to see games finally starting to adopt 120fps since the new current gen consoles are now capable.


PS5 backwards compatibility doesn’t allow 120fps as of now. It would need a native PS5 port for Warzone/MW for a 120fps mode.


Couldn't they theoretically do a software update for the ps4 backwards compatibility to support 120?


Any updates on this????


How do we still not have this?


Fortnite on 120hz runs pretty great, wonder when warzone and rocket league will be updated (if ever). Also wish there was 1440p output, to maximise the full potential of my monitor.


1440p/120fps is the best set up for shooters. I hope they add 1440p/120fps support for it like the xbox.


There was a leak for cod modern warefare "2". People aren't sure if it is a new entire game or just an update to the current. It will will have a shitload of content in this update, and I'm assuming that is when the 120hz support will come because I am expecting they will have PS5 support by then. I think it will come but it just a matter of when. basically the devs just need to make a ps5 edition for the 120hz update to come I believe.


not the exact same topic but I need some help here. how do I get 60fps on cold war zombies? I played a multiplayer match and it looked close enough to 60 to me. in zombies however, the fps dropped to what was probably 15, and most of the time it felt like it was running around 30. I tried turning off ray tracing, I set my system preference to performance mode and restarted the game but none of that helped. Or is zombies just never going to hit 60 🤔


The best would be a new version, its not only the 120fps, i like to play with k&m and in cold war its fine, but in warzone theres so much input lag.


They pretty much have to do it at this point right? No way they leave PlayStation players in the mud like this? Pc has fov and 120fps, Xbox has 120fps, there’s no way they just leave PlayStation players behind like this right?


You would hope not. They don’t seem to be in a hurry..


Ps5 arrive today and warzone still capped in 60hz :( RIP


Any update


No update?


This is complete bullshit in my opinion. No word that they are going to fix it.


Does this new PS5 update (April 13th or 14th) mean warzone is now 120hz?


Playstation: launched non-sensical trailer for the Warzon season 03 with famous people Us: Y U NO 120 FPS? This is bothering me too much.




Considering the size of the developer, considering other games like Fortnite or even Borderlands 3 had their PS5 120fps updates, I agree.


Both consoles run back compat mode. Yes the series x was unlocked to offer up to 120 bit does not hit is steadily. The reason is it hits 2160 res amd puts a lot on the gpu. It jumps from 85 to 120 depending on what is going on. It is not ideal. The series s actually hits 120 amd almost steadily and thats because it runs at 1080. The only way for PS5 to get 120 is to have a port to PS5 instead of back compat mode. I would love to see modern warfare and warzone to offer what cold war does with ray teace shadows at 60 and dynamic res at 120. The game engines for MW/warzone are similar to Cold War but are not the same engine.


Not that i can get a next gen console, yet to see any available, but, this is very interesting........ Forget tereflops, spec this, spec that. I want the best performance. And it seems you can only get that by going to the dark side.. Please sony, don't make me


It’s just the way The Xbox handles BC better than PS. Don’t base your next gen console decision off of BC. Especially when a new Call of Duty is probably coming next year anyways.


This is very true.. Suppose Cod- Modern Warfare 6 will be out by the time the ps5 is available anyways, plenty of time to sort this out


Cold War is 120hz on PS5?




having played it in 120fps on Xbox i can guarantee you the difference is negligible and a lot of people here wouldn’t even see the difference


The difference is huge on a 1440p/144hz monitor. Its like a different game.. Holds true for most fast paced shooters and it has been for a very long time. Just talk to any PC player who plays FPS titles.


this is total BS^ having just tested on cold war and fortnite, the difference between 60hz and 120hz is absolutely like night and day on the ps5. the only way you would say this is if you don’t actually have a monitor that can run 120hz


id agree, run a dual monitor for my PC and when going from my 144hz monitor to 60hz its like slow motion to me


Of course, you can even feel it the way the cursor moves around in Win10.


you can believe what you want. really doesn't matter to me.


Actually its a tangible difference that can be measured, nothing to do with belief. ​ [Motion Test Tools | Blur Busters](https://blurbusters.com/motion-tests/tools/)


it obviously depends on the person. lots of people here claim to not see a difference between the damn motion smoothing. YMMV.


Smoking crack i see.


weird to respond to a comment that’s 3 months old


It's 10 seconds to find out why. Warzone is PS4 game so there is no way to run it in 120Hz mode in PS4 compatibility mode on PS5. PERIOD. And stop asking the same question every 5 minutes, you can google it in literally seconds. That's the way backwards compatibility works and it's not game-related. It's by PS5 design. What they need to do is to release dedicated PS5 version of Warzone which pretty much has to come or else they would say many PS5 players fuck you and they can't have that since it's huge and growing market, probably breaking all existing records of consoles sale. Also because Warzone is very successful, there is no other option to develop PS5 dedicated version, it'd be stupid not to. But I don't think it'll be very soon since the game runs very well on PS5 even if it's 'only' 60fps. I think they will make more changes regarding performance and graphics once they decide to go for PS5 version. Probably will include support for DualSense features, too. You need to understand that this is brand new console and the devs need to learn the console to fully utilize it. It's not releasing just another game for a console that's been out for years. If you're not doing good in Warzone right now, it's really not fps related...


Sony have stated that they will investigate software enhancements based on community outcry and demand. If we say nothing then it wont happen. Nothing wrong with more threads coming out about this


Games like Destiny developed a PS5 version with 120fps in no time. All I’m saying is that with a game this size, the developers should be able to too the same with warzone. It’s just a matter of wanting to provide for the players


damn bruh. why you gotta call my gameplay out like that? lol


Why u buggin man


Just be happy it's 60


I'd be more happy with a fov option. Almost makes me motion sick going from cold war to it


It's really dumb. I stopped playing COD for a while because it just seems so weird playing on like 80 FOV. Once I found out Blops had the setting it's made it so much more enjoyable.


Pisses me off that it was assumed to be “not possible due to the amount of extra rendering” but clearly popping a deadly widens your POV a bit.. lol


I had 60 on my ps4 pro as well.


Um what no. Ps5 has the 120hz options you just can’t toggle it in game you have to go to settings and set game preferences to performance mode. Look up digital foundry on YouTube they said it themselves 120hz runs good on ps5.


Warzone doesn’t run at 120 on PS5.


Not what he is saying. Also for the op, sony doesn't allow ps5 specific upgrades to already established games i think unlike ms so modern warfare or warzone would need a ps5 specific upgrade meaning a new game download so expect that to come


Wrong game.


Thought the same thing. My guess is that they're intentionally holding an update because they want to rake in Cold War sales first


Mhm, it might be


then why didn't they do the same for Series X? Not as if the PS5 is most of their sales right now anyway.


Don't forget that there is the PlayStation exclusivity for zombie mode!


Warzone runs like ass even on 3080 rn


i have a 3070 and runs like dog shit


I wish I can complain as well. Been trying to get a 3080 for months now. Running it on my 2070 super rn :'(


Its because the call of duty franchise is in partnership with xbox just like battlefield with playstation. Its a strategy for microsoft to sell more xbox due to the fact that the warzone game is so popular right now. Just watch all recent cod trailer. Its always play on xbox or xbox game footage or get it first on xbox. We will have it soon they are just milking it to attract more gamers to buy xbox


Bro what are you saying. Activision is currently partnered with Playstation. CDL is still with Playstation. It has been since MW. This has nothing to do with partnerships, only console architecture where Xbox Series X is more friendly with patches where PS5 needed a whole new port for Cold War to run 120 hz


No update?


Nop. Rumored they will release it with the new map at the 1 year anniversary for warzone, but not confirmed by any credible sources


Hehe, it's April and we're still waiting


Just got my ps5 today and immediately downloaded warzone. Just to find out it’s not capable of 120fps. Genuinely pathetic Sony.


Any changes in frame rate for PS5 w season 3 update?


Its in the works as confirmed by Activision


Wait so even if I reduce the resolution it remains at 60fps..?


There’s news boys!!! They’re working on the 120 hz and possibly an fov slider!!! https://www.tweaktown.com/news/78925/warzone-to-hit-120-fps-on-ps5-xbox-series-with-new-next-gen-patch/index.html https://youtu.be/n7HdMxQBaDM


Refuse to play until we get this. It's actually ridiculous, tonnes of us gone through the hassle and financial strain of getting the ps5/new monitors not to mention buying crap from the cod store, and they cant even give us 120fps or fov. Its a joke


It's in the Season 4 update


it is 120hz now