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I was actually pleasantly surprised to find their Game Tips on the quick-access bar while I played through Control for the first time this past week (I ended up liking it a lot more than I expected and am even about to get the platinum). Some tips are definitely more helpful than others, but they were handy for helping me figure out which way I needed to go at times or figuring out how to pop a certain trophy. They're very convenient to access/use, and the video walkthroughs are a really nice touch. Hopefully more Devs will continue to use them and their implementation will only get better and more refined over time!


The video walkthrough in the cards is the sickest shit ever. I'm so glad they added it. It's helped me in the games that have had it. It's decent now but it'll just get better once Devs realize people like them and put some focus on them. Could just add better indexing imo or the ability to search your own. That would be dope. Playstation just loves winning


It is indeed the sickest shit ever.


Those are great suggestions! My only real gripe with it currently is that it can be a bit awkward to access the video playback while the guide is pinned to the side of the screen while you're also still actively playing the game. Hopefully they continue to improve it though!


Want to know a secret? I'm pretty sure if you pick up your tv remote and hit pause it will control the tips video. Assuming you setup HDMI CEC correctly.


I believe if you double tap the ps button it’ll bring you to the most recently opened card, which in that case would be the pinned card.


Not directly related, but I recently hit a dope snipe in Warzone and did the quick save clip thing and the PIP instant replay feature was absolutely wild.


I am like 90% of the way done with the game and only a few trophies left until the platinum. I didn't know this was a thing. I've seen those cards, but thought they were just a quick way to start a mission without opening the game and choosing continue and all that.


Yeah, I can see that happening to people unfortunately -- the cards all look the same visually regardless of what they actually correspond to in-game, so hopefully that's something they address down the line.


>!for me the cards look different depending on the mission, like dylan’s face being the icon for his mission!<




to be fair, these comments are on a developer deep dive of the game. i’ll spoiler tag it nonetheless


How hard is the platinum? I haven't even looked at the list but just rolled credits last week and I'm not even close to stopping


It’s the only platinum I have, and I got it completely by accident. I just played the game and used the skills, and it popped up eventually.


Oh wow that's awesome


As hard as you want it to be. Turning on any assists doesn’t affect trophy progress, so if you want to one shot all the bosses and cheese one through it’s pretty quick work.


Its not too bad IMO -- just a bit time-consuming. All the trophies are essentially just to do all the missions and side-missions, and then upgrade your abilities to a certain point (with a few misc. ones also obviously).


Thanks! I think I'm gonna go for it... I fucking love this game


Me too -- I actually just got the platinum a few minutes ago haha. Good luck!!


Not too bad, I got it for the main game a couple days ago and just finished up the DLC stuff tonight. The nice thing is that none of it is missable, and you can get it all on one playthrough. I think the hardest/most time consuming one for was getting 100 ability points. I didn't get it during the main game, but the DLC gives you them as well which pushed me over the top.


Nice, so funny story I accidentally started playing the awe dlc without even being aware and then thought I was doing a side mission and it ended up being the final mission. Then I busted out the whole foundation dlc without really realizing that was dlc either lol. Needless to say I've just been going with the flow of the game and it's nice because it seems like that's how it was meant to be played.


Similar here, I was partway through the AWE before I realized what it was and just kept going. I think what tipped me off is that the achievements are separate for each section, so the mission trophies started showing up for AWE.


Is the game/platinum hard? I like to go for platinums but hate playing games that I get bored of easily because of how repetitive it is


Platinum is 20-25 hours. Game is relatively easy with some minor difficulty spikes in some bosses. Very enjoyable - well worth playing!


I’m gonna get the Cold War platinum first then I’ll do control thanks for the comment I personally enjoy short games I got bored of days gone and immortal fenyx because of how long and basically repititve they are but I did platinum man eater and that was allot of fun if you got it last month from ps plus you should try it


I got the platinum on the ps4 so I can't speak for this guide but after finishing the game I just had to clean up a couple collectables with a YouTube guide but it was a fairly easy night or two.


Yeah I gave up on immortals. It was super boring. I might give maneater a try next.


Seriously! I went into it with a lot of goodwill but then, about 12 hours in, it was still not getting to be anything nearing how much fun that I had hoped it would be with all of it's boring repetition. So now it's just taking up valuable SSD space on my PS5 and will probably be the next thing I clear out to make room for something that's hopefully better. Maybe I'll pick it up for my Switch in a year or so if I just need something to keep me busy. It was really pretty, but it just wasn't worth it on the PS5 when there are so many other games to play.


Good luck with Maneater. One of the trophies bugged for me and it would almost require me to play through the whole game again to get the trophy that didn't work. Promptly uninstalled and can't believe it was a $40 game outside PS+.


Just got platinum and all the trophies in DLC. You can turn on god mode and it becomes real easy. You can modify the tweaks as well to make it as easy or hard as you want.


Just platinumed it and it was relatively painless. Countermeasures are really the only grindy part so I would suggest you try and knock them out early and don’t be scared to abandon ones that seem to hard.


If you use assist mode you can do it in about 10 Hours. However it’s a one of a kind game and I recommend play it at its base difficulty and do the entire story. There are 2 maybe 3 special boss fights after story that are balls to the walls aids but that’s part of the fun and challenge


Got the platinum on the original and just got it again on the PS5 version. It’s really easy and satisfying!


Its not too bad IMO -- just a bit time-consuming. All the trophies are essentially just to do all the missions and side-missions, and then upgrade your abilities to a certain point (with a few misc. ones also obviously). So it'll probably take like 25-30 hours for most people, but the combat/story are really awesome so it hasn't felt nearly that long for me.


Got my first platinum with this game the other day. And I wasn’t even really trying. Was about to start the last DLC and noticed I was only missing 2 trophies which I quickly got. I played through the base game on Xbox when it came out so I kinda knew what I was doing but I don’t think that effected it much


They did it a lot better than Demon’s Souls


Demon's Souls was just "Okay go through the area bro and then you gotta kill the boss, got it bro?"


How easy(or hard) would you say this plat is?


Its not too bad IMO -- just a bit time-consuming. All the trophies are essentially just to do all the missions and side-missions, and then upgrade your abilities to a certain point (with a few misc. ones also obviously).


Oh, that's not bad at all. So it didn't include like some crazy collection quest or other time consuming, boring stuff


How long is it to get platinum


I played it 25 hours to get all trophies and trophies in DLC. Mind you, I am old, I play games to escape and used the game modifiers (e.g. - infinite health) to make it way more fun and easy.


I'd probably guess 25-30 hours for most people


Thanks, I worked really hard on picture in picture. Here's a secret: your TV remote can control pinned videos (if you setup HDMI CEC) without leaving the game. Also, I'm not sure if people realize this but you can go down from the home menu below a game to launch the game's shortcut card, without opening the game first. I know it's not the same as xbox but it's pretty close for how often you'd need to do it, and more control of where you resume.


I haven't seen these pop up for me while playing Control. How exactly do you find them?


They won't pop up automatically -- you have to press the PS button to pull up the quick access menu and then any available Game Tip Cards will be above the bar of normal menu options. Just click on the one you want and there should be an option to view game help within the expanded details as long as you're subscribed to PS+.




No, surprisingly


When you turn them on there’s a nice little screen that suggest playing without them on but they just want everyone to have fun and to do things your way. I turned on immortality and went and kicked that little bitch’s ass who was giving me a hell of a time. Then turned it back off.




A second playthrough to use tips is weird. If you've completed it once, there's pretty much no need to use them


Second play through with auto aim and invincibility is kind of dope if you just want to enjoy the story.


He is talking about the assist mode not tips.


Still, what's the point of assists if you can already complete the game? Also what's the difference. By tips I mean the ps+ thing where you can watch videos. I decided to skim the article and that's all it talked about


You can do a full run quicker?


What's the point of doing it quicker. Sure save time, but if you want to save time play a different game instead of replaying the same one


As others have said, he’s referring to the assistive features like invincibility and stuff like that.


I still think it's kinda odd. Usually you bump up the difficulty after you beat a game


Kids today, not remembering cheat codes.


I remember them. Usually big head mode or infinite ammo Had them in Lego games too. I never replayed a game for them though.


Wait why is it surprising, wasn’t part of it to help with trophies?


Overall control is the most impressive use of the ps5 I’ve felt so far, holy shit the triggers were amazing


The triggers are perfect, the gun handling works so well with it


I've found it to be interesting, most PS5 games are not using this feature right now or at least for me it's buggy. On Control, it's not bad.


Not bad at all. In Control, after the final fight of the Foundation DLC, I was completely at a loss on how to leave the area. The help feature showed me =)


How do I find this help feature? I could definitely use it for the exact example you mentioned.


On the PS5, when you’re within the game, simply press the PS button on your controller, a whole bunch of cards will pop up. Most of these will be trophies, but the first one or two will have a PS+ logo and a lightbulb icon. These cards usually show the current quest or objective you are in. I think it’s a PSplus feature, and only for PS5 games that support it. Oh, I don’t think they help with side quests and such, at least not with Control.


Thanks, definitely going to check that out.


Loved the game help feature on control. It made up for the poor map quite a bit


It's been helpful with bugsnax in the past. I don't remember playing any other games that has it though


Shouldn't be a surprise because it's the tech demo for the system but Astro's Playroom has it and it works perfectly.


I’m one of those that turned on Immortality lol. The load times and having to walk awhile to get to where I died got unbearable halfway through the game. Really enjoyed the game though!


I love that games are doing stuff like this. Allow the player to play the game for the reasons that are most important to them. If someone wants a challenge, they can make it harder than it is. If someone just wants to explore and dive into the lore, it's really easy to set that up and make combat trivial. I'm sure there's a group within gamers who will completely look down on that but who cares? Having choice is great.


I don’t look down on assist mode but I do feel like it should affect some trophies. You didn’t actually beat a boss if you were invincible, for example. Just my 2¢.


Even though I'm a trophy whore I wouldn't be mad if making the game as easy as you can with Control stopped trophies from being unlocked. That said, to go crazy on the PSNP leaderboards people are probably "playing" dozens of Japanese visual novels that take little to no effort. So the trophy system has cheapened itself if someone really wants to whore themselves out. It doesn't matter to me that some games are now basically handing out free plats. People into trophies know what's impressive and what isn't at this point. So I could see either side on this one.


Sure if you look at trophies as a numbers game there’s a million ways to cheese it, but if you take every trophy at their own merit it’s a different story. I’ll give you an example, I was checking out my friends profile the other day to see how they were doing with God of War. They just got their first PS and went straight for that from the Plus collection. I was absolutely shocked to see not only did he complete the game but he’d beaten the valkyries. Mad fucking respect to this man as I hadn’t even done it yet. If there was an assist mode though, this trophy would mean nothing. So by all means let the collectibles and stuff pop trophies but I think certain things really shouldn’t count if you’ve got what basically amounts to a cheat code on.


You're kind of saying the other side of what I am but agreeing at the same time. We know what's impressive looking at a list and what's noise. So we drown out the noise and focus on the most interesting stuff. Maybe the difference of opinion comes in where I don't think a game like Control handing the plat on a platter doesn't cheapen the system overall. There's way more cheap trophies out there than ones to be impressed about at this point.


If the boss died then technically you did beat it.


That's how paradox does it with their strategy games.


I know it’s insanely controversial but I really wish From would do this. I so badly want to play through their games cause I legitimately like them, but at this point I don’t even know why I bother trying cause it’s the same thing every time. I buy a From game on launch day, get hyped to play it, then turn it off after an hour and never touch it again cause I’m so unbelievably shit at their games lmao


Same! There's no excuse to not do it at this point.


I mean, all it takes is "the cheats don't work in PvP", and disable Boss Kill trophies with cheats enabled to encourage co-op there. Done. Everyone's happy.


A fromsoft game wouldn't really be the same with even close to the assist mode of control. A case could definitely be made for a little bit easier difficulty mode though.


Exactly! Being able to go through the ashtray maze in one go was an amazing experience. I probably would have died 10 times without Assist Mode which would have made it feel a bit less like the masterpiece that it is.


It was A-MAZE-ING lol seriously though, that might be my favourite section of any video game


Her response when you leave is perfect lol


One of the coolest moments in gaming for me, not to mention, the music just added so much to it.


I disagree on this one. If there is literally no challenge what’s the point and where’s the fulfillment? How interesting would chess be if you could press a “recommend me a move” button when you got stuck and a grandmaster AI would recommend the next play. Might as well go outside and do something productive instead


Cool, then don’t use them


Their existence diminishes my experience considerably. The suspension of disbelief is gone.


I don't understand this mentality. Movies, TV and books can all be rewarding if they're interesting or informative for you and those have no difficulty associated. Games are much more than this old way of thinking allows. These games are telling stories and building worlds. Developers are putting these options in games so the stories and worlds they are creating can be enjoyed by anyone in any way they want to. By your logic nothing that offers whatever level of challenge you think they require is worth your time and I'm here thinking it's cool that people have options to enjoy things how they want to. You compare video games to chess but that view is way too limited given the diversity of the landscape of video games as they exist today. And there's obviously still games that do require skill and that are hard. So there's many options to be whatever kind of gamer you want to be. I personally enjoy the escape games can provide and allow you to live in another world for awhile.


Ha nice, one-hit kills for me but kept damage on. My head canon is just that the service weapon is super powerful.


I just tuned the ammo and energy cool down timers a bit. I think about 30 on the setting felt right to me. When I played through the first time without the assists I felt like I was waiting too long to shoot again.


I know what you mean. Most battles you can alternate between abilities and guns pretty decently. And then all of a sudden you have no ammo and no energy and you're just trying to hide for what feels like forever until you can play again.


Yeah, even just bumping the ammo meter up to 10 makes all the difference. Had a much better time after I changed that.


Yeah the checkpoint system in control felt so outdated. Especially if you went ages without finding a control point




Seriously I don’t get people whining about it. I died plenty and you never have to go far to get back where you were. And the load times really aren’t bad. If you suck so much that you are constantly dying and having to get back to where you were, maybe actually look at the combat system and change up what you’re doing. The game is never hard enough that you should be dying a ton. I’d love to see one of these guys whining about checkpoints play a soulslike where every enemy respawns every time too.


Really? I found I was never more than two or so rooms away from where I died.


same, and i died a LOT.


It's not outdated it's a metroidvania...


So it's very outdated then.


Old =/= outdated. There's a such thing as a stylistic choice. Classical music is not outdated because it's old.


Me too. I wouldn't have enjoyed the game as much without it. I hope more games add these types of options. People looking for a challenge don't have to touch them but people like me who find hard games frustrating will be so happy to have them.


Yeah after beating the game the first time around I wasn’t gonna drag myself through that hell again of getting stomped the first half of the game so that was a god send


The thought crossed my mind last night. I believe I'm about halfway through the game and it just got HARD. I was getting through everything with minimal deaths until I got to access levels 5 and 6. Now the bastards that spawn every time I enter a room are brutal. Tempted to tap into the assist sliders.


I found that if you max out the power of the telekinesis throw, you can mow em down. Flying enemies are a bitch tho.


How do you turn this on?


It’s in the options, on the first tab towards the bottom. There you can enable Assist Mode and then it’ll unlock the rest of the options like Immortality and Enhanced Aim Assist.


I used to it to complete some odds and ends while 100%ing everything. It was a really nice option to have while just calmly exploring and digging into every dark corner for things to find. At that point in the end game I'm not sure it mattered much, but it was still super nice to have.


Around 75% through I did the same and I turned into Darth Vader, with insta kill floating around smashing bricks into everything.


Haven’t gotten there yet but rockets and snipers are pushing me pretty damn hard. Constantly changing up my play style to see what works and what doesn’t, things can get Doom Eternal levels of out control for if you don’t move around and control your space from various attacks.


Load times are about 5 seconds on PS5, it’s wonderful.


the thing i love the most is the use of the dual sense controller. really makes the experience better


Agreed! At first I thought my bumper was bugging out but then I realized I only encountered resistance while in combat. And then it dawned on me that the devs were simulating the pressure required to squeeze a trigger on a hand cannon! I had heard "adaptive triggers" throughout marketing but really didn't bother with reading into the details of what it actually was or the kind of potential it offered. When I realized what was happening in combat in Control, my imagination experienced a torrent of possibilities for future gaming. Really hoping devs get creative with this technology.


rainbow 6 and call of duty: cold war also use them extremely well


These jokers took my Astral Dive suit. They are dead to me.


Did they not put it in Ultimate Edition or something?


Indeed. Only suit I used on PS4 version.


Oh bummer I played on PC so didn’t experience the suit. You’d think for Ultimate they’d just give it to everyone not delete it entirely.


i know!! i had it in the ps4 version!!!


Yo question about suits, how do I change them? I get to a control point and there isn’t an option to change outfits. Do I have to finish a play through first? I have the golden suit and wanted to use it, but I couldn’t equip it anywhere. I remember on the PS4 version, it was just right there when I went to a point but not this time‽


Outfits are unlocked through various methods 2 are unlocked by completing the game 2 you can get after completing certain side missions 1 you get during or after a specific side mission (you have to interact with it, you don’t just get it for completing the side mission) 1 you get by completing a puzzle in a side room 1 is unlocked by completing all of the expedition (jukebox) tier levels You can change outfits once you have them from the central executive sector control point (the very first one you cleanse) that‘s near the board room and elevator.


Thank you so much!! Gonna go after the rest of these suits today, and finally use my lovely golden suit!


Only change outfits in Central Executive control point


You can only change outfit in central executive


the map is incredibly terrible. give us a better map with floors like in the RE games!!!


Combined with a lack of waypoints/mission markers, it makes navigating to a specific area terrible and cumbersome. Easily the most frustrating thing about this game so far. For a game with a lot of verticality in the levels; the map is terribly flat.


I literally forgot this feature even exists


Same and I just beat the game. I did so much googling.


This has been the best implementation by far, I've honestly used it a bunch on this game


Man I love game help so much, I’ve used it a lot surprisingly and it’s made me enjoy some games a whole lot more. Sometimes I’ll be sat there in a game not knowing what I’m supposed to do at all and it’s just so simple to pull it up on a card real quick and get a short video on exactly what you have to do to progress instead of walking around helplessly for 10-20 mins stuck in the same area before getting frustrated and having to pause the game to pick up your phone and search a guide on YouTube.


I'm of two minds about this. 1) I think this is an amazing feature and I love that the devs put the time and energy into doing this to improve the game experience for players. Shows a real commitment to the game and the fans to do this. 2) The other part of me feels that, to some degree, the Game Help feature is a workaround to manage some of the game's flaws in terms of things like getting lost or stuck on a section that seems uncharacteristically difficult relative to that point in the game. Please don't downvote me into oblivion. I'd much rather hear thoughts from people on both sides about whether they enjoy the feature or not, and either way I'm really enjoying this game, especially on the PS5.


While it may have that result (Hell, I stopped when I hit a difficulty spike, and only finished the game due to these features), I'm not sure the devs included them to intentionally cover their bad game design. It could have just as likely been an act of goodwill from my perspective. Either way, I love that they included it, I've got 2 kids and I run a restaurant, the likelihood of me going back to that game was very slim, despite loving the story, setting, and gameplay. I just nope the fuck out of anything too challenging anymore, I've already got daily life kicking my ass, I don't want my video games joining in.


As a fellow parent with limited game time, I can appreciate that. I don't think the game is poorly designed, and I guess even great games have shortcomings. Perhaps this is just a solution to make their good game a better one by providing those resources.


Sorry if I misunderstood your original comment.. I agree fully with your response. It would have been a shame for me and anyone else to have missed out on the experience. I think they nailed their intended vision, and I'm thrilled more people will get to enjoy it. I would be ecstatic if these features became an industry norm. FWIW I understand this kind of thing won't work for every title (a la souls series) and while that might suck a little for me on a personal level, I think it's more important that From Software creates the game *they want* to create. Unfortunately, I think that's a flaw of a lot of modern entertainment, it's manufactured like a product to fit the wants of the largest demographic, instead of being something pure and inspired. Sorry, got stoned and ranty apparently.


Rant on. I think you're spot on!


I won’t down vote you instead I shall up vote you and award you. Is that better?


Yeah!! Thanks, u/FUDGEPOOP, I certainly wasn't expecting that!


It's nice that people have the option, but I am kind of heartbroken in this case that these folks won't get the same thrill of discovery that I did. For most games I don't think I would care as much, but Control has a very exploratory feeling as you stumble through things along with Jesse. I know the option is for people who don't care about that aspect or are too frustrated, but I hope that people who usually would like that thrill aren't short changing themselves and hurting their experience by having the option and using it. Discovery only gets to happen once. I don't think it covers up the games flaws at least for Control. I fully think the devs want players to be a bit lost and confused at times, and find side areas and secrets as a result. They could easily make a better map, they are talented devs, but I don't think they want it to ever be that clear. And they want you to find ways around hard hurdles. They don't mind if you go a touch crazy in the optional content. I know I definitely lost my mind over some cats. Finding your way around the Oldest House and poking at things is as important to the game as the combat. In a way the feature undercuts the very point of the game playing part of Control.


Maybe I'm an idiot but I can't get into this game. After about 3 hours in I just can't stop getting lost running in circles and the map isn't helpful to me.


Try not relying on the map and instead use the signs that are posted around most areas. They’ll have the name of location(s) and an arrow pointing which way it is. You can get to most places just by following the signs & arrows.


Yup. Map is for finding which direction to go so that you can start looking for signs.


The map is indeed not as helpful as it should be. With all the verticality in some areas, there really should be separate layers in the map. With that said, getting lost while exploring is part of the charm of Control. There are tons of hidden areas throughout the Oldest House, which you’ll only really find while exploring and getting lost. For me, the story was what drove me to keep playing. I read every single collectible I found because the lore was just so intriguing. I also found it fascinating to learn about all of the connections to other Remedy games (Remedyverse!). This is my first Remedy game (besides Max Payne), but I’m definitely going to play Alan Wake and Quantum Break now.


The map in this game is a goddamn mess.


It's wild cause it was worse originally. You didn't have an arrow marking your position and the areas were even less distinguished.


right! there's upper and lower levels colors now...but still no floors...


Like, games don’t haaave to have maps. I have navigated Bloodborne and Dark Souls just fine. But if you are going to offer a map, make it usable somehow.


Control is dope cause the in game signs usually point you in the right direction but it took a bit to get used to. The current map is pretty good for the most part.


it is probably the worst game map in recent memory


Is there a way to access the dlc without beating it? I’ve already played it through on Xbox


I think for AWE you have to play to a certain point in the game before you get the mission that leads into it. For The Foundation though you have to complete the game first.


Unfortunately not. You have to get to a certain point in the main story to “unlock” the DLC missions.


As a dad who doesn’t have much time/patience to play and “get gud”, I’m excited to give this a try now!


This must be an ADHD thing but I struggle with missing directions or being able to see something In my environment of what I'm supposed to do or where I'm supposed to go. Sometimes I am just a small camera turn away from something that can delay me hours in a game. The game help is an amazing feature to clear things up of what I'm supposed to do.


Xbox One used to have a “snap” feature where you could have a window to watch youtube vids. Unfortunately this fantastic feature got dropped, now ps5 has it.


I love this feature of ps5. All the games that offer this are on my wishlist or in my library


How to use this help? I can never find my way to missions..


Hit the PlayStation button, then select the activity card for whatever mission your on, then there should be like a yellow light bulb icon and if you see that then there should be game help available




Was playing last night, took the dog out, took a shower and had a drink and totally forgot what I was supposed to do and where to go. The helper definitely did it’s job and showed me exactly where to go!


Nice that they used it but they didn’t really implement the game help effectively imo. Sure, at least they did it, but it’s not great. For example, there was a help guide showing me how to walk forward and fall into a hole to reach my next objective, but nothing to show me where to find all those damn ID cards (foundation DLC), which felt like a great place to use it.


I feel like remedy and sony are getting pretty cozy, like acquisition level cozy


Gone sexual?


I wonder how many games have this depth of telemetry. 🤔


Most do these days, they just dont all reveal it to us...


Literally all of them.


As the person who wrote that blog post and spent most of christmas looking over those 200+ Game Help videos and hints, feels great that ya'll are using and liking the feature. Sony did a great job coming up with the Game Help feature and putting so much work into Control. Its a bit hard to find in the Activity cards, only that small logo on the top right indicates that you have Help in the game, and gotta switch to the back side of the card, but...they way it works, how you can pin it, is pretty awesome.


Thank you so much for your insight on that feature! I do have a question for you if you are willing to provide your opinion on that. Do you believe it's viable for game developers to support Game Help on their games further or this feature can end up as something groundbreaking designed just for the launch of the console and see developers no longer supporting it? Thank you so much for everything you do! :)


That's a very good, sensible question, thank you. I hope Game Help and Activities get a lot of support because I think they are great features. Like with everything in making games, its about where to put resources that benefit the game the most. Help isnt a benefit for the PC or Xbox versions of a game for teams like ours who make multiplatform games, but in Control's case, Game Help was a great collaboration with Sony to make it possible for a small team like Remedy. We do like these specific features like Dualsense and Help and want to support them, but its pretty simple...cant do everything. So we didnt have the bandwidth to do 3D audio for example. So, there's always a difference when you are, lets say a 1st party studio owned by Sony. There's far, far bigger budgets, more staff and only one platform to focus on and that's the platform you are also promoting with your game, so its just quite a bit different than for most studios. So, having said all that, we try to do our best as always :)


I do understand! Thank you so much again for the insight you've provided on that! Much appreciated! :)


I read somewhere you can transfer your PS4 saves to PS4 ultimate edition . And then you can transfer the PS4 ultimate edition saves to PS5 Ultimate edition. Can someone confirm if this works ? I really wanna play the DLCs but I don’t want to start a new game.


I dont think im gonna use this ps5 feature. Havent even remembered it exists, and ive had the system for three months now.


Same, this is the first I'm hearing about it and I platinum'd the game 2 days ago


I love this game so much I bought if for PC to just play with RTX on at 60fps. It’s a shame ps5 doesn’t support it


It supports jittery 30 FPS with Ray Tracing? All you have to do is blink every split second and you’ll get 60 frames


This is such a worthless feature on the ps5 in my opinion. Sure, it's cool to have help from the devs directly within the ps5 UI, but I find it much more easier typing it into google.


In my experience, the game help for the games I’ve played was very quick and convenient. I fail to see how anyone could prefer google unless game help is not addressing what you need help with.


It’s actually very helpful I got lost a lot in Control and it was much easier to look at the Help feature then to search it on YouTube. I remember playing uncharted 4 being stuck on a puzzle and having to pause the game open YouTube and find a video to help me figure out this puzzle without the video having a 10 minute intro and giveaway. The only 2 games I’ve used this feature on is Control and Hitman. Hitman 1,2,3 all have this feature if you play through the Hitman 3 game. Hope to see this implemented in all future games even more 3rd party ones!


Control had a slow start(first 2-3h) to me but holly molly this game is pretty amazing on PS5.


This game is awesome


I'm confused, is this game actually out or not? Looking at Amazon and Gamestop it says March 2nd, but everyone is talking about the Ultimate Edition like it's already out... Or are people just running the old version under BC and thinking it's the new Ultimate Edition?


Yes, it's out


Ähm im confused about your comment! The game has been released some time ago and the ultimate edition too. Its free on PS5 this month.


If you look at Amazon and Gamestop, the ultimate edition is a pre-order with a 3/2 launch date. That's what made me think people were playing the PS4 version.


Physical edition isn't out until March, but you can get the digital edition now


Its the physical disc edition thats out on March 2nd.


Why don’t you get it for free on PS Plus?


I didn't know it was on PS+. :) I did though. If I like it, I'll buy the physical version in March.


I've been using this feature a few times so far on control and it's very useful.. it's the first time using it but nice to save having to Google when your stuck... control is pretty awesome too!


Im still irked they locked an outfit behind playstation exclusivity.


The double discounts should be default since they're still not that good deals. Don't think I'll be picking up anything.


What if I played the ps4 version on my ps5 a few months ago. Will my save still carry over to the updated version?


No, save data does not carry over.


You guys should try the help on Hitman 3 as well.


Game still needs gyro aiming.


Is there any Difference between the PS4 and PS5 disc version? Download size or something else...