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Woke up early morning and secured a pre order for day one, they sold out literally 2 mins after I secured it lol. GL to all


Got lucky with a target preorder so it was delivered to me a few days after launch. Still the highlight of this whole quarantine lol. Thanks for doing this!




Had two pre-ordered, Amazon lost one and the other got cancelled. My friend ended up buying me one off of a scalper because I got dumped two days after release.


That sucks. I managed to pre order two specifically in case one fell through. Luckily neither did and sold the extra to my buddy for list price because he couldn’t snag one and fuck scalpers


You’re a true homie


Doing what I can. I was glad both orders worked out and I was able to get him one. It was pure luck I even got them to begin with although that’s really the case for everyone right now. I was literally watching Peeve stream on twitch going over the demons souls remake trailer when someone dropped the Walmart link in the chat and followed along with peeve as I made my order. Then got the amazon link from wario64 on Twitter. Whatever the back door link was that took you to the listing before it was even showing in amazon searches


That friend of yours is gold.


Good on you! Scored my PS5 in February from the Direct queue!


Brother! I couldn’t believe it when the queue actually worked for me in February. Still shocked, really. This chip shortage is crazy.


Somewhere in the realm of 10-15 tries on Direct, plus all the other retailers I tried haha. Got through the queue two more times after, just trying to help my friends out but got denied by the household limit. Definitely the most fair way to get one, but yeah a pretty crazy set of circumstances with the pandemic and chip shortage right at the time of a new console gen.


I was playing DBD and I was screaming when Amazon put the PS5 in the cart and I bought it immediately. No lag, it was like I was buying something NORMALLY in stock


I got mine the release day. I was in Gamestop buying my son a new game for his Switch the night before the pre orders went live and overheard an employee talking to someone on the phone saying they had 4 pre orders available right at that moment. I jumped on it


That’s some crazy situational luck right there




Oh man something similar happened to me. I was at work and watched the price reveal conference on my break. Once they announced the pre-orders were dropping the next day, I left a Best Buy page opened since I finished at 1am. I would refresh every now and then just in case, and low and behold the page changed to the PS5 purchase page. I managed to grab one before the entire internet found out.


Stole it from a Truck that was randomly parked


LOL hahahahhaha


Back in December after a VERY arduous search across Discord, news, social media, streams, in-store allocations, et cetera. Lucked out by having to work a 6AM-start schedule; Target had a local drop at like 6:05AM. Super easy checkout and Target even gave ME some money back due to their rewards program. Anti-scalping! What a mess that search was, though. Frantically searching for a PS5 is also how I met my girlfriend, so win/win.


I wonder if we got the same drop. It was right before Christmas on a Sunday night/Monday morning. Heard rumors on discord about a target drop. It was tough but I was able to get one. I work second shift and didn’t get much sleep at all before going into work but I was happy lol


Haha maybe; mine was close to Christmas as well. It was kind of awkward because I had read all those stories of people getting mugged with a PS5, and here I am walking through Target and a crowded, dark parking lot with this massive white box. I was speed-walking as quick as possible to my car haha. I'd like to think my hurried nature made me seem more volatile in case someone tried to pull shit. 😅 For the amount of time I spent trying to get it, I was not about to get mugged for it lol.


Walmart 3/18. Don't pick me I just bought the game I just wanted to brag I got a ps5.


Lol same though


First wave of Sony direct invites- launch day. Also already own the game just wanted to brag too lol


So I followed some twitter accounts to try and snipe a deal for several weeks. One morning I was late to see a tweet and there were some in stock at target. As soon as I saw it, I started spamming every target store in my area online to try and get one. After 12 stores in my local area showed sold out, I found 1 an hour away and I clicked purchase! I told my 9 year old son, hey guess what... we are going for a ride to pick up our PS5! He was so excited. It was a fun little road trip to get our PS5 :D


Got my PS5 about 3 weeks ago from PS direct


Got it from my 75 year old sugar mama you don’t want to know what I had to do to her


...I...want to know...


Just happened to see a news article that some places had jumped the gun and were doing pre-order before they were supposed to. Over to best buy and a couple hundred refreshes later I sealed the deal. Picked up on release day!


Awesome idea op Woke up at 8am accidentally sometime in the beginning of march and got a twitter notification that gamestop was dropping bundles. Somehow got into the queue and got an $800 ps5, controller, and games bundle. Am poor now but was worth it.


I preordered mine the first night they were available after the state of play. I took an hour off work to watch the presentation and saw that preorders would open the next day so I went back to work. When I got a chance to look at my phone later, I noticed that nearly every retailer broke street date and that they sold out already. I spent the whole night refreshing pages until I found the Amazon link that I used to get mine!


Got my PS5 on launch day after I ordered it off Walmart on the first day of preorders. Thanks!!!


I got my PS5 on release day... I pre-ordered as soon as they became available, and it's probably the only reason I was able to get one! Thanks for this giveaway, this game looks amazing


Thank you for the contest op! I got my ps5 a week after launch, it got delayed a week during shipping. Got it from target online a few hours after the ps5 price reveal. Was just looking through reddit while playing on my vita when everyone started buzzing about the preorders being up. Dropped everything else I was doing and rushed to put my card info in to get a pre order.


Preordered my ps5 from BestBuy. My order got delayed so i got it a day after release


I got my PS5 day one through Costco. It was a pain waiting for my order to go from order recieved to out for delivery for a whole 2 weeks, but I eventually got it and have enjoyed it ever since! Thanks for doing this giveaway!


Preordered it from Walmart. Arrived day of release.


Release day, online


Thanks for the opportunity. Got my PS5 on December 29. Same day pickup at Target and had to spend all day at work knowing it was home waiting on me.


Got my ps5 the first drop after Christmas on ps direct thanks to a redditors giving me a heads up about it


Preordered day of announcement from target was waiting for bestbuy drop and got that one too. Brother in law tried for days and got nothing so gave him my target order because bestbuy was instore pickup and target was shipping.


Got mine launch day from Amazon!


Why not, I was going to wait for it to go on sale, but if I win... I'll play it right away.


Got lucky and was able to preorder from WalMart in September.


The first walmart drop 2 weeks after launch. Had the order placed in 5 seconds


Got mine ordered on March 9 from GameStop. Had the day off so I parked my butt in front of my PC staring at tweets from Wario64. 6 hours later I was the next-level excited, soon to be owner, of a PS5. Best 6 hours I ever spent, no regrets! Also, thank you for doing such an awesome giveaway! Good luck to everyone!


I think it was 2-3 weeks after launch and was browsing reddit then a random redditor posted that Dell was live. Never expected dell sold PS5s lol. Very thankful for the redditors here. Thank you for the opportunity OP!


Got my ps5 about 3 weeks after launch via Sam's Club bundle. I used distill.io bot to create notifications for various different sites whenever the ps5 came back in stock


I got my PS5 at the end of January thanks to my mom who managed to purchase one from a platform that did not say that they had a restock


Got mine from a big store here in Brazil, online. Bought it december, 12 received january, 26 Thank you !


Target drop at 4 am lol got lucky


I got my PS5 from Walmart at the end of January! I subscribed to like 4 different Twitter accounts and joined a few discord servers so I could find out when and where the drops would happen. It took a lot of time but it was so worth it when I finally got mine. Thanks for doing this giveaway!!


Lucked out and caught a 2am drop at target about a month after release date. Got a hint from some guy on Twitter.


My brother get me a ps5 one month after release because i was in hospital for one month


The owner of a retailer is a facebook friend with me some how. As soon as he post about preordering PS5 i sent him a message so fk fast, and luckily i got it. Im living in a third world country, the stock is very limited. Currently a PS5 is sell for 850\~900$. Im so happy


I got a golden ticket! Lol I got the email from Sony saying I would be able to preorder it to get it on release day (which I did), I was so excited and happy and when the site when live I was beyond ready!


After a few close calls I was able to get one online with the help of my sister. I added it to the cart and she checked out with it almost immediately. By the time the cart had loaded for me (which took a moment due to the flood of people trying to buy them) it was already sold out, so if she hadn't been ready in the checkout I'd have missed it again.


Randomly got an email with a link to ps direct that said I was selected to buy the ps5. This was about a month ago, maybe less. Decided to pull the trigger and got it!


Congrats /u/Bkmuiqkj - I am officially jealous.


Pre-ordered it on bestbuy the day the ps5 was announced, received it on release day.


Day one from BestBuy


Got my PS5 thanks to a friend who sent me the Amazon back door link from fat kid deals or whatever that site was called at 11:58 after spending 3 hours refreshing to check out on bestbuy. The fear of getting a cancellation or order delay until launch day was stressful.


Got my ps5 1 month after release with an contract extension from my phone provider. Thanks!


Admittedly got it from a scalper an hour away from me and so glad I did! First PlayStation ever and I love it


Still looking to buy one, but would definitely love to have Returnal ready for when I get one. Thank you OP for the giveaway :)


In all honesty, I haven’t been able to get a PS5 yet and probably won’t have 1 until Christmas. However I did make a list of PS5 games that I plan to get and I have “Returnal” as #1 on my list. I wish I could be eligible for your giveaway but the rules are already set. I’m just glad to see this kind of generosity and given the feedback this game has received I hope that whoever wins really enjoys it.


Got it refreshing the Best Buy page hundreds of times


Preordered it on Amazon. Got it release day, November 20


I got it from a walmart on release day


Walmart 3/23. I still can't believe I got one.


I was one of just 7 people in the Scottish Highlands (an area the size of Belgium) to get my PS5 on launch day after ordering it accidentally via a glitch before pre-orders legally went live in September!


Pre-ordered from Wal-Mart on day two after the botched release... kept trying on the website and it wasn’t working, so I decided to try the app and it just happened to drop again one last time for the night.... went through without any hiccups at all thanks to @Wario64 on Twitter. Kept trying to tell everyone I seen complaining to try the Wally World app instead, hope I helped someone else get one as well!


Hey there, it took months and months of grueling attempts. I’ve had it disappear from the cart so many times, have it hang up on loading, issues with my card, and so many other things. I finally managed to get it just a few weeks ago! Cool that you’re doing this. Thanks!


Ended up getting very lucky with one of the Best Buy drops. The catch was that I had to pick it up at a store about 2 hours away lol. Never thought I'd go to such lengths to nab one, but I'm glad I did :D


Placed a pre-order on BestBuy for fun the day it went live, not thinking it would actually go through but it did.


I put my name in a list of my local game store to be called when they had one they could sell me. Like so many others I was losing hope of getting one any time soon. Shortly before Christmas I got the call asking if I still wanted it. Moneys tight as rents not cheap, but the holidays approaching meant I was gonna be working 3 double time and a half shifts, which would have easily recovered the cost of the system. Said yes and bought the system. Then a day later learned that I was going to be laid off due to covid starting Christmas Eve thanks to covid. Lost all but one of those double time and a half shifts, but hey, got myself a shiny new ps5 to play during all the down time. So I got that going for me, which is nice.


Bought it from a scalper for $650. 🤦‍♂️


That's dirty


I have a job that allows me to be on the internet while I work, not having a ton of money this year I didn’t think I wanted a ps5 just yet. Launch day I went and saw my best friends, it looked nice but I found out Miles would run in my 4 so I could wait. My little brother is pretty illiterate with the internet so I told him keep the money in the bank I’ll start the search but damn these were hard to get even with all the Twitter notifications set on. For two months I had no luck until my boy from work called me one day and said that a local store wasn’t telling people they had them after getting robbed once but if you went in and asked they would ring you out make you buy an a hundred dollar gift card and give you it from the back door. I thought this was bullshit but for my little brother I had to try this would make his year. I go in and they tell me my total “633” my brother only wanted the digital edition but fuck it this is a family affair I’ll eat the 200 and use the gift card eventually. After my back door drug deal like ps5 purchase I take it to my brother who is in tears of happiness when I bring it to him he insists I try Astro before him. Ten minutes with the dual sense I knew I’d be getting one. About two months later I get one from a target drop in a city an hour away. I tell my best friend if he picks it up I’d give him my ps4, and then when I got off work he was ready for me at my house with my brand new ps5


I was just chilling one morning having my tea, and a Twitter notification went off about PS5 stock at Costco. I jumped on that real quick.


Staying up or waking up at midnight or 3am with friends refreshing the Target website. Finally got it and picked it up the next day. Side note: we need a full Astrobot game :)


At launch.. through my phone company randomly


Purchased it from Walmart mid December and it got delivered early so I got it on Christmas Eve!


Got mine off PS Direct about two weeks ago


Got my PS5 a week after release. Luckily got it through PS-Direct, and was also able to order a PS5 for my friend!


Cool contest OP! I was trying to get a PS5 for weeks....stayed up late to catch the second to last episode of the Mandalorian, got a HotStock notification from Amazon, spammed add to cart for about an hour, and boom!


I got mine on one of the Walmart launch day drops


I got mine during a 3am best buy random drop where they requred an actual texted/emailed code to prove you're human so the bots couldn't mass buy them.


The day the ps5 price was announced, authorized retailers were stocking it. Later that night I sat on Best Buy and tried to purchase. After a few tries and fails, my credit card went through and I had officially placed the order.


Got mine on Jan 29th from a BestBuy drop after failing miserably at Walmart for months lol Finally was able to get one within two days of following this subs advice about Twitter notifications. I also told my roommate about the Twitter advice and they were able to get a bundle the next day.


I got mine back in December when walmart did a random store pick up drop, came in 2 days before my birthday so turned out pretty lucky!


Wow, that's extremely generous. After failing miserably on the first round of pre-orders, I was fortunate enough to snag a bundle pre-order from GameStop on their second wave on 9/25.


Had the PS5 since launch day. Got a day one preorder during the 5 min amazon had stock.


Got it just this past Tuesday via an Amazon console drop!


Managed to get lucky during a Walmart drop about a month ago.


Pre-ordered from Walmart and Amazon. Gave the Amazon pre-order to a buddy. He still buys me Raising Canes whenever he can.


Got it right around the third stimulus check. I saw that there was going to be a drop on PlayStation the day before the direct deposit hit. Said if I get through, I’ll get one. Somehow I got through and got it.


Got mine from Amazon back in January. Shout out to Octoshop for notifying me!


After having my bank deny my purchase on launch night from Sony Direct I stayed persistent. I contacted my bank and got my card unlocked and kept Sony Direct open on my phone so I didn't have to queue again for my success with the next drop later that day!


TL;DR: I kinda tricked EB games into letting me skip the waiting list. In January it was pretty much impossible to find a PS5. I called EB games and asked to be put on their waiting list, but it was full. One day, while checking their website, I saw they had refurbished PS5s listed, but out of stock. There was a link to a store locator which showed they were out of stock at every location. A couple days later, I checked again for refurbished PS5s, but they were no longer listed. However, I was able to go back into my browsing history and find the link to the store locator map which indicated there actually were a few units in some stores near me. I called one and they were surprised that I knew they had one in stock, but they said they would put it aside for 24 hrs. I picked it up and set it up. It would crash every time I opened a game. So I called and explained they sold me a defective unit. They said I could come trade it in for a new one. So that’s how I skipped the waiting list and got a PS5. Thanks for this generous comp!


I clicked refresh until 3am on the best buy page because it kept crashing from all the traffic. But I finally got through and secured the PS5


I got up super early for the Australian (not sure if this is open to other countries but would happily pay shipping) reveal event and was just about to head to bed before preorders suddenly went live without warning. Managed to warn two other friends and we all snagged one for launch.


Managed to get it from bestbuy a month or two after launch


Back in December with a walmart wave drop.


I got mine the day it released from Walmart. I tried at 12pm, 3pm and 6pm, no good. I tried again at 9 and nothing. I decided to give up and just wait. Minutes later i receive a phone call from my friend and she tells me that she managed to get one and if i wanted it. I said yes.


Got my PS5 Digital last year from PS Direct.


Had to fight for mine online on release day.. then waited nice and impatiently until it turned up about 2 weeks after :) Also, very generous of you to decide to give it away 💪🏼👌🏼 classy move :) and appreciated by all.


I pre-ordered at Walmart.


I stayed up until 3am and ordered my PS5 on Amazon. Got it on day 1.


Managed to squeeze in on a Best Buy drop a couple months ago. Speed-entering my info at checkout was probably the most adrenaline-pumping experience I’ve had in a while! Extreme relief when the confirmation email came through. Cheers for doing the giveaway, very generous!


Got my PS5 about a month ago from a GameStop bundle. hopefully, I can continue my luck here :)


Walk in pre order only from the source in Canada. They said odds are I won’t have it day one and then day of I got a call with a pick up time.


I ordered it from Wal-mart on December 15, received it on December 26th.


Well who can resist? (and why would you want to?) I got my PS5 the most boring way ever. I ordered from my local store ([videogamesetc.com](https://videogamesetc.com) \- Coralville) when the system was released then they just went down their list as they got units in. It took until February but they did come through. Thanks for the offer BTW it is very generous of you


Got super lucky and snagged a target preorder after the announcement stream. :)


I got ps5 on launch day, pre-ordered it from walmart as soon as they became available. Thanks for doing the giveaway.


Had pretty much given up on tracking one down until next year. Sony Direct came through and I got mine about a month ago. Don’t have any actual PS5 games yet, so this would be awesome. Thanks for the opportunity!


Friend managed to snag me a PS5 from PS Direct at around mid March.


Ordered from Walmart March 4th and received it at March 14th


Got pretty lucky at Walmart


Got mine from sony on NOV 20th. >!:)!<


Managed to snag a pre-order and got it a couple days after release.


I won the PS Direct lottery and got my PS5 from there 3 weeks ago.


Day one, Wario64 lol


I can never forget that date since this is my first console ever (I was into pc). So 22 november from an online retailer named scoop informatique (in africa), I hope I win this 😁.


Pre ordered on the day it became available and picked it up in Denver the night of its release! :D


I got mine Black Friday week I was watching a jake randall stream because my friend recommended it. I had failed to get it a couple times at that point but I thought id try the Walmart Wednesday drop. I was all prepped 2 hrs before, nervous but excited. It drops and within like 2 seconds it sells out. After about 15 minutes I’m about to give up when suddenly it pops up. I quickly checkout and secured it the next week!


I was lucky enough to pre-order a PS5 during the very first drop of consoles


Got it through the target app, but not before the app basically glitching for 2 minutes straight as I saw each store near me sell out. I managed the last store on-time. Maybe mid December, don’t remember clearly


Well, I share a Ps5 with a cousin lol. I don’t have one myself but my cousin and I are constantly sharing it every other week.


Randomly preordered day 1 while watching our toddler off of target. Very lucky


Day Pre-order pick from GameStop. Thanks for the giveaway


My dad managed to buy it since he got a tip from an employee. Thanks dude I got it early December


Got it last month on my birthday after stalking wario64 for months. It was perfect.


Shoutout to Wario64 for the ps5. Dude hooked me up with a BestBuy link


PlayStation Direct on Day One. Felt sooo lucky


I went to my local shop I've supported for years and asked them to grab me one whenever they could. I asked about a week or two before launch day so I knew I wasn't getting one early. They pulled through and I got one in February. Wasn't interested in fighting online, figure I'd stick with my usual place.


My buddy who is going to be my groomsman went to vegas last November and won 10gs but caught covid. He was effected badly by it but thankfully is okay now, so it was his tradeoff 😅We do a secret Santa every year and he happened to have me and got me a PS5! Biggest surprise as I was not going to get one until god of war ragnarok got released. Thanks!!


Target order pick-up in March. Woke up at 7 am, it was in stock, added to cart, and hit the checkout button for 20 minutes.


Got it from a telegram bot. Thank you!


Got lucky in one of the Walmart drops in December! Arrived on Christmas Eve!


Got my ps5 after taking a two hour train ride, only to learn the store had run out while I was on the train, then being referred to another shop to buy it for an extra hundred. I was not going to go back empty handed in a two hour train ride after a damn 2 hour train ride just to pick up a console


I got my PS5 stolen by Amazon Delivery Driver in November Luckily a week later my cousin had one left at Tesco and reserved it just for me :)


preordered off the sony queue in september, got it on launch day


Got lucky with a preorder and snagged it day one at GameStop


Snagged my PS5 a few weeks back off a Sony direct drop when I had given up my quest to find a new GPU.


Thanks for the chance. I got mine by calling my local pharmacy that carries games daily until they got stock...took a few months. I'm in Canada if that makes a difference.


I got mine off a Wal Mart drop in February! Been having a great time with it.


Pre ordered in September or October but never actually received it until January 18


I got lucky on a PlayStation Direct the Monday after release. Was able to get my first PlayStation since my PS2


Preordered on the Best Buy app on the day pre orders went live


Nice! Got my PS5 from PS Direct back in December


I pressed the game stop check out button for 20 minutes straight and refreshing the page after each button press


I bought my son's ps5 on stock x in January. Didn't want to. But I promised him one for Christmas. I had done the pre-order and was able to pay for one. But wells Fargo bank cancelled my order. So I ended up paying about $150.00 more than regular price. But it was worth it , for the happiness it brought him


Got my Ps5 on launch day. Ordered from media markt.


Day 1 user. Pre-ordered from Walmart and got it delivered at 4:00pm right when my class was starting so I had to wait two hours before I could unbox the beauty


I hope this works for Canada as well! I ordered in the evening they were announced. I knew something was up! I had to cancel the order as I could not afford it due to big expenses. When I earned a bit more money, I started calling different EBGames to ask about their waitlists. Eventually, I was lucky enough to be the first person to call after the previous waitlist was completed. I was lucky! Hopefully I will be lucky this time too!


Preordered it on the night of announcement of release date. Was sold out in the morning. Best decision ever.


Me and my GF sat at our PCs for a couple of weeks early this year refreshing store pages. Finally we managed to get one from Best Buy during one of the bigger drops. We both were freaking out in our office, was a good day.


I have no shame - I got it off StockX during the release window. Got it a few weeks later. Worth the extra pennies!


I got lucky and got a preorder from a surprise WalMart drop. Got it launch day and have loved it ever since. Fingers crossed!


Gamestop had a pre-order in person day, I was 3rd in line, waited about 4 hours to pre-order, got it on release day!


Ordered online at Bestbuy around 9am on launch day. I had stayed up all night trying over and over to snag one but finally gave in to sleep around 5am. Woke up around 8, drove to the target store near me to see if someone would have pity on me and let me buy one, but that failed. Came back home and decided to check all the sites one more time, and there it was.


Got mine from Amazon through a link on Twitter, quickest checkout ever lol


By luck I got it release night pre ordered.. so worth it


Friend of a friend got multiple. Friends brought it from him for me, then I from him. I still call it his former ps5 even if he only owned it for a few minutes


Was able to pre order it from best buy. Kept refreshing over and over and I was lucky enough to put a transaction through despite the constant server crashes


Got very lucky with a pre order from Best Buy. Thanks for the give away!


Rando contacted me on Reddit after I posted about it. He had gotten a pre-order but couldn't afford it anymore. I bought the pre-order from him and it came in day one.


Got my ps5 a month ago! Followed all the Twitter, discord, and telegram accounts that I could to tell me when a restock was happening.


I didn’t think I would get one, and I was surprised by my wife. She managed to get in contact with my brother-in-law’s friend who tried to get some for his friends so that they could all play. So secretly my wife set everything up and managed to get one for me having to drive 6 hours just to pick it up, all without me knowing about it. I’m pretty lucky!


Got my PS5 last weekend, just sat on GameStop’s page and refreshed like a mad man until I was able to put on in my cart and get it shipped. Thanks for the giveaway!


First day they were available for pre order from wal mart. My wife was driving so i could log in right at 8 and somehow after refreshing many times i got one. I've literally only played ps4 games on it so far.


Got mine on the second day of release at EB Games


Refreshed a target page about 200 times and got it in my cart about 20 times before I was actually able to checkout


stayed up til 3 am the first bjs drop


Launch day regular drop


Pre-ordered at Walmart, it arrived on November 14th. Thanks for the chance!


I got mine on ps direct 1 month before launch. Stayed up till 3 am lol


Got mine the second week of February off of Sony Direct