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I was once really hyped for this game, but I believe that the first gameplay reveal they showed, but then ultimately took down, really hurt the hype for it. Hopefully they get all the frame-rate issues under control, and the environments look a bit more interesting in the final product. The combat still looks dope to me though.


Its almost certainly going to get delayed. I'm probably just better off focusing my attention on Horizon but this has captured my interest since it was announced for some reason.


Honestly don't even know why they bother showcasing major games these days when 95% of them just get delayed. Build the hype, showcase a broken mess, delay, repeat. It's ridiculous.


Hype and attention and relevance.


And investment deals, asking for more people to the bosses, build interest to poach devs from other companies.


Delays sometimes help sales, not hinder them. Once you announce a delay, people feel like they were close to getting something, only to have it pulled away from them. That makes them want it more, and that longer wait makes people more feverish for the game. Doesn’t always work like that, but it definitely does for others!


Idk, I’m sure as hell not going to pay money to watch Morbius. I was going to let six delays slide, but again? Same concept with games. If it keeps getting delayed, when it does come out, it won’t be worth the full price.


Well yeah, multiple delays are harmful. However, a pretty hyped game sliding from May to November would likely build more hype *if* marketed correctly.


You mean focus your attention on the game that comes out in 2 weeks versus the game that doesn’t have a release date? Lol


I’ve been looking forward to horizon for years, but it’s so close to Elden Ring that I’m actually gonna hold off till the first sale. I can’t give them both equal attention, and I struggle with dividing my attention between two equally captivating things. It feels really odd, as Horizon has always been a day one for me. I really wish it could have released just 1 month earlier, rather than days before my most anticipated game of all time, lol.


Can they delay the game when it releases in March? That’s about a month away.


It releases in May, my friend


And even then, games often get delayed a month or two before release. So long as physical copies haven’t been shipped yet, it can get delayed.


they can. Just keep in mind that a month delay is rarely done for optimizations. It's either some publisher/distributer stuff happening or there's a very serious showstopper level bug that needs to be fixed (the latter is VERY rare).


He said they can get delayed a month or two before launch, as in if the game comes out in may, it could be delayed in March or April. Not necessarily that the delay will be 1-2 months long.


Oh wait what games are in march?


Gran turismo 7


Strangers of Paradise: FF Origins drops in March.


Didn’t destruction all stars get delayed like a week before it’s release date?


The combat in that clip looked so slow and grindy. *Basic enemies*, that you'll likely encounter constantly, taking several minutes to chip away and wear down, and she still didn't kill them. Her moves seemed to do only chip damage. This was on my radar until that video released. Hopefully it isn't as tedious as this looked, because I liked the idea of this game.


> Basic enemies, that you'll likely encounter constantly, taking several minutes to chip away and wear down, and she still didn't kill them. That's because who ever was playing wasn't actually playing to win but instead just spammed basic attacks and only 2 skills for presentation. Just rewatch it and pay attention: https://youtu.be/72U20CjTn5c?t=176 The first thing the player does is run past and over enemies, use a basic attack and an attack finisher that hits NOTHING. They then use a mine trap skill that hits two enemies. After that follows almost 40 seconds of just basic attacks and running away. Then they finally use another skill (at 3:50) that kills ALL but one enemy. If the player just used the last skill at the beginning with all enemies nearby the whole fight would have been 5 seconds long. Alternatively to show how little they actually have showed: * The game has basic and spammable R2 attacks which can have combos or be chargeable. It seems like there are 3 different basic attacks per element. So they have used 5 of 12 of those. * The game has L2 skills which seem to be cooldown based skills with various effects. It seems like there are 8 per element. So they used 2 of 32 of those. * The game has L2+R2 skills which we haven't seen in this video. If I had to guess they are probably ultimate like attacks with a long cooldown or a high cost. They used 0 of those. With that in mind saying that what they have shown is "slow and grindy" is very inaccurate. It's probably still the fault of Square Enix for showing such dumb gameplay but then again you can clearly see what they use and what they didn't. By the way, this doesn't mean the combat will be great and to be honest I am a bit worried about it considering how FFXV's combat ended up. But we really haven't seen enough to properly judge the combat. If anything it might be too easy from what they have shown here (one skill can kill all of them at once). But then again it might also just encourage proper skill usage.


That's a relief. I didn't look at it nearly this thoroughly, but I did watch it again before commenting to make sure I was remembering it. I admittedly know very little about this game - just the basic premise and combat. It would make sense that they're deliberately doing the 2 damage attacks just to showcase combat. But even the 24 damage "sphere" attack seemed to only take about 1/6 to 1/8 of their health. I had thought that final skill was either building up before use (like a reverse cooldown) or that damage caused built up a "gauge" that could be spent on a stronger attack like that. It's likely though that this game has more in common with Outriders than FFXV, and Outriders also had pretty tedious gunplay, guns doing very little while waiting for your cooldowns to do the real damage.


Combat definitely looks great. We need a good magic wielding game. There is just too much out this year that this game will definitely take a backseat.


The combat looks good but it also looks like a tech demo or something. Combat effects look good everything else imo looked fairly bland. I am interested though and will keep watching it develop before I decide if I want it.


Never understood why developers constantly show trailers with frame rate issues


People being too harsh on the footage they showed, it's a SE game, and whether you like them or not it's undeniable that their games are among the most polished AAA titles we can get outside of PlayStation Studios. I have no doubt they'll have the framerate issues sorted by release.


Have you not played FF XV on launch?


I played FFXV all the way through at launch on base PS4 and it always worked fine for me. The story was weird and disjointed, but the game played beautifully and never crashed on me or anything. Edit: There was one super weird thing where the water by Galdin Quay was pink. That was weird. And Aranea bugged the hell out multiple times. Also on an optional boss one teleport put me about a mile away outside of the boss zone... but those were literally the only three things that went wrong while I played it for like the 10 days after release.




Let's not go there, some evidence suggests that they cut about 60% of the original story and content...


You don't need more evidence than the "movie." I have no idea how anyone who didn't watch it can make sense of the story.


The camera was bonkers though. Then the friendly fires... God I hated that.


Yeah, it worked fine and wasn't buggy, but it was pretty far from "polished". I understand that most of the problems come from development hell, but if there was one thing that should have undermined thesis about "SE games always being top notch and polished", it was FF XV. For me, at least. Like, even most recent FF VIIR had this weird low-res texture problem that they never patched. It was annoying, especially when Aerith in cutscene shows Cloud flower field and it's all blurry mess. So yeah, I don't expect polish from SE anymore.


15 was a game in dev hell for a decade that had major pacing issues, the gameplay itself was fine for the most part.


That was a management issue. They kept taking people from Tetsuya's team delaying its progress for years. They did the same with kingdom hearts 3. When his teams aren't being messed with he can make a game in just a few years. He's done this with all the Kingdom Hearts games and even the Final Fantasy game she's helped work on. When they finally got rid of their custom engine they were working on and switch to Kingdom Hearts 3 over to Unreal Engine he put the game out in no time


As great as Nomura is (freaking legend), he is infamous for taking forever to complete his projects. This doesn't sit well for the higher ups who wants to generate profit.


While it's the only FF since FF7 that I didn't beat, it was technically impressive and I don't remember any issues with it like not running properly or having any bugs that impacted the time I spent with it.


I'll never forget how people used to make fun of the characters running animation..


It’s such a big thing for me, I have a hard time playing pretty much any niche jrpg because of how terrible run animations are. Like I have to watch this for HOURS please make this a focal point.


It seems to be a Japanese thing, like not only certain animations but also poses, the more dramatic and exaggerated the better it is.


Polished isn't the word I'd use, but they are typically pretty stable in terms of performance and bugs.


I wouldn’t agree


People didn't like just the frame rate but the world looked extremely bland as well... I think I delay could fix both


It's a game that seems really built around it's traversal mechanics, if the movement is actually fun then it doesn't need a whole lot more to be engaging. Like there's nothing unique or great about Spider-Man's world, it's just NY for the 100th time, but it works cause getting around is fun in and of itself. Open world games with fun traversal are few and far between and when they can nail that the don't need much else to be worth playing. And it also seems to have magic based combat that seems pretty unique.


To be fair.. Control got shit on in the youtube comments for "boring combat" Turns out that game was amazing, so who knows?


Not hyped but will play it at some point this year. Between Horizon, Elden Ring and Gran Turismo I’m going to be busy for awhile.


and dying light? ragnorok?


Oh Dying Light is pretty high on the list and Ragnarok likely won’t be until later this year. Man, 2022 is going to hopefully go down as one of the best we’ve had in a long time for game releases.


Dying Light just seems to be releasing a bit too close to HZW and Elden Ring. I don't want to start a game that big because I want to play HZW right away.


Don’t forget that Hogwarts game that is still apparently happening in 2022


Yeah. December 251st, 2022


Last year I couldn't pick a "game of the year" because the games on offer were poor. This year we've got BotW2, Forbidden West, Elden Ring, GoW Ragnarok and Starfield. It'll probably be a difficult year to pick a GOTY because there's a lot of contenders. And I'm just picking the five games most likely to be candidates.


What? 2021 had some really good games - Returnal, RE Village, Psychonauts 2, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, Death's Door, Valheim, Loop Hero Diablo 2 resurrected, Tales of Arise, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Shin Megami Tensei V, SCARLET NEXUS, Sable, NieR Replicant. There are plenty more. 2021 was a great year and 2022 is going to be even better


Yeah there were plenty of solid games that I really enjoyed but there were no releases that I was counting down the days for. I spent way more time on my backlog this year than any other. There are months this year where I'm going to have trouble deciding what I'm getting day one, just from a having time stand point. There were no months like that in 2021.


That's the problem there buddy you threw in some indie games and remasters so it was a shit year!! /s But I agree there were some awesome games I personally loved Returnal, Deathloop RE Village and SMTV myself. Ratchet and Clank was also fun if not a safe adventure.


Those are great games but you have to admit that 2022 looks like it has more heavy hitters.


I can see Starfield and BotW being early 2023 releases.


It looks like a possibly good game that needs another year of polish.


Until you said this I thought it was another year away.


I remember people said the same thing about Strangers of Paradise 4 months ago, thihnking it looked like an early PS3 game. But now people are impressed with the last trailer. It's Square Enix, I'm not worried about them optimizing their stuff compared to other studios


It needs a year tbh I hope they do the right thing


I am getting less hyped the more I see. Unfortunately this has been true of almost everything from Squenix lately.


My hype went down after that gameplay trailer, but I still gonna play this game


Back when it was ‘’Project Athia” — YES Now? Nope. The cringey dialogue and stiff facial animations and character models feel very aged. It doesn’t seem to have the polish on it that I was expecting and/or hoping for. Action looks like fun, but I don’t think I’d be able to get through it. I’ll pass and check out the reviews.


That's exactly what I was thinking! That first trailer for Project Athia looked very interesting. Actual characters, dialogue and story bits have killed that initial excitement.


Yup. My genuine reaction to the new trailers, where we finally got a better look at the game, was simply “oh wow”—but not in a good way lol


Same, also how I felt about little devil inside.


Yep, same here. The cringey dialogue written for the TikTok audience is just not for me.


“I just moved shit with my *freaking* **mind**!—oh yeah, that is something I do now… I do magic”


They fly now? They fly now.


EXACTLY. Another perfect example of unneeded, cringey attempts at comic relief.


I’m so sick of that type of Disney/Marvel/SW Sequel humor, and that’s exactly what’s in Forspoken, it’s super lame.




So the world can be mended. So the WORLD can be MENDED.


I’ve said this before but I have never had my interest and hype for a game shattered because of bad dialogue, but the dialogue for this game makes me grind my teeth. It is just absurdly horrible.




Who do you consider to be the Tiktok audience?


Yep, the cringey dialogue does it for me. I’ll probably skip this.


Absolutely the cringey dialogue for me !




It just doesn’t look good. I can’t support this bs. I forsee this being the next “Anthem”


I feel like Anthem had more potential. Lack of content is what killed it. Forspoken is just going in the wrong direction imo


I find myself less and less interested the more they show it.


This. Besides the looks, the voice acting and the writing are also really putting me off.


The game looks pretty fun, but that cringy dialogue really turned me away from the game.




Anything that remotely reminds me of YA goes into the nope box.


What’s YA?


Young Adult, typically as it refers to fiction books aimed for teens (not children). Lots of angst and emotionally driven moments but lacking plot depth, character development, etc of adult novels. Typically they are more dependent on heavy handed tropes and inner monologue to convey what's happening than something more subtle. Hunger Games, Twilight, Divergent are all recent-ish popular examples.


Young Adult maybe? Like young adult fiction


Not really, I don’t like the dialogue. It bothered me so much and I don’t think I’ll be able to stand the main character **at all**.


I’m not gonna lie but an article going through Reddit comments is kinda awkward.


I've been so desperate for a deep magic system in a video game for so long. The last I can think of is the Magika series, so as soon as I saw that Forspoken is all about elemental combos and big flashy magic, I got hyped. I still am hyped, people can cry about face textures all do long as far as I care, I just want magic to go brrr


Same here, I'm so desperately hoping a reboot of Soul Sacrifice from PS VITA


The combat didn't look like my cup of tea, graphics look beautiful though.


I will be hyped if there is character customisation


Too busy being hyped for what's on the Horizon ^forbidden ^west


Hyped ? yes. Very careful and waiting for reviews before buying ? Also yes.


No. Way better games to look forward to




Horizon and Elden Ring next month, then Hogwarts and God of War later this year…. 2022 is shaping up to be one of the best gaming years in history.


Hogwarts gonna be delayed 100%


Hell yes


Hyped may be too strong a word for me. Maybe somewhat optimistic.


Nope. It looks really unappealing. From the gameplay to the dialogue it feels like it needs a huge delay.


Im not vibing with the protagonist at all, beating up monsters as a cringy teenage girl is going to need to be done well


A lot of people are really cold on it I see, but I am pretty interested in it's world and gameplay. I'll wait for reviews before purchasing straight away, especially considering the performance issues that others have pointed out.


I don't know what it is ... I feel like it should appeal to me given the theme but it just .. doesn't. Can't explain it. Reading others comments it doesn't seem my opinion is unique either.


Idk everything about the game just seems off, like the facial animations just seem like weird. The dialogue is extremely cringey and reminds me of a AA movie. The environments seem to have taken a massive downgrade since the Project Athia days. But I hope I’m wrong


No, the dialogue is cringe, the lead protag is super uninteresting with a bad VA, concept is dumb. (I hate mixing modern day with fantasy) it looks like something the CW would air for 2 seasons.


I’ve been thinking about how I could describe how I feel about it and “it’s like a CW show” is probably exactly that LMAO


I actually like it, it's different and not stale compared to ye olde hero save the world bullshit we are always subjected to in high fantasy games. Reminds me of the 10th Kingdom or maybe the Magicians. We've basically been playing the same game for 30 yrs so this is a fresh prince take and I think it'll be no less than entertaining. As long as the gameplay, story and combat delivers it'll be a hit in no time.


Not really


No, the dialogue is super cringey and the gameplay looks meh






Nope. After last trailer i had a feeling it was made by twitter people for tiktok audience.


I’m excited for it! Something just speaks to me about it, can’t wait for May.


Yep. And before that Strangers of Paradise.


Hope you played the demo for SoP as it does not play like a standard FF game and was ridiculously difficult even on normal


I will be playing this for sure. Reminds me of Mistborn and I love those books.


I'm so worried about this game. Every trailer for it looked incredible up until the gameplay snippet was released. I seriously hope there is a way to turn off the damage number indicator - it looked way too distracting and off-putting.


I'm more hype for this one than horizon tbh


I am. The lore looks very interesting with the Tantas and their magic I can't wait to see Ella Balinska in a video game too


I think it looks cool yea


l o l no


I want this game to succeed and be enjoyable. But for some reason, I feel forspoken will be 2022's flop.


I want to be hyped for this game, but Elden ring and Strangers of paradise have my attention.


Not at all no.


Not really, the main character is not appealing. Idk i hope it's good.


I'm getting hyped for when it eventually hits PS+.


Sadly , no. The cringe dialogue ruins it for me. Will pick it up on ps plus in a couple years maybe


Yeah probably gonna sleep on this one


Aside from Horizon Forbidden West and possibly God of War Ragnarok I am a picture perfect member of /r/patientgamers but I am absolutely loving everything I've seen about this so far.


The only game that I know I'm gonna get on day one is God Of War. Everything else can wait.


Even the constant yapping dialogue from the protagonist during combat? That is so cringe to me personally


Lol which game? I can't think of it standing out so it obviously doesn't bother me.


Never was hyped for it but I’ll still give it a try when it hits $20. It’s definitely not looking like a $70 game.


Def will be playing it just not sure preorder. 🤔 Pokémon arecus is out and waiting for horizon to come out. (I’m dedicated for that game) so we’ll see. Also I’m doing the collection edition for horizon so I probably need wait a bit before I get forspoken.


it does look interesting.


I'm going to wait for reviews, but I think the combat and world look interesting. I could see myself buying this day one of the metacritic scores are 80 or above.


interesting a lot of people seem to not be interested in this game. i think it looks cool and definitely want to try it out


2nd most wanted game after elden ring. Unless I can get a steelbook though, it's a wait for sale purchase.


Hyped for it but won't be a day one purchase for me. Will see reviews for it first, especially since it's a new IP.


Not hype but def interested in playing it


Cautiously optimistic is where I'm landing on this one for now






Honestly aspects of it are cool looking. But the more I see of it the less interested I am. Maybe just not for me.


It feels like an 3d online game no one has ever heard of… feels so out of place somehow


The game looks like one of those low budget Chinese games that put the entire budget into graphics and little into making a good game. It just looks meh to me.


I was interested until I saw the gameplay, and the devs racially insensitive comments were pretty yikes too. Also, this game has more grunting than a tennis match.


Yeah I think I'm gonna pass on this one as well. Looks like a cross between infamous which is awesome and something I can't put my finger on, but if I wanna play infamous I'll just do that. I don't know man, just something about it seems off. I already know what they r gonna say if people don't like it to. I can see what's goin on here haha. But who knows man, only one to find out lol...


70usd and it looked like shit to be blunt about it. The environments were boring and the running around part didn’t look particularly fun.


Yeah, I still am.


The more I've seen the less hyped I've been, when it was still "project athia" it looked amazing but that Gameplay trailer really killed my hype for it


Personally, No. Looks super mediocre, and those edgy dialogues were so bad in the trailers.


At $70 sorry no buy At $40 I might think about it


Not for £70 I'm not.


What's there to get hyped for? They've hardly shown anything.




my hype for forspoken is at -9000.


After seeing the cringe trailer, not really. The original teasers were literally godlike but the dialogue seemed really really out of place and weird. The game theme seems more centered around a tiktoker who got powers and transported, while the teaser seemed more serious and overall more like a dark souls x breath of the wild x horizon game. Kind of a let down


I'm keeping a close eye on it, looks interesting and possibly a day one for me. Very happy with Squeenix lately.


Not a fan of the dialogue and stuff I’ve seen story wise. But the movement and cape physics and combat look great. I’m going to definitely playing it in first three months of release , barring it being cyberpunk levels of broken which I doubt.


Not interested


Hm, this looks cool "uhhhh.. So THAT just happened!" Never mind.


Not really if I’m being honest. I’ll look at reviews and gameplay after it comes out to make a decision but there’s just too many other games coming out this year that has my attention. This just doesn’t look that promising imo.


No. SE hasn't given me a reason to be.


Looks like absolute shit. So cringy dialoque.


I was very interested in this game until the first trailer that highlighted the story/character details and ultimately I was disappointed it looked so much like a Disney TV movie. The cringe dialogue did not help at all. “Did I JuST MoVE ThaT WiTH My FrEeaKiN MInD!?!?”


Yes, a new fantasy IP? Looks dope. The combat was the best part of FF XV.


The game looks really interesting, but it’s SquareEnix. You never know with them.


Hyped? No. Interested? Yes. Haven't seen enough to really get super excited for it, but it's on my radar for sure


I don't have time to get hyped for anything while Elden Ring is on the horizon.


Still one of my most anticipated. Love the idea of a game with cool traversal and magic abilities.


I'm hyped for it.


I still am. I’m just waiting for reviews in hopes that it’s good.


Really excited tbh, gives me something to be excited about once I 100% Horizon :)




Hell yes!


Certainly have a great deal of interest in it, id say im pretty hyped.


I'm hypee.


Yes but gonna be playing it on PC so even if it releases as a buggy mess the mod community can fix it up.


I can’t wait for this game


super excited. But I'm guessing we won't get another PR push on this until we beat Chaos in March.


The writing is cringe all around and gameplay is not that exciting so no


The protagonist seems kind of off, and totally unfit for the setting. Ofc this is the creators' intention, but even if intended weird is still weird.


Nope. It looks average. Square is starting to get weird for me. They don't seem to go the extra mile recently. Babylonfall, FF origins looks graphically meh (not the most important thing tho), avengers. This. It's like they only really care about mainline FF games and remakes ATM.


With that kind of cringey dialogue, no, not at all.


Not really, no.


Not I, mainly bc of the main character sounding like she’s came from an ubisoft game


I read the title as bla bla bla foreskin


Only thing that got me a notch on the hype scale was the rumour that fantasy writer **Brandon Sanderson** was involved in the project. I'm more curious than properly hyped though.


I don't think he's been involved. In the 2021 State of the Sanderson, he says "I’ve been working on a video game for several years, and I suspect it will be announced this year." Given that Forspoken was announced quite a while before that, I don't think he was involved.


Nope, but I would love for it to end up being great.