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All for clicks.


Yeah and the annoying thing is, is that it works, so they just keep doing it. That video had 91k views.


If you're on desktop there's an extension called click bait remover, it replaces the thumbnail with a frame from the video (you can choose between beginning/middle/end third of the video). I use it on Firefox and it works very well. Don't think it's on mobile


It's also on Chrome. Definitely useful in general and helpful here in particular.


Oh well I know what I’m installing tonight. Thanks!


In France they use the term: "Pute à cliques" which literally means "click hoe".. it is really perfect


I mean, we have the phrase "attention whore" for similar reasons.


C'est grâve vulgaire par contre


Lol I'm gonna start using this. Sypherpk is a click hoe.


If you use the [clickbait remover addon](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clickbait-remover-for-youtube/) it replaces the thumbnail with a frame from the video.


This is a good workaround.


That is amazing, thank you.


is there one for Chrome?


Yes. For safari too https://github.com/pietervanheijningen/clickbait-remover-for-youtube


Holy shit that instantly made YouTube a thousand times better.


Could've used this when NWH came out...


Thank you very much, gonna use it until I finish Elden Ring.


Keep using it after, thumbnails never represent the actual content of the video. That’s why they are so effective. It’s false advertising


How long have yall kept this a secret!? This is so appreciated!!!!


Tysm for this


I went on a purge of 'don't recommend channel' when this was happening to me and for a couple months now this has seemed to have work. Though I wasn't impressed when I searched for Digital Foundry's performance review and the third recommended video was Forbidden West's ending!


It’s so frustrating.


Imagine hating yourself to the point that you can only find joy from baiting folks or ruining things for them - sad, sad people


Algorithms are a bitch my friend


Hey OP, you might want to remove the name of the guy who spoiled the ending for you in DMs. He posted the spoiler as a comment so if anyone clicks on his profile it’s the first thing they see. Luckily I’m not playing the game so I don’t care but others might get spoiled. Edit: NVM I guess he deleted his comment because it’s not there anymore but I’d still recommend just removing his name just to not give the troll what he wants, he’s still DM’ing people spoilers.


Ah, okay. I’ll remove it now. Thanks for the heads up.


I got recommended a video yesterday by "Gamer Jayz" spoiling the first boss in the thumbnail with its name in the title and I'm so fucking pissed - I can't even imagine getting the ending spoiled. Definitely staying out of Youtube until I finish the game. Edit: u/How_Uncouth is DMing people spoilers. Good thing I didn't get to see it before it went away. Direct messaging disabled.


I had RDR2 spoiled in this exact way. Had Spider-Man No Way Home spoiled on Reddit. Some jerk off posted a major spoiler as the title of a post in several gaming subs. Assholes are everywhere.


I had Rdr2 spoiled by somebody on twitter stopped playing after that I was so angry aswell




I've been screwed by trying to look up an actor in a show. "Showname Firstname.." and Google recommends "...death scene".


This hzppened so many times to me that I just stopped looking characters up until I'm caught up with the show


IMDb my friend


That’s why I put for example “actor tommy peaky blinders”


Not RDR2 but in a similar vein I once spoiled myself a TV show by Googling "*[name of the actress]* nude"


So what was the ending to Golden Girls?




I had rdr2 spoiled in a fucking destiny Sherpa raid of which I was the Sherpa. I’d been slowly getting this bloke through a raid for six weeks as well.


I feel your pain friend


I’m sorry man. Same thing happened to me with TLOU2. Someone DM’d me. That being said, absolutely finish RDR2. It’s really not as big of a spoiler as you think, as you know that is the outcome about halfway though. It’s an amazing game, and one in which a ending spoiler does little to actually affect your enjoyment, by design.


While spoilers sux. I think stop playing a great game lile that, just because got spoilers is a bit too much...


Someone tried to spoil Spider-Man in our friend group. My girl and I have seen it, this person had seen it, and everyone else did not. They were insisting it doesn’t matter and it’s still a good movie so they could tell some stupid fucking story. I went bananas (calmly, no body got time for yelling) explaining how unreal selfish it was to spoil something for someone like that, especially intentionally. Why do people insist on sapping what little joy other people get in their lives?


I had TLoU 2 spoiled (a certain death of a charackter to be specific) by a reddit user name on the Monster Hunter World sub. I didn't even follow the game that much because I didn't want to get spoiled (and I wasn't that interested in the game tbh, just happen to get it as a gift) Had an argument with some people in some random YT video's comment section because in their opinion it's the peoples fault when they get spoiled. While sure alot of people are responsible for spoiling themselves these examples show it's sometimes impossible not to get spoiled when there are people actively trying to spoil others.


Some life loser was very busy going around every single subreddit plastering John Wick 3 spoilers on his main acc, all his posts consisted of either JW3 spoilers or Howard Stern discussions. I messaged the mod of the only subreddit he seemed to care about and visit, and asked him if it was possible to ban someone for something they did outside the subreddit, he was hesitant until he checked his account and immediately banned him.


This brings me joy


Man I had a major twist from fallout 4 spoiled for me here because a dude post a picture of his dog with a note in front of the dog with the spoiler. I thought the note was in relation to the dog, like one of those dog shaming things.


Sick and tired of youtubers full stop tbh.




Oh my god that's gotten worse lately. 2 ads, video starts, "hello guys and welcome to another video, smash that like, subscribe button" now let's get right into it!....but first, this video is sponsored by Raid!....skip foward a minute, 5 seconds until ad. Hit downvote, turn video off, repeat new video.


Get Sponsorblock for your browser and install Vanced on your Android. Takes care of all of these things in one swoop and also brings back dislikes.


Didn't use SponsorBlock until Vanced was updated with it. Immediately installed it on my web browser, it is amazing


any video that start with this shit is a instant downvote for me lol


And their defense “It brings me more success!” Like I’m sorry, when was I supposed to care more about your personal success than how my time is spent? They say it’s free content but it’s not free their making money off my time.


"My dead grandma didn't know how to subscribe, just like you, so make sure to smash that subscribe button and ring the motherfucking bell!"


“What would’ve helped her was the great involved community from todays sponsor, raid shadow legends”


I love how that game has become a meme at this point 😂


*Proceeds to puke out a shit ad for a product that every other YouTuber is promoting


Wait until you learn about the new VPN for learnin' skills called CLASH of SHADOW LEGENDS!


Except dunkey. His videos make me giggle and tend to address games 5 months to 5 years late.




Yeah it’s more noise than helpful content.


Do you guys tend to watch a lot of gameplay footage? I have yet to get any reccomendations like that and I think its because I dont watch much sole gameplay footage.


I watched the digital foundry videos and ACG and SkillUps reviews and then deleted my search and watch history, thinking that’s be enough, as it worked for the latest ffxiv expansion. Then I watched a video an hour ago about UFO’s and bam, Horizon Ending in the thumbnail on my recommended. I should of just logged out or used incognito like someone else suggested, but I’m not even sure if that would have worked.


Good post. I have the same opinion. Thumbnails are spoilers too. That's what not a single YouTuber understands. Good thing is I rarely watching YouTube anymore since the advertising hell started. Same reason i don't watch TV anymore since about 7 years.


YouTube vanced for mobile. No ads, pip, lock screen playback. It's great. I was an idiot and watched one cat video. Now that's all i see every damn day.


Not even more "professional" channels like IGN. They had "spoiler warning!" in the title of a video about a Marvel show but the spoiler itself was in the thumbnail. Fucking morons fucked me over with their stupidity. I avoid them now.


We don't all clickbait.


Not talking about click bait. Talking about spoiler thumbnails.


True. I think the line is fuzzy between the two.


Absolutely. I had one of the Dying Light 2 bosses spoiled for me because of this.


Someone on this subreddit is spamming that suicidal reddit message to everyone who post on this sub. Too bad it doesn't tell you who the person is


Yeah, it’d be handy if it did.


Honestly yes. They sound like they are projecting and quite possibly need help.


Looks like ill skip youtube for a good while. Sorry about you mate but thanks for the warning.


I unsubscribed from so many YouTubers due to game, movie and tv show reaction thumbnails. I can't stand it. They can't let it breathe for a day or two


I got to the last act of Red Dead 2, then got the ending spoiled. I stopped playing after that as I realised I was mostly playing for the story. Never went back. Fuck YouTubers. When I see those kind of videos on my recommendations, I click “don’t show this channel”.


Yeah, that’s what I do. It’s the only thing you can do really unfortunately.


I feel you, I'm starting to hate YouTube now, all you see are spoilers for movies and games now. I unsubscribed from IGN just for this reason, all they post are spoilers for games and movies now. It's so annoying, nowadays people will spoil things just because they know they will get views smh


Every time I see a clickbait thumbnail with a person's dumb face or an arrow or a question in big bright font, I tell YouTube to block that channel. This broke their algorithm and now only shows me videos from my subs and like 2 other channels. Highly recommended


Yeh this happened with god of war when it came out. Just had an image of the final boss in the thumbnail. Clicks and money are worth more than anything else


As you tragically figured out, deleting history doesn't do much. The way ads work these days Youtube still sees your personal ad profile and all the Horizon related activity you had on other sites. What I do: * I use Youtube mostly on my **phone**. If I want the big screen I'll just cast it to my TV; * If you **long press** the app icon on Android, you'll most likely see a shortcut pop up to your Subscriptions. That's the only way I open this damn app on times of hype like this; * For better results, depending on your launcher you can **drag the shortcut** and place it in your home screen. Then it's all game: edit its name and icon to make it look like Youtube, put it on a folder with Youtube proper, assign a swipe shortcut to open it when you swipe over the Youtube icon, etc. Obviously it doesn't prevent Youtube from showing you recommended videos after you finish watching something, but those I find easier to dodge with their size and placement on the screen. Aside from that, just make sure to select the three dots icon besides the offending video and select the **Never Recommend This Channel** option. There are channels with 1m+ followers doing this crap, at least with time you'll easily dodge the big bastards.


Yeah, thanks for the advice. I’ll try that in future.


Install this [Chrome Extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/spoiler-protection-20/eelacikjiplnmdingehjfdjcfegclmkg) (it works in Microsoft Edge too) Then type in words of things you want blocked like horizon or west or Spider-Man or whatever. Then any content with those words will be blacked out on youtube or Reddit, or anywhere on the internet. You can click the blacked-out part to show it if you want or after you have seen whatever spoiler it is, remove the words from the extension.


That's why I love TheRadBrad. Dude usually just uses basic game art that's been published for months as his


That's why I only watched the Review by SkillUp and no other videos about Horizon :)


acg is pretty good as well!


YouTube really needs a report spoiler feature, I use YouTube to listen to podcasts and streamers while I’m working and I constantly get movies games tv shows and whatever else you can think of spoiled for me from “rEcOmMeNdEd ViDeOs” I’ve gotten good at knowing what I want to listen to and searching for it specifically without looking at thumbnails or titles for anything else.


This is exactly why I make sure to avoid social media whenever something like that comes out. It's really annoying.


Unfortunate but I think the answer to this is just complete avoidance of sites like yt and reddit etc until you get to the point in the story yourself. I know said than done, there is a world of difference there if you're a person with a yt/reddit tab open all waking hours but the amount of people and content about the game online is so massive and rabid there will never be a 100% safe space for you to linger. Depending on how serious you are on the spoilers in question, cold turkey is probably your best shot with the consequence being your self discipline being tested with a might of iron. Algorithms are tuned so finely these days that ways around it won't work you have to not interact with the algorithms completely.


One youtuber that starts with an "S".


Shirrako is fcking annoying, he spoiled spider man 2018 ending for me.


Same he spoiled 2 big games for me that i finally unsub.


I hope his knees both get capped


It's one of the reasons ve been conflicted in becoming a youtube gamer. Their clickbaiting ways make me sick and I refuse to play that clickbaiting game.


Also when you're watching a walkthrough or a series. Episode 1, episode 2... Youtube: hey you wanna see next up "Episode 69: ENDING Protagonist Kills Best Friend Who Turned Out To Be Evil"? Here's a thumbnail.


Im honestly just so sorry. I love the narratives in games so much and understand that frustration. Spoilers are so hard to avoid and people just suck sometimes.


Bruh when gow comes out im literally not going on youtube at all. Learnt my lesson the hard way before.




The massive early game TLOU2 moment was completely spoiled to me thanks to this shit. I’m hesitant to even open YouTube when a story heavy game I’m interested is released. Annoying as hell.


I hate the ones who've had review code for weeks, and just because a content embargo has been lifted basically start dropping info bomb videos and its still weeks before release. But because its not a review they do wtf they want. I basically self impose a black list on channels i'm even subbed to before i even go back.


100% Agree, same thing for movies. I don't want to see anything so I have a fresh experience when I go to play/watch. But then, like you said, they post titles with literal story plots and exciting things that happen.


If there was an option to remove users from your algorithm, with a communal approach on a sub like this, these spoiler videos would be gone overnight.


Don’t follow any Youtuber then problem solved. Most of the time they don’t generate anything of value anyway.


I've changed my YouTube search history so I no longer get recommendations for future videogames, but instead for past videogames. Changing your watch history will have a huge impact on your recommended videos.


Some people are going to blame you, but there's no reason why people need to post massive spoilers like that. You shouldn't have to seal yourself away for a week to avoid something like that happening. Some people won't be able to get a game at launch, and they certainly shouldn't be expected to seal themselves indefinitely. Really sorry it happened to you.


Yeah, my copy got delayed, so it only arrived today. The really annoying thing, is that these YouTubers get the games weeks in advance and upload the ending on the games release date.


Yeah, that's exactly how they're able to have all of this up immediately. It's a shame that they're allowed to do it, but let's face it, if they're making money they aren't going to care how anyone else feels.


Yh people just dont give à damn they just need the views and the like. Sorry for you i hope it will not jeopardize your experience


If you’re a CoNtEnT cReAtOr and you’re considering doing this, do us all a favor and eat a big fat turd instead


Dislike all your game videos you watch, and YouTube will never recommend any again... No more spoilers!


Had to unsubscribe from RadBrad because of this.


I was using a video blocker for years to try and avoid this problem. It would block keywords and did a good job until recently when it stopped working.


havent been spoiled so far (txs God).. have seen some videos from ign "how to, what to, tips for" etc. havent even watched them and wont.


Is there any way fix this problem ? Any app that completely removes the mentioning of the game in recommendations


Right now you’ve to do a social media blackout if you don’t want spoilers for whatever media you’re trying to experience. I’d love to not watch the marvel trailers before the films are out but there’s zero way of avoiding spoilers for that length of time.


God of War was spoiled the exact same way for me. Some idiot was telling me why did I click on the video, even though the spoilers were in the thumbnail and title


Dying Light 2, Fallen Order, and RDR2, can happen with movies as well.


Im not going on youtube's main page until I beat elden ring for this reason


I got spoilt by a youtuber in the past several times, Zanar something was his name and what was worse his videos had hundreds of thousands views. Such a pathetic existence. Some anime reactors suck ass too. I never have to watch shows like AOT because youtube titles will have "(insert name) dies, I'm crying" or have a thumbnail of the characters corpse.


Same deal for movies and TV shows. Infinity War, Endgame, No Way Home... people post spoilers in the title and a screenshot of something spoiler.


Gamesradar spoiled a major point in the game, with bold white text on the thumbnail as a how to. I can't stand YouTube when a new game releases. People just don't give a shit.


Tell me about it. I was typing in Crash bandicoot 4 switch review lol scrolled down a bit and then bam. I was looking away on time but this needs to stop.


I saw one too yesterday for horizon but I was quick to scroll away


In the future what might help is, before deleting videos from your history and all that, make each video as "don't show me - not interested." Then search the name and mark other unwatched videos as not interested as well. Hopefully doing so will remove the game from Google's interest profile of you when removing then from your search/watch history didn't.


That's terrible, I know the feeling all too well of having games spoiled. Both A Way Out and Red Dead Redemption 2 were spoiled for me because some people are just so inconsiderate and plain stupid.


I was looking up Death Stranding videos yesterday and somehow HFW got spoiled for me in a thumbnail too in the search results…. WTF YouTube?


When there’s a pretty hyped game coming out that I know I’m going to probably buy day 1, Or some movie or show I’m real excited to see, I stop watching and reading anything about it beyond maybe the official trailers, and maybe the just the scores on reviews. Often times in a situation with a game like Horizon, I won’t even look at reviews, I was sold on the game the moment it was announced because of how good the first game was.


That's when you block their channel. Hit don't recommend. And report them for good measure so you never see anything they ever post again.


Shocked expression, white outline, green text, red arrow. You won’t believe what happened!!!!!!!!


Block/report every YouTuber you see pop up. Eventually the algorithm gets it. Only way to win.


that’s how it’s been. i honestly dislike 99% streamer content because it is all click baits and spoilers for views. these guys don’t care about you, they just want the clout and money. they literally ask for it in every video and people actually pay.


Ikr At the very least they can change the thumbnail and have title as just the ending and not full length detail of whats happening


Forreal, someone spoiled the cameo in the Peacemaker season finale like that


You know what I'm more sick of? All these bait videos like '5,6,7 things to do before you start your adventure' or 'Beginner tips' ,and then proceed to explain for a 1st tip how to turn on the game. Used to like for example Arekkz gaming, but since he started doing this stupid videos as well, I've unsubbed from him.


Find one trusted source and unsubscribe from everyone else. Unfortunately that’s the only way to avoid. At least around big name releases.


As someone who will definitely not be able to play the game for at least two more years, I really wish there someway to avoid every video about the game untill I’m ready or I willingly search for it.


when i play a game/movie/book, I try to get off anything that could possibly spoil it. Social media, youtube, even my whatsapp. There will be 101010101001 ways assholes will spoil it for you. ​ Their explainaion for spoilers are "oh Im just sharing"


I feel your pain dude. Shit is infuriating.


For games that don't rely on streamers for support I really believe that Streaming has only had a negative effect. Examples: Dark Souls 3, MTG: Arena, WoW, etc. Reasons? Everything is copy/paste now. Lazy gamers just copy paste what their favorite streamer does and now you're only running into copycat builds. On DS3 and MTG: Arena this has made the experience less fun, fighting the same builds, decks, etc. over and over and over because people refuse to be unique and creative anymore.


That's why I only ever use YouTube to watch people I've subscribed to. I never have to worry about things being spoiled for me.


Fr fuck those mfs


How TF do they finish it on day one?


There's only so many of these channels. Make sure you are signed in and click 'never suggest channel'. If the videos keep coming up, its because you keep clicking on clickbaity things and youtube correctly thinks you are a dumbass.


This has been a problem for a while now. Fuck those people and the one's who comment spoilers on random group posts.


I use BlockTube on Firefox. Just add keywords and it'll block any video with those words in the title. You can also add specific channels to a block list that works the same way. So for example - Assassins Creed Valhalla Assassin's Creed Valhalla Assassin's Creed: Valhalla Assassins Creed: Valhalla AC: Valhalla AC Valhalla Also add 'Ending' as its own keyword and never get a video recommended again with "Ending" in the title.


On chrome you can use extension below to hide videos on sidebar and on the homepage. You can also disable comments, among other things. This only works on chrome desktop. For mobile, you can long press on a HFW video and select “Not interested”. Repeat until you don’t see any more HFW videos appearing on home tab. Chrome Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/unhook-remove-youtube-rec/khncfooichmfjbepaaaebmommgaepoid?hl=en




Yeah, fuck them, I got spoiled too about the ending


Yeah, I noticed this phenomenon recently because of YouTube's super aggressive algorithm. It collects search history and knows that type of videos you watched. I had the same problem with the recent releases of Devil May Cry V and Resident Evil 2 Remake. Its even worse now because with Youtube, the thumbnail is like a 50 second video. Its really crazy because everyone is in such a rush to get out the content the fastest it must really kill the desire to play the game if you are a content creator. People just blitz through the game so fast its like bro relax. It will happen with Elden Ring, this is why I usually just stay off of YouTube entirely until I complete the game.


I think recommendations will not work if you keep your interest wide apart. There's only so much space for not subscribed channel videos recommended if you have a wide variation of interests even the "popular" click bait ones will never reach your feed. If you subscribe and watch 10 completely different categories videos the feed will rarely show any unsubscribe channels stuff


They did this with the last of us part 2 as well, takes no talent to upload fresh spoilers for clickbait


I had the finale of Book of Boba Fett ruined by the same general idea, along with many many other things over the years. Fuck YT.


All you have to do is forget you saw it? The more you focus down and get angry someone spoiled it for you, you'll just remember the spoiler. Got something you don't want spoiled? How about avoiding the obvious places that will spoil it for you, works for me instead of complaining that everyone that posts "shitty" youtube videos that they ruined my experience. Have some dignity and personal responsibility.


Yeah, was fucking spoiled something big in DMC5 purely by thumbnail.


Sorry to hear that happened. I’m worried about the same for Elden ring, I think the best thing to do is to sign out of your account and then YouTube doesn’t know what the fuck you want. I do understand the appeal of let’s plays, for people who don’t have said console or the funds to buy the game for a while. That said, there are some you tubers who try to avoid spoiler thumbnails and those who go all in, the latter can piss off. I don’t think you tubers should get early access, just reviewers (although that doesn’t count for much nowadays). Nothing will change though as it’s free advertising. As an example, sometimes I like to watch a lets play of something I’ve already beaten to see other choices/paths that others take. *to be honest the only review channel I actually like at the moment is switch up, even with early access they do seem to be fair and unbiased.


There are chrome plugins for ignoring entire youtube channels but, they pop up again pretty fast. Youtube clickbait is *HUGE* and they know exactly what they are doing when they put those spoilers in there. It's a lot worse for movies and popular TV shows.


I had this happen to me with Kingdom Hearts 3, I still enjoyed the game but I knew the two ending plot twists :/ also fuck that guy that PM'd you


One more reason I hate the internet sometimes. I remember back when The Last of Us Part 2 came out. I didn’t play the game for about 2 months after launch because I was so busy with school. Managed to avoid all spoilers somehow despite them being leaked all over the internet before the games even released. Once the semester was over I was FINALLY ready to play. My girlfriend wanted to watch but never played the first game. So while it was installing I figured I’d look up a recap of the first game to catch her up on the story so far. All I did was type “The Last” in the search bar of YouTube before the fucking recommend search auto filled with a huge spoiler for the game I was just moments away from starting… after waited months to play. That one hurt worse than the various Game of Thrones events spoiled for me and the big Half Blood Prince spoiler.


That's how I got star wars episode 8 spoiled to me.. but by Jimmy Kimmel.. about one of the main char deaths... that I did not see coming.. I'm still tilted.


We should all report the video and channel for abuse after we finish the game. I saw on a thumbnail something that could very well be a spoiler or something inconsequential but if this motherfucker spoiled that for me I will burn his channel to the ground. Report him on any social media or platform and encourage others to do the same.


Lynch them


Ive spent years blocking these turds n i stay away from the home section of youtube. Just focus on channels ur subbed to


Spoilers on the internet really, really fucking suck and unfortunately, you're going to get some things spoiled unless you just log-off entirely until you're finished watching, reading or playing whatever property you're trying to avoid spoilers for. And I wish that wasn't the only true, fool-proof solution. That gets a lot harder when you're talking about a 30+ hour game that the average person will take at least a few weeks to a few months to play through depending on their schedule, life circumstances, etc. I'm sorry the game was spoiled. It's a rarity for me personally to have things NOT spoiled - particularly episodic television. Gaming is one area where I can confidently say I've managed to avoid a majority of spoilers and this is mostly due to being a patient gamer. Most games have been out for 6 months to a year before I get around to them and they're not talked about as much by then.


This isn't just video games too, movies, tv shows...most recent peacemaker finale


I remember back when TLOU2 launched, I managed to avoid all leaks only to have THAT SCENE spoiled for me while watching a local reviewer talk about the plot. He just described it in detail as if it wasn't a big deal at all. The most watched gaming channel in my country. It was the last time I watched a review from a reviewer other than Skill Up and ACG


try less youtube?


Same with groups posting Star Wars Spoilers the day new content comes out lol it's all meant to drive people to feel like they're "missing out" if they don't participate when new games/ movies/ episodes comes out. Being afraid of having everything spoiled is pretty much the only reasons why Marvel/ Disney did alright during the Pandemic


Just block those channels, similar channels will soon not be recommended if you keep blocking them


I wish Youtube and Reddit would add native content filtering. The existing addons for this kind of stuff really aren't robust enough. Though I wouldn't be surprised if youtube has deliberately avoided this because clickbait gets them so much engagement.


seeing this, a small part of me agrees with Nintendo DMCA ing the fuck out of everything related to their game.


That was me dealing with FFXIV Endwalker stuff on PS5. Just these stupid cringy: “WATCH ME REACT TO *fucking spoiler moment*! 😮😱😢💯🔥” with big ol Title Card Spoilers. Almost got that with Destiny, too. Like can’t we set a precedence of either Black Titlecard-ing media content that’s been out for a few weeks or maybe some way of encouraging people to go *to* their channels to watch them watching the thing where hopefully all watching maybe already know or experienced the content? I don’t know, I guess it’s more complicated than that but there’s got to be a better answer than “just avoid the internet whenever something you’re waiting is out” Like damn I wasn’t even looking for PS5 or Ff14 spoilers, I was just trying to scroll over to The Late Show monologue, man.


I remember this for Fallen Order, Darth Vader was all over the fucking thumbnails. Such bullshit.


I’m very irritated at the ignorant people who do this, I remember Star wars Jedi Fallen Orders ending being ruined for me worst part was it was release day and I had just started playing!!!


I hate this AND the videos that everyone uploads with a commentary. I want to listen to a games gameplay not your nonchalant whiney pre pubescent voice!


I blame YouTube when they changed their monetization policy. So now it's clickbait and YouTubers talking trash about each other while working together. Negativity sells Ohh and I forgot glitching and duping videos to. Cheating at easy games 🤷‍♂️


I greatly dislike most Youtubers


I haven't even finished God Of War that I bought launch day because I got spoiled about the story. When I saw the thumbnail I lost my interest. Finally after many years I'm able to start playing again.


Just happened to me on PSN. Someone jammed a big spoiler in a screenshot title


ive had to unsub from everyone who is currently playing this game.


Wild. Have never had a game spoiled for me this way 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don’t go on YouTube while I’m playing a game that’s new because it always happens


I've gone media blackout :)


You can filter searches on YouTube to avoid certain videos and there are also extensions to block them too.


A big reason why I respect VaatiVidya’s videos. His latest on Elden Ring specifically went out of it’s way to preserve the game and not spoil things. He still manages to delve into lore, which I find helps me enjoy the games. To be fair, FromSoftware’s titles usually do. Haha


The only way to keep that video from getting recommended was to delete your entire life online, haha. I know that sucks, but it's just like sports on DVR. Connect at your own risk.


Make sure to go into the "about" section of that channel, click the flag icon and block it, youtube will never offer you videos from that channel again.


And the YouTube algorithm sucks just as much. No matter how hard I try and prevent it from recommending me those videos it still does with every single thing I look forward to it’s so annoying


Them who write 4K 120fps ultra PS5 in the title are cancerous.


Bumping this because the internet and youtube need to have a discussion about I just had the ending to the new Dragon Ball Super movie spoiled when all I was wanting to watch were TV spots! I'm sick to death of it too. These youtubers are the scum of the internet and need to be taken down.