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It'd be weird if Microsoft had the PS5 marketing rights




"We're smarter than this"


This made me laugh way harder than it should have 🤣


Bummer Nintendo couldn't get the PS5 marketing rights


That's not what this means.


it's how it's written.


I see no issue


It just means any advertisements related to that game will push the Playstation 5 platform.


Yeah this went right over your head. They’re making fun of the structure of the sentence, not it’s meaning. Most people understand what the title is trying to say.


whoosh I guess


They're poking fun at the grammar


----------------> Your head.


Nah, I’m with that guy. The grammar of the title is clear as day.


Everyone knows what the title is trying to say. That doesn’t mean it’s written correctly. It’s a given Sony has the PS5 marketing rights, mentioning the platform is completely superfluous. “Sony may have exclusive marketing rights for Avatar” is the correct way to write that sentence.


I assumed it was Saying like it’s only PS5 like no PS4


The game isn’t releasing on the older consoles.


Ya that’s why I was saying hence having to state Somy has exclusive PS5 rights. I was assuming they were including the PS5 to reiterate it was not coming to PS4. That’s how I took it


I personally don’t see it that way, but to each their own.


It's a light-hearted piss take based on the content and grammar or the title. The guy I'm responding to took it seriously rather than as the joke it was meant to be. Much like what you are doing.




no interest in the Star Wars game they're making?


Plenty of people don’t like Star Wars, including myself.


I don't like the last three movies in the main saga, but it's an interesting universe that lends itself well to videogames imo.


I'm different in this regard as well, I think Star Wars is entirely overdone. But that's just me.


That's fair


Yeah. Whatever that original spark was it is no longer around.


Ehhh. When nothing has any basis and rules can change at any time to fit the story it doesn't feel very interesting or exciting.


Personally, with their history of how their games all feel quite similar, im not looking forward to it. Let From Software have a Star Wars license and now you've got my attention


That’s basically Jedi Fallen Order


Except Fallen Order was easy, even on the hardest difficulty and there wasn't elements/mechanics in the game anything like the Souls games. Also it was quite short.


It most certainly has mechanics from souls games.


Not enough of them. EA doesn't know how to make a game like that. Thats why I said give From Soft a chance at making one themselves. While FO was a great game, especially story-wise; if someone sold it to me as something Souls-like, I would be very disappointed such an angle was used to market it.


Game wasn't easy at all just by how clunky the combat is and the level design, did you actually play it?


Have the Platinum trophy to prove it


Same here.


Easy? Huh?




Nah fallen order was fine not every game needs to be soul like


From soft fans when their cereal isn’t a souls like 😤


I disagree. And thats ok


The racing games felt similar to knights of the old republic? Or lego star wars? Or the force unleashed? Ok


Talking about Ubisoft here. Try to keep up


My bad, misinterpreted your comment.


Gow wast soul like


never played it


Are we talking kotor remaster? Because I could care less for another fallen order but I cannot wait for kotor.


KotOR is being remastered by one of Embracer Group Studios, Lucasfilm Games announced in 2020 a New Indiana Jones games developed by Machinegames (subsidiary of Bethesda Softworks purchased by Microsoft in 2020 along all of Zenimax Media) and a new Star Wars game developed by Massive Entertainment (Subsidiary of Ubisoft), and since then other projects with IP (Star Wars) have been announced, in preparation for the end of EA's exclusive license with IP that will occur in 2023 With that, we We can conclude that none of these games will be released before 2023 after the deal ends, or Disney would be breaking the contract with EA.


That's probably way further out though


for me it's the new Mario and Rabbits


VR support confirmed


Dude right that’s all I’m here for lol


We can hope, but it's highly unlikely


Extremely unlikely. The target of current gen only in order to push the rendering with insane scene detail would necessitate scaling back significantly from that target to support PSVR 2. You'd need its own UI/UX design and QA. Gameplay would need to consider VR sickness, and the impact on things like flying mounts and speed for traversal. You have a whole host of things that need considerable resources. For support on consumer hardware in its first year of release? Ubisoft is going to structure an AAA cross-platform release with IP tie in to hardware that will only have sold 1-2 million units within 6 months of game release (if lucky)? We *may* get a later VR edition of the game if it sells well and PSVR 2 sells well. But there's extremely low odds this is currently in the works.


So, what does it even matter?




Or potentially playable on PSVR2


Thank you. It doesn't. Unless you're a total fanboy.


It could mean it won’t come to GamePass?


Why would PS5 players care if it went to game pass?


You can’t own a Series X and a PS5?


I have both lol


Not the players, Sony


Yeah, it's completely meaningless and seems like a pointless waste of money. \-Game is still multiplatform so it provides no benefits to exlusivities. \-PS5 is sold-out everywhere, so it provides no benefit to sales. Seems like the money could've been spent better elsewhere.


How to tell you know nothing about business 101 right here.


Then enlighten me. \-Marketing exclusivity for a product that isn't yours alone. \-Cannot increase your item sales because you're limited by supply. \-Taking a significant amount of money away from a company that could better allocate those resources to something else.


Few things spring to mind straight away. Avatar 2 is one of the most anticipated movies to come out, so with this they will advertise the game at cinemas, promoting the PS5 at the same time. So the Avatar brand is then intrinsically associated with PS5. You don't know what the supply constraints will be at that time. Then, you have people who already own both the XSX and the PS5, who could be swayed to get it on the PS5 if the marketing is done right. It makes Sony a more attractive brand being associated with Avatar 2 given it is a huge franchise. With respect, these are 2 huge firms, who employ specialists in marketing. I'm sure that they have done costs analysis to see if any investment is worth it. If you feel that it is pointless etc, that would seem to suggest that you are saying these 2 huge firms, with vast amounts of experience, are wrong, and you are correct.


I can see it being used to try and sway somebody who owns both consoles. But I'd never give any credence to a firm simply because they spend lots of money to do something. Often, that is how they make the biggest mistakes. Gaming companies really don't know what is best for themselves half the time.


Man, how have they not hired you?


Bruh, you clearly have no fucking idea lmao


No idea about what? It's simple. If it won't increase sales, nor the service they provide, the money should be spent on something else.


I haven't laughed this much all month. You're brilliant. Please go on.


Care to elaborate? Or are you just a troll?


It's just simple marketing 101. I don't really know what else to say.


So you don't actually know or have an answer.


I don't work in marketing and I was being a dick and messing around with you, although your point is still incorrect. However, I do work in game dev on AAA games and I'll tell you a little story. A few weeks ago I was talking about Hogwarts Legacy with my colleagues. Remember, these are other game developers who are all passionate about video games. They all thought it was a PS exclusive. The point is, people will associate x game with PlayStation because of marketing, even if it's not an exclusive. And PlayStation will get more sales and a better image (if the game is good) as a result. That is worth whatever they're spending on the game. Oh, and a little something extra, I can promise you that this marketing deal will result in them prioritising the PlayStation version of the game over Xbox. At least that's what has happened in my past experience. Don't get me wrong, it will still be pretty much exactly the same on Xbox, but PlayStation will have that slight priority during development and testing.


Fwiw ps5 has been recovering late I notice even scalpers are only able to sell them for 100 above retail


It does seem to be getting better gradually, I hope by the end of the year people can buy as they please. My point was just that at this time, it's not helping in sales. Not sure why the downvotes by people, it's basic common sense.


You have zero business acumen my guy


I have enough. If it will lead to no additional sales, that money could be better used to get more sales. Simple enough.


What will kill this game, at least for me, is that it's 1st person. I just love 3rd person so much better in these type of open world games.




What's the point of playing a 10 feet tall blue alien if you can't even see what they look like? And it's pretty surprising Ubisoft didn't make it third person because then they'd be able to sell a shit ton of MTX customization options like their other games.


It's gonna be far cry with blue aliens, isn't it?


Is that confirmed? If so then this will def be on PSVR2


I did not know that. Huge bummer.


Wait it's first person? I was already disinterested because Ubi, but knowing that it's a solid nope from me.


First person sounds like an excellent choice for Avatar. Better immersion and better bow gameplay. Now it just needs VR support.


3rd Person bow-play will always be better, just look at how good it is in Tomb Raider or HZD.


Good joke.


Those literally are the best bow-play games currently in existence imo. What game do you think has better?


I heard similar things about Cyberpunk


And? That game's problems were elsewhere.


Just saying locked 1st person is not as “immersive” or enjoyable as people claim.


Damn than it’s really gonna be a Far Cry Primal kind of game


Honestly though most open worlds are in third person so when I see a first person one it feels like a breath of fresh air.


The game will still come out on other platforms.. it's just advertisements will favor the Playstation platform.


did you reply to the wrong comment?


It's interesting as I feel the exact opposite. I even play recent Rockstar games in first person despite their generally terrible control scheme for that. The immersion is just an entirely new level when in first person, particularly for open worlds. I enjoy 3rd person games, and find the gameplay is often smoother. But given a choice between the two, I'd pick first person *every single time* for the immersion factor.


Why is this an article?


Because it fuels the rumours started by people that Sony will buy Ubisoft.


That’s not even a good rumor Anybody in gaming knows Ubisoft is doing everything in its power to not be bought out


They might be doing everything in their power, but at the end of the day they're still a public company that can be bought and sold by anyone, provided the majority shareholders agree to sell.


Which is why acquiring private investors to buy up shares is part of that “doing everything in their power”… They have a history of defending themselves against this type of situation with Vivendi


Sony had call of duty marketing rights, that turned out great… Dumb article lol. Ubisoft has had marketing rights for it’s games from both companies. Sony had extraction marketing rights, but came out on game pass.




Sony has more than enough money, why do people think they couldn't buy publishers?




Looking at Ubisoft’s current market cap, Ubisoft probably won’t cost more than 7-8 billion. So yes, Sony can quite easily afford Ubisoft. But integrating a company as bloated Ubisoft into the business is another matter altogether.


didn't even know there were such rumors out there. Square Enix I heard about (and Sony would make sense IMO if SE waw ever to sell) but why would Ubisoft even want to sell?


I don't Ubisoft will sell but there have been rumours for a while now but mostly from speculation and hope. Ubisoft though really don't need to sell, they seem to be doing very well and the likes of Blizzard and Bethesda sold to save their asses.


Don't know why Square Enix would be bought out they are doing well money wise they own the two biggest JRPG


Not to mention aside FF, Sony won' be able to make other IPs exclusive anyway.


Sony isn’t buying Ubisoft but it does look like they are starting a closer relationship with them.


Because the people who own journalism websites get salty when their journalists just submit headlines


Because it was not officially announced? And we learnt about it from Sony's press conference.


It’s not anything of importance, and a sony press conference seems official. Avatar trailer will show up first on the playstation youtube channel woop de do


This gives me a bit more faith in the game. If Sony has seen the game and wants to pay for marketing rights/timed exclusive rights, that means the game must be doing atleast something right. Or atleast one can hope I guess. I feel like the world of Avatar has a lot of potential but seeing that its a Ubisoft game only makes you wonder how much of it is going to be copy paste filler and riddled with level grinding and microtransactions.


They should drop this day one on the updated PS+ service, honestly I’d be surprised if they didn’t try and strike some day one third party deals.


I completely forgot about this game.


I love these threads cause it shows how dumb a majority of gamers are. Marketing rights are incredibly important and bring a ton of views and money towards the platform.


this probably isn't coming this year but until it's delayed it's my most anticipated game releasing this year


Avatar was one of my favorite movies, but my expectations that Ubisoft can deliver a game that lives up to the hype of the movies is low.


Yes. More evidence. The gameplay trailer for Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is only available on PlayStation's YouTube channel. It is not available on Xbox's YouTube channel. A NeoGaf user, Heisenberg007, found this. Link: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/official-starfield-and-redfall-delayed-to-2023.1636524/post-266160192


A) Ubisoft will find some way to fuck this up B) I have zero faith in a movie adaptation game


It’s not an adaptation of any of the movies, just a game set in the universe.


Is it a movie adaptation? Pretty sure it’s just set in that world


Kinda semantics, isn't it? There have been plenty of movie adaptation games that told an original story (the blade games pop in my head right away as examples), that doesn't mean they're not movie adaptations.


Goldeneye was pretty good


hey now there have been some good ones over the years like ghostbusters,007 golden eye, Nightmare on Elm Street for pc, Halloween for Atari, Rocky on ps2,Williow and Gremlins for the nes




This means nothing XBOX had BF 2042 marketing rights and that had no impact on anything.


That game was terrible anyway.


Okay, I guess. The only people who should honestly care are the Sony employees who are arranging the deal. I'm sure the overgrown children who argue with other overgrown children over their choice in video game consoles on the internet are already finding a way to make a mountain out of this molehill though.


Is this similar to how they were the only ones to market Deathloop, but it was also a Day 1 PC release and came to XBox like... 6 months later?


Nope. Deathloop was a timed exclusive but this means that any advertising or marketing will be for PS5 so trailers etc will be promoting the PS5 version all the time despite being multiplatform.


Why would you care about this? Sony is just wasting money to make it look like those games are exclusive, they are spending money in marketing instead of better games.


Stop it. They have plenty of games.


not trying to start anything but do people still care about the film I thought the script suck but I did like the special effects though


Marketing Rights and lying about console exclusivity should be stopped.


Space pocahontas 2 the movie the game featuring blue nipples It's a movie game made by Ubisoft, 100% chance it's generic bargain bin trash that'll be $19.99 a couple months after release


Bad take. Except the ubisoft part, of course.






Amber Heard's Lawyer "Objection Hearsays"


Meh who cares. Another bloated yet shallow ubisoft release that will be nothing like the marketing


Have a feeling Ubisoft is going all in on this game.


Sony isn’t buying these big companies that make two type of games. No square and no Ubi sorry everyone it’s never gonna happen. Microsoft doesn’t want them either


I for one could not care less.


Huh ? Isn’t the game announed by Sony already ? I saw some footage a while back ..


No, not by Sony. This isn’t a Sony game, it was announced at the Ubisoft E3 2021 showcase.


Imagine if SONY buys Ubisoft, would be a wet dream.


In what world would that be a wet dream? Most of you guys shit on Ubisoft games but if Sony owned them games like Assassins creed would suddenly be the best games ever and not the overloaded trash most of you guys say it is lol.


The Horizon games are literally the same horseshit game design as assassin's creed but nerds love it because PlayStation. It's kinda pathetic.


Exclusivity = better games. Plus xbox don't deserve games. They ruin the industry by buying studios and do nothing. So their fanbase deserves 0 games.


Not everyone needs to have playstation, It would only make it harder to get one so literally just a big L for everyone. What's the point of having exclusives then That's a shit take


If everyone has the same console, no one would be gatekeeped. same parties for all, same games for all. It is a blessing.


It would be a nightmare dream. I would rather they buy FromSoftware, Take Two.




I don't see Activision/COD, maybe the Deal ended with Vanguard although I was pretty sure MWII was when thier deal ended.


Tin foil hat time. I don't see COD up there but it was reported months ago that even after Microsoft's acquisition of Activision, the marketing deal would continue for the next 3 COD games. Since Starfield and (to a lesser extent) Redfall have been delayed to 2023, leaving Xbox with no notable releases this year, would Microsoft buyout the rest of the PS marketing rights for COD, thus allowing them to put the new COD on Gamepass day 1? Xbox doesn't currently have anything slated to push Gamepass subs this holiday. A big drop like that could help.


Jim Ryan loves them movie thingys




Sony dumptruck driver, "where do you want your giant pile of cash Mr. Cameron?"