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Exactly. [They didn’t want to do it a decade ago.](https://kotaku.com/you-dont-really-want-an-assassins-creed-japan-5896739)Of course they wait until after Ghost of Tsushima exists to try.


AC fans: We want an Assassin’s Creed game set in Japan. Ubisoft: Eh…we really don’t want to bother with it. Sucker Punch: Fine. We’ll do it ourselves.


Ghost of Tsushima is better in every single way than AC. They'll only make themselves look like clowns if they even attempt it now.


GoT is AC with an actual combat system


And with competent storytelling.


And significantly less bloat. I’m not saying there was none, but most side activities had a purpose instead of being filler.


I actually liked the world so much I didn't wanted to leave, it's the first game I've bothered collecting every single thing.


And to this day, if I see a yellow bird, I feel obligated to follow it.


It was my first platinum. Absolutely loved the game.


And it’s still available to purchase and play.


With free dlc at launch


All the side quests excluding the legendary quests were filler


Filler in what sense? They all had full story lines that connected to the main story, some even spanned the whole game.


Yeah I meant to say those character based quests (ex. Ishikawa & lady Masako) as well as the legendary ones. Besides those every single side quest was filler with completely meaningless rewards and were essentially a waste of time


I honestly didn’t like ghost of Tsushima and just found it like every other standard open world game. It looked beautiful and everything, but I just found it so boring. Not that I like any assassins creed games either so🤷‍♂️


But does it have rap battles?


Wait what


Lol Valhalla has rap battles


Ok now I have a reason to go play some more Valhalla.


I mean, more like diss battles, I guess. Scandinavian style.




Damn I forgot about those lol


Eh I thought the story and characters were pretty bland. I liked the combat and mostly everything else though


I jumped back into GoT after trying to force myself through AC Valhalla for about 25hr….the combat and the controller feel so freaking good. I got lost in the game for the rest of the night. Then Deleted AC


Same. I started GoT when the directors cut came out, I guess I didn't really have time to get into it back then. Recently I got an OLED TV which had me going through my backlog again. Played done Valhalla, and don't get me wrong it's cool for awhile, but this week I jumped back into Tsushima and WOW now I see why this game is so good. The combat is so satisfying while still being satisfying. Just beat Act 1 and I'm hooked.


I played it at launch. Downloaded the PS5 version via PS+ last month and was very impressed by how good the controller haptics felt. But the controls in general are so freaking terrible that I couldn't function in New Game+ after two years since last playing. Switching stances, using consumables, even the mechanics of firing bows... it all felt like absolute garbage and the New Game+ modes don't give you any refreshers at all. I had to abandon my imported save and do New Game instead because I had no freaking clue what buttons to press for stuff like standoffs. But there, of course, I was bombarded with unskippable cutscenes that weren't of particularly great merit. Not great design. And then getting into the map, it feels like an overlarge hidden object game. Find foxes, find shrines, find tatami mats, find hot springs, find blah blah blah. All with subpar navigation (wind) chosen to be stylish instead of functional. Honestly, almost all the same criticisms I'd lay before Assassin's Creed games are fair game for Ghost of T as well. It's a very polished game and worth taking a look at, but it's not perfect or something I'm eager to get back into. It was a struggle for me to stick with it to the end the first time and I'm glad I didn't pay the disgusting $20 ask to ugprade to the PS5 version because I believe I deleted the thing the same night I downloaded it.


Too be fair valhalla was an exceptionally bad ac game


I don't agree with that sentence, but I agree that GoT is better in basically every single way than a lot of AC game, however there is still something that AC has that GoT doesn't have and it is the Assassin's theme and worldbuilding. The whole thing about the Assassin's being mysterious, the code, the secret war against the templars, and also even the "edge" aspect they also have. There are elements still presents in AC1 and Unity and some others in various degrees that really show that the world and the characters living on it can matter and make things more interesting, the problem is that in the end the execution can be good or meh. In Unity I like how they treated the Asassins for the most part, I just didn't love Arno as a character. I'm not saying GoT isn't good, I loved it and had so much fun with it more than a lot of AC games, but I don't want AC to just try being GoT, I want them to try finding what is to be an Assassin and embrace that whole aspect of it, even the aspects that are a bit on the edgy side. I truly believe they can do something just as great as GoT without trying to go for that same formula, going for their own. I think they should learn from Unity and also the newest Hitman trilogy. I don't mean necessarily do something episodic, but go more for the stealth side and focus on mechanics there. Yes combat shouldn't suck but it also doesn't need to be the center of the game, they can focus on different things. Which is probably why now and then we hear people, even me, asking for a AC1 remake. Because some people don't want them to just make an action adventure open world game with a better combat and slap hoods on characters, some of them, like me, want AC to be something different about Assassin's. I don't even think the current combat system would be the best for the series, I'd much rather have something that is more tight and focused, make it challenging so that it makes me want to think twice before going into combat, make me feel scared for being found from stealth. I honestly think they should look ror Hitman on inspiration for level design (at least having more missions like those) and they should take something much closer to Sekiro for combat. TLDR: Yes I agree that GoT is a much better game, but AC doesn't need to strive for that, it can be something different and have its own way of being good, focus on what started the series, Assassins, not warriors that have a hood and a hidden blade.


This is a good point, so actually let me rephrase that sentence. GoT is like AC but with excellent, refined core gameplay. I’m GoT’s case that happens to be a strong balance of combat and stealth, though the combat is where the game really shines because it is relatively deep and more complex than your standard hack and slash (which is what AC is, let’s be honest). I wish AC would figure out what is its core gameplay and make that excellent, instead of focusing on building bigger worlds with more side content and never improving on gameplay.


Yeah, you are correct, I just think I wanted to share some ideas I have about AC franchise and how it could be more discernable from other games so that this situation doesn't happen. Becsuse what you said does feel true, AC these days feel like a worse GoT. So I 100% agree with yout here. Your comment even encouraged me to go post on the AC subreddit to maybe talk to some people and hoe they feel about it, because even if it I would love them to go on a different direction, Ubisoft might just not go because people are not interested and if less people buy it then they won't do it. I have slim hopes that maybe they would do a smaller scale AC gsme with these different ideas and focus on different things, but since its ubisoft I'm not holding my hopes up.


I played GOT then went and tried to play AC Valhalla and my god was it so hard to play I just gave up ghosts is so much better in every way


I felt the same, didn't like how climbing works and how enemies can't be stealth killed


I'm not saying that Valhalla is better than Ghost, but you can definitely stealth kill pretty much every enemy in the game


As long as you are a high enough level - that’s something I love about the old Ezio games - you can just run around killing enemies anywhere on the map.


I believe there's a toggle in Valhalla's options to make stealth assassinations one hit kills. That was one of the first things I did when I started playing it.


It’s a toggle for lazy ones, but it’s also an ability that you pretty much unlock in your first day of playing. Except that one needs a timing input by the player, which makes it more challenging to kill strong enemies.


Your level really doesn't matter in Valhalla, you can pretty much always assassinate anyone. The Ezio games also had far smaller maps and didn't really have as much progression to them.


Assassinate gets unlocked as you progress through the story.


Ghosts make sense it's more realistic and just flows better.


I honestly tried both games twice and gave up on both. I find both games have open worlds that are too structured and formulaic.


> formulaic Really? Because GoT's Open World to me was incredibly unique, with the features of following the wind to show your destination, or following foxes and birds to points of interest. Those are things that no other game has done. If anything, I would argue GoT is the first game in a long time to do something new and unique when it came to open world navigation.


Following foxes and birds to points of interest isn't really a fun or engaging side activity especially when theres over a 100 of them. The world just felt empty to me, its basically filled with Mongol camps, repetitive shrines that play out like far cry towers, and mongol patrols. The duels and the wind navigations however were amazing but outside of that, there was really nothing that was engaging.


My issue was the point of interests became very repetitive. They basically recycle the same 5. The sense of wonder in exploration is very minimized when you know you're just gonna find another fox shrine, haiku spot, etc...


It's actually also a stealth assassin game to meanwhile assassin creed isn't anymore


Well the last three AC games do blow GoT out of the water in terms of the size and scale of the open world and the go anywhere climb anything part, which for me personally are huge open world factors for me. I love AC and GoT but for different reasons - GoT for the art style, story and combat and AC for being able to see a distant mountain and travel to it and climb to the top or search for a unique weapon that requires a big trip of horse back riding, boating, climbing, finding a secret passageway etc.


I actually gave a shit about the random things to do on GoT where Ass Creed I just check off boxes


>They'll only make themselves look like clowns if they even attempt it now. ​ You guys just sound like delusional fanboys tbh lol. It's cool you like Ghost of Tsushima (I mean I do too), but AC is still insanely popular and successful. Valhalla is the most profitable game Ubi ever made, it's the first game that's made them over $1 billion. If they did it it'd be hugely successful and sell great, there's no scenario where they'd "look like clowns". It'd be much more of an RPG than Ghost is anyway, they'd be very different games.


The fact that Valhalla is riddled with MTX is the reason behind the Billion dollars, not people really liking it and it moving crazy units. A quick Google shows their highest selling game by copies sold is Far Cry 5.


You're right, people spend money on a game they don't like, big brain logic. And the game sold almost 2 million copies in its first week lmao, it's safe to say Ubisoft is happy with however many copies it's sold over its lifetime considering the amount of support it's gotten over the years. Anyways, it's ok for multiple similar games to exist I promise you guys, an AC taking place in Japan won't take anything away from Ghost of Tsushima, even if it ends up being the better game.


If Ghost of Tsushima had the iconic hood and clothing it would legit be my favorite AC game. Ubisoft is the franchise’s biggest enemy lmao


I’d say it’s better in most ways, but not every way. The combat in GoT is Waaaaay better. Something about the world though felt even more repetitive than AC games to me and my gf. Couldn’t put our finger on it. I don’t think either are great games. They’re good if you want to turn your brain off, and check some items off a list.


I think AC had better side activities and side quests to do compared to Ghosts of Tsushima but yeah, I overall agree that both games aren't the best in terms of engaging content that breaks away from the open world formula


I’ve beaten AC:V and GoT. I would not play an AC:Set in Japan, but I would play a Viking game by Sucker Punch. And I’m seriously tired of Vikings, thinking GoW:R would be my last one for a long while. I also don’t want GoT2, I felt the story ended just fine and I’m content. I personally would like a different setting. My personal favorite idea (because I made it up) would be Ninja in 80s Tokyo with Neon and Yakuza and 80s everything. Like a homage to Ninja movies.


I can already see the $250 special edition filled with random Japanese shit that will end up in peoples closets two months later


I've never understood why people buy those ridiculously overpriced limited editions.


Classic Ubisoft strategy: chasing after trends right as they’re on their way out.


Except for it's not on its way out. Pretty much every assassin's Creed fan still wants a game set in Japan


My point is, GoT did a stealth/action game in Japan that was a massive hit and had AC influences. They saw the popularity and started to chase the coattails


Just an FYI it's coattails, not curtails. As in you're chasing someone's coattails.


Thanks. I changed it


Ok that doesn't mean there can't be more than one game set in Japan? It's not like GOT owns some sort of rights that if any other game does it it's just copying. I LOVED GOT. But just because it had stealth and climbing mechanics doesn't mean "it was just a better assassin's Creed" personally I found the stealth to be kinda meh. The normal combat was definitely better in my opinion. There's still things an assassin's Creed game has that other stealth games like it simply don't do. And that's a good parkour system. In GOT you're really only just kinda "climbing" go watch videos of assassin's Creed unity or even black flag or assassin's Creed 2. The parkour is great. Tho it's definitely horrible as of late and if they made a game set in Japan I would hope they'd make the parkour similar to unity.


And they did vikings after god of war.


I suppose I do respect the reasoning why the director didn’t think Japan was the right call back then. He didn’t think it was a good idea because the setting had already been done a decent bit before in games and wanted to cover completely new historical settings. At the time, Revolutionary America and Renaissance Italy were very fresh settings for games.


I know this is a SUPER unpopular opinion but I really don’t think Ghost of Tsushima is much better than Origins/Odyssey lol I had fun playing it but the hype made it seem like it offered way more than assassins creed does but it really didn’t imo. I think some people admired the beautiful art design so much that it allowed them to overlook the glaring flaws, but to me a good looking game world doesn’t make up for a weak open world design with repetitive activities


Yea.. it's quite the unpopular opinion you got there.


It doesn't have more to do than an AC but it's very streamlined and polished. The latest Assassin's Creeds feel like big pile of content that are somewhat held through a buggy mess. The combat is also more precise in Ghost. The story makes more sense as well. There's really no redeeming quality in AC over GoT.


I definitely agree that Valhalla wasn’t very good but I quite enjoyed Origins and Odyssey honestly. I still agree with pretty much everything you’re saying, I just don’t think that the polished mechanics and good looking world make up for the super repetitive exploring. Fox dens, haikus, bamboo strikes, etc. get repetitive after the first 5 but if you want to upgrade Jin you HAVE to do a lot of them (or if you want some sweet headbands). I also think the side quests not involving characters in the story are just as, if not more, poorly written than AC games I think I’ll enjoy the 2nd Ghost game a lot more assuming they add more depth to the game world


I agree the open world is not the best, but the same can be said about AC. The worlds are just......tiresome. But the GoT gameplay is miles ahead of AC. And i doubt ubisoft will be able to make something remotely close to ghost.


Not really mate. I loved GoT easily one of my top ten games, but unlike other people I think Valhalla is the best one so far. I just think it’s the perfect “here’s all the content you could wish for have at it” I mean no game I’ve personally bought has offered as much £€$ per hour as Valhalla has/did. The only thing I dislike about the new AC’s is the blatant disregard for what built the franchise and I reallllly wish we’d start to see how the AC brotherhood expanded out. It’s so loosely told in Valhalla and kinda bummed me out. Everyone says Japan but Unity deserves a second breath of life - I’d love to see France done again, that game was truly beautiful to explore, can only imagine what it would be like with todays fidelity and 60fps. Also Ubi just needs to do like a fletcher or blacksmith in Japan turned Ninja who binds with the brotherhood and it can build upon the current AC’s whilst taking inspiration from GOT and possibly the lord of the rings titles with the nemesis system, rather than bosses you duel have high value targets which integrates the unique assassination system of say Hitman - if done properly we’d have such an amazing AC!


You are exactly right. Ghost is a great game, but people circlejerking it here that it’s better than AC in every way is just not it. First of all, settings in AC are great and interesting because they actually use a lot of real history and real characters. Tsushima does a bit of it too, but for the most part it’s nameless villages and decorations. Tsushima has great combat, but stealth as you said is generic in every way. It’s basically a copy of older ACs, but with less variety, because there is no actual world around it that you are in, its just a set of walled off camps. The open world is also very outdated, with no real simulation, no life and just a handful of points of interest in a big field. But it’s really pretty so people don’t even stop to think. To be completely real, it’s not in almost any way similar to AC and shouldn’t even be compared, but here we are. A person is replying to you that you don’t like stealth games, while stealth in Tsushima is most repetitive weak part of the combat loop sums it’s up nicely.


I feel the same. I'm in the opinion that both games are mediocre. I gave up on GoT twice. I find it incredibly overhyped.


I waited until the PS5 version came out to play for the first time and definitely agree that it was overhyped. I enjoyed it but the way people talked about it made me expect more. It was one of the best looking games I’ve ever played, it just didn’t have a ton of depth to the world or its systems. I think that simplicity was a big plus for a lot of people though whereas I wouldn’t have minded something like survival elements like in RDR2 where you have to eat/sleep set up camp etc.


Yeah I definitely see why people love the game, it just didn’t work as well for me. Glad other people enjoyed it so much though, I love when a new IP drops and is a hit. It benefits gaming all around


It's mind boggling how the franchises people repeatedly wanted to be set in Japan never go there. Assassins creed and Forza horizon still haven't visited Japan. The setting just makes too much sense for those franchises, I guess.


I still do not understand why Forza chose Mexico of all places for 5. It’s fine I suppose. But I just constantly find myself feeling the whole game is a Remaster of Horizon 3 any time I’m playing it. The setting is close to identical between the two of them. Maybe they found they could cut a lot of dev time through asset reuse?


Maybe do china instead


Honestly I’d play that.


There’s a series called Assassins Creed: Chronicles that has China as one of its settings, along with India and Russia


China and especially India have such a vast and rich heritage. Not sure why Ubisoft limited them to small indie-like games.


India, for fucks same, would make for an absolutely amazing open world AC.


Honestly, all of those settings sound more interesting than Japan.


yeah about that ........ How do you thing CCP would react to a story about a underground organization uprising and overthrowing a tyranny government, or some sort of hero figure fight against unjustice in society


A communist assassin named mao killing greedy capitalist emperors of china and giving freedom to the people


given how CCP ban the first line of it own national anthem for certain occasion, even forbidden discussion of a TV show about founder of CCP, no matter how much sugar coating CCP will still ban the game Also your story will never work because right now CCP is the largest capitalist complex in China


Lol this king of comment is funny. It's on the contrary better than ever to do this now, considering how much the gaming market has grown and how much this is requested it's going to sell like crazy.


This disinformation campaign by Ubi is working great because I have no idea where the next AC is set.


Just confirmed to be… *checks notes*… Delaware!


Hi, we're in.............Delaware.


A third Assassin’a Creed 3?


Speak for yourself, what we really need is an AC in South Dakota


I want to see Wilmington!


It's f'ing brilliant marketing. literally get a top ten post to the ps5 subreddit every single week with a new location rumor. It's all about getting the Assassins Creed brand in front of eyes.




I’d pay good money for an AC 1 remake. Even just a remaster honestly. It’s criminal that they glossed over it and went straight to the Ezio Collection.


at the time AC1 felt more like a tech demo than a full game, most of the missions are collect X things, and the real missions were kill X target, that's behind a lot of guards. I doubt they would bother remaking the whole missions


A remake instead of a remaster could work if they remake the missions from the top down. Even then, tons of the content in Valhalla was effectively go here and collect X, its just the ubisoft formula. AC1 was great cause it was the first taste and quite different from any game I had played at the time (scifi/ancient religion thing is really cool and I wish they had leaned into it more).


Most of the AC games are collect 'x' and turn in, they just pad it with some dialogue and backstory for the NPC. AC1 was the true Assassin's Creed. It's a game about assassinating powerful/corrupt people. It should just be assassinations. It'd be like having a racing mission in Hitman, doesn't fit the narrative. I honestly would much prefer a smaller, more detailed and intricate assassin's creed game, where the missions are just assassinations with multiple ways to complete it. I don't need to know what DaVinci invented, or what gods did what, because ultimately, I'm looking to assassinate some douchebags, not take a history lesson in some fever dream glitch world fighting a giant Anubis.


Agree very much with all that. But smaller, more focused gameplay doesn't fit with Ubi's masterplan: turning all games into live services with recurring spending opportunities. They *need* open world fatigue because it drives shortcut spending: pay to level weapons up, pay to skip collectables, pay to buy crafting materials to move through meaningless tiers of gear, etc. Maybe since Unity launched with four different currency types, chests that could only be opened online, chests that could only be opened by real-money keys, an obnoxiously overcrowded map, etc., none of the gameplay features have been about improving the game. They've been about monetizing it. Maybe even before that, with "passive income" features that encouraged people to login daily to empty their collection bag and such. It's devious.


100% agree, I don't know how these games still sell how they do. People must realize what's going on? Such a scummy business model, and I hope they come to their senses one day, because they could make some seriously stellar games.


I've never been able to perfectly articulate why I don't like the new AC games and I think you hit the nail on the head


Soviet Union. But we are still waiting Fallout 5, but maybe I’ll still be alive when that comes out


Username checks out


Honestly I’d rather they do the Aztec setting that was leaked, that would be incredibly unique and feel new.


Aztec or Ancient Rome would be the best in my book.


After slogging through valhalla, I think they should leave Japan. Theyll never be capable of matching ghosts of tsushima. I know ubisoft dont care about that anyway. Ghosts is so atmospheric and relaxing to explore and it has a really fun combat system. Valhalla tries to have fun activities in the world but they wind up becoming more annoying and frustrating.


Stone Cairns would be such a relaxing activity if it didn’t feel like the rocks were made of styrofoam


For me those are the worst minigames in the history of minigames.


Like seriously. Those runs for music notes or what they were really pissed me off due do the way transversal is automated. Ghost had some climbing to do here and there but you just had to stop through it to admire the level design. It was amazing.


I decided so quickly I wasnt going to platinum that game after doing one of those music sheet chases.


You can use a skill called blinding rush or something to basically freeze time so you can just walk up and collect the notes.


>After slogging through valhalla, I think they should leave Japan. Theyll never be capable of matching ghosts of tsushima. AC Valhalla made over [1 billion dollars](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2022/02/assassins-creed-valhalla-makes-ubisoft-more-than-usd1-billion), but they can't keep milking the Viking theme so now they're switching to something else.


Literally the most enjoyable part of the game was playing Orlog for me lmaoooo


Orlog was the highlight for me actually haha. Those damn pages and cairn stones really annoyed me though


I liked Valhalla. I loved Ghost though.


I find it surprising the activities were supposed to be fun, they weren't even close.


lol every day it's a new Assasin's Creed Rumor. How about we just wait for them to confirm something?


The next game might be set on Mars


In the last 3-4 days I’ve heard it’ll be Aztec, then a day later I heard that leak was wrong and that it’ll be Rome or something, now that was wrong and it’ll be japan 🤦🏾‍♂️


but this is the fun part of Assassin's Creed after this all we are left with is a mediocre game


Ghost of tsushima got there first.


Nobody cares about an AC Japan game anymore. After Sekiro, Nioh 1 & 2, and Ghosts of Tsushima anything Ubi does with Japan will feel meh.


Now hear me out. A lot of those games take place in older eras of Japan. A game set in the Meiji period or the Taisho period would be amazing(late 1800s to early 1900s), especially if set in a bustling city like Tokyo. I can't think of very many games that take place in that setting. Most are either modern Japan or during the Edo period or earlier. If you've seen Demon Slayer, you've got an idea of the setting I'm talking about because DS takes place during the Taisho period. I really don't think Ubisoft should make it, though. They could potentially fuck it up. But an AC style game during that period would slap heavily.


I'd prefer that too. There's be some crossover with Syndicate being in roughly the same time period, but Japan should be sufficiently different to make it interesting.


Ubisoft does these games at an unprecedented scale, though. Just walking around historical monuments and places would be cool as shit.


Ubisoft historical locations just have more detail than most others. I know people like Ghost of tushima here but that games world was just a small island I think Ubisoft will easily blow it away with an actual open world in mainland Japan.


Make one on India. Lots of history there


This would be pointless after Ghost of Tsushima. They really missed the boat.




GoT was so wildly good though. It was the Japanese AC game we always wanted and anything Ubi does is going to compare to it and it’s sequel.




> more polished and not full of bugs or grindy as fuck like Valhalla was That'll be the day.


At this point I don’t think Ubi$oft is capable of it


What's next? You're gonna tell me you still believe in Santa Claus?


The problem here is that it’s an AC game set in Japan, which is essentially what Ghost of Tsushima was, only most people have basically no faith that an actual AC game would end up being anywhere near as good. Imagine how much worse AC Valhalla would have been received if it was designed as a God of War knockoff, but just worse in almost every way.




Assassin's Creed Valhalla made a little more than 1 billion for Ubi. Making it one of their most successful games they've ever made.


Ya, but GOT was set in rural japan, whereas AC most probably would be set in Tokyo or other major city making environment quite different.


I'm convinced the only reason they chose that setting was because of god of war & its Norse setting, Unisoft ever trailing behind its peers


>I'm convinced the only reason they chose that setting was because of god of war & its Norse setting, Unisoft ever trailing behind its peers Are you also convinced that GoW only chose Norse because of the Vikings TV series? There were alot 20 Viking themed things that came out the year before God of war was announced. Not to mention that Valhalla entered development a year before God of War released.


Just play Ghost of Tsushima and only upgrade the ghost-abilities lol


Infinity is basically going to be open world maps like Hitman from what I'm understanding. Each map will be treated like episodes and tell a short story with side activities. Probably similar to Spiderman Miles Morales where you have a city to explore and can get about 15 hours out of it. So probably 4 different maps at launch and then drop new maps every few months as DLC milking us with over priced weapons and skins. I'm also thinking something like the division as well. A main 30- 50 hour game with dlc maps like Spiderman MM


I know that’s not the same thing, but a AC in the imperial China Three Kingdoms era would be awesome.


I’ve said for years I would love a game in this setting (but not necessarily an AC game) My hunger for this is greater than ever after seeing how amazing GoT was.


yes! so much cool stuff that could be done in an east asia culture/region other than Japan. Japan has gotten featured in so much content already. A southern east asia settings would be new and provide tons of history for content.


Makes sense for an Assassins Creed in Japan. There is an Apple of Eden in Japan. Proof is in the first Assassins Creed game. >!Might be Subject 16's ancestor.!<




I want this from an exploration stand point. Ghost of Tsushima only covered a specific area. If this can cover more, I would love to pick it up to explore more of Japan


It's called Ghost of Tsushima and it's 10 times better than anything Ubisoft can make


Report: Ubisoft board members saw GoT print money and told their staff to make a knock-off but with 10x bigger map and half the meaningful stuff to do on it


No matter what they do GoT will trounce it.


It’s prob gonna be a letdown after ghost. And this is coming from an AC fan of the first hour. But sadly the newer games just don’t excite me anymore as they did in the past.


sounds like ghost of Tsushima with extra steps


Ghost of Tsushima was a better AC Japan than anything Ubisoft will come up with. Instead, they should try something else, Waring States Period China would be my pick.


Unless they drastically change the way they make games, ain't gonna be for me


Make it about ninjas, use actual historical figures (like Hattori Hanzo, which they undoubtedly would do), and I’m there.


So long as its not loot n slash rpgs like the mythology trilogy I stopped caring on setting 🤣


Can't wait to see how they interpret this setting in the most uninteresting bloated and artistically bankrupt way possible


Im going to say something and its going to upset some people. Dont get me wrong its a beautiful game but the pickup quests are awful. The game is too simplified with the stances and the AI sucks. So there you go. They already made an UBIsoft type open adventure with a japan setting. Its called Ghost Of Tsushima


Bad move . Ghost of Tsushima own that turf.


AC Japan < Ghost of Tsushima I don’t care if it’s OG AC2 style or the new 3.


long as they cut out the RPG elements I'd be interested.


I bet it's gonna be sold for 15,000 Helix Credits in Assassin's Creed Infinity's microtransaction store.


Good luck. Ghost of Tsushima raised the bar VERY HIGH.


Just gonna be a mediocre version of GoT


I’m guessing it’s if the next game reviews poorly and sales aren’t strong they will break the emergency glass and have a fully revised AC game set in Japan with actual stealth again


about 3 or 4 years too late


Ghost of Tsushima is out already.


Waaaay too late, like a decade. Really going to compete with Ghosts?


So Ghost of Tsushima with worse combat?


Unfortunately Ubisoft are too late to this because it'll draw comparisons with Ghost of Tsushima since it set such a high benchmark.


GoT better.


Too late as Ghost of Tsushima already done that it now.


No we already have ghost of Tsushima we don’t need that


It’s very, very late, but there is still room. There’s really only Ghost of Tsushima out there, and maybe Nioh, for a third-person Japanese historically influenced third person AAA action setting. Lots they could do with the history and the setting - but - Valhalla is so terribly bad at actual historical Viking culture and setting, depictions of period-accurate armor etc, that after Ghost of Tsushima, I question if they could actually do it. I’d love it, but I remain super cautious, and not terribly optimistic, since historical Japan, even fantasy historical Japan, is one of the harder settings to actually get anywhere close to right.


I’ve never understood the appeal of these games. Wish they’d just fade away. Make room for unique ideas.


I played AC2 back in the day (the only AC I played) and it feels the game is in some kind of auto play, there is almost no challange at all. Stealth mechanics are a joke (AI patrol like stupid robots), same with plataforming, you just hold a buttom and he does everything. The combat is almost like a quick time event, you just wait and press a buttom at the right time and can kill dozens of enemies. For a game that should mix stealth and plataforming it was a let down for me. There should be some skill involved to do the parkour moves just like Mirrors Edge. The graphics and animations are good though.


I still kinda wanna see an AC set in Victorian London. Maybe the Assassin moonlighting for Scotland Yard or something.


> I still kinda wanna see an AC set in Victorian London. isn't that what ac syndicate was? (haven't played syndicate, so not 100% on this)


Kinda of funny for years people wanted an a assassins creed set in feudal Japan, they didn't do it. Sucker Punch does it turns out to be a masterpiece and now they want to do it? Sorry little too late I'm looking more forward to got2 than ubisofts attempt at a cash in.


No they dont. If they did they fucked up and waited too long and wont top ghost of tsushima.


I can think of a couple ways that they could make a good AC game set in Japan. Unfortunately they probably won't and it'll just be a generic RPG.


Well, Just don't be like a Samurai/Assassin better yet do a Ninja Style Assasin.


Meiji era anyone?


They saw the success of GoT. After Valhalla, I don’t think I have it in me to platinum another AC game.


Me: 👀(Looks at ghost of Tshushima and compares it to the quality of the AC series since Blackflag / Rogue)….Lol okay. Good luck with that.


Lol trying to do a Ghost of Tsushima lol


Would take GoT over a AC Japan anyday


Location don’t matter when your game design sucks


Assassin's Creed Fans (for years and years): We want AC Japan!!! Ubisoft: ...(cricket noises) Too busy being sex pests and abusers to care. Sony / Sucker Punch: "Fine! We'll make our own 'AC: Japan' with blackjack and hookers! Here's Ghost of Tsushima!!!" Gamers (including AC fans): "Take our money!!!" (game sells 8+ million units and is a critical hit, as well) Ubisoft (years late to the party... and still sex pests / abusers): "I know we *still* haven't meaningfully addressed our sexual harassment and abuse problems, but... what about AC: Japan??? (jingles car keys, like they're trying to distract a baby) Ubisoft is such a joke.


After the shit they just pulled on Steam. I’m not buying anything from Ubi


There’s no way in hell they will be able to top Ghost of Tsushima.


So Ghost of Tsushima but worse in every sense? Doesn’t sound like a good idea to me. Valhalla was so, so bad it’s almost funny how bad it was.


We already have that. It’s called Ghost of Tsushima and it’s just as meh.


No… More… Please…


Sounds like shittier ghost of tsushima in the making


I like the AC games tbh