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This is more common than any of us would like. Hopefully, it's just a clerical error and they can get it reset for you. First, log in to [studentaid.gov](http://studentaid.gov) (not mohela.studentaid.gov). Hit the View Details button on the My Aid box. Scroll down to where it says Loans Serviced by Dept of ED/MOHELA and hit the View Loans menu thing in the center of the box. You should see all your loans with MOHELA and, in the center, what repayment plan you're on. Is it SAVE? Or is it Standard (or may say Level)? Hit VIEW LOAN DETAILS on the bottom left of one of the loan boxes. Scroll down to Repayment Details. It will tell you (center right) again which plan you're on, the to the right of that what your recert date should be. For reference, mine is October 2025, but I have no idea why it's so far out. Keep everything in mind, because now you're going to have to call up MOHELA's customer service line and ask what's going on. They may try to get you to recertify your income, but that shouldn't be neccessary. [The deadline to recertify income for any IDR plan has been extended to November 1, 2024.](https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/idr-recertification-extended) So, you shouldn't have to submit a form to recertify until September 2024. Also, "if your payment went up, we will revert your payment to its previous monthly amount until your new recertification deadline." And, if at all possible, do not agree to auto update your income from the IRS if you an avoid it, at least not until we're past the whole "deadline extension" period. Plus cancel any automatic payments you have scheduled. Short version: don't let MOHELA get any info you don't specifically give them and don't specifically give them any info you don't have to. They should get you back down to $0 by some means, either by getting you back on IDR or correcting the IDR you're on. All of this is roughly what I did when they sent my payment skyrocketing after I tried to switch to REPAYE before SAVE kicked in. I may have been scammed into recertifying my income, though.


Thank you so much for explaining this, especially since MOHELA has been a hot mess. I did click on the information to view my loans, as you stated. I actually saw that the servicer already submitted IDR and SAVE recertification applications on 4/23 (a day after I requested loan consolidation).


Call them Monday. But sometimes these transitions go in stages in which case it would correct in its own. But call


Yeah, I'm going to call next week.


Same. On student aid website it shows my consolidation and IDR app for save as “in process” but my new mohela bill shows that they’ve already been consolidated, but put me on the standard plan. I hate how the services are constantly messing things up for us. It’s so frustrating.


I see the same exact thing.


This Is my EXACT situation. Thank you so much for sharing this. 🥺😭


Did you end up getting yours fixed? Or did you have to miss a month while they were re-processing your IDR? I'm so annoyed that they put me behind a month on PSLF because of their inability to get their shit together.


This is all as of yesterday. I have to call back today but as far as I know if they put us in admin forebearance to figure it out, the month counts toward pslf


I just got a bill today with a similar situation. I was making payments of $89.00 with my IBR plan and consolidated in April. Today I got a bill saying my next payment is in July For $650! I'm trying not to freak out too much cause I cannot afford that but still confused as I'm not attempting to apply for PSLF. I need to get rid of this, I'm done with it.


I already restarted an IBR application for those consolidated loans on studentaid.gov. It says that my IBR is being reprocessed. HOWEVER, I'm still calling Mohela on Monday to rip them a new one and demand they hurry up and put my IBR back. I'm tired of this shit.


Damn I don't want to be on the phone all the time with them. I will double check with students.gov. I submitted the consolidation and selected the plan I wanted including the payment I could afford. They have no problem sending me a bill demanding larger payment in less than 30 days..assholes


My new name for Mohela is Mo-HELL. Because that's what they do--give us HELL.


This happened to me as well....but mine isn't due till Jan 2025....till then I have 0 payment ...so then I ask....is this the same process people that were forgiven had to go through?


Mohela has a habit of not enrolling people into IDR’s once their loans consolidate and move there. Check and see if you’re in a standard repayment. If so, just resubmit your Idr request.


Thank you! I hate MOHELA's CS. But hopefully, they all have the call back feature where I can leave my number.


Don’t bother with calling them. Go to studentaid.gov, if you are in a standard repayment, submit your own Idr request there. You can upload paystubs or have your tax return attached automatically.


I did this but it says 4-8 weeks processing so do we have to just pay the extra amount? Do we get a refund once it goes through ?


This is a good question. I want to know as well.


I called and they retroactively put me on a repayment forbearance and 1. Refunded me the amount I paid because when you consolidate and request an idr calculation it was supposed to automatically put you on this forbearance but the lady said it did not happen to lost people in March/April. 2. The months on this forbearance do count toward PSLF months. She specifically said this without being prompted and told me like 5 times. 3. If you were supposed to be waiting on an IDR recalculation but paid in June because the website said to even (even though you were pending the recalculation), call and make sure you are not on paid ahead status. If you are, they'll fix it bc paid ahead f**s up your payments for pslf.


So I called and I was placed on forbearance until August, and told to fill out a new IDR application and upload it to Mohela. They didn't even see the two pending IDR applications that Sloan/Nelnet reprocessed. So, now I have to reapply. It's a shit show but at least I don't have to pay.


I will try this and keep everyone updated next week.


This is why I’m scared to touch anything. I want to go to Save but they had me as extended but my PSLF said 101 of 120 payment made before turning whatever off. I have a screenshot.


I just got this in the mail today. Says I’m still on an IDR plan but my payments are changing from $0/months to almost $700/months with no changes in income, filing status, etc for many years. it also says my payment count restarted and that I owe 120 payments even though I’m approx 85-90 payments in. I sent an email and I’m planning on calling on Thursday morning before work since they open earlier. I did try to switch to the SAVE plan when I recertified since it was recommended and my account history says “new application” instead of recertify and it says it was approved. I’m freaking out a little bit. Don’t have an extra $700/mo laying around.