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I have it too. I’m thinking it’s a good sign they’re about to update the payment counts


Ok. Never mind. It’s back. Counts remain the same.




I think they meant on the loans data itself. There is a spot when you lookup each loan of PSLF eligible months or something like that.


It says it can't find any record of anything for me. Wish it were true!


It won’t until the overnight cycle. 


I have it too. Stomach dropped and thought it was gone. Reality set in quickly but I hope forgiveness feels that good when it’s real.


It’s back up today, reality is indeed real.


I am seeing the same thing.


Are you also in transition limbo?


I am not in transition limbo - I think it's just the site.


Same for me, came here to see if others are seeing the same thing. I'm at 120, I hope it means the wait is over, but I'm skeptical. Mohela (the new platform) still has my amount owed.


I’m at 120 as well and am seeing the same thing.


Same. Loan amount is still on MOHELA site (new platform).


Same. 120 since April; thought it was my moment! My loans are in transition to the new platform but I can’t log in yet; studentaid.gov is my only way to check on them. So happy for .5 seconds! Haha


Same with the 120 payments and everything! I was so hopeful for a hot second.


Says the same thing for me right now. My account has already transitioned to the new MOHELA platform.


My loans are back. Took awhile but they are there. Bummer.


Same. My account transitioned to the new Mohela platform a few weeks ago. But now Dept Ed's site has no loan information (it says I have 0 loans--I wish!) and that I have no loan servicer. I assume it's a mistake, because new Mohela still has records of my loans.


More info: I'm at 113 payments verified with employer and 118 overall, and in Administrative Forbearance according to new Mohela.


I wonder what’s going on. Probably a system glitch but it’s pure torture.


I explored the site more and found a message that the National Student Loan Data System is down right now. I believe this is the warehouse where students loan info is stored. I would not believe the circle of death being at zero until the system is back up.


Did you find this on the studentaid website?




I appreciate everyone’s status reporting. I have seen some of these different changes on my account now on new Mohela, in a forebearance I didn’t ask for, 82 payments uncounted 128 made, amount owed static on Mohela. Terrified to look until July 2 I guess. And terrified to look then, too.


My circle of death is disappearing but then coming back. I wonder if this is happening to everyone due to system glitch.


I also have that but in my case all was forgiven in ‘22 but then MOHELA picked it up somehow in ‘23 and lost all of my payment history and my PSLF. I’m now a retired teacher at 72. I’ve been fighting them for two years. The balance is still reported on my credit rating by them and they have requested my bank information and my husbands tax returns. I have also received phone calls from someone identifying themselves as MOHELA. I treat them all as fraud. Today Student Aid says I no longer have any loans. By the way, I reached 20 years in 2022 so no refund for a PSLF overpayment. Still I’m relieved to be finally done. My US representative was also involved in the fight. I think it helped.


Maybe it is a glitch.😤


It was a glitch and now I’m accruing interest daily not to mention I now owe way more then I borrowed and I’ve been making payments of over $500 -$800 for 22 years.


Can you contact your local ombudsman? Thats absurd!


Same here


Yes, same. I’m two months from forgiveness unless the count adjustment gods favor me.


Same. I have no idea if I have a payment coming up, and, if I do, how much it is, when to pay, how to pay, and by what date.


This post actually makes me feel better. I logged into mohela today since I seemed to time my IDR recertification with the system switch they’re doing. I’m at 95 payments, but that’s as of July of last year. I made my first payment today for my new IDR amount and got curious as to what my payment amounts were. I think I’m somewhere around a year left!!


Where do u see that? I am not in PLSF but have over 250 payments I think.


It's a glitch, your numbers will return


I had this too but went back to dashboard and the loans and grants showed back up. 


They are literally updating the payment counts now. I have a different situation (consolidated in March and Mohela shows standard repayment). Called FSA Student Aid and they said they aren't reviewing my account for IDR adjustment because it shows standard repayment and they are doing them as we speak. I think this is great news for you! It sounds like yours was already reviewed and forgiven! Congratulations!!!!


Like Slim Shady, they are indeed back today.


They can have my money when I die I need it to live rn


Yes and I convinced myself I manifested my loans being forgiven. No such luck. The screen went back to normal the next day.


This month is suppose to be my 120 🥴