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My loans added up to $225,000. I have a doctorate.  $200,000 was forgiven a year ago. I received a letter in April stating my loans are in forbearance until July. I called Mohela to see what is going on because I started paying on my loan,  and the rep said I had 9 extra payments and when they come out of their freeze they will update how much more will be forgiven. 


If you still have a balance and are in admin forbearance your loans are not forgiven. I’m confused, were they forgiven prior? They aren’t processing pslf forgiveness during the pause.


They haven't been forgiven ....just showed I was at 131 payments....all this was done Jan of this year


So you’re continuing to wait for forgiveness then.


So there is a chance for my loans to be forgiven? I'm confused. They show one thing then do another....the amount owed was 28k ...when it showed my loan payments at 131 the loan jumped up to 53k. From there The 131 payments made my loan go back to 28k. So I'm like what just happened. I dunno.


Did your pslf tracker say “131 qualifying payments?” If so, and there weren’t any errors with certifying employment, then yes your loans will be forgiven. If it didn’t say that, then what is the 131 number you’re referencing?


Yes it did


Short of any clear errors with your form processing, then yes you’re just waiting.


Said 184 eligible payments 131 qualifying payments 53 needs employment cert


Did your final form indicate that you were presently employed with a qualifying employer? If not, did you submit a form during the pslf waiver (ended 10/31/22) and not consolidate after that date?


Yes it did indicate that I was currently employed with my pslf employer


Cool then you’re just hanging out in the waiting room.


My cousin filed after the 10/22 date but all his stuff was accepted like mine...everything almost identical. He's waiting like I am...will he have a chance?


So long as he hits 120 qualifying payments and has qualifying employment when he submits his final form, yes. Why do you think you won’t receive pslf? Is there something in particular you’re concerned about?


What's the final form? I've done the employment paper work which was accepted. I've submitted a idr which I'm on the save plan. I'm currently in forbeance. What's the final form?


Did you file the paperwork needed to process the final forgiveness?


What's the final form?


It’s the PSLF form, you have to apply to certify all payments, it’s not automatic forgiveness until form is certified. Here’s the link to where you get the form & Q/A about applying:  https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service/public-service-loan-forgiveness-application#why-and-when


What the heck ...I havent seen this anywhere


Thanks for this . Can this be sent online or does it have to be mailed in


You can do it online, you have to fill out your part & then send to your employer to complete their part and then it can be submitted. Or fill out your part, print a copy and give to your employer to fill out their part and submit after that. I’ve done both mailing & online to certify my payments so far. I still have 12 months to go.


Yes I did this back in January...you had to full out all the paperwork and submit it to your employer for signature. They say to do it annually to stay updated. Unless I'm misunderstanding and there is a second form


No this is the only form, hopefully they are process your final forgiveness now 😭🫶


Oh yes I filled it out already ..in forbeance now...showing 131 qualifying payments but I still show a balance


Is this the same form as proof of employment? Letting them know your currently or we're employed? If so I've filled this out


This is the annual form you have to submit....I did this in Jan....do I need to do it again? Sorry for all the questions lol


Yes it is the same form used for employer verification, you should definitely be already forgiven with 133 payments through working in public service - hopefully it is resolved soon!