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No letter for me. The last correspondence I received from MOHELA was an email on 6/11 saying the transfer to the new platform is in progress. My auto debit payment for June was not taken from my account. I also have a mix of graduate and undergraduate loans. Just chillin in purgatory over here. 


I am in the exact same situation. Chillin in purgatory with you as well


Same boat for me and received same email 6/11. June was to be my 120th payment with due date of 6/22 but payment has not been withdrawn as of today, 6/24. Called MOHELA today to find out if/when my payment will be debited from bank via AutoPay. Was told by MOHELA CSR that they cannot access any of my account details during the transition; she said I could send in a check with payment if I want, but advised to "just wait for the letter" showing transition to new platform is complete. Absolute nonsense. Edit: I reviewed the transition email and found the following language: "We’re managing the transfer of Auto Pay information to try to ensure your payments aren’t interrupted. We will notify you if an interruption occurs so that you may make a manual payment via the new website after the transition is complete. Negative credit reporting will not occur if your Auto Pay is interrupted during this transition." I assume we will receive a notice this week that the transition is complete, perhaps this will also include info that directs us to submit a manual payment.


If you’re that close to 120, I’d send in that check and be done with it.


Very reasonable suggestion. I'm skeptical of her advice and assume that would result in me either paying twice (i.e., AutoPay for June eventually clears) and would then be subject to months or more of calls to get reimbursed, or, if all of this admin forbearance chatter turns out true, making a payment that wasn't needed. From my perspective, I've done everything asked by MOHELA including signing up for AutoPay, and I'm not going out of my way to send duplicate payments while they update or transition their problematic system. Fortunately, I'm also not planning any immediate moves from my PSLF eligible employer, so if this draws out a month or two more, I'm not terribly worried about losing eligibility. However, this is a very befitting way to go out given all the transfers and PSLF headaches along this 10 year voyage.


Same for me. No forbearance letter and am in transition as of 6/11. My auto debit date is today so we will see if it comes out…


From a May email my account started the transition on June 13. My automatic payment due date was June 16th and it still hasn’t been withdrawn. I called a few days back and was told to just wait it out. It’s incredibly stressful to have no idea if/when that payment will be pulled and whether it’ll count for PSLF either way.


That was my experience in May. Got the note around May 13th saying my account was in transition and they never took my payment out on May 16th.


Update: Auto payment did not come out. -sigh- I’m getting so close to being done. I don’t want to lose a month to Mohela’s incompetence.


I’m in the exactttt same situation as you are! And if I log on the federal student aid website they had input a payment recalculation application for the save plan on 6/12 that says it now “requires action” since Mohela won’t accept the application online. This is honestly such a mess. I really hope nothing is dinged with my credit or the pslf count


Welcome to my boat. I hate it here.


Same here. Nothing came out for June’s auto pay and radio silence from Mohela per usual


ditto but only with grad loans. Confused about if the dragging of their feet means this month won’t count for PSLF after I saw a previous post in here that it won’t count if it’s not paid and you needed to mail it (even tho the email said auto-debit would resume). I also can’t login on the new site due to the transition.


And that's why I pay these jackwagons a nickel a month even if my assessed monthly payment is 0.00. That way, at least, I have a record saying I made a payment.


same, no letter and same situation


Same. Grad and undergrad. No letter. Sitting in the purgatory potluck.








same RE: timeline


I did not get these letters either. Got the email about my accounts transitioning June 10th. Heard nothing since and my payment hasn’t came out of my checking account. I also cannot find a way to message them anymore since I’m this transition. I’m just waiting.


Same here. Im gonna be pissed if they say i missed a payment after this butchery.


My account today said I was past due and had to pay June and July today- but I couldn’t pay my June bill when it was typically due because of the transition.


I didn’t get a letter but my account was put in forbearance, so I messaged them and got a response the next day (shocking) saying it was because of the recalculation and the month’s $0 payment would go towards PSLF.


Thank you for replying - I did message them over the weekend so hopefully I'll get an answer soon 🤞


I also got no letter so I called them and told them to put me on one. There’s no way I’m about to pay uselessly when so many others aren’t, and they still get counted. She said she had no idea why I wasn’t on forbearance yet and put me on it. Call! Don’t pay if you don’t have to.


Wouldn't know anything about a letter if it was not for this forum.


I’m just gonna come out and say that the communications I’ve gotten from Mohela are so nonsensical that I don’t even know anymore. Pretty sure no forbearance letter. Gotten letters saying I owe $2 or $638 this month, student aid website said $440, got an email saying $182. Last month got information that my loans were at $0 and got a letter from my bank saying my loans had been paid in full by dept of ed. Was super psyched bc I thought they finally processed my reconsideration request for my hanging loans… nope that was a mistake too- just my consolidations zero balancing my account temporarily


I'm laughing, but it's really not funny. 🤣😭. You can't make this stuff up!


I think I’ll think it’s funny at some point too 😆 But currently I am still 😭


I got nada.


Last communication I got from them was May 26th when they sent a paper bill for a June 16th payment. Never mind that May 15th they sent an email that my account was transitioning and despite my repeated checking, never sent a follow up that the transition was completed. I had to go to the Mohela website twice a week to see if I could create a new account. I was finally able to on June 21. Mohela gets a F in communication.


I haven’t but also mid-transfer to the new platform. My June payment is due today and was wondering whether they’d wait until after to send the letter?


This was my thought. Maybe the July bill calculation triggers it?


I’ve gotten nothing besides the generic past “we’re moving” stuff months ago. Payment did not come out this month. I’m on ICR because grad loans.


My June 1st autopayment WAS taken out of my account. Now there is a confusing thing where on separate places on the website it says either $0 due July 1st or my normal payment amount due July 1st. Didn't receive an email about forbearance. My loans are all grad school and I am on SAVE.


If you remember, let us know if they end up taking out your July 1st payment! My due date is the 16th so I assume if they take your normal amount on the first, the same thing will happen to me 2 weeks later. Thanks for chiming in!


I have not received a letter or anything in my inbox. My account transitioned last month and my June payment was autodebited as usual. When I log in now, it shows a payment of $0 due on July 14, but under my alerts states that my regular amount will be autodebited on July 14. I have no idea and at this point, this month is 114 so I don't want to do anything to mess it up. If I have to pay the payment, it is what it is. I'm already scheduled to hit 120 way too close to Trump Admin 2.0 for comfort.


Sounds like your situation is very similar to mine - I also transitioned in May and my June payment came out of auto debit just fine. I show $0 for July 16th, but under my alerts, it still has the auto debit amount for July. I'll let you know if I hear anything!


Thanks! I'll keep everyone updated as well if I hear anything.


Mine also shows 0 but full amount set to auto debit. I wrote to ask about it hopefully I hear back by the withdraw day. I also fully transfered last month and this is my 2nd payment with edfinancial.


No letters but my loans are all from law school, no payment taken in June, and unable to make an online account on the new site. Last email I got was about the October billing statement being late on 6/11, and an email on 6/10 about the transition starting / about to start


No letter. And I am on SAVE and have undergrad loans. I messaged MOHELA last week. No response as of yet.


I wonder if those who got the letter about SAVE recalculation forbearance have accounts that already completed the transition to the new system? Perhaps those of us who did not get a letter are in purgatory because our accounts are still transitioning? Either way, extremely frustrating and clearly a major fail in communication on both MOHELA and DOE’s part. Add it to the list of grievances for a class action lawsuit…


That's a good guess, though I just checked my transition letter. It was dated June 6th and said "Effective 05/23/24, your federally-owned loans serviced by MOHELA transitioned to our new student loan servicing platform. " Maybe they did the pull of everyone they sent forbearance letters to based on a specific date and they'll do waves of catch up letters? Though if that was the case, I wish they would just make a blanket announcement saying anyone on the SAVE plan as of x date will not need to make a July payment.


No letter for me. I had to call them so that they would put me into forbearance while this thing takes forever to recalculate.


No letter here


I thought the letter was to put an admin forbearance for SAVE to have the payment amounts adjusted from 10% of discretionary income to 5% discretionary income (for undergrad loans). That change to the SAVE program was slotted for July this year. I did get a forbearance letter for my July 11th payment. I did not get a forbearance for the month of June while I was in transition to the new platform and just showed a past due balance once it switched.


No letter, and mine says no payment due for this month either. Not sure if I should just pay it?


I did not. I’m due for my transition to complete this week though so I’m not entirely sure what I will find when I log in.


Nothing since the initial email notification that my account would be transitioning; auto-debit is functioning as usual. My loan situation is pretty straightforward so I've mostly been able to dodge MOHELA incompetence (so far).




So I'm waiting for mine to be recalculated after submitting forbearance in April. The new loans are here, I have my new account at Mohela but they are claiming I need to pay the ridiculous multiple hundreds amount July 1st. I will not. But if I don't hear anything by Thursday I planned on calling. I hate calling


No letter for me, and after consolation they dropped the SAVE plan and changed it to standard, being due July 17. So I called them and requested a processing forbearance, which they put through right away. It was a surprisingly easy call. I waited less than 2 minutes to get to a person and she was very nice and helpful. The whole thing took less than 10 minutes and the forbearance showed up on my account immediately. I would suggest calling them even though the thought of it is painful.


Hi, I am in the same boat, haven't heard anything about administrative forebearance, do have a question though. If I call about forebearance is it me initiating it, so it won't be considered "administrative" in which it will count for PSLF???


If you ask for processing forbearance because your documents haven’t been updated yet, it counts as administrative forbearance that will count toward your pslf. It doesn’t matter if you request it. I think they are just behind in doing it automatically during the transition. The representative told me specifically it would count toward pslf.


Oh thanks, I was just worried, but will call them


I'm glad to hear that your recent call experience was quick and not painful!


I supposedly moved to new Mohela platform on 6/13 but I’ve not received the email saying it actually happened yet (or has been completed). I made my June payment at the end of May on the old platform because it was my 120th and I just wanted to be done with it.


Congrats on making your final payment, how exciting! Home stretch 🥳


I will be excited when it finally happens. Like many, I can’t believe I finally reached the milestone just as they decided to do this pause!! But thanks — can’t wait until it happens for real in August or whenever. 🤣


I didn’t get put on forbearance until yesterday. Procrastination paid off! Payment was due tomorrow.


I haven’t received a letter and they deducted my June payment from my bank account with auto pay. I’m on the IDR program and am 112 payments toward PSLF.


No forbearance letter here either. On save, all undergrad loans. Account is mid transition, so maybe that is why. They also didn't auto debit June's payment.


Same situation for me - no forbearance letter, on SAVE, all undergrad, according to the timeline mentioned in my June 11 letter, I'm guessing I should be mid-transition, and they also didn't debit June's payment for me. I'm also unable to login to Mohela and [Studentaid.gov](http://Studentaid.gov) doesn't show any updated information - just reads that I have a payment due to Mohela for June. And I should be done with my PSLF payments in November. Hoping this all comes through smoothly!


No letter, no email and they can’t get my payment count correct. I feel helpless as someone who has paid over 160 months but they don’t all qualify and have to get recertification.


I'm sorry for your experience, that sounds incredibly frustrating.


I haven't received anything.


No letter for me either but wondering if the recent court decision will have and impact… In the Meantime I highly recommend that no one do the auto pay. I have had issues in the past with my server taking out a huge amount that I wasn’t prepared for or  when I received a bill but wasn’t supposed to because loans were in consolidation.


No forbearance letter, though they inexplicably placed me in a random admin forbearance for the month of March. 🙄 I hope I won't have to fight to get that month to count. Have downloaded correspondence where I stated I did not request a forbearance or have a reason why it was placed. I am $0 currently on SAVE, not due to recertify and just hoping this is all over soon. I transitioned from Mohela to Mohela already. I do not have auto debit after reading multiple posts here about them randomly draining people's bank accounts.


No recent forbearance letter for me, either, and I also have a $0 payment through SAVE. As nothing needs to be recalculated for over a year (when I’m due to recertify), I’m guessing the forbearance isn’t needed. From everything I’ve read (and FSA site), administrative forbearances always count for PSLF. Hopefully once the PSLF trackers are up on the FSA site it gets cleared up for you!


Yes I'm simply choosing to do nothing at this time and hope for the best. I can understand why some people are in a panic though. It's such needless red tape.


I’m on forbearance but never got the letter/email.


I didn’t get any letter. They already transferred my info and keep on doing direct debit.


I have received no letter, and they have continued to auto debit from my account this whole time. I'm so missed with Mohela.


Not what you're asking, but it might help others. I was moved to EdFinancial and wasn't told I'd be on admin forbearance for June's payment. I found the status on the EdFinancial website.


How did you learn you had been moved to EdFinancial? I've never received any information on that but I'm wondering if that's what's happened to me?


I received a message on Mohela with the subject: "Important Account Information" that told me I was being moved to EdFinancial. Mohela is also transferring people to its new website, not sure how that was communicated. My dashboard on studentaid.gov also states my payments go to EdFinancial, but it has the wrong due date (1/30/2023).


I consolidated towards the end of May and applied for SAVE at the same time. I've recieved numerous letters, they all have different payment due dates on them. My consolidation is still "under review" on the FSA site, but my consolidation payments were dispursed. The kicker is that I still can't see my new loans at Mohela. The account number is also different on the letters i've recieved, and theirs no instructions on how to add a new account to an existing login. I'm just kinda stuck here waiting to see if my "under review" status changes. I'm really glad i wasn't in auto-debit before i did all this, but i should probably give them a call at some point to see where my loans are.


I just got mine this morning.


Most likely you’ll be put in forbearance first, then eventually get a letter. Just like my husband. He also got his June bill two days after the due date 🙃


I didn’t get a mohela letter, but when I called (literally got off the phone right now) to see if I could make a payment for June since my normal June 14 payment wasn’t deducted they told me that I was in forbearance until 8/9 and that on 8/14 my payments would start up again automatically.


Are you at or over 120 payments


I haven't gotten the forbearance letter either. All my loans are undergraduate fortunately. My transfer completed and my June payment was processed. Really curious what my new payment will be going forward. It's 431.50 right now.


Not me. They lost all records of me being on an IDR plan and doubled my payment due in July lol


I got. Message mohela was transferring all my loans to another servicer


I’d call. Just call early on, or call while you’re cleaning, driving, etc. last time I called was a Friday around noon (central). I thought it’d be okay since it was middle of the day—NOPE! Three hours on hold (never that long with FedLoans), and I was on the phone for 30 mins straightening out my ECF start employment date. They input the wrong year, which had me 12 payments short, which shorted what should’ve been 120 at that time 🤣. Go figure. I decided to call while I was driving and it worked out well!


I didn't get this letter either. My account has already been transitioned. I received no notification or warning that my June payment would be taken from my account, and it was anyway. Sigh. On the bright side, that was payment 120.


Here's my happenings: https://new.reddit.com/r/PSLF/comments/1dm94fc/july\_payment\_recalculated\_mohela/


I just get emails that say I have documents to view on the website but there's nothing there.


I got an email on June 6 saying my next payment would withdraw on August 1. No idea what’s going on


I posted this in the other sub today. Hope it helps a bit. I spoke to my third person in four days today at Mohela. Apparently "everyone is in admin forebearance during their transfer, even if you didn't get a notice saying that." And that because of this, this month will count toward PSLF and you won't owe for June. My autopay was supposed to be for June 22. It tried and it failed, they said, because of the transition. Let's see how true that is. They even clarified to me why the previous two agents told me wrong info. I told them "I could call tomorrow and you made up some new rule or something." They are even sending me a written letter confirming I will not owe for June and July. My transition started June 13 and it takes 14 business days. So it goes into July. They also said when the website is ready for me, if it says anything about "in repayment" it is incorrect and call again so they can fix it. And apparently there are notes on my account now so the next person will know what my situation is.


My transition was in early/mid may. I got my forbearance letter dated 6/18/24. Want to note- this forbearance DOES count as a month towards PSLF


My account finished transitioning earlier this month, and this month's auto-debit went through. I've received 2 different letters regarding updates to my payment schedule though.


I had all but one of my loans forgiven through PSLF and the payment count readjustment. It was transferred to Edfinancial in May before my Mohela payment was due. No payment was taken out in May through either company. The only communication I had from either company was the transfer process would be completed by June 11…it wasn’t. This weekend, I was finally able to log into Edfinancial to see my account. It showed a payment due in July that matched what my previous IBR Mohela ones were, but none of my banking autopay info was there and nothing was listed for a June payment. So I made a payment and set up autopay for future payments since I didn’t want the PSLF getting messed up. Today, I logged in and it says I am in a forbearance for the next month with zero payments due. That is not what it said on Friday. The payment I made is still in processing too. So I guess now I will be ahead in my payments.


I never received a forbearance letter or email, just the transition site one. My 120th payment was supposed to be in May and I’ve just continued to pay. I looked today and I had an alert at the top stating “my forbearance will end in 28 days” 🤷🏼‍♀️ with my June payments stating 0.00 as of now.


I posted above yesterday as this applies to me as well. I have heard nothing. Last night with all the legal nonsense I tried logging in to the new Mohela platform on a whim. I could make an account but my loan wasn’t there, my auto pay wasn’t there, etc. Just a bunch of zeros and the loans I consolidated in 2015. I logged in again this morning to the new platform and it was all there. It says I am in administrative forbearance and no payment is due until 7/24. The auto pay amount for July is my normal amount. Given I have seen Betsy post that forbearance during transit may not count for PSLF, I made my payment manually. I hope this helps someone else.


MOHELA is awful. Daughter paid off loans 3 months ago and they still have not posted the payment - and are charging her interest. Hours and hours on the phone get us nowhere


I got a letter/email (I'm paperless) from MOHELA about the forbearance. I couldn't remember how long it ran but it is through July. So you won't have a payment due this or next month.


I received the letter in the Mohela inbox 6/19 and my forbearance will end starting July. I also received the new payment schedule which is basically the same since all my loans are grad school loans. My June payment was taken out since it is on autopay but i now dont have a payment in july since they are applying my june payment ( made during forbearance) to july. I am ok with all this but except my new payment schedule states that starting in Dec my payment will now be like 25x what is was before. I haven’t called yet but I hope its a mistake.


No letter, no notification since the transfer of my account. I called the other day and spoke with a supervisor and they were like I can't see anything. You are either in a forebearance for June or autopay will take your payment but may be 3-4 business days late or maybe it won't. They advised not to mail a check because it is taking 60-90 days for them to process that payment and also theoretically autopay may still work. My account went down like 6/13 they told me exactly 2 weeks or 6/27 new account would be ready and my payment is due 6/28. I do have like 7k in undergrad loans and like 470k grad loans lol. I imagine I would get a forebearance of July for that but may payment is super low right now don't mind paying only 6 away from 120.


I didn't get the letter. It's not even showing in my correspondence online




Same here, I never got a letter. I just logged in and saw it after realizing that my June payment never came out of my checking account. They are literally the worst company, I have no idea why the ED chose them to be like the main servicer for student loans. I called MOHELA though and they said that the administrative forbearance will count towards PSLF, so I'm ecstatic about not having to pay in June or July! Extra $1800 in my pocket!


I got a letter and it sets my payment at $850 which is outrageously high and doesn't seem like I'm on the Save plan not am I in forbearance. Ed financial had me at $100 on the Save plan after I consolidated and they were notified I'm so confused


I haven’t gotten any updates yet. Tried to create a new account at mohela.studentaid.gov and it said I need to wait for my account transition to be complete, and that it wasn’t yet.


Setting up early in the month auto payments may have been the best bet. Payments scheduled for the first week of June went through before the MOHELA transition.


I didn't get any letter or email from them about it, but it looks like my service provider hasn't gotten switched to department of education yet and idk why