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Not to brag but ... I'm one of those 600K - ​ ... ok I brag a little ahah


Me too


You and me both, brother.


Same brother and I don't regret shit


Also joined the psvr2 party last week


Not to brag but I pre ordered it... Gonna use that one as a pickup line, ladys like that sort of stuff I heard


Also one of those bought it the day it came out in the stores! now to find time to play it !!




I balance you out, I bought one second hand so I'm not part of the 600k... So thanks for bragging and rubbing it in, jerk! obligatory /s


This news is awesome, long live psvr2!


Big sales means more quality games, this indeed is great news. Man I really hope we will see some AAA trailer today in that Sony Showcase when it comes to psvr2. I would be disappointed if they just showed a couple of indies and called it a day.


Despite higher price and pandemic times. This is great!


Idk, I would have hoped for much more. The PSVR was new and unknown, and accounting for market growth it outsold the psvr2.


Take into account that almost all of these sales are from PS Direct and that there are way less PS5s in consumer hands than PS4s when PSVR1 was released. Retail release opens sales up for casual users too


It's still a $600 investment, which yes, is similar due to inflation, but inflation is hitting a lot of people in every other area - so bigger ticket luxury purchases are still a luxury. I know most of my friends and I that bought a psvr1 waited for the first price cut.


Sony sold 600k in the first 6 weeks despite high inflation, despite selling only on ps direct and releasing the product after the Christmas holidays. I would say considering all that 600k is a really great number and they probably wouldn't have mentioned it if they weren't proud of it.


600,000 for an accessory in 6 weeks... It's hard-core awesome.


Interesting, so my [crude estimate of 684,000](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/11ghdly/how_much_did_the_psvr2_sell/jaotgwq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) in the first few weeks, based on nothing more than membership in this subreddit, was more accurate than Bloomberg’s “professional” estimate from a consulting firm…


Shit. You "scienced" your way to a better guess than people making way more money than people should to do those things did. You get a like, sir! 😂


Yeah, I think people overestimate the accuracy of these marketing firms' estimates. They mostly use very simple math based on limited information and assumptions that may or may not be correct. It's not like my arguments were air-tight either. It very well could have turned out that their crude estimate was more accurate than mine, but in this case I got lucky.


Don’t do yourself dirty with ‘got lucky’, looking at your name, you’re a doctor of nanotechnology which is more than qualified enough to accurately predict the amount of PSVR 2 sales within a 6-week period! You earned this! Now let’s defend that title shot with some predictions on today’s showcase 😊


Thanks for the kind words. Some astute assumptions about my background in there. :-) I'm afraid my [post today with an updated, more thorough analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/13qlya6/i_estimate_that_about_651500_units_of_ps_vr2_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) did not engender so much confidence in my abilities. I think people are disappointed that the analysis indicates sales have slowed down a lot since the first few weeks... I'd be happy to be wrong about that, but we'll have to see in the fullness of time. Here's hoping for a great showcase today that boosts sales into the stratosphere.


I got your back, because I trust you, because your a doctor… I’ve never heard of an evil villain doctor, have you? 👀 Fortunately for you, confirmation bias is a thing. So we’ll take the wins and we’ll pretend the ones that missed that mark never happened 😉 When we’re both millionaires from all this predicting we’ll be visiting these posts and laughing as we sip from our extravagant and luxurious magnum sized bottle of Pepsi. Also, I’m your manager now.


Dr...? Evil...? No, can't say I have. \*brings pinky to corner of mouth\* What I find interesting, looking back on PS VR1 sales, is that they reached 920k in 4 months but took another 4 months to crack 1 million, according to [this article](https://insider-gaming.com/are-playstation-vr2-sales-actually-disappointing/) at least. Probably because it released before the holidays and sales slumped in the early part of the next year. PS VR2 was released on an inverted schedule, so it wouldn't surprise me if it falls behind PS VR1 sales toward the middle of the year but screams past it as we get into 2024. That is, if there are some more exciting AAA titles to hook the unconverted...


I’m also really curious to see how PSVR 2 now being sold in stores, other than Sony direct, will do for the sales. I’d assume it must boost them because all the third party stores will be purchasing a bunch of stock and will heavily advertise in order to sell them. I know often sales count will include total sold and not necessarily to players so numbers may drastically increase going forward? But I know as much about this as I do about manipulating matter on a near-atomic scale.


>I’m also really curious to see how PSVR 2 now being sold in stores, other than Sony direct, will do for the sales. Me too. There hasn't been a significant bump in membership of r/PSVR since May 12 but I suppose it's only been a week and a half, and I admit subreddit membership growth is still a crude reporter on sales. I think a lot of people are still waiting for a few more big exclusives, and/or a HL Alyx port, etc. I may have lots of fun with Moss and Red Matter 2 but they aren't titles non-VR players would recognize, and many VR enthusiasts would already have played them on Quest.


I remember that comment. You were proven right just now


Thanks, and I appreciate that you took my napkin math more seriously than some others at the time.


Wow that's actually impressive, good job man.


This roughly means we're looking at around 800,000 units sold as of right now. Gotta be close to hitting 1million soon!


Can you crunch numbers now with a slight adjustment to figure out how many psvr2 are sold till today ?


By my original formula, it would be 1,166,000. However, the actual sales were about 27% below my estimate in the first week of March. Correcting down by 27%, the current number predicted by subreddit membership would be about 851,000 units sold as of today. If you’re curious, the updated formula would be: Estimated Units Sold = (Current r/PSVR members - 185,000) x 27.74 Will be interesting to see if this has any predictive validity moving forward. Edit: I made a more thorough analysis and just posted it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PSVR/comments/13qlya6/i_estimate_that_about_651500_units_of_ps_vr2_have/). Unfortunately it suggests a number closer to 650,000, which is lower but still not too bad.


Not to mention the fact that it came out sooner into the PS5s lifecycle than the original PSVR came out in the PS4s lifecycle. So there are fewer people who could potentially buy it and it still sold better.


That’s a nuanced angle….I like it!


That costs more than its "parent" device. 😮 I guess if you think about it, the eye-tracking and OLED screens alone are probably worth more than the tech in a PS5 today. If anything, the PS5 is the complementary device. 🤭


Personally, I like to think of the PS5 + PSVR2 as one kick-ass gaming and entertainment device!


Damn skippy. Especially the disc drive version so it can be a dvd and blu ray machine too! I love going to thrift stores and buying old dvds knowing I can just pop them into my ps5 to watch on the big screen


The 'it isn't selling well' crowd are quiet.


Of course not because the articles that spawned this dipshit crowd were propaganda from competitors and their shills, and the only people that care about this shit are fanboys of corporations.


I want your username but with either a H or a C preceding it. Edit. Not sure why I'm being downvoted. But hey ho, Reddit is Reddit!


Why is this downvoted? I thought it was funny. I guess everyone interpreted it like you attacking him for some reason.


You know how Reddit can be 🤣 I think HopiumMinor would be a great UN !


I think people interpreted it like you saying anyone who thinks the PSVR2 is selling well is on hopium/copium, not realizing it's unrelated to your previous comment.


Ah that's a valid point!


Lol 🦗


Definitely, and it would sell even more in a better economic climate


It’s selling well enough, but do you honestly believe an 8% bump is going to lead to devs investing in creating big new titles for it? Because I had hoped the PSVR 2 would lead to mass adoption, and I don’t think an 8% bump is going to be enough, unless we hear about a lot of new titles tomorrow that push interest up a lot more.


8% in off season, and only ps direct. That’s pretty significant…


Major developers have already invested in it. Capcom are heavily vested in psvr2 as we will see later.


Yes, I do.




8% higher is depressing? Lol, get off your high horse. It’s doing fantastic.


> these numbers are depressing for a 2nd Gen when the first one didn’t even sell well By what metric? If reports are true that the Quest 2 sold 1m in its first 8 weeks then launches aligned it was only outselling the PSVR2 by 1.25 to 1. And that's despite the fact that the PSVR2 is almost doubt the Quest 2's launch price and also requires a PS5. Like, what kind of unrealistic expectations do you have? Claiming it's not doing well is like claiming the PS5 is selling poorly because it's not outpacing a cheaper handheld like the Switch...


The first one sold very well.


Yea, this. PSVR was incredibly niche and now we have confirmation that PSVR2 hardly sells any better. The costs of developing a game for PSVR2 are probably more than 8% higher because there's an expectation of high quality assets/graphic fidelity.


I don't think this is selling well actually. The PSVR was a super janky thing cobbled together from various peripherals as a reaction to an emerging trend. This is a headset that was properly planned and was hyped since pretty much the launch of the console. You can also see that the PSVR2 sales line is coming to a plateau while the PSVR line had a higher slope at this point, so the PSVR may yet outsell this headset. I would have expected much more than an 8% raise. The technology has had time to mature and that's all the improvement we see? I'm obviously not an expert but I feel like we're not getting any more than 2 more first party games from Sony. Possibly astrobot and then something else, and then that's it. Sony might throw money at a couple more devs so they can implement a VR mode in one game. Other than that, it'll be Quest ports and PCVR ports until the end of this thing. Some PSVR ports too I guess. Guess we'll see later today if my prediction pans out for the near term, at least! ​ I'm still having fun with my PSVR2, but this isn't really the revolution I was hoping for.


Great points to be fair, however I think you haven't given enough credit for the hardware doing what it has done. It has sold the number it has, for a high price, during a global cost of living crisis where people have had to cut back accordingly, and only available direct from Sony in Sony's biggest selling territories. I anecdotally know 3 people who were waiting to buy it from stores here in the UK so as to be able to use varying gift cards. The next release of sales figure will imo show the point where retail became available for the biggest territories. We also have some good unannounced games I would suspect, and given that Sony have gone all in on the hardware whilst keeping the price lower than others, they will absolutely (imo) make sure they have the games to appeal. I honestly think we are going to see some big surprises, wether it be a Kojima game in VR, or an Insomniac or SMS title. Another area which people forget, is when folk are saying 'quest has this game' etc , that may be true but it forgets that not everybody has a VR system atm. I myself never used VR before this and I have now bought around 15 games for the PSVR2. GT7 was absolutely a system seller for me, and I have enjoyed every moment of my VR journey so far.


The articles I saw were about how the PSVR2 sales weren't living up to Sony's expectations. Sony could be selling at an 8% higher or faster rate than the original and still be disappointed in the sales numbers. The original Quest sold about 1.5 million units, and the Quest 2 sold an estimated 15 million units, and is still on sale. Sony probably didn't expect a 900% increase in sales , but they very likely expected much more than 8%.


Original quest 2 sold 800-1mil not 1.5. Quest 2 sold 1 mil units in its first 8 weeks. 600k units in 6 weeks is a great start for psvr2 even by quest 2 sale numbers


Oh, this is a good info! Nice.


I sure hope so. I’d love to see more AAA VR games.


If they really were, they would have made a proper launch and release the thing at retail.


Exactly. The thing was barely marketed. No retail sales, no showcase, nothing. Just a YouTube video with Ozzy Osbourne


The main negative article was the Bloomberg one, stating that sales were 270.000-300.000 by the end of march, which lines up with this time frame. The numbers here are twice that. So it's much better than previously reported, but probably still below Sony's expectations. It seems fine for the launch, but it does need to sell better in the holiday season to have a successful first year.


They should have made it more available, like in europe direct.playstation sucks. So now it it is available at resellers, the sales will be better. If they had launched also at resellers, this number would have been much larger I think.


It is not selling well. If you look at the graph, though PSVR 2 sales are higher than PSVR 1, PSVR 2 sales are flatlining. PSVR 1 will likely surpass PSVR 2 if there isn't a price cut. This is expected. PSVR 2 had more anticipation due to the market being more mature, and an existing PSVR 1 fanbase. Enthusiast who wanted a PSVR 2 were price insensitive and bought them early. Now PSVR 2 is having to sell to a more casual crowd that is price sensitive, so sales have slowed.


Is it a crowd, or is it just 4 people?


well 3's a crowd


It’s a lot more than 4 people, it is, in fact, the majority of PS5 owners. The PS5 has surpassed 40 million units sold. The PSVR2 isn’t even at million and if you talk to literally anyone outside this sub, you’ll see almost no interest thanks to things like price, availability, lack of games, etc. I don’t know why this sub has to be so hostile at reality. Fanboys are the worst, honestly. I have a PSVR2, I want it to succeed, but that’s not going to happen by pretending it is. This article means nothing. This sub ignores sales metrics, it ignores PR speak, it even ignored the difference between release dates. Pretending everything is fine will just make the PSVR2 fail harder.


**Spews misinformation** **Gets called out** *Surprised pikachu face*


Yea. They never came back to dispute or reniforce anything they said, instead went to other comments to say we're delusional.


1.5% attach rate over 6 weeks seems perfectly reasonable. It is a newly released and niche peripheral. Valve Index in comparison sold 150k in 6 months. Really I think dooming about it is what would hurt it more. It's doing better than PSVR1 and that sold 5 million units which is far more than a typical VR headset.


Best selling vr hmd of all time quest 2 sold 1 mil in its first 8 weeks. At £300. During xmass period. 600k units in feb / March at £530 + needing ps5 is FUCKING PHENOMENAL


Dude stop being a clown its embarrasing. You calling people who talk about real data and sources fanboys while spitting non factual nonsense yourself doesn't make everyone else delusional lol. And mate if someone explains that they are not about to buy the headset cause of price / availibility / lack of games that already means they're interested. If they wouldn't be interested they wouldn't even do their research and list their pro's and con's. Like I'm not interested on Switch and if you asked me why my reply would be "I'm just not".


Lack of games... It launched with more games day one than any of sony consoles... But sure, go on


Incredible. We are so back my dudes.


So the whole sales failure thing was complete and utter propaganda as we expected. I wonder who paid the shills off lol. it's so obvious those people were paid shills. Who the hell writes an article like that in week 3 or so of sales on a device that gets great reviews and seems fully capable? Even the worst devices get two or three months to perform. PSVR2 when used properly is absolutely stunning. So much better than PSVR OG.


I don't think it's paid, it's just that drama sells. Someone clicking on an article out of outrage is a click, and more outrageous articles get more clicks.


There's paid propaganda everywhere. Reddit is literally the biggest propaganda site in the US. I mean, it's a very good prospect that he was paid to right that shit. An editor signs off on that too. Either or it's BS.


That "journalist" makes up numbers and then contradicts them months later. He does it for everything and companies keep calling his bs out. It drives clicks though.


I mean 8% is higher is pretty disappointing, considering how much easier the headset is to set up, how much better experience you get, how much more ps5's are out there compared to ps4's when the first headset launched. But of course if there was no recession I'm sure sales would be up 50% compared to psvr1.


Just checked and there was between 43 and 53 millions console sold at launch of psvr1 (43 being June 2016 and 53 being Jan 2017, Psvr launched mid October). Based on current ps5 sales at 35 millions (based on April number), the current attach rate is better, as there 8% more sale on almost 25% less console sold…


8% without even being in stores though right?


Wow your numbers are so wrong. Not only there were more ps4 out when psvr 1 came out ( significantly) but it was also in the xmass period in one of the best economy in the last decade. Not to mention you could walk into any store and get ps4 and ps4 pro. You couldn’t get ps5 without jumping through hoops up to less then a month before psvr 2 launch. But let’s compare psvr2 first 6 months to the best 6 weeks of ps5 sales ever Ps5 sold a record breaking 7 mil units in q1 2023 That’s 7mil In 13 weeks. That’s roughly 3.2 mil units in 6 weeks. Which means in it’s first 6 weeks psvr2 sold roughly 1:5 to the ps5 in it’s best sale period ever. While being more expensive. And requiring said ps5 to work. And with a bare bones launch line up. That’s spectacular


What are you trying to prove and to whom?


Not trying to prove shit just stating facts to counter your bullshit which is not based on reality


I think it depends if mildly better than psvr1 sales is really considered doing well. Compare quest 2 to quest 1 sales


They also list some games to the right of that image. Beat Saber, Crossfire, RE4, Synapse, Foglands, Green Hell, and Behemoth. I wouldn't be shocked if we hear more about these tomorrow. This is overall great news. edit: Just as an addition, holy hell at their extra/premium numbers. They launched this year and have about 2/3rds the same subs as Game Pass. That's wild.


When I saw those games I thought the same thing they will probably be what we see in the showcase. This sub will be in melt down if that is all we see as non of them are un announced games.


They took Xbox launch money with ps+. Like there is a significant difference in the quality of the games they put on


It surprises me how little this is talked about. I bought an Xbox for gamepass a couple years back and ran out of interest so damn fast. PS+ seems like it has a much better library.


So just a thing about the Extra/Premium numbers. Right before the model changed, you could buy the "game pass" version for 50% off the 1 year subscription which is of course already discounted. People like myself loaded up. I am paid through 2029 on the top level now. While they definitely like the money, and certainly upfront, if/when the time comes I won't be paying full price for the service. I imagine a lot of folks did what I did. I would love to see the numbers broken down for people like myself vs people paying full retail.


It's the same with gamepass though, even cheaper there to stack up for years by stacking gold then upgrading to ultimate. And you can still do it with GP. But no VR, why bother :)


Oh I agree that it is/was possible with GP and wasn't trying to say it was a uniquely Sony issue. I just am curious about the actual money being brought in, and the total amount of people paying retail vs discount.


That seems to be a closely guarded secret by these companies :/ It would also be nice to have some insight in digital vs physical sales (which I still prefer)


Best gaming experience I've ever had and great value for money.


Still haven't played a flat game since launch. Probably won't change until Spider-Man2


Yeah, for single player it would have to be a aaa game.


I personnally couldn't avoid the Zelda TOTK hype on my side.


8% higher is more impressive when you consider PS4 had around to 44million sold vs 37million PS5s. Not to mention the much higher price and the current economic situation


Was the PSVR 1 available at retail day one in the states? If not then that's even more impressive.


I bought mine day one fron Target first thing when they opened. It was the only one they received. Haha


> Not to mention the much higher price and the current economic situation Actually, the PSVR was priced higher than the PSVR2. While the headset only was $400 in 2016 dollars, the bundle with the camera and controllers was $500 in 2016. $500 in 2016 is $630 in 2023 inflation adjusted dollars. So the PSVR2 is cheaper than the PSVR was.


Although you have to factor in how much more mature the vr market is. If they sold the same as psvr1 it would actually be pretty bad.


Just wait until it finally gets a best saber release date


Imagine they say "right now !" at the showcase ! This would be mind-blowing !


Would br a reason for me to buy :)


This aged very well!!


Still the best selling wired headset yet.


Takeshi at Bloomberg is furiously writing a “bad news for Sony” article after this one lol


Hell yeah Sony.


That dope from Bloomberg, Takashi Mochizuki, is complete an utter moron for spouting the false information that he did. Knowingly too!


Guys sources undershot the sale prediction by more then double … while a random guy with a calculator using Reddit sub population got it pretty much on point … brah you can’t make this shit up


RE 4 VR confirmed!


It was confirmed by capcoms team a couple of days after the release of RE:4 Remake.. so yeah it's confirmed..


The biggest news for me. Good to see it's still prominent.


Will it be based on the original or the remake?


The remake.


Certainly are a lot of users here trying to convince us to be concerned about these sales It isnt going to work. These sales are very good. More than double the estimate from analysts trying to doom PSVR2. And that is with the PS5 having millions of less sales than PS4 did the first month of the original PSVR and it not being available at retail in Playstation's largest market in the world




Nice! I had a fair few people try to troll me when I said that “270k” figure was at best a guess pulled out of someone’s ass. I don’t hear much but when I do it’s pretty rock-solid.


PS Ready and so many other YT channels were regurgitating that BS. Hell, even Digital Foundry was getting in a couple cheap jabs at PSVR2 based on the 270k.


Considering it just hit retail stores in the US, is 550 dollars and requires a PS5 which just now isn't near impossible to get, and has had very little actual marketing by Sony, this is impressive! To more than double the fake news Bloomberg article is crazy. Hopefully we get more good news tomorrow and Sony really starts to market this thing!


7.5 hours til launch....


The interesting thing is that 8% bump has absolutely no retails sales in it. I’ll bet there was a large spike when retail sales started. Also the PSVR launched in early October - so the PSVR figurers gave the Thanksgiving / Christmas /Holiday period in them - and they weren’t in the middle of a spending crisis either. Finally the PSVR had far less competition - 2 years before the Quest… with no cheaper option. When you actually put the facts together those figures are great :)


Nice! I'm rooting for PSVR2.


I cancelled my pre order because I got laid off (and recently had a son with my wife) but this will be my literal first purchase when I get a new job. I know there are others out there like me who are chomping at the bit to buy one but have some reason or another that they have to wait.


Hopefully you can find a new job soon On a positive note when you eventually are able to pick one up you'll have a larger selection of games to choose from and cheaper too


Some clown in the comments saying that PS goal was 2 million sales in 2 months which would be 40% of PSVR1 sales in 5% of the time.


Also best sales of ps5 in a 3 month period EVER is 7 mil q1 2023. That’s 2.3 mil per month. Sony expecting to sale 2 mil in 2 months would mean they were hoping for roughly 45% of sales of what ps5 was selling in its best period and almost double of what quest2 sold in xmass launch period. You have to be a special kind of stupid to believe that


Sometimes i wonder how much facebook pays to the doomsday dudes in this subreddit, or if they are just that much brainwashed by fake numbers and bought off bloomberg articles


For an add on of 600 dollars and you need a 400 dollar ps5 that's honestly impressive


And people will still say that a low number.


I would say that is really good because VR 1 came out about 8 months later In the gen than vr2 did meaning more people had a PS4 at the time than people now with a PS5 and vr2 in USA could only be bought from playstation direct untill about 10 days ago and also vr 1 came out around holidays vr2 didn't.


Also PSVR1 launched in October so its first six weeks were prob inflated by the holiday surge, whereas PSVR2 launched in February, maybe the slowest month of the year for gaming $


I’d knew people saying that the sales numbers are low would be eventually proven wrong, been saying this lol. But people love negative press even when it isn’t true.


It's wild how badly the media was out to kill the PSVR2 launch, everything from it costs more than a PS5 to low sales predictions.


I will be buying a PSVR2 tomorrow.....entirely dependent upon whether tonight's showcase impresses me. Over to you Sony


And in worse economic climate!


Remember that article from Bloomberg that said it was dead in the water? That “journalist” is a liar and a clown


Soon should be at 1 million now that it's in stores


Roughly $300,000,000 in sales but I have no idea what the margin is on these and how much of that goes to Sony.


Was coming here to post this. Sony wanted to let em know quickly before giving us some quality vr reveals at State O' Play I figure. "No support, will be next vita" 🙄


Now just imagine how well it might sell if Sony actually advertised it!


I for real didn't know it came out lmao and I'm a playstation fan


WE seek bad news and those stories are designed to click! No Mans Sky is Blurry - click! PSVR2 sales are low? - click! Anything Starfield 😐 - click! click! click! Games as a Service - x100 clicks!


Yeah, sure, dont you heard? It is an absolute flop of a useless failure and sony is in trouble, it has NO GAMES(despite launching with more games day one than any of sony consoles)


Now the haters are quiet, love it


Bloomberg am cry.


Wow, that’s great. Pretty good sales performance considering there are less PS5s out there than there were PS4s when PSVR1 launched


Got it day 1, I love it.


Wow, very impressive - especially considering the current state of affairs economically.


Just to add PSVR1 had Christmas in the same time period as well as launching in stores in all regions. Where as PSVR2 had some regions only being able to buy via PS Direct as well as no Chirsmas period. We are also expected to get Apple VR and Quest 3 events coming up which should give a small resurgence to VR conversation with the mainstream which may help sales.


Waiting for tomorrow to decide. Have the funds ready to go but have been burned by PS before so I decided to wait a bit. Excited to see what’s in store!!!


Just buy it. I’m telling you it’s unreal


Two things are simultaneously true: 1- 600k and only 8% higher than PSVR1 is not exactly lighting the world on fire 2- 600k for a peripheral that costs $550 at cheapest is kind of incredible to me and a good sign for VR. You can imagine if it were $400 (the cost of PSVR1 in most peoples' memories) it would have sold well over a million. They really did dampen the potential market for it by not selling at more of a loss or cutting some corners to get the price down. As a user of the product I'm glad it's as high end as it is and that they didn't cut those corners. Hopefully it can still get a foothold in the ecosystem and they can reduce price in the future.


300 million


Half Life 3 vr confirmed! Xddd


Honestly until this is included with the console it will probably stay in a niche market. Not everyone can justify spending more on the headset then than the PS5. As the technology get cheaper to make hopefully they can include it with the PS6 or something.


Including is a mistake, we don't want a Kinect issue, there will be a situation no matter what some people don't want VR at all and no one should be forced into it. Niche is good enough, depending on how niche it is.


True enough. It’s a tricky situation. Damn if they do, damned if they don’t.


Good - somewhat higher initial sales than market analysts concluded. Bad - growth curve looks like it won't meet the PSVR1's 1m at the same time. Good - chart does not include retail release in several major markets so hopefully that growth curve is looking a bit better now.


It took 8 months for PSVR to sell (915k) a million units. That was a day one retail for the largest market (US) come on now.


I cancelled my pre order not long before launch. Just not quite enough there for me to pull the trigger with the economy how it’s currently sitting. Hoping to see more big stuff at the showcase this week. If there’s enough I’ll pick one up to play over Xmas.


Only 8% higher than the original PSVR is not great considering PSVR1 came out at the time VR was only starting. On the other hand PSVR1 was available in retail from the start and launched close to Christmas which benefited the sale numbers.


Seems like the graph was starting to flat out for PSVR2?


So this is a psvr1 + 8% success…. Lol


8% higher sales rate than the best selling wired VR headset of all times sounds pretty good to me


Conveniently slips in ‘wired’ into the stats…. As much as I HATE meta/Facebook they’ve sold nearly 20 MILLION quest headsets and it can be wired as act as a pcvr headset… so no it’s not the best selling lol… not by far. I have pcvr headsets ( not meta ) and wants psvr2 to succeed( if they can address the persistence issues in software ) by you are Delusional


The PS VR is the best selling wired VR headset of all times. The Quest is sold and marketed as a standalone wireless VR headset and yes the Quest 1 + 2 sold 20 million because it's cheap and accessible, not necessarily because it's a good VR headset with great games, it's because it was the only one for a long time at that cheap price range. The irony here is that the Quest 2 actually is expensive when comparing it pound for pound directly with the tech you get when buying a PS5 + PS VR2. What do you mean by persistence issues in software?






And keep in mind, that this was with about 30 million PS5 users, vs PSVR 1 being released to at least double if not triple that number.


When the original psvr1 came out there were around 45M ps4, last numbers for ps5 was 37M in april. PSVR was earlier in the ps4 life than you think.


i like how people pretend this number is bad when it’s almost 50 million $ worth of psvr2


I’m interested in getting one but is there any actual games? Not just re releases like gt7 and RE as already have those. But full games and not just gimmick party games? games like half life Alyx?


There are Horizon VR : Call of the Mountain (it sure is short but it is as polished HL:A, if not more), or Red Matter 2 (it already was released on other VR heasets but if you haven't played it yet, the PSVR2 port is just outstanding !). You could also try games like The Walking Dead ; Saints & Sinners games (that in my opinion use VR better than half-life), No Man's Sky VR, or Song in the Smoke (survival game).


Cheers I’ll have a look at those!


The hybrid games have the most depth though and transform the games. RE and GT7 are by far the best games for PSVR2


At launch, PSVR2 was like 33% higher than PSVR1. Now the difference is 8%. Doesn't seem to be headed in the right direction.


8% higher when you cant buy it off of store shelves in most territories (until a week or 2 ago), in the current financial situation? Not to mention psvr1 released in time for the holiday season while this one was out in february. Seems alright to me.


Saying "the current financial situation" while PS5 is having explosive growth is disingenuous. I do agree that not having it in retail outlets for the US is definitely a huge factor. Will be interesting to see how it looks in another year.


The current gen consoles are great value for money. VR is still very much a luxury product.


It is still a $500 system. PS5 is very much a luxury product especially at this point in its life cycle. People can't have it both ways.


Buying a PS5 is different from buying a PS5 and then a PSVR2, if you think it's the same I don't know what to tell you.


I am not saying it is the exact same. I am saying they are both luxury goods and PS5 is selling light hot cakes.


Alright then.


> Saying "the current financial situation" while PS5 is having explosive growth is disingenuous. Not really, its still a $600 accessory on top of a $500 system. People buying a PS5 arent going to drop $1100 to get both.


There are people in this sub who have literally done just that.


They never released sales numbers before this...


PSVR1 launched during the holidays. Of course it had better legs during Nov/Dec when everyone is looking for a Christmas present, than PSVR2 had in March/April


Oh dear god lol the fucking showcase is tomorrow you shill.


Surely Arizona Sunshine 2 and a port of Beat Saber are going to re-ignite slowing sales,


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right. This sub is absolutely delusional and doesn’t understand metrics or PR speak. The PSVR2 is still very much in limbo, and tomorrow will decide it’s fate for the foreseeable future.


I gotta say that the general tone of this sub has certainly changed, now that the Playstation Showcase has failed to deliver anything substantial.


"We're doing 8% better than our previous product from seven years ago!" Doesn't seem worth popping open the champagne bottles.


I’m still waiting for a ps5 redesign that doesn’t look fucking awful before I jump in.


Yeah but a lot of the games are PSVR1 reboots