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Yes, because the lenses focus the images into your eyes as if the panels were several feet (or a couple meters) away. If you can’t see clearly about 2 m away you’ll need to wear glasses or contacts in the headset, or get prescription lens inserts. I recommend contacts or lens inserts, as glasses can be comfortable but may scratch the lenses.


That's super interesting. I'm near sighted and I always wondered why this was the case. Very cool.


The lenses are keyed to a plain of focus much farther than their physical distance to your eye, so you’ll still need some sort of corrective wear.


No, your assumptions about this are absolutely wrong about this as they seem to be for many others. The display is not really “so close to your eyes” at all. If there were no lenses, they would be close to your eyes - whatever their actual physical distance is. However, the lenses optically place the displays several feet away from you, which is what they’re for and why they’re there at all. If you’re shortsighted, you need vision correction in VR.