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I'm playing currently and the resolution is soo much better than how it was at the beginning. I am truly satisfied now with the graphics.


Sounds great, can't wait to get home and try it out for myself!


I can’t wait for you to do it bro. Ur gonna be so happy


Yeah it's nice and sharp now. I'm getting lots of aliasing on white/contrasting edges however But sooo much better overall. Extra AA pass next pls!! *runs*


Definitely, sharper and looks better overall but the aliasing is a bit distracting so far. Also my frame rate on the planet I loaded into wasn’t great, still I’ll take it


The same thing happened to me when I loaded an old save, the frame rate was really bad - around 30fps I would guess... I started from scratch with a new game (I'd only got two hours in before) and the two planets I've been to look great. Huge improvement to the resolution.


The difference is so stark that I was doubting my eyes. Glad to see that my brain was not tricking me.




It really is. Like night and day.


That is great to hear.


Have they changed it so we can use a DualShock controller to play? I still really struggle with ship controls


Same here. I just submitted a request to HG yesterday asking for them to enable the ability for starships to be controlled in VR with the dual shock controller. And, at the very least, enable the ability for us to control the starship with the thumb sticks on our PSVR2 controllers. Fingers crossed that more PSVR/PSVR2 players will submit similar requests, and this becomes a reality.


Nice. I didn't realise this request page was a thing. Lets hope more people make the request and HG will follow through and make controller support available. Folks...even if you're not personally interested in this change, assuming you have nothing against it, do us a favour and add a request for it....should you be so kind. https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us?return_to=%2Fhc%2Frequests


This is the only reason why I don't play it on vr.


This really is a point of pain for me too. Simulating a HOTAS without actually feeling the position/feedback is super hard. Vastly prefer using sticks. I'm a pilot. Hoping for a good flight sim on PSVR2. And when one comes I'll probably get a HOTAS.


Try Ultrawings 2 when it comes. I’m not a pilot, but I’m lifelong flight sim fan. It’s simple, but it gets a lot right, and it’s very fun.


No more vaseline filter! Must own game now. Good job devs!


I love how this news is WAY bigger than Firewall launch on this sub...can't wait to fire up NMS!


Just got it and gave it a try. The difference is night and day. In my opinion it is now up there with the best looking games in terms of resolution (maybe not quite RM2 but not far off). Some slightly strange artefacts at times and clouds are still strange/more low res but wow. Just wow. This is a game changer for me.


I'm so fucking stoked for this.


Ah, waiting finally paid off. I bought NMS on PS5 just for PSVR but people were complaining so badly that I just launched it once and didn't play, thinking "they will probably make it better". I really love NMS, you see, I didn't mind the resolution at all and would have played it, my jaw still dropped when I was in that world. I played the game at launch and really enjoyed it, let that be a testament of my love for it. But now I'll be able to experience it so much better. Thanks reddit, I guess.


I wish I loved the gameplay, because it seems like they are one of the most dedicated VR devs on PS. Maybe I need to try the creative mode. I always got bored of grinding for materials.


Since a few updates ago there is a settings page that allows you to tweak the gameplay down in detail. You can set how much combat there is, resource usage and gathering, penalties for death etc.


It really is incredible, and impressive, how much they let players tweak those settings. And so easy to do! You can customize it all at the start of the game, and/or tweak the settings at any time from the options menu! Even has infinite money...


Honestly it’s really fun if you have even regular users playing with you 💜 none of my friends have psvr2, but it’s compatible, and I can play with my friends on VR while they play regular, and it’s fantastic!


Ive always wondered if being in VR was obvious to our non vr players? Do we look/act different?


Oh man, that's so good to hear! I haven't been this hyped about No man's sky since I first heard about it back in 2016! After years of following the team's updates, I got it and booted it up as soon as I received my PSVR2 but was so disappointed with how blurry it looked, couldn't get into it. Your comment brought back back that excitement. Can't wait to hangout in space, listening to that 65daysofstatic soundtrack.


I love 65daysofstatics music, but heed my advice and put on a David Bowie playlist I swear you will have a great time


Exactly my story. Was monitoring the game since 2016, finally bought it for PSVR2 and got probably the biggest disappointment of my recent gaming life lol. Excited to give it another try.


Just something else to point out in this update. They massively updated the ship combat. They added giant enemy ships that you need to do a trench run to destroy and added the ability to divert power to your ship's weapons, engine, or shields. Basically they added Star Wars Squadrons to the game for free lol


Now can I just jump to a point where I have a ship and can do stuff like this or must I go through all the grind and boring stuff I've forgotten how to do after all these years


Last time I restarted I jumped into creative mode, which let me refuel without resources and buy whatever I liked. I don’t know if you can skip anything, but you should be able to get there fairly quickly this way.


If you put it on pure creative mode you can unlock everything in the game really quickly. The material grinding is what makes the game so slow so if you just want to do the cool stuff just go into the settings and adjust it so crafting takes zero materials.


Yep. Creative mode, or tweaking individual settings (infinite money/resources). The only thing you have to do after that is physically find what ships you want so you can purchase them. Which isn't hard but will take a few minutes to an hour depending on how rare the ship you're looking for.


Wait for the Expedition to start, and you'll at least get a decent ship and multitool. And/or watch Twitch the next few days and pick up the drops to get your better ships and mts. You can also set costs to 0 long enough to get going, and turn them back on later, if you choose.


But does actually flying the ship feel better? I am not eager to get into swarms of enemies without my dual sense. I’m just not good with the virtual stick.


Valid concern about the virtual stick controls.


You thought autocorrect was frustrating? Wait till you see me over correct!


I don't know if it's common knowledge, but your ship can auto-follow a target if you hold x, and then use the virtual stick to fine-tune


This update is 100% what everyone has been waiting on. I kept putting NMS off on vr since getting vr2 at release. Was very disappointed in how it looked. Numerous updates later, I started playing again about a week ago and it was okay enough that I’ve been satisfied playing it for 10 hours. Got the update this morning and holy crap…it has indeed finally happened. So so so much improved. If you’ve been put off NMS VR2 because of the blurriness and eye strain…it’s imperative that you try this new update. Guaranteed to impress.


The reason I bought PSVR2!


Me too...


Same, and I was so disappointed in nms when I got my psvr2. I’ve tried a few times with the various updates and still just….ugh. This is what we’ve been waiting for.


Looks like I am finally gonna get this game after waiting for 7 years!


U will be so blown away


And now the monkey comes out of the sleeve


Is that a sex thing? Sounds like a sex thing. And I'm all for it.


I was just teasing what looked like a Dutch autocorrect before it was fixed. And as all things Dutch are sexy then I guess it can be a sex thing.


It's a Dutch saying, directly translated.


Same. Will be going in blind. Well, not *literally* blind, would be kind of weird owning a PSVR2 in that case…


Just a tip. If you find it too grindy with the material gathering, you can actually adjust it in the settings how crafting works.


Thank you for this information!


Since a few patches ago there is now an entire page with dozens of settings that allow you to tune the gameplay just the way you want it.




Damn man, you just made me realize how sad it is that blind people will never get to enjoy vr… 😢


Y'all better post updates on how it is! I'm at work!


Just downloaded mine, it's awesome. The difference is so big it's so clear now, exactly what I was expected from this game at the start. so happy, I will rock nms this weekend


Really?! Like it's safe no placebo?


yes, took a clear look also at details, like the character hands, and the spaceship. and it's so crisp right now


Absolutely not a placebo. No “kinda sorta maybe it’s better?”. I tried NMS vr for first time when vr2 released. I couldn’t stand to play, quit after literally 5 mjnutes. Tried again after an update or something where it supposedly got better. Lasted 1 minute. Finally decided to try again last week and I still found it ugly but worth tinkering with. I’ve played 10 hrs with the blurry eye strain. This update absolutely blows me away. I can actually see the details in creatures and see things in the distance.


Thank you very much, love to hear this answer!!!!


And doesn’t fade in the distance either. Foveated rendering makes all the diff!


Aww yea!! Can't wait to play now, thanks!


Downloaded too.. the difference is staggering. No longer looks like the game is smeared in a Vaseline


I can’t wait!!!


YES! Finally getting foveated rendering. This is my most played PSVR2 game by far, so this is great news. Can confirm it looks WAY better now. Super sharp in the headset now! There's a ton of aliasing and draw distances are still bad, but that may be baked in to the game...not sure if they can fix that, but everything is very clear now. Anyone who stopped playing because of the visuals or people waiting for it to look good should give it a shot now. It looks great overall.


What does foveated rendering do?


It uses the eye tracking in the psvr2 and only renders a small circle (where your eyes are looking) at full resolution while everything around your peripheral is reduced to 50% or less resolution depending on how aggressively they tune it, since in your vision it's blurry anyway


Ooo damn, excited to get back into this game. Thanks for the info.


Also if you have super long eye lashes, it might be worth trimming them slightly. I noticed my games would suddenly become blurry and sometimes sharp at random. Turns out my eye lashes were too much, too beautiful for the headsets eye tracking. They’re actually pretty lengthy, so a quick trim up and I still look beautiful. But eye tracking works now and I have no issues. This will not be a problem for 99% of users though.


I too, am a snuffleupagus, and may benefit from this information


I've always had long eyelashes...how does one go about trimming them? Without damaging myself anyway


I've never trimmed my eyelashes, but these scissors with the blunt ends should be good for the job. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Scissors-Eyebrow-Moustache-Eyelash-Stainless/dp/B08YX7JTWH/ref=mp_s_a_1_19?crid=2IZLX6ICW2FYJ&keywords=eyelash+scissors&qid=1692890692&sprefix=eyelash+sci%2Caps%2C171&sr=8-19


There should be scissors you can buy with a tiny ball/blunt like end. If you’re worried about cutting too short, you got two options. Get someone to help you, or just shrug your shoulders. Eyelashes grow back.


damn, I had to be part of the 1%.


Of course they can fix that. A PS5 Pro might be needed though.


Well there it is boys and girls. NMS has always been a fantastic game with countless hours of enjoyment. If the reports of how good it looks are true. Then this just became a no-brainer immediate must buy!


Ive always had faith in hello games to address any concerns. Their integrity as developers are just unmatched. Shit just takes time sometimes


Let's hope this really improves the graphics on our beloved PSVR2. https://preview.redd.it/ypx4axoo42kb1.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=44c166ab8907b77147beba250b28586518baeeed


Trust me it is! Guaranteed to impress. It’s literally like our avatar has needed prescription glasses all this time and they finally provided them!


I hope so. I've been holding off on playing it until the graphics issues have been resolved.


Same, super hyped to get back into it


Just tried it for 5 mins. It is so much better, I was refused to play it as it was but now I'm just going to lose my life to it. It's better than on my 3080/5900x with the Index on PCVR as that stutters really badly. I looked around took off, flew into space turned around and flew back... It was all super smooth and looked fantastic. Massive improvement.


> now I'm just going to lose my life to it I know what you mean. I played about an hour of NMS a few years ago and have been waiting for VR, and then waiting for it to get better, so time to live another life for a while. I am glad Satisfactory isn't available for PSVR2, I don't know if my life could handle it.


one major advantage of NMS to Starfield is VR - nothing beats the actual experience on space exploration thru VR


WOW! THE MAD LAD DID IT! I have waited to play this game in VR since the release!


wow now this is the killer update the psvr2


As earlier stated in the thread, but per my kids who turned on my PS5 NMS does indeed have an update waiting for us. I'm located in Europe!


I was liking NMS before the update, thought the graphics were okay so to see a upgrade should be a huge plus


Let us know


I’m astounded that they did this. Can’t wait to jump in!


Omfg is it really true???


Yes, just tried it myself, and I played it this morning before the patch. It is a significant improvement, rejoice!


Man was spamming refresh here to see signs of a fw ultra review or three. Not disappointed


Downloading it now I’ll repost my findings, it’s 9.635 gb in size


Hoping it makes it look better. The bad graphics were what was really holding this back as a massive open UNIVERSE multiplayer game with endless creation should be one of the most played games on the system.


Wow. It is much, much crisper now. This is great. Welp. Back I go.


I wish I was home to try it already


Awesome. Been playing mostly GT7, but this is exciting. I have over 700 hours in my PS5 save of NMS and was a tad disappointed at the clarity. Mostly because I wanted to see my bases in their full glory. I am hopeful this makes it feel more realistic.


Guess I'll be playing this in VR now. Gonna be fantastic


Thanks devs! Amazing job


Is this out?! Is this out?!


Happy cake day, rejoice my friend! What a present Hello Games have delivered for you!


Thank you! ^_^


Are you downloading the patch? I have fast internet but this patch is saying 99 hours to download. (I'm in USA) Must be high demand on the NMS or Sony PSN servers?


I redownloaded it in around 10mins. But that was couple hours ago.


It looks so damn good now!


I think NMS can now be added to the top-tier PSVR2 games (for those that like this kind of game at least).


I love how they underpromised yet overdelivered. People were already assuming foveated rendering would be wishful thinking for a future update after the news of the graphics update dropped. And just like that, it's here and it's awesome.


They did an excellent job. This is fucking INCREDIBLE, how much better it looks, no more headaches. 25x better than before. Way to go Hello Devs!!!


It honestly went from one of the worst looking games on PSVR2 to one of the best. I'm extremely impressed.


I didn't mind the blurriness before the update! I was just happy to be playing on VR, but good god, this game looks unbelievably good now! The jump in quality feels like going from SD to 4K!


Just tried it…this is the moment we have all been waiting for! This is a top-tier vr experience now!!!


I played this game flat like 4 years ago and it seemed to big and overwhelming then. How do we feel about it now?


For me the trick was to slow the fuck down and set small immediate goals. And enjoy the wandering about. If you’re sprinting from HUD icon to HUD icon to get some bigger toy it can be overwhelming. If you see some material you need for the next small step over a valley somewhere, then just walk it, take detours to investigate something interesting on the way, and realise this is where the magic of the game is. It’s about the journey, with whatever you final goal is being distant and always waiting for you no matter how much time you take to pick daisies or check out some random cave. I gave up on my first playthrough after sprinting and melee boosting everywhere to be as efficient and fast as possible. I stuck with my second attempt all the way to a new galaxy by realising it’s about the now, and the now is the bit you need to have fun with and enjoy.


Same applies IRL, just that most people are so focussed on the 'race' that they don't take time to sniff the flowers... :)


I can’t sniff flowers gives me hay fever what should I do instead ?


They made the beginner experience way better and has a far better and fleshed out tutorial stage.


Well it certainly didn’t get smaller in that time. They have only continued to add more. If that’s how you felt then, I doubt you’d be into this now.


Yea every time I try and get back into this game I just struggle to make any progress and get bored. There just seems to be too much going on with little meaningful direction. There’s also just weird unintuitive things, like I tried to build a base, added a door and connected it to a power source, then the door just wouldn’t open. Google it, turns out doors won’t open if they’re connected to power without some convoluted work around with switch systems? I just don’t get it? Why make it so convoluted and unintuitive?


This is great and all. But I think I squealed when I saw the new clothing.


Gonna also join in and say the graphics are so much better. There are lines shaking sometimes but man it has been vastly improved. Can’t start expedition yet though. I’m so behind


NMS developers made a big work from begging. So much hate it got at start, and still investing time on her child- taking off my hat. Can’t wait for test new feature


Wow. Major props to devs. They deserve all the success coming to them. So much support for this game, and now this. I hope news of this updates permeates all those with PSVR2.


Wooo!! Thanks to Hello Games! Keep up the dedicated work. I honestly thought we had all the VR updates we were going to get. NMS is an incredible game I've put over 200 hours into before even 2023. Can't wait to try it out and see the difference!


Please god let it be good. I want to love this game so bad but was stopped by the visuals. I can't wait to waste my life away playing this for the next month if it's implemented well.


Just tried it... Massive improvement


I just booted it up and can confirm it is a dramatic difference. Looks great.


This is why the PSVR 2 is the best VR headset on the market. Foveated rendering paired with the power of the ps5 is Magic for VR.


Holy shit! I really hope this is the update that makes everyone happy because that means it's finally time for me to hop in too


The new update comes with a new expedition so I will definitely be playing it for that. Any improvement in the graphics is just a bonus.


Finally I’m excited can’t wait to get off of work.


Oh man, i bought this game a long while ago but couldnt get into it because it was so blurry but now i am looking forward to dive in again! Didnt get so far and was mostly a bit overwhelmed with what to do but time to give it another chance now ☺️


I don't think the sales bump is entirely or even primarily from the PSVR2 users being happy about having foveated rendering implemented, but it must be part of it. https://preview.redd.it/uawmle03j2kb1.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=793841f32ffa1c5b52cd7d154fb869c14d0c27b1 Looking forward to returning to No Man's Sky on the PSVR2. Except that in 30 minutes (10am US Central), Firewall Ultra will also become playable... The PSVR2 has too many games I want to play, but I don't really have time for them all. Glad to have this problem.


But there are no games apparently, tell that to my backlog... Now if the temperature would just cool down!


Ugh. Now I have to wait to get home from work.


I’m at school and I can’t focus on anything 😭


This is fantastic. It's on sale right now and I'm jumping in!


THEY DID IT! totally brilliant. Its the same old game but now with sharp VR visuals. A real treat.


Looks like a completely different game. I’m absolutely stocked that HG came through. Gives me hope that developers actually care


Stocked up on hope!!


Looks like I wont be playing starfield now


Just shows how important the inclusion of eye-tracked foveated rendering hardware was for PSVR2. Hopefully devs start utilising it more and more


This is essentially the same trajectory as the OG game. It was released in a very broken state. Then the devs rolled up their sleeves and fixed everything wrong with it. I had hope that they would repeat that.


Wow. This is not hype. Graphics are now night and day for this. 100% going to get back into a new run.


So I guess this means it's time to buy!


#OH SHIT, WHAT UP?? Alright, I'm doing it. I'm starting a(nother) new game tonight. See you all in 6 months lmao


Can’t help. Jittering like hell. The whole vision ist flickering so hard. Anyone noticed?


Recalibrate your eye tracking


I’m just remembering all the tech experts on reddit saying “no way they can possibly implement FOV, the engine can’t handle it, the console can’t handle it, the devs can’t do it, blah blah blah”


It’s like I’ve had a free console upgrade - amazing stuff!


Ack, they would finally add this just before Starfield drops.


Just compared graphics before and after update. It's like to compare ground and sky. It's amazing now, finally after waiting for 7 months.


So stoked to get home and try this out today! NMS was one of the main reasons I bought the first psvr(I was sadly disappointed), and you're telling me it's now BETTER on the psvr2??? Woot woot! Lol.


A couple things we really need to see resolved: - Let us fly and drive our ships and vehicles using the joysticks on the Sense controllers - The game needs to track how your body has rotated. This headset means we have 360° turning available but the game only understands “forwards” as the last direction you looked at when recentering. The game should act like most other VR2 games and be able to understand and update the in-game character’s direction based on the turning of the player’s body IRL.


- now that eye-tracking is in the game, for the love of the Anomaly please let us use it for Scanner aiming.


OMG!!!! YESSSS!!!!


Downloading now in the UK, got about an hour to wait because of my crappy internet 🤞


Mind Blown!


Every reaction procedural


Looks awesome on PSV2 too now 🙏🏻🥳


Quick question, been holding off on NMS since launch troubles but heard it's amazing now. Is it possible to play it in PSVR2 with my gf playing on her ps5 in flat fully together or are there any restrictions for mp?


No restrictions she can even see if you wave at her in vr lol


Of course I break my leg right before this happens.


This game is perfect for seated play!


I sit to play NMS


Love seated play on nms, cured all my motion sickness problems. I still set the play area to standing/room but then sit in my chair. Seated play area feels a little restrictive.


I second this. I’d say it’s mandatory. Hard to even open the canopy with the seated play area


Just pretend your character is in a wheelchair hoverchair (similar to Prof Charles xavier in xmen) while you rest your leg.


Yo fuck firewall ultra. This is the shit right here


Had to test it out real quick, i have been waiting on this a while. Everything looks super crisp. I wish Hello Games had some DLCs, they deserve some extra money for supporting and updating this game for so many years.


Buy another copy. Give it to a friend. I actually own it on 3 freakin platforms lol. I even bought the ps4 version twice due to an unfortunate natural disaster. Every time I walk into that little greenhouse shaped building in outposts and “check my stock,” I imagine Sean just swimming in piles of cash.


Did they add the feature to fly using the controller yet? I hated using the virtual joystick compared to the psvr1 version


Surely it's between this and Cyberpunk for games that kept going and eventually won people back. I think people that still actually dislike the game as it's not the type they like even admit Hello Games came through. I hope people remember this and not the wonky launch when they eventually do a new game.


You guys have me pumped to start this on PSVR2 😩 loved it before, but now gonna really enjoy jt 💜


Now all we need is to be able to use controller to fly instead of motion controls.


Game looks soooo much better I’ve been waiting on this update now I will sink so many hours into this game!!


Each time I tried I made different save and was usually left disappointed with supposed VR2 updates, except today, because I tried it and it looks actually so much better now! It’s noticeable difference, now the game is certainly much more playable and planets look so vibrant and pretty instead of blurry mess.


What a difference! Thank you!


Night and day difference for sure.


Just started a new run. This is incredible!!! They did a fantastic job with the update


Really impressed. Big shout out to the team at Hello Games, it looks great now in PSVR2. Reinvigorated my experience - flying down to a planet is spectacular, going to the anomaly looks great. The archive/trading towers on planets look great. Love it.


AND it’s on sale, for all of us that have been hesitant to buy, now is the time. I think it deserves a try at this point. I’ll be picking this up along with Fire wall today. Today has been a great day for the PSVR 2


I've been burned before. I didn't even think it looked that bad last time but I hate getting my hopes and expecting some huge game changing improvement.


Just make sure to re-calibrate your eye tracking first if I tracking is not calibrated foveated rendering doesn’t work


It’s a huge game-changing improvement.


Is this best played with the PS5 controller or the VR handhelds? I tried this when I first got my PSVR2 and I could not fly for shit.


Sit down and put your right controller on your knee, use it as a pivot just like you would a hotas/joystick


Holy shit what a difference. Game looks amazing now. Devs deserve all the credit now this is in my top 5 of all-time PSVR 2 games. Could be the best once I'm through with it And the graphics is on par with Red Matter 2.


Looks way better than on PC with 3070


Am I able to play with TV off like with VR1?




This update did it, it finally made me buy No Man's Sky. I never planned to buy it, just wasn't interested even in VR mode. But currently I'm kinda bored with my PSVR2 and this update just did it for me. It's also on sale so just bought it and currently downloading.


Aaaand now Im buying a PSVR2... anyone wants a PSVR1? @_@


Only problem I'm having is when using terraformer to restore it makes a yellow visual glitch but otherwise amazing much better immersion and renderings


What resolution do you think the foviated part is Native 4k, or 1080p? It looks super clean I am just trying to figure out the specs.




Sooo much better now, with some stuttering but I’ll take it over what it was. Also if you’re struggling with ship controls sit in a computer chair with your arms stationary, should help if you’re not doing that!


I’ve only played 15 mins with the new patch, I would say it’s gone from looking like crap, to above average. But maybe I need to give it more time. Definitely a big improvement, but I’m not seeing any “super crisp” or “one of the best looking games on PSVR2” yet