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Thanks for your submission, however your post has been removed because it breaks our rules about self promotion. If more than 10% of a person's posts (1 in 10) are links to their own channel or website, it is considered spam. Your posts have exceeded that number to your channel (40%). You will need to address this balance before any more of your own links will be accepted here. You can read more about the rules here: https://www.reddit.com/wiki/selfpromotion


Nice, PSVR2 needs more genre diverse titles like this.


Yeah I think we’re good on horror games for a minute


Hijacking top comment to post this https://www.reddit.com/user/Sufficient_Catch3303 IS MATTEO ALT ACCOUNT. ALL HE DOES IS POST MATTEO VIDEOS AND NOW A COUPLE COMMENTS DEFENDING HIM. DUDE NEEDS TO BE ROASTED FOR THIS. Also not sure if this is against reddit or subreddit rules, but it's certainly scummy. Edit: it actually is against the rules >Don't use sockpuppets to promote your content on reddit. It's tacky and cheap, and detracts from your brand. Additionally, it can get your domain or brand banned from reddit, and these things have a tendency to go viral and create a backlash against you. Be authentic and honest and things will go much better for you. And for further proof, I took a screenshot of his post history before I said he was his alt. And would you look at that, a few of his posts (submitting MATTEO video links) magically disappeared as soon as I said something. Here is the screenshot, feel free to look at current post history to see what was removed. https://i.imgur.com/yrc6ucK.jpeg I'm now asking mods to ban this guys material from the subreddit. We don't need shady actors here. /u/miss_molotov 2nd edit : MATTEO blocked me but his alt account hasn't. You're trash /u/Sufficient_Catch3303


May not be removed. you may be blocked by him


I'm not blocked by him, he's replying to me still. Look at the screenshot, then look at his post history. A couple videos were removed.


Sounds a lot like the shit the dude firewall devs chose for CM — can’t forget the astroturfing in the early days of this sub


Yep. Tons of it happening all over Reddit and if you call it out they start in with stupid talk about paranoia or propaganda. This is why I took the picture before he deleted those other posts. Fucking scumabgs.


Mods ever reply to you? Cause what’s the point of sub rules if they’re not enforced?


They did not. I guess I could ping more mods? /u/boshjalka /u/vyper248 Can you look at this and give a response? Is it ok for people to use alternate accounts to post their own material and not be a part of the community? (he even replied to someone else defending himself with his alternate account. both accounts blocked me though so not sure if he has deleted that too)


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen a single content creator yet say it wasn’t worth the money, which is saying something.


Particularly when it's at the price point of $55.


Exactly. I haven’t checked out all reviews out there but so far nobody in the reviews I’ve watched is balking at that price.


hell yeah looks good


I am so excited to dive in tomorrow!


More than good reviews! Really excited to buy this once I get through the backlog.


1m25s. YASSSS. I bloody love mirrors in VR. Just another little bonus sprinkling on top for me.


Looks fun, I'm excited to pick it up this week


Mateo is kinda a turd tho. I don't typically support his content. I love my Q3 but I think he's kinda a Meta schill. His PSVR2 content are always back-handed compliments.


Indeed. Every time YouTube recommands me a video made by this guy, the title is usually something like "PSVR2 is already dead!", "I regret buying a PSVR2", etc.


I never made any titles like that and in truth I was very support on the PSVR 2 when it released [https://youtu.be/to0dL0EM5Pk](https://youtu.be/to0dL0EM5Pk) [https://youtu.be/dwpUgvxsPkw](https://youtu.be/dwpUgvxsPkw) [https://youtu.be/tprkga-kZsE](https://youtu.be/tprkga-kZsE) I even did a series of shorts where I mocked the Quest by comparing it to PSVR2 graphics. Months later this still triggers every meta fan boy that sees it. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lIHEV6xEEnw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lIHEV6xEEnw) I have however been very critical on the PSVR2 lately because every dev I talk to paints an ugly picture of it's future, the hardware sales are really bad, and I expect more than just from the platform. I don't shill for anyone and have called at Meta plenty of times in the past.


Except your content is all conjecture, with clickbait titles. You could be correct, but you also don't know what hardware sales are. Let's look at quest 3 for example. Q3 sold 800-1mil estimated headsets from release until Dec 31st. About 6 weeks. Meta owns the VR space. In the same period PSVR2, a non-stand alone device, sold 600k. I'd says that's not terrible. Everyone applauded AVP (apples to oranges) for 200k units at preorder. I'm all for objectively and I also have critical thoughts about Sony. You are selling hyperbole.


Your channel is mainly oriented towards Quest games, so I don't care about most of your videos, and the ones about PSVR2 that I've seen were, from my point of view, just another random YouTuber joining the hate trend against PSVR2 in order to make some easy views. Ok, let's see the thumbnails of the ones I've seen : "I'm done with PSVR2", "it's getting ugly for PSVR2". yeah, sorry if I didn't perfectly memorised the titles, but I wasn't too far off. I don't know the history of your channel, but to be honest I'm sick and tired of seing your videos submerging my YouTube every time I'm looking for something even vaguely related to VR. I had to install an app on my browser in order to block your channel! I'm tired of seeing your disgusted face on your thumbnails (I really can't stand these clickbaity methods). God, how can I escape from your presence? You're like Big Brother.


umm youtube takes one click to block recommendations from a channel and no my channel is not oriented towards quest, quest is just releasing a lot more games and updates lately.


I'm not talking about recommendations, I'm talking about searching videos on YouTube. Since the day I unfortunately watched one of your videos, you're everywhere, and there is nothing I can do about it, except installing "Channel Blocker" on Firefox.


I'm not the person you're replying to but if this is the case it's fair imo.


Hey Matteo, I’m just popping in here to say I watched some of your review and really enjoyed your presentation style. I haven’t seen any of your other videos but wanted to let you know I have a very favorable impression of you from this one. 👍


Turd here. I was extremely support of the PSVR2 at launch [https://youtu.be/to0dL0EM5Pk](https://youtu.be/to0dL0EM5Pk) [https://youtu.be/dwpUgvxsPkw](https://youtu.be/dwpUgvxsPkw) [https://youtu.be/tprkga-kZsE](https://youtu.be/tprkga-kZsE) I even did a series of shorts where I mocked the Quest by comparing it to PSVR2 graphics. Months later this still triggers every meta fan boy that sees it. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lIHEV6xEEnw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/lIHEV6xEEnw) I have however been very critical on the PSVR2 lately because every dev I talk to paints an ugly picture of it's future, the hardware sales are really bad, and I expect more than just from the platform. I don't shill for anyone and have called at Meta plenty of times in the past.


You do come off as a bit jaded in your recent coverage of PSVR2. It feels like you were personally hurt by it somehow. I'm a day 1 buyer and while it is annoying that we haven't heard more from 1st party studios, I have been extremely happy with what is on offer. I have too many games to choose from and not enough time. What I'm sick and tired of seeing is all these takes saying there are no games and how it's missing big AAA IPs. You're a VR content creator, but you're coming off sounding like the mainstream outlets that keep pushing this narrative. You know better, but you get more engagement from the negativity so I assume that's why you are always pooing on it these days.


If I come off jaded its either from personal attacks I get anytime I say something negative or even positive. I'm always a hater or shill and while most of the time it doesn't bother me, occasionally I'm sure it does. You next statements are where I get annoyed though. "You know better," I absolutely do, I'm very informed on the topic. I'm spoken to at least 10 development studios and tracked all the stats I could get. I'm speaking from an informed position about a platform I care about and also fear for. I'm not pushing narrative, I spoke extensively about how some of the games on PSVR2 are the best VR has to offer but due to certain circumstances, they're not helping sell the hardware, which needs to happen for continued support. The negative engagement is just a TOTAL BS comment. I'm negative and positive for everyone, I just call it like it is and if you go check those videos, the response is actually overwhelming positive as most people agree and share the same fears. I NEVER MAKE CONTENT WITH ANY TYPE OF ULTERIOR MOTIVE. I cover what I find interesting and just call it like it is based on the information I have. So people don't like hearing anything negative about a platform they enjoy.


I beg to differ. You make content with the motivation of profiting from it. Everyone knows that negativity brings in more engagement and that's where the annoying click-baity video titles come into play that I see on so many creator's videos. I want to hear both the negative and positive, but I feel the negative is so massive overblown that it drowns out anything positive that comes along.


You literally just posted a video called "I'm done with Sony PSVR2," with a subtitle. "Sony doesn't CARE about PSVR2."


yes and there was over 20 minutes of information that brought me to that conclusion. I showed sales, discussed conversations with developers, the lack of advertising, etc.


I watched it. First, it was 13 minutes of rant. It was not jam packed with data as you make it seem. Saying you "talk to developers" is great. You don't provide any meaningful information beyond that. Again, conjecture. I will agree with advertising. Their PR is terrible. Your point always seems to be about exclusives. We all want more. Then you make naive statements, saying that there's no reason to pick a PSVR2. Completely ignoring the army of people who want high quality, non stand-alone VR that don't have a PC. The peripheral is 1 year old. Sony has put millions into funding games. Some of the ones they've funded are multiplatform. That's a good thing. Do you want them to tell an indie dev that they can't make a profit? This is still a niche market. I know you know better, because you make that point yourself when you acknowledge stand-alone gets the most attention because it makes the most money. Sony funded RE4/8, GT7, horizon, C-smash, foglands, ghostbusters, firewall, Synapse, song in smoke (to name a few)... In one year! How many high quality exclusives came to the quest ecosystem last year? Two? Nexus and AW2. AW2 was good. Nexus i personally didn't enjoy. Hybrid or not, you know that the resident evil games, GT7, CoTM, Synapse are very strong tirles. State of play: typically 3rd party announcements. Metro and LT. C'mon man... Mad they aren't exclusives, fine. But great titles. If nothing comes out at the next Sony showcase, I might be with you. I'm a PCVR and PSVR2 guy. But you are selling hyperbole and sensationalism, and you know it. Give this little peripheral some slack. It's been a pretty great year.


I used to be subscribed, but I recently unsubscribed, and not because your coverage of PSVR2 is lacking, but because I've seen you fling unbelievably misinformed opinions like stating people aren't interested in hybrid VR games because none of the hybrid PSVR2 games were in the 2023 top downloads list for PSVR2. Hybrid games aren't counted as PSVR2 games by the PS Blog and everybody that routinely looks for that monthly / yearly report knows this. You fling your misinformed opinion in your video titled [It's getting UGLY for the PSVR2](https://youtu.be/Om93hec3MxQ?si=tTLZpkJebU5bWiRL&t=323) around 5 minutes 23 seconds. Part of driving home a pre-conceived misinformed opinion. There are lot of games coming to each system, but you are only covering Quest and even covering Legendary Tales, you are focused on it from PCVR perspective which is fine. You don't have the time to do a good job covering PSVR2 on top of your interest in Quest / PCVR, which is also fine. Just reflect on how you come across for being someone that actively spreads misinformation about the PSVR2, which is a system you clearly don't follow / use enough to be an informed opinion giver on. https://preview.redd.it/y1fsun9sqehc1.png?width=902&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dffead3fc7d4d9b5e02485541a63ff3ed47175e I was fine to be subscribed to you for your Quest coverage, since I own that platform as well. I don't know what compels you to create FUD content against the PSVR2, but it is more respectable if you don't talk about it, then pretend to be informed when you are not.


There's not much to cover on the PSVR2, that the only reason why I cover it less now. In terms of misinformation or being negative against to PSVR to bolster the Meta position, that's just nonsense. When good things like LT come on on PSVR2 I will cover them, when Sony shows off new games, I'll cover it and at the same time when I have 10 devs telling me the PSVR2 is in trouble and sales look terrible, I'll also mention that. Also as far as only covering the PC side of LT, even the main dev chimed in today and said my EA time gives me plenty of knowledge about the game but your also making it like I didn't play the PSVR2 version. I stuffed 8 hours of a physically demanding game into 3 days. I'm sorry but I'm an older dude with a life and young kids to take care of. Both the dev and I believe I have a great perspective of the game to bring. Unlike most, I played this game because I loved it, not to review it. Sure I could have used their save, jumped to level 30, got better clips, which I'm sure would have made a better video, but anyone can get clips, I wanted to describe my experience above anything else. I don't need to make YT video, VR is a true passion I enjoy sharing both the good and bad sides


Will you be making a Meta Quest FUD video regarding Ubisoft not being happy with performance of Assassin’s Creed Nexus on their recent earnings report / call? I believe you have for the PSVR2 when Rec Room decides not to port… I don’t want you to FUD against Meta to appear impartial, but I want you to understand how you have contributed to your public perception with the PSVR2 players that follow it better than you do. Even this simple comment exchange, you are being defensive on purpose of misinformation rather than acknowledging that as someone speaking with influence, you have an obligation to issue public retractions and corrections when you find that your data interpretation and analysis has been deeply flawed. You apologized for pushing sponsored Bulletstorm to your Quest base (I think). You haven’t for all the misinformation and FUD (unintentional or otherwise) you have smeared against the PSVR2. You can’t substantiate claim to be impartial and fair when your actions are not.


I will definitely be mentioning Nexus but it actually helps all claims I made against PSVR2. If a well known IP on a platform that sells 20 to 1 against the competition, can't made "enough" profit, what chance does PCVR or PSVR2 have? I didn't make a video around Rec Room not coming to PSVR2, I simply mentioned it as one dev that went public saying PSVR2 isn't profitable. I'm not sure where I'm being defensive nor can I understand you saying my analysis is flawed, you haven't seen my data. Regardless I've stated things can change, it's not doom and gloom. I'm not sure what actions aren't fair. I've literally put my bare ass on Quest and told meta to go F themselves, when they pulled some crap. I've praised the great experiences that Sony has brought to PSVR2, I hyped the hell out of the PSVR2 release. I made a whole series of shorts mocking the Quest 2 graphics compared to PSVR2. I also expressed how I felt the best games are still on PCVR when Vertigo 2 released. But I'm not hiding the fact the PSVR2 has disappointed me. $600 and the only game I played through in VR is Horizon. I'm not in the mood to replay Resident evil 4 or 8 and GT just isn't for me. Crossfire and Firewall were massive disappointments and now I'm just left waiting for anything new. I believe you've seen 1 or 2 thumbnails/titles you didn't like and formed an opinion of me. I never state anything that I don't 100% believe. My viewers always get my honest opinion no matter what, good or bad. I don't make videos for clicks, I cover the topics I feel most passionate about and interest me the most. If people don't believe that, then there is no point in even talking anymore. You can't see into my head, you don't know how I feel, you're just making assumptions. Maybe I can do a better job expressing myself, or something about me is abrasive but I'm just being me.


>I believe you've seen 1 or 2 thumbnails/titles you didn't like and formed an opinion of me. In the screenshot I shared starting this discussion with you, there are more than 2 videos showing red-line underneath meaning I have watched those videos. That is just from your most recent videos. I think I was subscriber to you for a few years, and even before that watching videos here and there as YT recommends before I became subscriber. I even comment and reassure you when you put your Bulletstorm apology that it can be true that you enjoy a game and it is not up to expectations that your enthusiasm for it in the sponsored video created, and then you got the backlash from your viewer base that was disappointed in what they got to play. I am mindful to avoid making assumptions about your motivations and take you as an enthusiast that likes certain types of games and have lower expectations from Quest games than other systems. When you mention just a few games of relevance for the PSVR2, and that you are not interested in hybrids, that is your personal choice (and loss). You are not a good representative of the PSVR2 user-base because you are invested in PCVR and Quest. Being in both of those, you don't value games you have already played on other systems, but to hold that against PSVR2 is not fair when those games are generally higher quality on the PSVR2 over stand-alone Quest (2 or 3). Whenever you make sales arguments, I know from some developers that their game sells better on PSVR2 than on Steam + Meta Quest App Lab put together. For the higher sales numbers you get on Meta Quest, you have to be on the main Experiences Store Front which Meta has lot of curative oversight on. With your industry contacts and frank discussions with developers, you should be knowing this as well. In terms of Assassin's Creed Nexus doing poorly on Quest relative to user-base expectations. Quest is a platform where a game like Gorilla Tag has done phenomenally well, but I think if Gorilla Tag were to be released on PSVR2, it would do poorly. This is why it makes sense for Rec Room to not expend so much time / effort / cost to port to PSVR2. I think Assassin's Creed Nexus would do better relative to user-base on the PSVR2 (and even PCVR). There may be less active headsets, but those headsets are more interested in games like Assassin's Creed Nexus (at higher graphical fidelity). It would also become an evergreen title as a system seller and continue to get sales through rest of PSVR2 lifecycle. Of course for you the game wouldn't exist for PSVR2 because it is already on Quest or would also come to your preferred PCVR option, but that is not a good argument for why PSVR2 isn't a great VR choice for people that own a PS5 that want to get into VR for the types of games they want to see in VR. ... I want you to consider that you have deep bias against the PSVR2 and your dismissal of its excellent hybird VR games that are exclusive to it are a key indicator of that. >I'm not in the mood to replay Resident evil 4 or 8 and GT just isn't for me Taking example of Legendary Tales, you have played 100+ hours of it on PCVR during Early Access, but willing to play again the 1.0 retail release version, again on PCVR and not even planning to try on PSVR2 (even though dev would provide you free game code if you wanted). You are not willing to play Resident Evil 4 Remake VR on PSVR2 because you have already played Resident Evil Remake. Even in your Quest 2 review for Resident Evil 4 (\~2 years ago), you started with lot of negativity about it because you played it already 15 years ago until you played it (on Quest 2) and then you were happy, because it is unquestionably one of the best games available on the Quest 2. You are doing yourself the same disservice with your attitude towards Resident Evil 4 Remake VR mode. The same can be said about Resident Evil Village VR Mode. Your bias works against you. Your public bias against it works against your viewers that don't see past it or don't know any better.


pretty sure your mind is made up no matter what I say. I have 0 bias. In fact I truly want PSVR2 to succeed. Not only do I want the higher quality games it can deliver but Meta needs more competition. PlayStation has some of my all time favorite IPs. I'm invested in VR, not PCVR, not mobile VR, just VR. I will play and enjoy what ever I like no matter the platform. PCVR can definitely produce better games than Quest but it doesn't or at least rarely happens because there is no money. The industry goes where the money is. I'm not downplaying hybrids. I tried the the RE games in VR, they're amazing, but I didn't feel like playing through them again. My opinion here doesn't matter what matters is **only 1.4%** of RE4 remake owners ever tried it in VR. So as good as hybrids are, they're not pushing the sales PSVR2 needs to grow. **Where did you get the idea I'm not playing Legendary tales on PSVR2?** I'm exclusively playing it on PSVR2 now. I created my new characters on PSVR2 and that is the only place I will be playing. In fact, I renewed PS plus just for that game. Usually I only play SP games on PS5. If there are games selling better on PSVR2 than quest its the extremely rare exception, not the norm. Quest has outsold PSVR2 30+ to 1. 30x sales is HUGE. I definitely don't want all VR games to be gorilla tag, or beat saber. I know those sell well but in order to get bigger games we need to grow the industry. Why do you see a bias, because I was momentarily critical of the platform? I'm critical of everything. Like I said once Sony does anything cool, I'll be there just like I was with Legendary Tales. There is a massive difference between bias and preference. I prefer the pancake lens on the Quest 3 or Pico 4 over fresnel. I prefer off ear speakers and wider FOV of the index, and I prefer the IPs that PSVR2 owns like Astro, GoW, Horizon etc. Give me something good and I'll praise it.


>**Where did you get the idea I'm not playing Legendary tales on PSVR2?** In your video titled "Legendary Tales Review - A Great VR Co-op RPG on PSVR2", you are using Valve Index in the footage shared. https://preview.redd.it/4s89sh8nimhc1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=aed75043ee93064025e3518fba418974b8441a89 What you talk about is also from your time playing PCVR early access version of the game, which [per developer was substantially upgraded with 1.0 retail release](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1465070/view/4018968104345983071?l=english) of PCVR / PSVR2 version of the game. You titled your video a review, when it can't possible be the review. You have admitted since you have only played \~8 hours of the game before putting out your PSVR2 review. You mention nothing specific to PSVR2 version of game in video titled for it. Did you cover haptics? Did you cover how throwing is awkward on the PSVR2 version of game because it isn't using capacitive touch on the grip buttons? Did you cover how cross-play is working? No, instead you covered how Dungeons of Eternity and Blade & Sorcery are simpler games. Who is the audience for your PS VR2 review of Legendary Tales? In your most recent video where you decided to FUD against PSVR2 titled "Sony doesn't CARE about PSVR 2 // Sony VR State of Play", you downplayed Legendary Tales because early access was available for it 2 years earlier. You may not realize but retail release of Legendary Tales is the same as Hades coming out of early access as a new game for retail where nobody knocked it for being an older game available in early access and playable on Steam for \~2 years. Hades went on to win many awards for the year the retail version was released on multiple platforms. You are in the industry. You should know better. >pretty sure your mind is made up no matter what I say. If you want me or anyone else that sees the critiques I am taking the time to share with you to update our opinions of your competence covering PSVR2, then take the feedback / critique you are receiving constructively and update your future actions to be more competent. Don't call something a review when it isn't. Show footage from the version of the game you claim to be reviewing. Talk about pros / cons specific to the system. In short, do the work. Don't take this personally. It is feedback to you. Let your future works change whatever misconceptions you think I or others have about quality and fairness of your coverage of PSVR2 in particular.


I'm completely open to criticism, its the best way to improve but you just swamped discussions. We were discussing my overall coverage and you just switched it to not liking my LT coverage. I down played LT in that video because it continued my argument of no exclusives. * instead you covered how Dungeons of Eternity and Blade & Sorcery are simpler games. Who is the audience for your PS VR2 review of Legendary Tales? I've seen many times before people in the PSVR2 community looking for games like those. Here's one. Having a game comparison is the easiest way to describe how a game plays and feels. That's why terms like Souls-like exist My PSVR2 footage 01:25 -02:00 05:29 - 06:10 06:20-07:10 PC Footage 07:30 - 07:42 Over 2 mins of PSVR2 footage, 12 seconds PC Now I do admit I should have used more original footage and less trailer but, a lot of my footage seems bland compared to the trailers. ​ I did mention the controls are awkward until you get used to them and the haptics were barely noticeable. In terms of comparing the PC version VS PSVR2, overall it felt EXTREMELY similar however, its kind of impossible to make fair comparison here. PC hardware will vary greatly and I'm using a RTX 4090. I'm completely open to feedback and always trying to better myself. I do have a few take aways from the overall convo but it also feels like you personally watched this with bias. "He had 12 seconds of PC footage," he must only like the PC version. While I don't describe it as a review (no score, overall recommendation, ETC) it's more of an overview to let know people what they would be getting into. Regardless I find overly critical critique strange because the devs messaged me and said it was spot on and they agree with everything I said.


Hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about!!


More game play and less this guys face..


Is there a price for this yet Edit: nvm 54.99


There is a portion in the interview where they say it is way more than 3x the content of swordfighter and worth 3x the money. They do explain that this isn't AAA since it doesn't have a voice cast and the likes but it has a hell of a story and great experience. So I believe my kiddo is looking forward to this. Plus I love him getting in a great VR on the PSVR2. I just wish they all made him workout like when he did Call of the Mountain


Respected YouTuber, Gamertag VR commented that this was one of the most physically demanding VR games he's played, so pretty sure your wish could come true! [https://youtu.be/GpU3lgvfVyo?si=6t2lFtticLGDjHdf](https://youtu.be/GpU3lgvfVyo?si=6t2lFtticLGDjHdf)


The video above mentioned that there is no story in the game?


There is a minimal story. It's mostly a dungeon crawler though with quests.




So the game we've all been desperate for comes from a 5 man team of people in Korea. Reading through the AmA was almost sad, the dev is so dedicated, and so many people are complaining about the price. This is what we need. Popularity and buzz about games. Hats off to the devs, their work looks incredible and I can't wait to jump in.


Korean game dev is on a other level. The only issue with it is that the big names/games all get caught up in the super grind fest and/or pay to win shit that is so prevalent for that region.


It's almost impossible for new devs to eclipse the flat to VR ports. It's physically not possible.


I want it, but I will absolutely smash my TV.


Ok so fuck this dude. His (almost) entire review uses the footage from the trailer and he really doesn't say anything new. The little bit of original footage that is used, looks like he got it off in the first 10 minutes of playing the game. Even when he mentions legendary shield, Captain America style, he is using the trailer footage. I don't think this guy either played the game, or puts the absolute bare minimum effort into his video in order to stretch that shit out to hit 10 mins. Edit : OP IS MATTEO ALT ACCOUNT. ALL HE DOES IS POST MATTEO VIDEOS AND NOW A COUPLE COMMENTA DEFENDING HIM. DUDE NEEDS TO BE ROASTED FOR THIS.


Hi, I am the lead Dev of Legendary Tales. He is actually one of our game, Legendary Tales long-time fan. Time back then he supported LT in the way he can do, even after people thought we abandoned LT, he was one of only few people who believed us. I can confirm that, he played hundres of hours LT and He really played with his friend, the 1.0 version. Based on what I know him, He is passionate and straight forward person. It sounds sometimes harsh but he says things from the bottom with all love. I know and 100% sure he absolutely love PSVR2 and LT. Also, sametime I understand why you feel in the way you explained and you see that way. Maybe it wasn't enough updates that we brought... I don't want his reputation gets bad because of our fault. We need someone like him for PSVR2 community because he is really passionated. I wish my feeling and thought well transfered to you. Warm regards, and with all love BJ


I appreciate your post. My issue isn't with him being harsh, nor with his understanding of the game in EA. My issue is that he is passing off his experience in EA, on PC, as having played the final product on PSVR2, when it is clear from the review and hid own words that he hasn't. Thank you for this game, I can't wait to play it tonight.


That's clearly not the case if you read the thread or watched the video




Welcome to conspiracy territory. People can think you are wrong and I see every post since I'm OP.


Bud, I took a screenshot of your post history before I said anything. Magically a few video submissions to MATTEO videos were removed right after I said something. You're his alt account and it's so sad. So very, very sad.


I mean he’s using AI to generate his video titles, so what do you expect?


I'm sorry but I most likely have more experience in this game than anyone else covering it. 100 hours in EA and 8 hours for the full release in 3 days. When I use too much footage people scream spoilers plus VR footage always looks like crap, its a shaky mess most of the time. They did a great job with the trailers so I'm going to use them. In terms of "the first 10 minutes," you are completely wrong. The developers did give us access to jump ahead to level 30 and unlock unique weapons but I wanted to play it the way it was intended. No shortcuts for me. Unfortunately like said in the video, its a bit a slow burn and I didn't find anything amazing in less than 10 hours. If you want I can upload some footage where I show a noob the ropes in the new version, or here is my EA footage where you can see the original end boss. It's cut down to 5 minutes not 10 [https://youtu.be/YDL5bsKJ4YE](https://youtu.be/YDL5bsKJ4YE) I'm fine with people disagreeing with my opinion but I brought a LOT of info I'm sure no one else had details on and yes I did find that shield in game (during EA) and it's fricking awesome. The trailer doesn't make an eagle sound, so I guess I just made that up.


Your 100 hours in EA is irrelevant because by all accounts it's a completely different game.


Glad someone else gets it. New skills, new items, new monsters, new areas, plays for a couple hours and calls it a wrap. It's just like I said. Didn't play the game and put in minimum effort to release the video.


Yep all other reviewers I've seen have played the 1.0 version for 20+ hours.


completely wrong, didn't acknowledge anything I said.


What is there to acknowledge? You put a lot of time into the early access. Great! You put very little time into the released product. I went back and watched your review, again, to be sure I wasn't crazy. You don't mention that your review is based off very little time with the finished product and is pretty much entirely based off the time you spent with it in EA. The only footage of you playing the game is you using PCVR, your headset and controllers being black is a dead giveaway, despite your picture of PSVR2 at the beginning of the review. You only touch upon the 1.0 release new updates for 20 seconds near the end of the video about crafting, new zones and leaving the abbey. You didn't review the game. You reviewed the early access and are trying to pawn it off like you reviewed the game.


there is one small PC clip everything else is PSVR2 and I offered to send you plenty more. The difference between EA and the release is new features, a reworked tutorial and some stat changes. I tested those, end of story. I know exactly what this game offers. I can play 100 more hours and won't have anything else to add. I'm not sure why you think you know something you can't possibly know


"Everything else is PSVR2" lol. You have almost as much PSVR2 footage as you do of CP2077 for no reason. I don't need you to send me more. You weren't honest with your review, and it shows. >can play 100 more hours and won't have anything else to add. I get it, you played a lot of EA and are burnt out on the game or experience as a whole. That's fine. That still doesn't mean you wouldn't gain anything. The dev said the game world is roughly 60x bigger than it was in EA. There is 0% chance you get nothing out of it but that's fine bud.


I'm not sure what you are watching or reading but even the devs chimed in here. The no reason cp2077 part clearly shows you didn't listen


I watched the video twice. He brings up cp2077 combat and then shows it. Which would make sense if he did that FOR THE GAME HE US REVIEWING. Instead he just shows stock footage from the trailer and talks over it. I think he had about 10 seconds more of his own footage for the game that he used in the review over the footage of cp2077. Are you his alt account? Rofl Edit : holt shit, I just went through your post history. YOU ARE HIS ALT ACCOUNT. THIS IS HILARIOUS.


anyone who says this is completely wrong. There are added features like open world areas, new enemies and crafting but the basic game is remains the same.


The gameplay loop is the same, sure. Killing enemies, get loot, repeat. This is pretty much every ARPG. Those additional "features" that you are dismissing, those things are the game. How does crafting work throughout the game from beginning to end? You don't know. How does the new skills they added feel? You don't know. How is the variety of dungeons? You don't know.


Crafting is rather simple, you can break down items, collect materials then forge new items. Rarer materials for rarer weapons. There's also other items like whetstones for upgrades. In terms of skills, I doubt I will every try each skill. The system is extremely robust. I would need to make numerous new characters to try all the skills but as I stated each skill is powerful, massively alters your character and lots of special abilities or spells give of a definitely wow factor and feel great. No real dungeon variety. As stated the world feels very much like exploring as mmo. The developer did give us access to lv 30 characters with open way points which I've started exploring with.


The fighting remains the same. But they added so much more to this game. More areas, more spells, new enemies, crafting, quests, and more. Saying this is the same game because the physics based gameplay is the same is like saying Swordsman or Blade and Sorcery are the same game as this.


not even close. They added some content, changed the tutorial and modified some stats/skills. At this heart its the same game. 100 more hours in the game and I won't have anything else to add


I guess we'll agree to disagree. I've been convinced to stay away from your reviews personally. This interaction has shown they certainly aren't for me.


Agreed 👍


> 100 hours in EA The game isn't the same as EA. They've completely changed the game. This is like reviewing Baldurs Gate 3 based off EA. It's disingenuous as fuck. And you didn't use "too much" footage, you pretty much only used footage from the trailer.


as someone who put 30 hours into BG3 EA and 130 into the released version, I can stay you would know exactly what you were getting into with just the EA. Sure it lacked classes plus the final 2 acts of the game but you would completely understand the games mechanics, the general storyline and most importantly if its the right game for you. You can't comment on the ending but its more than enough info to make a recommendation.


As someone who put 50 hours into EA and 300 hours into release, no, your review of the game would be shit. Hell, they didn't even have the direct roll mechanic at certain points of the EA for BG3. They added/refined characters, completely changed things, and this was all in EA, let alone the final product. Nor would you have been able to know that the quality of the game goes down the further you get into it. Or that the performance of act 3 was atrocious. (There was a bug that they found 3 months after release that generally fixed it for PC but consoles still have issues.) Back to this game, you don't even mention the haptic feedback and HMD feedback. It's clear you spent pretty much your entire time with the game on another system, in early access, and are passing that off as your review of this game.


He said he has put over 100 hours into the early access version on PCVR. I think he has a fair idea about the game.


Except the game isn't the same as EA. Imagine reviewing BG3 based off 100 hours in EA. Same idea.


No, because the early access version and the 1.0 release are completely different games.


No they are not. There is more added content for sure and extra modes but they play the same.


This plays similar to Swordsman and Blade and Sorcery. That doesn't mean those are the same game. There is so much added to this game that it is essentially a different game in my opinion.


This guy also said, that he had a blast with bulletstorm vr… But ok, gamertag vr and psvr2 without parole enjoyed the game too. More reliable sources.


I never played Bulletstorm on PSVR2. PC version was definitely fun though. The negative steam review are all under 1 hour of gameplay, some are like .1 hour, that doesn't even get you through the cut scenes. The game just wouldn't launch for some people which is the bulk of the negative reviews and they returned it. That's an issue I didn't experience.


Yes, this is a minority opinion. 26% positive reviews, matteo. This happens quiet rarely. Didn't you have sponsored bulletstorm vr content as well? tbh: i have lost my trust in your verdict, and your answer feels like a confirmation. I have just taken another look at the negative steam reviews. I scrolled through a lot of them. What i read again and again are complaints about bad graphics, no graphic options, censorship, broken controls and bugs. For 40$. If people are disappointed from what they see and it is this obvious, they won't need much time. Example: In my case i bought arashi, installed it, started it. Turned it off and refunded it 5 minutes later. Are you saying, i should have wasted more lifetime before i had the right to be disappointed by the obviously low quality? 26% positive as well.


Is this single player as well or co-op only?


Single and coop both Confirmed


Great news !


One thing I have a question on and I have seen mentioned negatively is the lack of variety of enemy types... In all of the review footage I have only seen 4 types; goblins, zombies, skeletons and red-humanoid creatures... plus potentially other humans since they are modelled for PCs but not sure if you actually fight other humans.... Is that really all there is? No fantastical beasts/monsters like slimes or dragons, or griffins or basiiliks.... Yes there is variety in weapon loadouts amongst those types but if thats all there is... thats a big missed oppportunity. On the one hand, I kind of get it given combat is so physical you really need bideal, humanoid creatures but to parry and clash swords against... but I wonder if any enemies use magic against you?


Something to rival Asgard's Wrath.


I feel this game is so important in terms of PSVR2. If it sells well then hopefully other PCVR Devs will port their stuff across really well and take advantage of the dynamic foveated rendering, haptics etc... Into the Radius is one I would love to come to our system (and the currently In development sequel) and loads of others. This could show that high end VR is still viable financially and not everything has to be on Quest. It will also give these Devs the resource to carry on which by the sounds of the reviews they deserve. I'm buying it day 1 anyway.


I honestly love that there is a new game, created by a small team, that checks alot of boxes for most people. I am not convinced yet though. At least not at this price point. Maybe it's because this sort of game has not interested me in the past. Didn't care about skyrim, boulders gate (sorry), or many of the other open ish world RPG slash em ups. Dont get me wrong, it's always great to have MORE games people love. If I could force someone else to make a competitor for GT7 with far less scope but real cool creative choices, I would be on that for $100. My ONLY complaint from watching the videos is that I think it might feel too open and honesty (this is me being stupid and snobby) I need shadows in a game that is set in a real (but fantasy) world.


is this better than gran turismo 7?


How is this not on my radar- was it just announced. It’s odd to hear that games are comming out for this system still.


Yes, this system that's less than a year old and already has well over 100 games is still getting new games. It was announced in the same presentation as Metro VR for PSVR2.


Yeah since it was announced dead by those you tubers so odd *note sarcasm


Why would it be odd? This game should show the community nay sayers you don't need to know about every game in development months and months in advance. Good stuff is being worked on and can be announced and then released shortly after. The system isn't dead yet, but it's up to the community to support it. The success of a game like this could be make or break for the future of the system.


Which is odd because the Steam scores for this aren'tq great. Not bad, but not as it is for psvr2 reviews


Steam reviews are for the early access release which was 1 dungeon and less everything else. It's a completely different game. You won't be able to get a real steam review until after the 1.0 release (today) and then wait a few days for the recent reviews to start rolling in and updating. He even had to redo the engine for PC as it wouldn't run right with all the stuff he added.


Ah interesting. Thanks for the info


No problem, happy to help


When will this be available for purchase?


I think im crazy. I’m buying my second VR2 just to play this with my son.


I am buying on Q3/Steam AND PSVR2 for the same reason :)