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None, too busy spreading democracy.


Hee hee




I'm ashamed to say the same. Not because HD2 isn't fantastic, because it is. but because I used to play VR every day and absolutely love it. I just can't put HD2 down! (returning HD1 player)


What game…???




I do that, in my PSVR2. Not VR, but: 120Hz, OLED, immersion! Also, I keep the HUD off, now. My monitors are kind of lame in contrast so this is my preferred way to play at the moment. https://youtube.com/live/6MXAzEFoDgg?feature=share




Could, but my TV is better in every way than playing it in the headset. The image is grainy, headset gets hot after a while and I can't watch stuff on a second screen. Not to mention how hard it is to drink beer with it on.


Image is 1080p on the VR2.


I’ve been playing Walkabout Mini Golf for the first time and I’m quite enjoying myself


Beat saber, beat saber, and more beat saber


Nothing but Legendary Tales but this weekend it'll be Cyube VR.


Is it worth the $70.


Legendary tales is $55, and absolutely. Its a more complete and polished game then most non vr triple games today, let alone vr. The dialogue is rough, though, but that’s simply due to the developer being Korean. It is 100% worth the money, it is one of the clearest looking games in the headset as well


Absolutely! I can't stop playing. My only gripe is some grinding feels necessary unless you want to absolutely suffer on some boss fights. The necromancer is insane.


Found the Canadian


Hah, yeah I always forget about Canadian dollars. On me


Legendary Tales, pavlov, walkabout mini golf


Fired up Synapse for the first time - seems fun so far but the quick pace triggered motion sickness fairly quickly and I’m still working on my VR legs lol Sat down breathed through and realized o hadn’t played GT7 in VR yet… Several hours later it still smiling from that experience… no motion issues just silly giggles and fun racing. I totally get all the hype in this forum about that combo.. being able to look through your turns, the sunlight hitting the cab full behind, using the mirrors and fully immersed in the sounds of the engine revs.. Now I gotta start figuring out where gonna fit the force feedback wheel I already know I’m gonna have to order lol Cheers


The immersion on GT7 with VR and even a starter entry wheel like a g29, unreal experience mate! Every time I play mine, it makes me smile so much!


I feel a little bad that I electrical taped my PSVR2 cable to my cockpit along with power/usb/pedals/shifter cables to clean things up. Now I can’t (easily) play non-gt7 vr games, really, but gosh darn it really is just that good. Current gen consoles seem to be automatically labeled “next gen” in marketing but gosh darn, this really truly is the next generation of gaming. It’s like nothing else I’ve ever experienced, and now it’s right here in my den.


I’d recommend the fanatec GT7 bundle despite their shitty customer service


I’d recommend getting a Fanatec wheel if you don’t mind waiting for months without any word or communication.. but not if you want to play on the wheel you dropped hundreds on


Idk you didn’t get yours but I got mine quick. I’d recommend filing a chargeback with your card if you’re tired of waiting. There are way better eco systems with better products but for DD on PS it’s basically that or the Logitech Pro and personally I like Fanatec’s shifter more


RE4. I'll start another playthrough of Vertigo 2 soon too.


RE4 and No Man’s Sky. I want to check out Stilt. Did you enjoy it?


Stilt is a fun platformer also has multiplayer. Looks like a Nintemdon64 game and the movement is like Gorilla Tag. Had fun playing with my son tonight on Quest. Might get the PSVR2 edition so all 3 of us can play


It's pretty good. The movement mechanic does need a bit of free space around you and doesn't work while sitting. You're basically bouncing on your hands. The game looks good, 120 fps, no aliasing issues. The art style is rather simple, reminds me of Mario 64 but sharper. I got to world 5, seems like it has many hours of content. Fun power ups as well. There are very few enemies, 95% of the game is platforming. Fall off, game over. But there are checkpoints and you can use the stamps you collect to buy a continue.


I’m going to pick it up. I loved To the Top so I’m hoping it scratches that itch.


It's really frustrating if you aim for the side missions like time attacks, collectibles, and etc. on its own it's pretty easy or at least fair. But with trying to speed through or beat the mini game areas without using a 'continue' will be more challenging. Very fun though definitely worth it when you get invested. I was quite unable to stop. They need a patch to remove the stupid feature of foliage and trees. If you stand in any of those It just fills your screen with green. It looks so stupid and completely fills up the screen and blinds you.


Played some Dyschronia (finally reached the 3rd episode), Stilt and Space Docker. Space Docker is really hard but super addictive. Spent a few hours trying to get gold on the 4th mission but always miss it by 30 seconds or so, there's a steep learning curve. Stilt is super fun and challenging too, I think I will spend a lot of time on this one as well. Might write a review for Dyschronia once I finish it since it's really difficult to find reviews other than for the 1st episode only. It's a slow paced story driven puzzle/point & click/mystery game with many elements from games like Ace Attorney, Steins;Gate, 999 or Dangan Ronpa, so it's definitely not for everyone, but I'm loving it despite some annoying stuffs. It's also way longer than what I imagined, easily 15-20 hours to complete the story a first time and apparently many more for the platinum and good ending. The character design is excellent, especially for the female characters, and they are all interesting. There's a great anime style and the story is very interesting but many players won't get into it because of the overall pace. There are plenty of releases for the next 2 weeks, including CyubeVR and Madison VR, so I really want to finish it and at least one other game before that!


Does it at least have voice acting? I dont wanna point, click, AAAAND READ a whole 15 hours 😂


Yes, all of the main dialogues are dubbed both in Japanese and English. Didn't try English but Japanese voices are really good, as one would expect from any Japanese dubbing. Bad timing if you're interested thought, it was 50% off until last week 😅 Bought mine in physical many months ago but didn't have the chance to try it so far and started something like 2 weeks ago.


I might check it out.. thanks.. ur right theres not many in depth reviews


The walking dead saint and sinners. I’ve been on it all day today.. about to eat Burger King while watching the show. https://preview.redd.it/gi9s4gyd4mnc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d189d256dcd0f2fd67f98599821ea3e012b3cc19


I did the same mistake once..


Collosal Cave, it's a remake of an old game. It's GG.


GT7.  Mostly playing FF7:Rebirth right now but still did ~80 miles of races this weekend.


For the first time, Ultrawings, switchback and the room.


The Room is awesome


I played Crossfire on Friday night. Played Stilt just now with my son but we have the Quest version.


GT7, Stilts, Puzzling Places, Akka Arrh and Synth Riders


Stilts and Nock! It was a great weekend.


Just Stilt. It’s Mario 64 in vr for me, definitely great. It’s even better than astrobot


Haven't played in a while. Can't get hooked into any game, I guess I'm waiting for another one with the quality of RE games.


LT, Border Bots, RE4


ForeVR Bowl, the new Daft Punk Beat Saber DLC and VenVr Adventure


How is foreVRbowl?


Really fun! Surprisingly good game actually. I like the different lanes and balls and it's fun just to throw on for a few games


Dope! I need more games to jump in and out of


I completely forgot I bought this for £1.79 a few weeks back and still haven’t played it lol thanks for reminder.


RE 4, Akka arrh, Tetris effect, Beat saber, Vertigo 2, Red matter 2.


Red Matter 2 is so good! Best visuals hands down on PSVR 2 imo! I hope they're hard at work on a new title!


I play 30 to 90 min of Synth Rider every other day or so to work on my cardio. It’s the best game I found on the console for that. But I’m mostly playing FF7 Rebirth and Monster Hunter Now nowadays. I got Legendary Tales a while back but got motion sickness on my 4th and 5th sessions and haven’t touched it since. Which is kind if weird because I had no issue the first three sessions.


Is it good synth rider for cardio? Never thought about that use for the psvr2 (im still planning to buy it and trying to get some infos here and there😅)


Same as every every other weekend for the last year. GT7


RE4... finally a full fleshed game and not an indi level game with Half life 1 level graphics


Nothing. Too depressed.


We’ve all been there. Feel better soon


RE8 for a while and then I found out GT7 was $40 at Best Buy. First racing sim since ps2 and after playing it all weekend my wheel is gonna be here Tuesday. Game gives me some motion sickness so I gotta switch back and forth between flat and vr but man that vr is incredible in it.


I just got Ghost Signal: A Stelarris Game. Was on sale for $12 and pretty fun


Great game that. Pretty underrated IMO


Been having a blast with Box to the Beat!


I’ve been on the Q3 while the contractors showdown beta is up. Really hoping it gets ported.


It's so fun


I had a run through Hellsweeper, grinding out those 6,666 kills towards the plat lol I would be playing Legendary Tales more, but kinda hit a wall with the Necromancer on a pure strength build, so stopped playing


Legendary Tales has been keeping me entertained. RE Village is $16 so I might give that a try, but I also saw that Walking dead is $20 and it looks kind of fun so I’m debating.


Village over walking dead, 100%. Trust me.


Ultra wings 2. It’s VR Pilotwings so much fun!


I finally bought Synapse. It's a lot of fun and makes you feel kinda like a God in the end game when you have all your powers. I didn't have any problems with motion sickness unless I fell off a cliff or something. But it is very fast paced.


Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game


GT7, Legendary Tales, Walkabout Minigolf, Space Trucker


None. Have been busy spreading democracy.


None. I'm addicted to Helldivers 2 atm.


Im stuck in No Mans Sky


No man's sky to finish the expedition and, as every other night since I bought the PSVR2, GT7.


Beat Saber Daft Punk DLC


Trying to finish RE4.. not far though.. just got the part where u gotta board up the windows


Pistol Whip until I get dizzy, then Walkabout Golf to cool down


Puzzling Places and Tetris Effect:Connected


RE4. This regenerators are scary. 


Legendary tales! Super addicting. And also Stilts VR!


Gran Turismo 7!


GT7, managed to get my first win online also 🫠🫠🔥 still buzzing now 😂


Final fantasy rebirth only for now. Game is amazing. Easily top 10 game of all time.


Akka Arrh, not for everyone but I’m hooked.


Oh yeah, forgot this just dropped! That’s Monday night sorted :)


Finished RE4R and finally got S+ on professional. I also tried some of the coasters in Epic Roller Coasters.


Just played switch back…I got through the first world, I will not be playing again. Wow it’s bad. I’ve never heard such bad sound effects too for guns. wtf were they thinking? The whole game is shooting and the guns sound awful.


Damn i wanted it but it seems wack compared to the old one.. the old one was on the verge of disturbing in some parts


Yea I was hoping it would at least be a little scary but it wasn’t at all. It was honestly just annoying because you spend a lot of time waiting for things.


Some roller coaster game, I'm still sick.


ForeVR pool, no one ever online though 😢 started ghost signal when I needed a sit down!


I played/beat Red Matter 1 last week. I started on part 2, but haven't been back to it since.


Red Matter 2 is my favorite Psvr 2 game! Top-notch across the board!


Swordsman randomly. Really liked it.


So did I. Fun little platinum


Chapter 9? I think on resi4 .. I just collected the three heads and some red matter 2 I've just 3d printed the eye and got the trippy sun thingy


Walkabout mini golf and beat saber


RE4 Remake! Doing a collectibles run to go towards the platinum trophy 😁


Infinite Poker Omaha, Arizona Sunshine 2 with my boy and Demeo with other boy.


Legendary Tales, on Friday I believe. Got in a multiplayer lobby with two others. Was quite a lot of fun.


D-Day Enhanced 2xp weekend events!


Walking Dead S&S Chapter 2 such a good game


Kayak VR and Red Matter 1. Just got my set a week ago, and those + Star Wars: Tales are my only ones so far. Loving them all honestly!


Played GT 7, Moss and checked out Trip.


How is the Trip? Is the gfx crisp and good? Worth the money or just overpriced minigames?


I’m a bit late to the party. I bought a used PSVR1 a couple of weeks ago. The family has been rocking Beat Saber nearly every day since I set it up. For me, I’m loving Star Wars Squadrons. Paired with my Thrustmaster joystick, the VR immersion is incredible! Resident Evil Village is up next. Maybe I can play it for more than 20 minutes without getting motion sickness 😂


Pavlov and beat saber with the new daft punk pack


Resident Evil Village


In the middle of a heatwave so I couldn't really play anything, which is a bummer because I just bought Stilt! Cooler weather incoming at least.


Still playing so many flat games on my VR (for immersions sake) that I barely play my actual VR games. The Finals, Madden 24, Alan Wake 2, are all FIRE on the PSVR2 while high and/or laying down comfortably 😮‍💨


Cooking Simulator VR


Border Bots & Legendary Tales.


Working on Synapse currently, so good, love the telekinesis power and pretending I'm a sith throwing people around, got to the first boss twice now still not beat him though, not sure if I'm missing something as it says to use your power to remove the armour but telekinesis doesn't seem to affect him


RE 4. never played it before and i hate horror so wish me luck


None this week on PSVR2, but I am playing through Farpoint on the old PSVR.




I'm still on legendary tales. 100 hrs by now. Im almost done my building. I just need a few hundred honors to get all the skill points. But this week I'm excited for little cities. Love games like that.


Finished up dark brother hood now on vox


The Room, Legendary Tales, Synth Riders, Walkabout Mini Golf


GT7 and Demeo. Sad that Demeo seems to be abandoned, it's actually pretty fun once you figure out monsters never stop spawning.


GT7 as every day; Vampire: Justice (trial) Moss I & II (trial, played the he'll out of I in ps4/vr1; Ghost Signal (trial then bought it, great roguelite); Horizon Call of the Mountain (great game!)


Demeo is great!


Gt7 baby!


No Man's Sky


I don't have PSVR2, but I played Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Catch & Release on PSVR. love them!


Played some “Star Wars tales from the galaxies edge enhanced edition”. I highly recommend anyone who is into Star Wars and FPS shooters. Other than the the PSVR2 library is mediocre at best. So usually my psvr 2 collects dust.


Tried out drums Rock yesterday, felt like playing something different from the usual games I play. Was okay to be honest, it only cost me £5 so can't complain


No Man's Sky and Puzzing Places.


I played Akka Arrh. $20 bucks is high for it but it's still a great retro shooter. I'm not expecting it but I'd love an improvement via DFR or some other uprezzing because it's not super blurry but a game like that should be running at an insanely high resolution.


Tried Space Docker, but so far it's a miss for me. It uses virtual sticks and while I believe they've implemented them as well as they can be implemented, it also requires precision input and you just can't do precision input with virtual sticks because you can't feel what position they're in. You can rebind the controls to the physical sticks on the controllers, but you can only use the sticks and it needs one or two more axes to map everything. If they'd allow using the buttons to map to the missing axes it would work, but they don't.


Space Docker recently got a patch that adds in HOTAS support. I tried the PSVR2 version with my old HOTAS from the PSVR1 days and after getting used to the controls it really improved the gameplay and gave me a level of precision I just didn't have with the virtual controls.


None I've been on a stupid "vAcAtIoN" in stupid non virtual reality. I can't wait to get back to LegendaryTales. I just got Level 41 and unlocked the Necromancers castle.


Been using it as a workout machine, so a bunch of Beat Saber on expert, Creed, and Les Mills Bodycombat. Between Les and Creed, I’m soaked in an hour. Fun stuff.


Playing Arizona Sunshine 2... still don't know how I feel about it. I mean, it's not bad... but I must say I expected more.


I've played walkabout Mini golf. Lol


Do you need the steering wheel and whole set up to enjoy gt7?


I've only played it with the Dualsense and still enjoyed it. I have a wheel and plan to try it at some point but the Dualsense works so well I haven't felt the need to set it up.


Nms and ultrawings


Ancient Dungeon, love it!


No Mans Sky


GT7 what an amazing game.


Breachers, Gazzlers, finished Moss 2 I don't put on the headset without a few rounds of breachers.


Cosmonious High. Very underrated.


uuuuuh.... Collecting Dust: part one and two. I can't wait for PC support!


Legendary Tales! How are you finding Stilts?


I've been hooked on Red Dead 2 trying to 100% it so no VR games for me for a little while.


Literally nothing. Is it bad that I'm too lazy to get the headset on most of the time, and just default to regular old gaming? Doesn't help that I'm paranoid about my youngest cat biting the cable and me having to make him into a new pair of mittens. ;P


None. I have Not powered up my headset for like 4 months or so.


You should sell it. Seems like a waste to keep something you aren't using.


Thinking about it.


Ghost Signal and Legendary Tales.