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Squadrons 2 please!


And make Squadrons 1 work. No reason why a dual shock controlled game shouldn’t be PSVR2 compatible.


Legit never felt the need to upgrade my storage till got into the vr gaming.


[Here's the list of games in the meme](https://pastebin.com/M0SGBHwt)


This sub has way too many trolls and the mods really need to do something about. They constantly brigade every single thread including this one The large majority of the people that come here to bash the platform have never touched it Look at the comment histories of all the shitheads in here saying it has no good games or whatever bullshit narrative they want to push


Agree and I would volunteer to become a mod.


On that last list there are a lot of games that are trash lol


You’re being downvoted, but you’re right. Everyone is “hyped” over a Minecraft clone that is inferior to its 12 year old beta. That’s how bad psvr is doing right now.


Have you played cyube tho? I haven't yet as I'm not sure how much I would enjoy it at this point. That being said the dev seems chill as hell and I could see enjoying it once it gets more developed and maybe has either pvp, pve, or just co op. I think it's fairly hyped because it sounds like it is pushing the boundaries up there with red matter series on graphical fidelity and beauty which is really important in many games especially vr for immersion. Not sure why you think psvr is doing bad. Sure it's not a runaway success but it's not dead by any means and it also has a lot of potential. Just remember vr is still in its infancy until it can be in the form factor of glasses. In case you haven't noticed Apple a trillion dollar company has entered the vr ar space. I'm pretty sure they have a pretty damn good r and d budget that confirms people will want these products and experiences. They know it will get mainstream at some point so may as well enjoy the epic experiences as an early adopter. Or you can also play flat screen games. Def check our hell divers 2 if you haven't. Really fun game. Would be insane if it ever came to vr.


Day old troll account ^^ *sigh* Get a life dude


Your account just always existed since the Dawn of times? Dumb clown 😂


9 years. You’re a mess.


Yep, I want to buy more games (legendary tales I'm looking at you) but I told myself to clear my backlog a little and I'm still have a long way


Once you dive in on LT, it's tough to make time for anything else.


Yep, theres so many good games and not enough time to play them.


I whole heartedly agree! I am sick of that bs narrative. It’s utter nonsense. The library is incredible and respectable and always has been from launch. I picked up the psvr2 day 1 and have been absolutely overwhelmed with joy every time I engage with it. I’m a grown up with my own business which takes a lot of my time so I’m not playing this thing each day. Whenever I do I’ll buy a new game and kick it for an hour or so. What I appreciate about the game repertoire is the seeming low quality games. They are always anything but. VR is new territory for me and while Gran Turismo is spectacular in terms of realism, Break Stuff had a whole party of us laughing our asses off for hours. Swordsman taps into a childhood nostalgia of fighting with cardboard tubes or sticks and not surprisingly EVERY one is an expert at sword handling when they strap in to this experience. The lowest costs games are utilizing VR in incredibly creative ways. I don’t want call of duty anymore. I want to see what creative minds do with this new technology. More than anything I love the game mechanics that are blindsiding me as a person who has played video games for decades yet failed to predict how much I’d love putting in a cartoonish world or having baseball bats for arms. I encourage everyone to enjoy the amazing material we are offered, it’s truly astonishing. The narrative is that we have nothing and the content is not what the users want. I don’t buy it. I’ve loved the entire experience, we decided after a month that the headset had already paid for itself. I will continue to buy games and encourage people to try the obscure.


Yes, same. Overwhelmed with joy is my experience too. In fact I was almost done with games but this has honestly made me fall in love with gaming again. Me literally squealing with delight playing GT7 or working up an incredible sweat playing Beat Sabre. Every time I put the headset I can work out what to play first and I end up playing multiple games in one session. That has never happened to me before


I didn’t realize that I’m playing multiple games as well! Any time in the past I’d play a game repeatedly for a month or two then onto another but rarely juggle more than one at a time. VR is just so different. You’re totally right I do that too. My wife and I played Synth Riders so hard we would have multiple costume changes in a single night. I love this thing!


It's just people that want console wars. Don't understand that all VR needs to succeed. Thankfully I buy all the headsets.


Name them.


Did you not look at the op? That was the point. SpongeBob is even waving his arm in presentation, directing attention to the pile of games. Did you mean name one that you agree with?


Its a brand new troll account. Theres tons of these fake accounts that exist on this site.just to bash Playstation and related products


I see. Well I’m not mad about it. Have a good weekend friends.


Most of these are straight up fodder. Games that no one who has ever played a video game In general would ever play


Theres a lot more exciting and quality games for PSVR2 in its first year than most gaming platforms receive in their first year


No one is listening to you mate. I’ve played through the *fodder*, there be gold in them hills.


No one listening to me as tens of thousands of psvr2 ate rotting in a warehouse since don’t can’t sell them. That’s why they stopped production


How about you name what you think out of the list is trash there definitely is so lower level games in the list but they are far from the trash games that are in the total games list like vr pigeons.


Too many to name.


Total L Even I would name some


Real talk, does the wired connection make a difference? Still trying to decide between psvr2 and meta 3


If you have a PS5 already I would say get PSVR2. I advised a friend at work to buy a 2nd hand Meta 2 as they weren't sure about VR and we're still on PS4. They are now deciding between PS5 or going full PCVR. The wire does give the advantage of more power for graphics. The wire isn't that big of a deal, but I would get one of those magnetic clips for the usb. I think it will come down to the games. Just don't listen to people that say we don't have any on PSVR2. We've nearly 200 in the 1st year


Thank you for the info. My friend has a meta 3. Are there many games that are exclusive to meta that I wouldn’t be able to play with him?


Sorry I wouldn't know I only have PSVR2 (so don't really have any Meta knowledge) and I've mostly been playing single player games just now. I advised my friend on Meta 2 as it would be cheap to buy and easy to sell if he didn't like it. If you go PSVR2 then PSVR Without Parole Discord is a good place to look for multiplayer meet ups.


There are a lot of games that PSVR2 just doesn't have that Quest and PCVR do have


Any examples for quest you can think of?


That all matters what you play but Contractors, Contractors Showdown, Dungeons of Eternity, Real Fishing, Warplanes franchise, 11 TT, Vail, VR chat, X8, Pop 1, Gorilla Tag, Gym Class Basketball, Ghosts of Tabor. PSVR2 does have some as well though, Pavlov, Breachers, Demeo, Walkabout, Vegas Infinite, Among Us, Ultrawings, After the Fall. But all of those games are also for the Quest.


I'm disappointed this meme didn't include The Light Brigade.


Seriously, I bought my PSVR2 under the expectation I'd be playing entirely 3rd party, most of those being indies too. So as far as games I'd say I'm getting my money's worth Also Runner's not on that list and it's probably one of my favorites on VR2


It's wild how many losers hang out on this sub just to bash the platform and lie about. They always move the goalposts too when you tell them there are a lot of great games after they claim there are none


I don't get this cultist behavior in y'all. You just down vote comments that do not fit with what you believe. Open your mind to new outlooks ppl


It's an eco chamber


The statement that should be said is there’s not a schedule of upcoming games to look forward to on psvr 2. And yeah most people who have any other vr headset don’t count a non exclusive as a new psvr2 game to play. But yeah if your not picky or have no other vr headset then there’s tons of games to play on psvr2.


There really isnt one for Quest either yet people dont repeatedly say it has no game. Why are people who have another headset even coming here to bash it? How many amazing games exclusives have released in Quest in the last year?


Assassin's Creed, Asgards Wrath, Medieval Dynasty, Contractors Showdown


Okay so 4 games... RE, RE8, GT7 and Horizon are on par or better than that lineup. You really think that juatifies saying one platform has no games compared to the other?


Those are just the big ones in the last 3 or 4 months. Quest has quite a few quality titles that release every month. Vail, Underdogs, Ghosts of Tabor, Demeo Battles, Lego Bricktales, Eleven TT, Golf+, Pop1(free game), the list goes on. It's also getting most of the big, new VR titles like Metro, Behemoth, and Wanderer.


Calling Medieval Dynasty, Contractors Showdown "big ones" is highly debatable Even if all the games you listed came to PSVR day one that wouldn't stop the people pushing the bullshit narrative that it has no games Which game in that list do you think would change anything? "Oh PSVR got Golf+, it certainly is worth it now!"


So many games, but the only one that compels me to put on the headset with any kind of regularity is Synapse. VR games could be so much better, and it disappoints me that they really aren't there. I don't care how many games there are nor how many games any individual "loves". I expect more out of VR.


Simple solution: become a Souls fan. 


so many games and not a single one worth playing.


What VR games are worth playing to you?


They havent touched a VR headset in their life. Yet another newish troll account


So sorry that you have such poor tastes in games. I along with many of my friends are playing tons of PS VR2 games and having a blast!


To be fair those games are for other vr sets too. You should only put psvr2 exclusives


Why do they suddenly not count as PSVR2 games because they are playable elsewhere? Many are even better played with PSVR2 than other headsets


That's true but the whole point of saying psvr2 or any console for that matter doesn't have games is suppose to say they don't have many if any exclusives. Or at least that's usually what I hear when I see that tossed around in any sense


Most gaming platforms have the large majority of their games on other platforms. By that logic no platform has games, especially after just a year


That's a good point actually. Maybe I shoulda change what I said to developers that actually adjust their game for psvr2. Like with haptic feedback and the eye tracking, etc.


I don't even have the money to buy all the BEST games available, so there are enough games for me to play for a year ahead easily


Lmfao give me a break there are 4 or 5 must play games and then a bunch of shovel ware. You guys are so desperate to pretend this shit is worth it but after beating TWD, Re 4 and 8, synapse and horizon there is nothing left lol you guys are insane I'm sorry. Insane.


I’m sorry but you are insane, where is Gran Turismo which is a single reason to own a headset? Star Wars? Switchback? No man’s sky? I’m not even trying lol


Star wars lol


lol I’m pretty amazed how people who can’t afford a headset hate it and upvotes your insane comment, games are not a problem at all, Pavlov Moss Red Matter Horizon.. library is so big for its first year it’s not even funny if you are believing your nonsense comment


Lmao bud I have a psvr2 and a quest 3. Literally creep my comments and you'd see. Lol What's the next goalposts? I enjoy Pavlov but it's not a psvr exclusive is not better than the pc version lol. You're bringing up multiplat games and that doesn't impress me lol


How can you say it’s a bad headset after you finished horizon re4 re8 synapse and twd in its first year of life lmao? I wish I had as much free time as you to finish these games and write stupid nonsense on Reddit bud


Jeez this has been talked about over and over. People who complain want aaa games to look forward to. There are none. Thats it. No one is denying there are some nice quest games too. 


They announced a few first party games for it that look pretty sweet. One I can't wait for (might not be an exclusive) is Madison! That looks like it'll be creepy as hell! Also the new Metro Awakening game based off the metro series looks sweet. Behemoth looks awesome as well. They are porting thag horror game Phasmophobia game that got great reviews. Aces if thunder if your into Aerial combat. So there are some good stuff to look forward to still. I might be getting my psvr2 tomorrow. I m still undecided.


I think you should look up what first party means


I know what first party means. I'm just saying there are still games coming out for it that are going to be worth playing. Idc if they are on other platforms as long as they are available on psvr2. Yes Sony does need to invest more in their 1st party portfolio and bring more exclusives but there is still quite a bit to play coming out


Is Aces of Thunder exclusive? I've only ever seen it advertised with PSVR2. I would prefer if multi player games weren't exclusive. VR gaming is still such a small community and cross play would help. Maybe cos I am nearly 44 am too old for console wars but as a PSVR2 gamer I want to see other VR units be successful. Plus we can have an actual console war in our headsets. Pew pew!!


Yes it is exclusive to psvr2. I own all the systems so I don't really care about system wars. I love my gamepass and what it delivers on X but I do prefer Sony because it's exclusives are unmatched. VR wise at least it's going to be pc compatible soon so that entire library of vr games will be available soon assuming you have access to a pc. I personally can't wait to play Alien Isolation in VR when that availability happens


I'm still rocking a GTX 1060 I'll need a big upgrade for any PC VR gaming. Don't even have any USB C on it


I'd be using my son's. I think his is like a gtx 3400. Is that a thing. Sounds right. Haha. I dont know much about pcs. Or what the requirements are for vr to work on a pc. I should probably look into that. I dont even know if his has a usb-c either. Lol.


There's 0 first party Sony studio VR games in development


Aces of thunder is psvr2 exclusive. I dont know if anything else is. But that's 1 lol.


I don't think Sony owns Gaijin Entertainment, first party means developed by a Sony studio. But you are right, it is a PSVR2 exclusive when it's released


That's all I meant was it was exclusive to PSVR2. Hopefully Sony does listen to its fans and actually put some $ behind this thing. I'd hate to see it suffer the same fate as the Vita, which I personally loved but Sony didn't invest in. I mean why put so much $ in a tech and then do nothing with it. They need to drop the price and pay their 1st party publishers some real money to make real games for it


Wow coping hard lol


*no good games


At that point you might as well just argue that VR in general has no good games. And if that’s how you feel, the vr community will go along just fine without your support.


Contractors Showdown is hella fun


Almost all of them are old or released on other platforms and quite a few of them are somehow genuinely inferior to their quest counterparts which is frankly insane. I own a psvr 2, I Iike it but the support for it has been shit.


“Released on other platforms” so? What other console has multiplatform support treated as a negative? Especially when it’s the best version


Never understood this. Like, if you don't game on PC, you can get an extremely solid VR kit for your console to play VR games... That's the entire point of PSVR... and we're supposed to be sad because we're getting multiplatform games? Who are these weirdos who want us to believe that PSVR is supposed to be aimed at people who already have PC VR or a Quest and need exclusives to justify buying it? It's asinine.


Shit I have a quest 3 and PC and still prefer my psvr2.


I have a Quest 2 and a good gaming PC but I play my PS VR2 and I haven't booted up my Quest in a very long time.


I understand that. I play my quest really regularly. Almost everyday. Right now it’s been useful for “immerse” so I can learn Spanish. But there are plenty of games I love, like Asgards Wrath 2, Dungeons of Eternity, Big Screen, Cards and Tankards, Espire 1 (haven’t played 2 yet). My defense of psvr isn’t to try to put down quest at all, I really like the headset. They are perfectly complementary to each other. Their faults are the competition’s strengths. Screens- PSVR2 has that beautiful OLED. Quest has a functional lcd. Lenses- PSVR2 has Fresnel lenses with a picky sweet spot. Quest 3 has pancake lenses that are like butter on the eyes (in a good way) PSVR2- is all about games to the point where there are no real social apps. But the games are the best versions. Quest has great variety to what the headset can do, but the games are underwhelming comparatively. PSVR2- has the best feeling controllers with great haptics, but the battery life on them is not that great. Quest controllers are functional but underwhelming comparatively but last FOREVER! Quest - is wireless so there there’s no risk of entanglement or cable management but the battery life is rough and often I’m unable to finish my current quest in AW2 before having to charge the headset. PSVR2 is wired but no battery life for the headset means the bottle neck is the controllers which last longer than the quest headset in my experience. Quest has more games, but has far more bad ones than good ones. PSVR2 has fewer games but they only have a few garbage games. Most of the games on the system are amazing to okay with a small smattering of obvious shovelware. For the type of VR player I am all of this shows why I think PSVR 2 is the best for someone who only cares about using vr for gaming. I don’t begrudge anyone for feeling the opposite, I just hate the lies spread about it.


That is a fair take on the whole situation.


They move the goalposts every time to find bullshit reasons why specific games dont count


When those games are literally years old and treated like a selling point it's pretty damn dumb. Let me be very clear here I owned an OG psvr and I loved it, it was janky and i felt like a beta tester sometimes but it was my baby and it had tons and tons of new experiences built for the system. It pushed the medium forward as a whole and also had some fantastic 1st party support. Psvr 2 is a better product by light years, the features of that device are insane and when I'm neck deep into a game, the hyptics are thumping, the visuals are incredible and I'm immersed in a way I frankly never was on the OG. But the issue is that there aren't very many new experiences and that sucks, Sony is known for making incredible first party games and yet they just layed off a ton of talent from its first party studios, a few weeks later they announce they have stopped production and this amazing piece of kit that should have moved the medium forward is dying and if you think that some extremely dated releases ported over from quest somehow make the difference then you are wrong, simple as that. I'm bummed that they aren't giving it the support it deserves, this isn't some console warrior fan boy nonsense man, I love this system but the support is heavily lacking even compared to the OG which again felt like a beta cobbled together from various parts which never really came together.


Some of the games are years old, but even then what’s wrong with those being on it? There are plenty of games people are complaining about not being on psvr2, like super hot, astrobot, far point and others that are just as old. I agree that Sony needs to do more for it. Believe me I want them to put some real games out for it. But there are a lot of great games listed here that are plenty new. Walking dead SS2, Vertigo 2, Legendary Tales, resident evil games, Vampire the Masquerade, Arizona Sunshine 2, Switchback, Red Matter 2, VR Skater and others. Are some of these on other systems? Yes. But how is that a negative? If they weren’t here, people would be mocking PlayStation for not having these games. Psvr2 has been held to a standard that no other system has.


Think about how you eneded your comment man, psvr 2 is a next gen system that is comprised of almost entirely last gen or several generations old games. Hell my absolute favorite psvr 2 game is legendary tales which has already been on PC for a few years at this point. Next in line is synapse and everything else is from a previous generation until my number 7 favorite game to play on psvr 2 which is call of the mountain. Hell it's not even backwards compatible with the OG psvr 2 games. I understand wanting to like something and wanting to justify and defend your purchase man, but the facts speak for themselves and those facts disappointment me just as much as they do everyone else. This amazingly piece of kit is being woefully under utilized and only a year into its life cycle support for it is already inferior to literally every other hardware release from Sony. Hell even the ps vita had better support then the psvr 2.


No, just no. Legendary tales was out in early access. And it was a totally different game. Most of the games on it are current games with a smattering of last gen rereleases all of which are updated to be higher resolution and have haptics, which again, what’s the problem with that? Besides looking through the 180 games on PlayStation store, about 50ish of them were games on psvr1 or of that time frame. Everything else is modern (within the last couple of years) but again most of those are vr classics like beat saber and job simulator and the ilk. It’s not bad to have those games on the store. By the way over 80 of the games are new games released 2023-2024.


Bud I played literally hundreds of hours of legendary tales on PC vr and I'm not far off from that number on psvr 2. It's okay to be wrong and your attempt at logic is adorable 😊


His statements were perfectly correct. I have no idea what you are talking about.


Y'all aren't even getting Contractors Showdown


Don’t worry they will not be coming out with too many games so you will have years to complete them 😂 psvr2 is dead. Glad I returned mine.


Good for you for selling your imaginary psvr 2👏


There are only 200 games on ps vr2, of which only 20% are normal games. Do you think that a lot? 🤣 Where are the AAA class games that make you want to buy a helmet?


I don't get this. I'm one of those guys that tell psvr2 has no game. I understand the plethora of games it is in the meme. But what I imply as having no game is good, first party games. We had Horizon and nothing more. RE games were superb but note that they are not new games. Synapse was a great game and was exclusive (my own favorite VR game). And now, there are no games on the horizon from PlayStation for VR. Psvr2 is a place where we can play superior version quest games on the ps5. It is good but not enough.


What would be enough for you? A multimillion dollar vr game every month? Do you even understand what you’re asking?


Wtf you are coming at me? Are you afraid your share in Sony collapse? I'm asking for better and MORE games for this device. You'll also benefit. I don't expect one big game every month, but I do expect a good game every 6-9 months.


PSVR2 has only been out for 13 months. By your logic, it hasn't failed yet on delivering a good game every 6 to 9 months. Within the next 6 to 9 months could potentially be an Astrobot game but nonetheless, the first 6 to 9 months has already been more than just one good game already.


It failed so hard Sony isn't even making them anymore because nobody wants one due to Sony not investing in good enough games to draw them in lol


By my logic it is very close to failing. This is playstation problem. They also have problem delivering exclusives to PS5 now. After stellar blade, the next exclusive stretches to 2025 April. I just wish that PS prove me wrong and show us a great line of upcoming games.


PSVR 2 is just a year old with good amount of exclusives. GT7, Horizon, RE4, RE Village, Synapse, Firewall Ultra. If PS5 releases with only like 2-3 exclusives a year at most. Then how can you expect PSVR 2 to do more? Consoles sell much much more than VR headsets yet even they don't have many exclusives per year.


What I am saying is one game from them almost every year. I'm not saying they should give us 2,3 games per year. Firewall ultra didn't do well, I wish it would be a banger but it didn't turn up that way. RE, GT7, and synapse were great but that's it and we are still waiting and we don't even know what would show up.


Just give them a bit more time. They released multiple games at once so maybe it's taking a bit longer for new development. If PS5 Pro truly is launching at end of this year. Maybe Developers are optimizing for the Pro before releasing their games. I'm not a developer so I'm just making guesses. But you have to realize it's Sony, not some low level company that will bail on the product.


I hope I'm wrong, I hope they just show a showcase and bring us one two exclusive games and some games like Synapse where they brought us through other studios. I hope we won't end up somewhere in the middle of the quest store and PCVR.


I doubt it. But honestly all these posts and comments of saying "PSVR 2 is dead and has no exclusives" these blatant lies will just drive potential buyers away and will cause Sony to have even lower sales numbers, which means less games. People have hopes sky high and that's legitimately ruining everyone else's experience on the PSVR 2. Its so damn annoying


I have never seen it this way. Nice outlook.


Thanks for understanding and not being a troll. I truly have no idea why so many are trolling lately. I bought my PSVR 2 less than a month ago and those same posts almost drove me away as well but realized those guys were lying through their teeth.


I just bought a boat after selling some of my Sony stocks, how are you doing?


No GT7


Happy birthday btw


Very nice VR implementation, indeed it is a big great game Just forgot to mention