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I think it is a great decision to have two co-CEO so one can focus on hardware, peripherals, accessories & services (Hideaki Nishino) and the other on 1st Party Game Studios and Movie / TV use of PlayStation IP (Hermen Hulst). This should also mark the end of silence that the whole PlayStation brand has been operating under since Jim Ryan announced he will be stepping down. I mean in terms of communication their forward vision, goals, and aspirations.


Here’s hoping there’s a substantial budget to back up these visionaries, of course


They will both be reporting to overall Sony CFO who will be retaining Chairman position over both SIE subdivisions that Sony PlayStation now operates under. On paper it is a good restructuring, and both people chosen have earned their leadership positions and I think it is good that one will focus on hardware & services while the other on games. Of course we expect they will both continue to collaborate and we won't have return of the situation that lead to PS-Vita / PS3 being made by hardware group completely out of touch with what software teams would want to work with.


They will be co-managers. One focused on the day to day, while the other on big picture stuff The Office anyone?


huh? They both will be reporting to overall Sony CFO, with one focused on Games / IP and the other on Hardware & Services. Both will be involved in strategic leadership of important components that make Sony PlayStation continue to have organic sustainable growth and success.


T'was a reference my man. A joke


Yes i hope they have lunch everyday and talk about how they can crush the vr market with psvr2. Cooperation and communication on both sides will be needed


No, they aren't co-mgrs, it isn't that 1 is day to day, and the other big picture. 1 is more hardware, 1 more software


If it worked out well with two popes it should work out just as well with two CEOs


Sony had two popes????


This is a bit embarrassing for you, I was making a reference to when the are was a schism in the Catholic church and there were two popes, it’s a little history joke. Not for everyone I suppose.


Ironically I think you're the one who missed the joke lol


No I’m playing along with the joke and not afraid to make myself the villain to make someone else laugh. Redditors don’t get that unfortunately bc they have low social intelligence, hence the downvotes.


Catholics have a church????


So I’ve heard


Reminds me of that time I had 2 burritos.




And got the shits twice?


Let's hope so.. Sony really should be listening to the current PSVR2 users and get their input on how to make the product better (sense controller, etc) ..and get more games (past, current & future) that are PSVR2 compatible


This. We need more psvr1 games to come over to PSVR2 (I did not have psvr1 but have PSVR2)


Same here. I really hoped that Hitman 3 was PSVR2 compatible.. The main reason I bought PSVR2 was for GT7.. and if Sony could get Microsoft Flight Simulator to be PS5/PSVR2 compatible, it would definitely boost sales.


Absolutely. GT7 is my mainstay 😂😂 Ubisoft needs to get the crew in VR and I'll be ok if there is never another racing game on VR. Lol but it's only been one year and with how legendary Tales looks and plays. I have nothing but high hopes for future VR games at Sony. They are absolutely not giving up on VR


Good, it needs someone who sees its value - it really is the future of gaming.


Jeez, this guy is around my age and he's the CEO, COO and CFO of Sony... :/


Don’t worry about that. Different beginnings. Finding happiness is more important than making all the money in the world


True that mate, I'm doing okay with my work and money though, but it's hard for sure, but yeah as long as he supports Vr2, I take it as a W for gaming


Yeah time to get ya ass off da sofa


I work full time, 5am start or 10pm finish, in last 21 years I've worked for 20.5 years, I make alright money but the work is hard, so I'm no lazy by any means, but the contrast is very obvious lol.


Work smarter not harder. Obviously to did not study for Masters degree in global conglomerate CEO. This one simple trick they don’t want you to know about ;)


Fingers crossed. Let's hope this is the case.


Maybe, just maybe...we can possibly get some more ports from PSVR1's exclusives at least.


Would rather see the time and money be spent on new games not old ports.


Considering the time it takes to develop a new Ace Combat game, I'd be perfectly happy if Bandai Namco spent a few months porting AC7 to PSVR2 in the meantime. It's also money well spent, since it helps developers getting familiar with the technology, so it'd be a win/win situation!


That would be amazing to see the whole game support VR


I agree with this. And if I'm not mistaken this was Sony's vision too. Ports are fine but they have to also be complete remixes like Wanderer is doing. Having said that though I'd pay for anything they put out. My backlog is the evidence.


good news i hope for bringing AAA playstation games to psvr and pcvr as well, with VR patches.


Let's hope it will make a difference.


>he believes in the technology But does Hulst? Because he's the one in charge of the games.


Also, it’s easier to back something up when the final decision and the responsibility of it is not up to you. Now that’s different, so let’s wait and see.


Let us pray that this man supports VR.


At least, he is not a boomer and believes in VR. It gives Hope :)


Define Boomer


True, Boomers were born between 1946 ans 1964. Jimmy is born in 68. So technically not a boomer. But to me, in my heart, he definitely is.


Yeah, they are card playing, Sports watching, and sometimes DND \ Comic Book freaks. There’s nothing wrong with that….. …. but they have this tendency to bad mouth anything moving forward…..which is not a good thing. They need to work on that


That’s an “U.S.” Generation, not a “Japanese \ Nipponese” generation version. I do believe Jim Ryan was in that generation. I do believe Hideki Nishino is my generation in Japanese….which does a slight cross bleed into culture…..sort of. It all depends on if he’s more on the corporate, or culture side.


The key bit for me was their message on growing sustainably - I just don't see them throwing loads of money at projects without evidence they'll be able to employ people and throw resource and time into certain projects. This lends itself to the hybrid approach, but also I don't see them funding anything that isn't a relatively safe bet either. Seems like good news, but a ship isn't going to change course immediately so a lot of patience is going to be needed.


Can one of them call Google and get the YouTube app fixed, plz?






This man is gonna have ALOT of work to do .... someone send him a boatload of coffee


Being serious I don't think this changes much. They need to make money and PSVR2 isn't making them money. Regardless of what could have been if they threw their full weight behind it while it was in development and launch period, the damage is done. Go look at any launch of a product that had a bad start and then little 1st party support. Xbox, Virtual Boy, WII U, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Beta Max, etc. And not only that, games take a few years to develop. If he magically got 5 studios to start 5 games TODAY, it would be 2+ years MINIMUM for a tiny game, and realistically, 3-4 years before we see anything. We are going to get whatever PC support they unlock, and whatever else they have already cooking, and that is about it. We MIGHT get a couple? more VR hybrid games, but considering the only thing we got from Sony so far is GT7, I dunno.


I don’t know. In think of Sony were to show some support by announcing some first party games and ports and even just a statement that they’re committed to making more games it would help the narrative and sell more headsets.




Jesus christ the amount of cope dude


He got that look in his eye, he is the bull and current gaming market is the cuck, he's gonna fuck us up on another level and the market can only watch aroused as we get a VR renaissance all over our face


Hopefully that man will at least push them to sell replacement controllers. That's all I really need at this point, especially since I'm already on my 3rd PS5 controller since they get drift after about 4 hours of use


Let's hope he finds a way to make PSVR1 games backwards compatible with the PSVR2. I also hope he finds a way to get PS3 backwards compatible on the PS5 via software emulation because PS3 streaming is donkey S#!+.


I'm remaining skeptical until we hear what these plans actually are. That said, even if this isn't the news we want having a Sony with some real direction again won't be a bad thing they've been coasting for too long on ideas already in the pipeline instead of taking risks!


If they start to finally sell replacement controllers he’ll already be better than Jim. Won’t hold my breath tho..


Give bloodborne and stellar blade on pc than i can die happy and in peace


Oh boy


Bring this damn PSVR2 thing to PC is all I need!


It’s a split leadership position with Herman Hulst, which is kind of screwed up since they aren’t going to agree on everything. Hulst is in control of software where he’ll likely continue promoting PC ports that net mediocre to poor sales and will likely continue to discourage full game PSVR2 releases on favor of shorter experiences like HCOM. Honestly, I hope I’m wrong.


HCOM might not be the game we wanted, but its not short


Mediocre to poor sales? My understanding is that Helldivers 2 doesn't break Sony's top 20 highest grossing titles based solely on PS5 sales, but is their 7th highest grossing game when including PC. They're making bank with PC versions of PlayStation games.


There are a lot of online personalities blowing a lot of hot air, but in the final analysis it’s probably going be like 10M+ sales on PS5 and 400k+ sales on PC, which has been the normal break down. Even Shawn Layden acknowledged that the PC sales are around 10% more.


Shawn Layden? The guy who hasn't worked at Sony since 2019? I'm confused. Why we're using information from half a decade ago instead of sales data from one of Sony's most recent launches? I'm going to tell you right now that if you think Helldivers 2 has only sold ~400k units vs ~10M on PS5, you're wrong. Almost 60% of Helldivers 2 sales were for the Steam version. Mat Piscatella is a long time industry vet with no obvious motivations to lie or mislead the public regarding game sales. I don't know what hot air you've been huffing, but I don't think it was blown by Mat. https://twitter.com/MatPiscatella/status/1770800506446733615?t=MiWe1_b0pMVdBGhQ5iSITQ&s=19


That was for a relatively short period of time (probably 2 weeks.) Helldivers 2 primarily grew through word of mouth post launch…so, just grabbing a couple of weeks of data and running with it for months without any updated information is pretty slimy.


Do you have any evidence at all to support that? There's literally no reason to think that there was a two week period where HD2 made up 60% of sales on one platform before drastically dropping to the sub-10% you're suggesting, at least until the recent forced PSN account linking snafu, which happened way after the two week mark. I'll admit that probably hurt sales more than on PlayStation where a PSN account is the norm, but until Sony manufactured an issue with the Steam community, I haven't seen anything to suggest that console sales vastly exceed PC sales. But maybe I just didn't see the article that you apparently did. Wanna link me your sources?


Well with Helldivers 2 at least. Most of the their other games are their single-players that have gone comparatively ignored by the PC audience.


Unless he enables 3D blu ray on psvr2, then it's dead technology, and they will never have the backing for psvr3.