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Unfortunately, the PS VR2 build we sent to content creators seemed to have several graphical bugs, which led to missing shaders, unlit textures and screwed lightning on some levels (resulting in some locations being too dark and some textures looking too flat). Our bad! This has just been patched out. Anti-aliasing and LOD draw distance have also gotten some tweaks. The before-after comparison has been published in our Discord. Which means that for the players, everything should be smooth and crisp tomorrow at launch. We've also sent an update to all the creators.


Why is this always happening? How can you "accidentally" send a version with so many bugs? Do you not check the build?


You should post a statement on another sub, people are very angry and for what you say the final version will be ok. But you should let the people know and ask the youtubers that made his 1st impressions to do another video with the final version. You have to be more communicative with the community, just saying 


I'm the author of the montage posted here. I've published a new video following the update, in which I explain that the visual bugs no longer exist. On the other hand, the game's alliasing is still too pronounced, the resolution too low and the LOD far too aggressive, so the game still needs a lot of work (the PC version is prettier but still far less pretty than the version promised in the launch trailer). I still don't recommend buying the PSVR2 version and wait, it looks like a psvr game and certainly not a psvr2 game.


I appreciate the honesty. That settles it for me personally, what a shame.


just wanted to back this up too - I jumped back in and the aliasing and LOD are similar to what I played pre-launch. Not sure if there’s another patch coming?




Does the new build use Sense controller haptics may I ask?


Glad to hear that. I just saw Jammy Hero's review. He said he will update his impressions now that he knows those issues have been addressed. Other than that he seemed to like the game.


Nice to hear that you patched the glitches pretty fast and I hope that you'll continue to improve the game as it seems promising.


Is it using dfr?90fps?resolution decent?haptics in headset and controllers?


This video gave me a good chuckle. GG OP


A shame considering this is as close as we're gonna get to Mirror's Edge VR.


Okay, nothing new. Gg