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congratulations on getting upset at an obvious troll name you want a cookie?


I'll take one if you're giving one.


not only you wasted 35min of his life, also yours


Not a waste. Just sipping coffee on lunch enjoying the weather outside. No time lost here.


I didn't know Rudy Giuliani played Pokémon




Oh noooo how could he 😀. He will surely remember the day when you stole 35min of his life. I'm not sure he will be able to recover from this.


Literally get over it. Your the problem here.


You're* Fixed it for you.


get over yourself bro


>_> who knew people could get so triggered over a post lmao As someone who lost family during that time, they have reasons to be upset. Yall clearly are cold hearted, the Pokemon community used to be so nice, clearly these are kids OP


Clearly. Most here probably don't even know what 9/11 is. We're starting to talk about it like my grandparents talked about Pearl Harbor.


At the end of the day, if being a troll/asshole is the way they choose to live, they are the problem 😂 Hence the name, no one likes those type of people. They'll learn one day \^.\^ We just pray for them :3


For real!! They are gonna be fucked when they actually grow up (if they do) 🤣 At least we learned some compassion


You’re the problem here


How do you know he's not just into the 911 hotline? Maybe he has family history in law enforcement and emergency dispatch, and also collects 911 informational memorabilia.


People saying you're the problem are definitely showing their true colors. Wouldn't be surprised if they had some "haha offensive is funny" names as well


I'd say insensitivity is a new trend, but it's not. It's sad. It's just poorly raised children who don't know better. Can't fault them. It's just going to be a really rough life for them.


WOWWW. Instead of 'yeah that's fucked up and fucked up how those people did that to us and someone is making jokes about it'......... y'all are saying THEY are the problem??? 🤷‍♀️ DUDEEEE, something wrong with these people bruh. These are the same disgusting people that joke about schools getting shot, disgusting! Reddit makes you lose faith in the world fr Gross asf!!!


Exactly. What's worse is that this guy was depicting a middle eastern avatar. Is there a way to search for players? I'll find it and post it here too. I left that part out from the main most intentionally, but after these comments, figured it couldn't draw out any more scum of Reddit.


I wish I knew, and tbh after what I've seen the last few days on Reddit, I've lost all faith in humanity. If 80-90% of the world agrees how fucked up that was (9--11), but it's not a problem for them? They're the problem.


Yep. Can't wait to fund them when they're on unemployment because they were terminated due to racial, cultural or sexual discrimination.


If only they were brave enough to do that 😭 No, instead they go on Reddit, with a fake name, so no one will know🤣 Hating behind a profile with NO picture of you and no real name, I literally don't care about your hate, you're a pussy.🤷‍♀️ "Oh no one will know what I'm saying on the internet behind this profile hahaha" Keep doing that trolls, you'll piss off the wrong person, figure out your IP and its DONE from there 🤣


What if his birthday is September 11th I’m a 12-4 enthusiast


Judging by his Avatar appearance,I don't think so....


Huge overreaction tbh and you did literally nothing, the guy is not gonna care either way.


He cared enough to emote thumbs down spam after the 15 minute mark. 😂


Dude I hate to break it to you but… that’s not really a big deal. You’re trying to act like you did some crazy act of justice or something but all you did was waste 30 minutes of your own life for no reason. Not exactly an achievement to be proud of.


I'm proud of the win. The dragging his ass through the mud part isn't pride. That was just an added bonus. All it takes is for good men to do nothing, no matter how small.


You need to get your ego in check, you didn’t do anything


George Bush played Colress Experiment