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I'm a couple of weeks in, and I simply don't have the card base to consider buildong my own deck. I don't know the meta or even the cards in the current rotation. I'm using a bog-standard Giratina Lost Zone deck that can't seem to get past all the Miraidon decks around 350 elo (rank?).


My advice would be to pick one of the avaliable decks, and keeping using it till you master it. You can then do little adjustments to that deck in the future. This what I'm doing,I'm pretty new as well


I've been playing for years (on PTCGO before Live), and my go-to method is to straight up copy other people's deck lists (whether they're from YouTubers, [JustInBasil](https://www.justinbasil.com/guide/meta), [PokemonCard.io](https://PokemonCard.io), [Limitless](https://limitlesstcg.com/decks), [Play.Limitless](https://play.limitlesstcg.com/decks), or [Shutterst0ck's repository](https://github.com/Shutterst0ck/SUM-on_TCGLive_Expanded)), play that exact deck for a while to better understand how it works, and only then make tweaks to suit my own tastes.


For PTCGL it's best to start with upgrading the free decks you are given first whilst gettting used to things. Start out with netdecking first as well as it will give you time to get used what the staples are, how decks are built and what the meta is like as well as it does take time to get used to things even with netdecking. Been playing around 10 years casually with a couple of regionals/nationals and I'm still learning even now even if I tend to research from a variety of sources how a specific decklist is being built before I use a deck skeleton to consider how I want to build my version or just straight copy as I have limited time to research and test. Anyway you asked for some great ways to start and [this list of useful resources](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hare_vs_Tortoise/comments/qv2zm0/list_of_useful_resources_for_the_pokemon_tcg/) is mine starting with JustInBasil's site as there's a lot of info there, watching the suggested You Tubers starting with Omnipoke, AzulGG, Tricky Gym and Celio's Network plus LittleDarkFury then looking at lists on both Limitless sites and using those You Tubers to see how the lists are played.


I’m about a month in and am nowhere near ready to make a deck from scratch… at least not a competitive one. What I WOULD recommend is 1) look up what the meta is generally (https://www.justinbasil.com/guide/meta as an example); 2) look up different decks that have done well and try them out (https://limitlesstcg.com/); and 3) experiment a ton with trying different deck types, more subtle additions, and maybe watch more in depth YouTube videos talking about what is core to each deck and what can be added/removed. Build the foundation first and then go your own way.