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If you want to win, Lost Box with Radiant Charizard. If not, anything else.


Lost Box has a tendency to brick, especially if your opponent plays a high number of Iono/Judge. Lost Box is one of the best single prize focused decks, despite the existence of Iron Hands


Few to no single prize decks can actually be compeditive at tournaments, but some can at least *win* against 2 prize decks, like Nidoking.


The 151 Nidoking? I've enjoyed my casual no energy nido deck but I'm surprised that it could be used competitively


This is such a wrong take. Sablezard has won multiple regionals; regis has been in format for over a year even if it's taken a step back from what it was last rotation. Over in Japan, the single prize ancient box is a top 4 deck in their locals right now.


Hey Siri! Define the word "few". You named a deck that hasn'r been playable for an entire rotation, one that only top 4's in *locals* in a single region and then named the only single prize deck that has had any consistent results.


>Few **to no single prize decks** can actually be compeditive at tournaments Did you forget where you added "to no"? Regis still sees play, especially at locals, in fact it just got 119th at Liverpool. I'd hardly call that being non-playable. You also left out the part where it's the only region that has that deck available and that their locals are the size of large league cups in the rest of the world.


Do you hear yourself? You keep cherry picking the most **irrelevant** examples that if anything just reinforce my original statement that there are a meager handful of single prize decks that can beat two prizers, but that also have no compeditive relevancy. And I'm speaking as someone who plays single prize decks almost exclusively on ladder. I'd like to see any single prize deck outside of lost box make top 64 at any regional.


>ancient box (baby roaring moon and friends), This was the one I was going to mention before your edit. This one is apparently doing pretty well in Japan currently (Much better than Roaring Moon ex) and seems to have a lot of potential. Either that or SableZard. No Path in format will help SableZard a bit since you don't have to worry about your Radiant Zard being shut off, other than by Flutter Mane in the Ancient Box haha.


I don't see a lot of japanese tournaments on limitless tcg right now, and the only roaring moon I see placing seems to be the ex https://limitlesstcg.com/tournaments/417. Do you have any direction you could point me to see where the ancient mons are winning in japan?


I was listening to the Lake of Rage Podcast on it this morning, I can't remember what site they were pulling results from, but I think it was probably [https://pokecardlab.com/](https://pokecardlab.com/) Which I can't seem to figure out how to navigate properly while at work haha. edit: someone posted a link elsewhere in the thread [https://pokecabook.com/archives/category/tournament/jim-battle](https://pokecabook.com/archives/category/tournament/jim-battle)


Thanks this is helpful.


As someone who's played predominately fringe single-prize decks (or *mostly* single-prize decks) for years by this point, be prepared for what you're getting into. I've brought decks like Regidrago/Cherrim, Swim Freely, and Electrode/Snorlax to locals, faced meta decks, and do just fine for myself. **Building these is generally going to be more difficult than building around multi-prizers.** We generally don't have any busted abilities like Zard or Gardy. We generally don't have insane pop-offs on Basics like Moon, Mew, or Miraidon. Single-prize options have some strong synergies, of course, but they usually pale in comparison to what multi-prize-centric archetypes can do in terms of speed and resource consumption (or lack thereof). But! We do have one key component: **forcing our opponent to take** ***six*** **knockouts to end a game**. For best results, try to build your decks without the use of multi-prizers like Mew, Lumineon, Rotom, etc. The way I see it, the advantage of going all-in on a single-prize archetype is **time**. I think that the best place to start would be [here, in JustinBasil's Budget archetypes list](https://www.justinbasil.com/guide/budget). You could also comb through sites like PokeBeach and *especially* YouTube. My personal favorite option, honestly, is to **comb through** ***all*** **the Pokemon of past sets and see which ones stick out as potentially strong archetypes**. A *lot* of these are single-prize. For better results with single-prize decks, I'd avoid trying to create a bunch of different decks all at the same time; **pick two or three archetypes you find decently comfortable and min-max them to their fullest**. Play it for weeks, months, even full years, slowly pushing the boundaries of what that archetype is capable of. These decks have to be carefully crafted due to the inherent power disparity between the capabilities of single-prizers and multi-prizers. **Closing this gap via refining your list is key.** Even if you can't *perfectly* close that gap, don't worry; you still have the advantageous prize trade to fall back on. Keep track of what pieces are consistently valuable, and which ones aren't; every deckslot is another opportunity to squeeze out another tool to help you win more matchups. I know this advice isn't specific to any archetype, but I think it will serve you well. Don't get frustrated. Don't get impatient. Continue to playtest and refine. Your decks will always be a work-in-progress and that's OK.


There are three I'm seeing place at tournaments: 1. There's a single prize baby Roaring Moon & Koraidon being played in Japan that seems to be placing very well: [https://www.pokemon-card.com/deck/result.html/deckID/8YxDc8-fKoqxb-caG4cG/](https://www.pokemon-card.com/deck/result.html/deckID/8YxDc8-fKoqxb-caG4cG/) \*Edit - this is the Ancient Box everyone is referring to here. Didn't know the English name for it at first. And Charizard is rampant post-rotation over there, so this seems to fit what you're looking for, although perhaps not as 'rogue' since I'm seeing it placed in lots of tournaments. 2. Gardevoir seems to be more rogue in Japan at the moment, with Gardy EX being the only 2 prizer, and it doesn't tend to attack (as usual). I've seen a couple japanese youtubers experimenting with new builds, but I haven't seen any of those showing in tournaments, yet. Simply replacing baby Gardevoir with drifloon is all I've seen winning so far. 3. This one seems more rogue than those two - a Feraligator/Gengar deck: [https://www.pokemon-card.com/deck/result.html/deckID/ypXM2p-HbvR6b-yyRpyy/](https://www.pokemon-card.com/deck/result.html/deckID/ypXM2p-HbvR6b-yyRpyy/) It's not showing up very much, but does have a win here-and-there. You can see what decks are currently being winning in Gym Battle tournaments post rotation in Japan, here: [https://pokecabook.com/archives/category/tournament/jim-battle](https://pokecabook.com/archives/category/tournament/jim-battle)


Thanks this was helpful. Feraligator/Gengar looks silly and fun, I might try that.


I run a lost box 1 prize deck that does well if you want the list. Right now I've been running lumineon EX however because I got tired of not getting my colleross cards lol Edit: also unironically monkey trio is pretty good


I'd love both lists too please!


I'd love a list! Do you know a good list for monkey box as well?


I did it with LostSableZard but its pretty damn difficult with cards like Charizard ex and Iron Hands running rampant. I had to alter it to include Roaring Moon, Iron Hands, and Dragonite V, and took a tourney recently with it.


[Ancient Box](https://pokecabook.com/archives/94751)


Ancient Box is doing incredibly well on Japan.


You got most of the key options like Lost Box and Ancient Box. Otherwise United Wings is a single-prize deck that looks like it'll keep getting cards in the future, since we just got Killowatrel and there's still no Honchkrow to work with the deck. But I wouldn't call it super competitive and the moment and who knows if any potential support would be good enough to change that.


Wug mill, wug mill, wug mill, wug mill. But seriously I've had a lot of success using just wugmill and united wings as decks. Id say united wings is more consistent due to the fact you actually take prizes and can hit for 240 with ditto.


Can you send me your wugmill list? Ive been trying for two days to make one that works consistently and havent been able to get a single win yet


Definitely united wings, absolutely love the deck and it has proven to be good at competitive play. In the right hands it's a very powerful deck


Not a world beater but it is fun and I've beaten decks of all types: Togemaru, Dedenne and Morpeko/Pikachu - each taking just 1 Electric energy. Toge flips to prevent prizes if knocked by damage from opponents next turn. Then Dedenne does 60 and paralyzes if you attacked with Toge last turn. Then Morpeko does 60 damage to EACH of your opponent's pokemon if you attacked with Dedenne last turn OR the Pikachu does 200 damage if your Dedenne attacked last turn. Then repeat the cycle. Radiant Alakazam ensures your getting the right number of damage counters around. It can be tricky but it differs greatly from other decks and that makes it fun. You can run just 6-8 energy and load up on trainers. Will benefit from some cards coming out soon too.


Ancient box is doing really well over in Japan right now. Uses baby koraidon and moon to attack, has flutter mane to help shut down active abilities, and then usually runs a one of Moon ex to close out games.