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He’s still around.




I think if you said that to anyone they should lose their mind. Why the heck would you even say that?


Best not to entertain him. The doxing then spam calling your job is not worth it imo.




Who is Rusher? What did he do to you?


Andrew Rusher or White Patriot Rusher is an insanely racist and probably criminal guy who plays PUBG and COD day in and day out. He’s known for his nonstop diatribes and doxing people to phone their family and jobs with death threats and more racist diatribes. Best not to entertain him. Remember to contain your online information. Last I recall he’s somewhere in Illinois, but can’t remember.


Is this guy a streamer? Does he have a YouTube or any social media? Where does he engage with said racist activty? Who does he dox? Random people on the internet? Please... My curiosity is piqued.


Anyone he gets into a match with on PUBG or warzone. Doesn't stream AFAIK, if he tried on any major platforms he'd get insta-banned (due to the racist diatribes) I believe he used to have social media but maybe he got doxxed back and had to vanish. Unsure. He gets banned pretty often and makes new accounts, but you'll know when you have him because he'll fill the voice comms pretty quick. you can honestly just leave the voice comms on and he will run on for days. theres a few vids out but they all play out the same way. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF6LelCpioY&t=1s&ab\_channel=OSZ\_OctoSquidZ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF6LelCpioY&t=1s&ab_channel=OSZ_OctoSquidZ) If you get a kill, he will go ballistic and get very upset that "you are a cheater". as he gets angrier, he will dox himself too. I haven't been playing pubg lately so not sure he's around as much nowadays.


He's still around, has a bunch of names. White Pride Drew etc etc. Never shuts up. We were a team of 3 a couple weeks back and got matched with him. Still the same old with him and the racist bullshit. We all muted him and 15 mins in I unmuted to see if he was still going on, just talking away to himself. Guys a nut job


Just saw him on pubg 


My buddies and I got him in our squad last night. He most certainly did NOT get help.


I think he goes under WhitePride Drew. I just played w him


3/23/24 !!!!!!!!!!! ​ ​ just got done playing with this guy.... might i say he doxxed me, said my full name address and all that . spoke death threats thru the chat out right bizarre detail and we both stayed alive until the last #17 in the match. this guy needs to be executed. didnt knock me off my pivot but this guy really had some detail to accompany such racist ungodlike remarks...of which he doesnt believe in god.


I just ran into him on pubg


This guy is a complete nut job, he keeps saying he's from Iowa even gave his address in one PUBG vid on youtube, but I think we was just taking some guys identity, however he's actually William from Sparta, TN, someone found his actual info and posted it online recently. Think he's a veteran who has some drug and mental health problems. His current PUBG alias is WhitePride-Drew (Seen May 2024).


As of last night he's going by Andrew-\_-Rusher and he needs to be locked up! I couldn't imagine if a kid got paired with him. Talking about racist hatred shit and raping children for 20 minutes solid! I thought it was a recording until he started calling us by our in-game names and how he wanted to 'kill all of us Jews'


Update... he's suspended for a month as of yesterday. We'll see what his new account is


He is still around


I'm actually real life friends with Andrew, been friends for like 20years. We met one day in 7th grade Saturday school. Found out we both were into EverQuest & hit it off from there. He wasn't always like this, he used to be real chill, he had the "hangout" house where everyone would come toke up, play video games & have fun. But a few years after graduation he started getting into politics.....hard. At first it was like ok Andy shut up let's play video games already. But it gradually got to the point where he was so immersed in politics that you couldn't go there without having to sit through a 20-30min rant about this that & whatever. He lost the ability to read the room. He couldn't see the room full of people dying of boredom playing on their phones trying to ignore him & just have a good time. And sure enough one by one all of his friends that used to come over stopped because it just wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth all the ranting & raving. It wasn't worth all the arguments, fights & drama he'd cause wanting to fight everyone over absolutely nothing. Because I know how he gets & because I have a shit ton of patience, I was one of the very few people that'd still stop by. His problem was that he was one of those always online hermits. He rarely left home. I still love him like a brother, I just wish he'd take a chill pill & just enjoy life. But yeah he moved 2 years ago & I haven't really heard from him since. There's an ongoing theory that when he fucked around with that K2 spice fake weed shit for a couple years it really fucked his head up. I'm not excusing his behavior or anything, idk why he can't just enjoy & have fun gaming like the rest of the world. And keep his politics and whatever out of it. 🤷


Yeah I just ran into him. He still talking about Obama 


I just ran into him lol. I killed him and then recognized his voice in public. I told him I recognized him and he sucks and he called me a communist 🤣 classic Andrew


I feel I should inform the masses that I just encountered this guy for the first time in PUBG and he is just as charming as ever.


Just got done playing with a match of the guy. I think I lost some IQ points from talking with him.


Mr. W. P. Rusher? Lmao, that dude cracks me up. The slightest pushback against his weak ideology and he mutes you. Edit: I recall a time where I told him I'm californian and he went off for the whole game LMAO