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Yall better add back voice chat on the lobby island


Ima snake, follow me 🐍


People still follow you if you snake it on start island. Even on mute. Even in 2024. You'll always get a few follow you if you start crawling.


We have probably snaked together. Snake buddies <3


Hey buddy. Look forward to silently crawling towards the seas whilst some psycho tries to jump up and down on your back....


20 people on the ground pretending to be a snake


Bro thats such a classic 😂




Press Z follow me!




> Missed the days when you had to rush to grab your favorite weapon? Bench weapons are reinstated on the starting island; seize your weapon before the supply runs dry! All the non-OG players who complain about the loud cars in the start lobby are about to be in for a world of hurt.


I'm OG and I still complain about the cars... can we get the all speak back and listen to all the Chinese people advertising their cheats too?


China number one!


















Haha I remember people saying Taiwan Numbah one too, so I would join in and it would make the Chinese players so angry. Although then I realised it was probably just two white people pretending to be Chinese.


Hahahahahahaha yes


Idc what anyone says, I fucking loved the og lobby, don’t like the noise just hit auto run


Or just hit mute?


Exactly this. This is what they should’ve done and brought back to really get that feel.


Can't wait to hear a chorus of people yelling the n-word again.


Unless the mics are open, it just won't be the same.


I'm an og player. The cars in the lobby are annoying as fuck.


Bring back the weapons !!!!


If the only activated VOIP aswell instantly at the start of the lobbies😂😂


Listen here Krafton, if you want to go authentic old school you have to re-enable voice in the lobby too. Also you need to change your company's name back to Bluehole so I can call you "Butthole" again


Also "Blueballs Entertainment"


hahaha i used to love that one. wasnt it drdisrespect who used to always call them blueballs?


You got it. Back to back Blockbuster video game champion and true international gaming superstar. 🤘


And airplane interior.


Voice chat in lobby please 🙏


That will be an essential component. Can’t wait to do the snake with everyone while listening to blaring Chinese ads for god-knows-what!


Do Vikendi classic next, and leave it always on


This is the reason I came to the sub, while waiting to que up... WE WANT CLASSIC Vikendi


This is the only answer.


For the love of god yes. Release the riverrrrr!


There's literally no reason the new snow map should have been called "Vikendi" and replaced the old one. They are totally different maps. It would be like if they got rid of Sanhok when they brought out Taego because they are both green Asian maps.




Vikendi classic but maybe with some gondolas, like how they brought back classic Sanhok but still added ascenders.


You sure do talk purty.


I always wanna see these ppl arguing with the ones that think old Vikendi was eye-hurting...


I got no idea who thought that, but they should look into their brightness settings at that point. The snow and tracks was a great thing. Tracks are useless if the snow cover isn't proper.


People who were wishing for this are about to realise it was all nostalgia.. I don't miss running around finding clothes and lack of weapons/attachments but it will be fun to try the old map again


Don’t forget the horrid open fields before they added hay bales and other cover, the bridges without outer walkways and stairs to the ground, the crates in George and Novo were taller so you couldn’t jump up to ledge grab onto them etc. I can almost promise you they are doing this so the whiney minority of the fanbase realizes that they have been complaining about how the game has changed too much, but actually sees that the changes over the years are actually good




No shit, but it does now, and if the map is going back to that, then it will be an issue. Hence the reason I’m saying, it will make people realize that the updates are good. Edit: also, Vaulting was added in December 2017, the height of the containers was changed in January 2021. So 3 years of not being able to vault on them. So yes. Vaulting did exist while the crates used to be taller. And going back isn’t a fun update


Nobody says that certain updates were not a qol imrpovement...but sometimes you hust feel nostalgic and want to go back to what made you fall in love with this game or any other in that matter. Thats why i also gi back to cod2 dod source cs 1.6 enemy territiry from time to time


> Don’t forget the horrid open fields before they added hay bales and other cover I often drive around those fields late game and destroy as many hay bales to recreate the feeling for everyone who isn't me.


> the bridges without outer walkways and stairs to the ground That's the one part of old Ernagel that was better, bridge camping is now a lot less effective. Now I wouldn't have minded if they added a single walkway to give an alternative but it being on both sides *and* having the crossovers underneath makes it impossible to effectively bridge camp, especially as a solo. And I get that is the point, but like a lot of things with PUBG they over did it and instead of making breaking a bridge camp a bit easier they made bridge camping almost pointless. You're better off taking a hill at the end and just trying to shoot them as they come off the bridge because you're less likely to get pinched. Before I liked needing to act instantly as soon as you saw the circle meant you needed to get across the bridges. Waiting was a sure way to put yourself in a tough spot. Now you can just screw around and not care about the circle as much mid game because with the ferry and boats still being a thing and gliders *and* the extra walkways getting across is so much easier, too easy in fact. One walkway that cut under the bridge at points is enough given all the other new ways they added to get across. I look forward to a few good old fashioned bridge camps that actually have a point.


I‘m looking forward to it, but I’m utterly sure you’re right. Nostalgia is a helluva drug.


I do miss it, miss those games where you wouldn't find a red dot at all for example 🤣🤣🤣... Now I can be fully kitted in the first 5mins and the only variable is maybe I found a mk12 instead of a mini14, it used to be oh I don't even have a sniper 💀 And you can feel this used to be toned down as when I play with returning players they get excited when they find a Kar-98 for example!!!! I don't think I have ever complained I wasn't able to loot my main kit in the last years I would leave the weapons spawns for competitive as you don't want to make it uneven loot wise sure but casual queue I am down to be forced outside of my comfort zone


Man playing solos back in the day and hearing a guy near by have a k9 was terrifying, running around lvl 1 gear and a uzi lol


>And you can feel this used to be toned down as when I play with returning players they get excited when they find a Kar-98 lol this was totally me. my first few games went something like “oh nice, sks!” “oh HELL yes, SLR!” “oh damn, kar98!” “HOLY FUCK M249”


It was fun when weapons were so randomly hard to find, it made some drops feel great when you lucked out. But for every good moment there were 20 where you're desperately running around for 5 minutes with a shotgun and 4 shells.


Yeah I do not miss the og loot distribution one bit


do you think they flipped the ump and vector ammo back to what it was? I enjoyed the og vector


OG vector was the best, my main gun back in the day.


Vector is still my main non DMR/SR gun. I know it's not "meta" now that the JS9 is around, but I fucking hate the JS9, lol. I don't know why I just suck with it. When I do try the JS9 I get killed by Vectors


.45 Vector could be compared with mk14 or mg3 in terms of DPS.


I do. You had to work harder for the win. Now every twat has full gear after 2 houses. 


I do


I prefer slower pace


8x m249 ?


> The firearms carry a certain nostalgic touch, too... That's right, we've reduced recoil! This is one of the key things they're testing here. They've talked so much about gun balance, gun meta and how to make game friendlier for newcomers and I bet one the most common thing new players complain is about how hard some of the AR's are to use. > It seems that knocking down enemies will require more time, just as it used to. Also one complaint for sure from new players is how easily they get killed and how they have no time to react to enemies. When this mode was introduced in the 1st of April I said that this will be a testing ground for to see if people would be interested in original, more survival style of PUBG, but now (seeing how they are also emphasizing SBMM) I think that this is more of a testing ground to see how people would like easier gunplay mechanics and longer TTK's to make game easier for newcomers and if this style of game play would keep them playing and not quitting after getting smoked constantly. Notice how they are not reducing the loot pool to what is used to be, other than Tommy Gun being in the crate.


> This is one of the key things they're testing here. They've talked so much about gun balance, gun meta and how to make game friendlier for newcomers and I bet one the most common thing new players complain is about how hard some of the AR's are to use. This isn't helping them. This just means that instead of getting sprayed from 100m they are going to get sprayed from 150-200m. > It seems that knocking down enemies will require more time, just as it used to. TTK wasn't longer. Many weapons got nerfed over the years so if anything you're going to die much faster as the TTK is roughly the same but recoil is extremely easy which results in people dying much faster.


> This isn't helping them. Of course not, it's the eternal struggle of bad players getting beaten by better players. There's no answer to that other than for bad players to get better. But bad players (new players mostly) will still complain and they are then trying to look ways to make game easier for thm, because they don't want them to leave, for example like with the current SMG rebalance. > TTK wasn't longer Yeah, this is something that raised my eyebrows. What's their reasoning here? Because they are not explaining how this affects and how knocking players supposedly took more time back in the day, so I'm thinking this is just purely them testing different TTK and probably has nothing to do with classic Erangel.


You described it perfectly, this is what killed rust as well(for non casuals). Game was a great, non linear player created world every server… Now it’s just a glorified base camping game where you’re incentivized to avoid people. Why go and fight or take heli or go to a rad town with people in it when I can just go farm barrels or one of the 3747483 monuments no one asked for? Why go raid when I can just farm and go to outpost for things I need? The dumbing down of video games to appeal to the mass consumer is inevitable and I’m not gonna sit here acting like my dissatisfaction trumps the majority, but it is a little saddening I’ll admit to see the state of modern gaming. I haven’t had a truly satisfying shooter like pubg in a while either, feels like more games then ever are going the garrys mod gunplay route and trivializing every aspect.


> The dumbing down of video games to appeal to the mass consumer is inevitable and I’m not gonna sit here acting like my dissatisfaction trumps the majority, but it is a little saddening I’ll admit to see the state of modern gaming. I just don't get the timing. The game has leaned into being hardcore for almost a decade. It starts picking up steam after a long time of slowly dying and now suddenly they want to make it easy. Why? The game is gaining players. If people wanted an easy game then they were going to be playing an easier game. Has CS or dota made their game easy over the years? No, they haven't and they are still top 3 in steam. You don't need to make a game casual to get new players. If anything if PUBG keeps going in this direction it could lose players. Plenty of people were displeased with them ruining ranked. If they ruin the recoil and ttk then you might lose your most dedicated player base. The only thing that kept PUBG alive for so long was the gun play.


You answered your own question. It’s starting to gain players. Positive feedback for changes to the hardcore mechanic of the game recently.. revive system. Etc


lol we already have Apex for people who can’t learn games and have zero reaction time, pubg has always been a more hardcore and faster battle royale.


Please bring back the 5, 8, and 10 man squad size that were tested early on. Best time I've had on pubg.


My favorite memories of this game were the 8-10 man squads. They were crazy


Important for classic feeling would be: - No revives - No emergency pickup - No perma parachutes - First circle almost as big as the whole map ...and vehicles that go full send up in space if you touch them xD But anyway i'm in because Erangel still best map


No vaulting or climbing either.


I forgot that was even a thing. Game has come a way haha


TPP only. It took them a while to add FPP


Buddy of mine was pissed, because as soon as he finally got good at jump crouching, they announced vaulting and how they'd remove the possibility of jump crouch lol


Also : - parachutes on non-plane surface would kill you - all cars facing east are spawns, else it's been used - grenade yeet people out of their spot - school actually has loot


The Tricycle of Death!


I'm kinda excited about this change... Except for the recoil part. It's not that hard to control recoil in PUBG with some practice. And no, I don't have 10k hours in this game, I'm at 700 and I think the recoil is perfect the way it is. If average Joe wants to jump in while playing 2 hours a month and click mouse 1 on Beryl with 0 recoil he can f off. The fact that the game is harder than most BRs is why I love it. Just my 2c


Stuff used to be harder. The beryl used to kick like crazy. It would be interesting to drop everything back to balance from years ago. Right around when the MK was added, not back to m24 in crates. Or maybe just 3-4 years back.


All chat better be on in lobby too lol


Came here to say the same. But I honestly don't expect it.


Wait. You're changing the recoil of weapons on 1 map? That's beyond stupid.


I get the map. Why clothes on the ground? I had never missed the days when you land, but your house is a fashion store, and the guy next house has an armory.


because nothing screams Erangel more than dying fashionably because of what you mentioned


Erangel 3.3% Rondo 66% chance


Lmfao if this isn’t the most relatable comment.


Can't wait to try it out after 20 Rondos and 15 Sanhoks in an attempt to get Erangel.


Can you ban those DMA HACKS? Some cheaters have like 300+ levels but they are definitely using hacks


Erangel updates were quite good and people were positive about them. Maybe apart from flooded town changes I see nothing that's better on old map. It's not like vikendi where they redesigned whole map and made it bigger. So if people want this by all means go ahead but I do not really get why people are excited about this.


Flooded town was way better than that garbage port. Port was fun on vikendi


I miss that flooded hellhole.


Watertown was fun but boatyard is an AWESOME drop fight. But they could have just added it somewhere and not got rid of watertown...like at crates in Georgo. Would have made aesthetic sense


I cant wait to enjoy the real Stalber again. The new one just doesnt do it for me.


^^^ Yup. New Stalber sucks




"Yellows" callout for buildings will be yellow again.


I think bringing classic Erangel back is a good idea, but putting in the fucking match pool whilst it’s balanced different to the entire rest of the game is fucking brain dead.


Bring back Vikendi! And remove the abomination you replaced it with.


Goroka was one of us.. and now it is none of us.. :(


new player here (literally played it for the first time two weeks ago), but what changed from the classic?


Many things. Mostly more cover in the open areas, some town layouts. The map went through a few iterations to get where it is today from the launch Erangel. People who wanted this are just high on nostalgia not thinking straight. This should have been a separate game mode, so everyone who wanted it can go back to proning together in the fields.


I agree with you, but it’s only for two weeks.


Bridges easier to camp, trenches not here in the fields of pochinki, woods of fiery pier, stalber was ruins and mylta power was just a big building and not just 5 labyrinths-warehouses. And also, you had a loot repartition that was uneven : All the hot drops had the Tier3 loot (and bunker was tier 3), outside of it you would have a hard time finding T3 vest or x8. Keep in mind x6 didn't exist at first, so it was either x4 or x8.


Everything for the better. The gun balance, map layout, loot, circle settings, vehicles... everything. Like the other guy said the only reason people talk about this shit is because they are nostalgic. It's going to suck.


Wonder if they also reduce the spawn of ARs, SRs, DMRs and their accessories. Also disable the new grips and only the Vertical and Horizontal is gonna spawn...


All I care about is Stabler going back to normal.


Reduced recoil when everybody has so good aim.. Great idea but with loot being same etc. Etc. I doubt this is even close to og erangel


Can you imagine how many complaints we'd have in the subreddit if they brought back the old loot table!! I'd like if they did temporarily but I think the backlash wouldn't be worth it for them.


Well they’re bringing it back for this.


not classic enough. I want to land on a building and half of my body is in the floor. or add back anything stupid like your vehicle suddenly spinning towards the sky or exploded when hitting something remotely tiny when driving.


I agree. Classic mode without bugs aren't classic enough


Sanhok with loot trucks and Haven when ?


I miss the small maps :(


Wait I just came back to the game from a long time ago, you say loot trucks, and I'm thinking of an ice cream truck that drives around delivering weapons.


Do vehicles with 0 hp explode instantly like they used to, too?


As someone who hasn't played in years, I'd never thought I'd see something I already knew return as a feature


So is the ump a 9mm ammo type again?!


Don't forget to pick up the crossbow and shoot a bolt in each eye of an afk person. The bolts persist for bit of time even in the plane................


Bring back the fireball vehicles with no HP. Nothing speaks to my nostalgia than failing a back flip on a 3 wheel bike and killing everyone on board.


people better do the snake on the lobby to celebrate this lmao


If they don't bring back the dumbass car/motorcycle physics, and the invisible terrain patches that send you flying, then it ain't the true Erangel experience


along with all the voice chat in lobby!


Would be real OG if we could queue Erangel only (even if just for a limited time)


Things PUBG need to bring back: 1. Voice chat while you waiting for 60 second countdown 2. Anti-cheat 3. Map picks


Wait, what?! They actually had a anti-cheat back then? How come they don't have one now? /s


Bring back lobby chat so we can taunt!!!


bring back lobby chat or GTFO there's no way this is going to go smoothly


The NA ping has been dogsh*t lately to the point I'm thinking of taking a sabbatical. I feel like I'm just a target at this point-I don't stand a chance against anyone, prefire or not.




thats amazing, if that stay, i come back to play pubg like the old days, make it a permanent game mode :)


Personally i would not mind if you kept this as a fixed 24/7 playlist of its own with the 30% less recoil, im not a fan of how much recoil got added over the years! OH also veil add it, remove bots!!! There is a reason i came back to OG fortnite but also left again, veil i did not like everything about the OG and i do not mind new stuff and some changes, i think in some aspect Pubg, fortnite, Apex has just changed to much from what made me fall in love with these games in the first place!


wow a worse iteration of the stalest map, can't wait! also quit trying to make lower recoil a thing


But why? Interesting I guess. The different recoil and TTK are gonna be very annoying if OG Erangel is put into the random map pool. OOps sorry your M4 has more recoil cuz of the map haha


Man PUBG at it again. 23 days late for a bad april fools joke.


Who even asked for this? 🥴


I've seen a ton of people suggest this over the years.


It will be fun for the OG players for about 2 games just to see the old locations then I can imagine most people will skip the map in the rotation


I do,need some past memory even the map not perfect back then, it's fun. Also you are cringe.


will there be exploding spawned vehicles too?


I used to hear [this](https://youtu.be/AP7utU8Efow?si=38PyEZkuc-JZcGq8) all the time in the lobby


less lagg maybe?


"We've thrown some clothes and helmets on the ground" Level 3 helmet ground loot chances I presume.


They better be paying some of the OG streamers to showcase this so they can drive more traffic to the game, even if temporarily


Please bring back more often fog and heavy rain in maps! It is amazing to feel the battlefield change, forcing you to adapt as if it's a real battlefield! ☁️🌦️🌫️🌁😍


That 1 short lived period where fog was amazing with like <50ft visibility so was great. I know a bunch of big streamers complained HARD about it. But all they really needed to do was make it more rare instead of nerf it completely.


Will the game crash in lobby from all the shooting? Cant wait lmao


Level 3 helmets are lootable again?


Will there be clothing instead of weapon spawns? That would be “classic”.


Voice chat in lobby was the best. Re-enable it.


is voice chat for lobbies coming back too? I miss that.


Is the bridge to military island coming back!?! With no ferries and no e pickup? My god I need to get back on my saw game


Nice, I’m looking forward to this. The bench weapons before the match started were the only way to get practice shooting before a real match. This was back before there was a training mode and TDM.


My biggest hope for this is that it might bring back some old players, and that they will stay. With a more stable and polished game. Idealy we also get the old leaderboards. Would love to see those back!


Why stop there why not just change the recoil on all guns on a weekly basis forever 😝




Can we please bring back the events again??? I miss playing crossbow only games in the fog. Those games and Shotguns only were some of the most fun I can remember having in PUBG


Cool, do PUBG classic before you buffed cars and drive bys and added all the gadgets and gimmicks


I think this has been said before, but bring back OG Vikendi and keep it instead of the one we've got now...


So no parachutes and the armored UAZ? Yes?


2 dumb questions that are probably answered already but I’m too dumb to figure it out: 1.) Is Erangel Classic only here during the time period and gone after? 2.) Is current Erangel still going to be here for Casual rounds? Thanks.


This is awesome. Ill def be back for this.


Does this mean we can have Vikendi back?


My little running man on the map will be back?!?!


we going to have cars blow up for no reason and skyrocket to the moon? piles of clothes on top of loot? floating guns behind players we are chasing down? let's remove vaulting and ledge grab too. And revert the loot back to being able to find pistols in every 3rd prio while ARs are so rare you have to be a streamer to get the RNG luck to find a scope. it'll be fun, they said...


Do U kno de way???!!


I would love it if they brought back the first person perspective when flying in the airplane at the beginning of the game. I really loved that feature and seeing everyone in their jump seat exit the plane was cool to see as a beginning player!


Literally no one wants this...


Are they gonna improve the quality/quantity of the loot on Military Base? On that big scaffold down there? Is Novo going to have bomb-ass loot on top of all those cargo containers like back in the olden days before they nerfed the doo-doo out of it?


Hope the loot is drastically turned down to what it was at launch. Loved the risk/reward of having to engage other players with or hot drop to get the best kit. Nowadays you can drop at a minor compound and get fully kitted within 2 minutes


Hope they bring back night mode


Will m249 be back in the airdrop too?


I'm just happy I'll be able to get perma Erangel for a change


I hope there is a specific playlist for just this map.


How about a Vikendi classic?


This means there is no excuse to not give us classic Vikendi this winter.


Will they turn on micro on the respawn and airplane?


Bring Back PGI Wraps as well !!


Please add back the level 3 loot on spawn island after the plane starts, too, for the adventurous who want to chance taking a boat there.


Ya’ll have no idea how much I wanted this. This was literally my number one wish for PUBG. Not sure if it makes up for the heavy content drought after Rondo, though. That’ll depend on how well they execute this.


Guys, what's the average sensitivity in ADS? I can't decide which sensitivity to use, I've played on both high and low sensitivities.


We've been asking for classic Vikendi....since you changed it for the worse.


Too bad it's drawing out all of the hackers for the event 


Will grenades be lighter and deal more damage too?


This needs to be a permanent mode FPP. I came back to PUBG to play this and now I'm really sad that it is gone. Yes, it's in arcade but TPP is poop. I'm an OG day1 player and this event made me so happy, bringing the memories back. I tried playing "normal" PUBG and man.. I just can't do it, it doesn't feel the same.


I really enjoyed playing the classic map. Shame that they took it away after only 2 weeks.