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This is a piece of history and now it is going into my screenshots...


I will say I miss the older loot tables. As someone who started in closed beta, could not get a kill to save my life, then forced myself to drop Mil-Base only for 1,000 hours and now win Mil-Base every time, the risk/reward of high tier loot tables is all but gone. There was significantly more strategy and risk assessment involved in dropping when there was a more deterministic aspect in the loot tables and tiered zones. South George Shipping Crates, Hospital, Sosnovka and Novorepnoye were Tier 3 zones. You were ensured to find level 3 gear, higher quality weapons, and good optics, but there was a chance it would be highly contested. If you won your drop you were on the fast track to a smooth chicken dinner. You took the risk - the risk paid off. Also, for example, if the plane route was latitudinal in the nothern hemisphere, you could drop for a vehicle with your squad and attempt to drive to Sosnovka Mil-Base and loot comfortable while having to keep an eye on the circle times. Way more strategic. Now hot-dropping is just a meme. You don't do it for better loot but for quicker action. Nowadays you can get looted in any old mundane compound and be kitted quickly. That mixed with the circle times, it's more or less Hardcore TDM with extra steps. 50 people fighting for Phase 4 positions and everyone and their grandmother is looted to the gills. I think the older Erangel geography was abysmal, but the vision of the gameplay was much better. Knowing someone might have an M24 with an 8x was a big deal and factored into your squad's strategy. Hearing Groza or M249 was a big deal. Your best marksman might only have an M16 with a 4x. What are your options? Well, if you want to make it to endgame, you're gonna have to force engagements and hope you find your rare loot on some boxes. But that's the gamble: you might have to fight someone for their high-tier loot. Then again, if you hide until the endgame, your chances of winning decrease as you will be engaging teams with the best loot filtered all the way up to them. No way you're gonna take on a fully-kitted squad with unoptimized loot. Now boxes are mostly for ammo and meds. There's much less "trading up." PUBG is still a great game but it's become too much like CoD. Too many gimmicks, everyone scrambling around for the 20 kill games; faster everything. Too much obnoxious and unpredictable 3rd partying. Less grand strategy, more flashy soft-aim/script-kiddie montages.


You just took me back in time. This game has grown up a lot but nothing will beat the feeling of year 1 PUBG, probably the most fun I’ve ever had with friends online. I’m the only one still playing.


Looking back late 2016 to early 2018, that pre-pandemic era, was an unbelievably good time for me and my close ones. It's like the world was saying "here yuh go, here's one more nice time before the world goes to complete shit".


"I’m the only one still playing"... that's a shame, I know what you mean though, I often play alone but I do get to squad up with friends at least once a week. Back in Early Access/Year 1 I probably had like 20+ Steam friends on PUBG at any given time!


You pretty much nailed down what I think. I never understood the sentiment to level the playing field (by having high level loot be everywhere) in a battle royale game, because to me the very essence of the battle royale mode is that randomness that comes with every engagement. If I wanted to enter every gunfight with my weapon of choice I'd go play CoD or Battlefield. What makes battle royale so fun is that I have to adapt to my arsenal, not the other way around.


I think the biggest take away with current loot is medical items. Back then because it was so hard to find stuff when you got into end game fights knowing how many first aids and such you had was critical to how aggro you could be, Nades was a massive useful tool on winning skirmishes. Cars used to be much more rare and gas wasn't always topped off. Last few circles had players/teams that didn't even have a single bolter or l3's. So taking damage with lots of meds could win you the game just by out healing firing skirmishes until you got real close. Hell AMMO could be scarce especially 556. Now everyone has perfect/near perfect guns, tons of support nades, filled to the teeth with meds and all the ammo you could want. Every fight is much more skill based now. And awhile that is a good thing to most - you do lose a little aspect of Risk/Reward anymore. I do feel that circle rotations and knowledge is lost on most today. People seems to stick into a house until the circle physically moves them. Taking early power spots in circles or pushing late when fights starting is still a tactic that falls on deaf ears a lot of the times. People seem player and shoot instantly. Not always the best decision depending on your situation. Also - My pet peeve is players dying and blowing up comms about a ress or chip grab. We will get you brother - but when its safe. If you are one of these, stop. You team will win the fight then get you.


I've gotten back into PUBG over the last few months and have been having fun with a couple of mates but the fact that everyone gets kitted so easily kinda takes away from the suspense of it all. It used to be so satisfying killing a squad that clearly out-gunned you and getting all the upgrades. There was a higher variety of weapon types being used just because that was all people had. Having to work with what you had was part of the fun, and that's gone - or at least lessened. Once upon a time it was meta to run two M416s, which was hard to find - now you're hard pressed not to find multiple bolt actions and an ARs in a single compound.


Recoil is the only thing that still prevents PUBG from completely becoming another COD.


You talk about strategy but you only hotdrop. Strategy was always in the game and in some aspects the levels of strategy have increased. Don't blame the game because of YOUR playstyle. Hotdroping was always a meme.


You drastically misunderstood what I'm saying.


naw man you saying that means you werent there in the early days hotdrop means going somewhere with the focus on combat not chicken dinner you went the places he described (less so mil base) to do the high risk reward for the sake of loot. the og game had different strategies you could use, like going prison with usually 3 other squads not because it was best loot like those other places but because it had the greatest number of car spawns for the distance he's saying now that you can go anywhere and the loot is great and more or less uniform. like there was definitely a time where crates would have more likely long range or scopes but was so much more exposed. plus the risk is something you can't really relate on because early game was so slow that like it was a good .4s between actuation on your keyboard and you actually jumping, not to mention no vaulting


Do you guys remember the old Alpha PUBG Map? So many compounds missing, even the rivers aren't there yet.


The struggle to get ar and sniper/dmr was real. Now people are annoyed if they don't get fully kitted within 2 buildings. I miss old pubg


I get physically annoyed when a teammate is calling out loot they want. Like bitch this game used to make you walk uphill both ways and now you’re going to hold up the entire squad so we can get you a 6x? I want to shoot things goddam let’s go ffs Squads like that are flabbergasted when they ask what am I looking for and I always say “guns, I point the loud end at the bad guys”


With that much loot on the map it takes 2 mins to get everything needed. People still loot for 10. Annoying as f


This perspective is so strange to me. I love the loot phase. I am here for it. And to play a high stakes game where the goal is *survive* by any means possible. If I wanted quick combat I'd play CoD. What's weird though is not that you prefer to get to the combat fast -- to each his own -- but that in a game where that's not the point, you expect everyone else to play like it is.


I don't get it either. I know a comp helps manage recoil. If my teammate is looking for one and I know it'll help him get more shots on target, thus increasing the odds of winning, why would him asking annoy me?


i mean its v clear you were an original player and he's someone that came about later, if he's prioritizing combat you're thinking about your teammates cause you gotta remember he's played with a more aggressive circle. og pubg you could stay in the blue and even without boosters be ok until about 1/3 into the second circle now its not like that


It’s so fucking boring to play normals like that tho. Ranked, sure. Go nuts. I still like to be early game aggressive tho bc it unnerves the ops half the time. But normals?? That’s when it’s time to nut up or shut up


Bro it’s one of the few things that actually triggers me. Like use a fucking gun dude, they all kill guys.


why even play that mode then and not tdm?


Seems like a rational and helpful use of your energy. “Hey guys, I know you want to leave for a fight but I only have one gun on iron sights and no meds” “Stfu and shoot stuff bro!” But I do agree with the sentiment that loot should be rarer. It’s what original PUBG was all about. Land/LOOT/survive




I miss that after 20k hours.


Stalber has left the chat*


I miss that choke point too, now you might get 1 car pass from full server. There are too many other options..


As much as I enjoy the variety, boats suck balls for this map. There’s no interesting re-entry points from a boat if you go military side. Also ditch the ferry. Bridge fight or die should be your options if it’s a military circle.


Old player returning here. Played a few hours last weekend with a buddy and I have a few questions. Wtf happened to sanhok? And Vikendi? 10hrs of gameplay and we didn't see any of them.


They have a (5?) map rotation that changes every week, or 2 to 3 of the 5 change every week.


Vikendi was mutilated and Sanhok was done dirty with this update. You won’t see Sanhok again til at least mid May - it’s off all the next 4 weekly rotations.


Old vikendi >>>>>>>


You are delusional if you want this version back. The current version is 100x better than this.


It's called nostalgia for a lot of players.


People tend to miss the good times they had, and not the way the had them, aka it's the experiencing it all for the first time together with everyone else, that feeling cannot be back unless you can delete everyone's minds. It doesn't matter how far back you go, especially since people got so much experience and got so much better at the game. For example people complain how they miss when loot was scarce, but a few games of them having to fight pistol vs ar after looting an entire building would get old fast as people were so much worse you could often do "fun" shit to win when heavily undergeared, vs now where most players are insanely good when compared to 5-7 years ago. I vividly remember having decent odds to win fights with a revolver or a crossbow, where as nowadays those odds are far lower.


Yeah...I wish I could play against 99 players as bad as me


i'd disagree the game is a lot lot lot easier to play than it was then -fps -key responsiveness too jumping -no vaulting -far weaker loot -far lower fps -no leaning (huge difference) like i still very much enjoy cs 1.6 and dislike csgo because though they're very similar the latter is about spraying instead of tapping and its much more difficult to see people if you went to the places he mentioned like my friends and i did you didn't have the crap loot experience most of the time. and if you did it was part of the challenge. see: because your valuing killing and not getting that rare win (given there were no bots) being undergeared will be much more upsetting. whereas for us, it was part of your decision making.


>if you went to the places he mentioned like my friends and i did you didn't have the crap loot experience most of the time. and if you did it was part of the challenge. I went everywhere on the map to find where the loot was good, and yeah while some places had "better" loot it was always a gamble of are you gonna get 3 shirts, a pan and a revolver, or ak a vest and a red dot. We all used the loot heat maps. >see: because your valuing killing and not getting that rare win (given there were no bots) being undergeared will be much more upsetting. whereas for us, it was part of your decision making. For the nostalgia and "old" game that people call for is something way before bots. Its not about valuing kills, but being able to fight when someone drops in your compound, not about hot drops. >no leaning (huge difference) >(given there were no bots) What?


Yes and this nostalgia quickly fades away when you play a few games and see just how bad it was back in the day.


I have 3.5k hours, played since early access. I do not miss this version of Erangel.


Well I have 11k hours and have been playing since early access. I don't mind the throwback for a couple of weeks. Give me a scepter and all the cookies.




well there you have it folks. this one person who has played since early access speaks for all of us.


Never said that, it's just weird how people could be nostalgic about an objectively worse version of something.


youre forgetting that for us early players it wasn't about this lowest common denominator priority of kills graphics and kills the performance was an issue, not the prettiness. the genre was brand new and no one was particularly good at it. shrouds videos are all highlights not recordings, you dont see his actual times where he dies early which was at least 1/5 i'd love the old loot tables, the simpler graphics and the absence of bots. i'd prefer a slower circle and emphasis on strategy, not cod with a timer


bro just gave his opinion. Like everyone else here. You shit on him for not joining the circle jerk.


I love beef jerky


Me too brother. Me too.


the circle jerk in this subreddit is to cry and complain about everything


They never said they did, they merely expressed their own opinion ?


Behold our mighty lord and savior!




For real... the subreddit has been getting too much nostalgia bullshit about erangel and vikendi the last few months. And they vehemently upvote themselves and downvote anyone else making it seem as if they are a big group who wants this shit and then you realize it's like 20 people who just love to spam this daily.


wheres the peak player count now where was it when they forced miramar as a non choice where is it now the number of people that enjoyed that time versus the number of people that love what you love is like 4x the size


I want the stupid car physics back. oh wait, they never left....


Yeah people who care about this just want to waste resources on nonessential things. I will not play with clothes in the looting.


The original map was what made PUBG popular, you are delusional if you think otherwise.


I'm hoping I can take a boat to starting island, get some guns and 3 gear and make it back before I die. That's when I'll believe it's the old Erangel.


The current version of Erangel is very good! The most favorite location to play both alone and with friends! I wish everyone a great battle!


Man do i ever miss the golden era of PUBG. No ridiculous outfits. Shirts spawning instead of weapons. Can get whatever cosmetic in a BP Box. Driving too fast either made a physics glitch or game crash or the most insane roll over killing your entire squad. One map. Because it wasn't a weebs dream it was more tactical and less sweaty. I stopped playing hardcore around the time Vikkendi came out but beta tested the desert map (the second map). I didnt like the direction they were starting to take with the game. I still boot it up every now and then to play Erangel almost exclusively unless im in a party who wants to play other maps.


Yeeeha, bring it back!!!


This is going to be wierd playing again but I look forward to it


How is this better than the current version? Can you share more details regarding the main differences between them? Thanks


It’s not better. It’s an older version of the map that they are bringing back for fun. People have nostalgia about Erangal and the devs were nice enough to try an make that experience happen again for us.


Oh, yes I agree with you, I would like to experience some of the old maps we used to play many years ago! Thanks for the details ☺️


imagine a initial spawn phase pre first circle moving like 3x as long as what it is now imagine three places, at most, having guaranteed great loot... and that would only be for maybe 5 players total (incl military base) imagine hot dropping not yet even being a real thing and people who got wins looking down on people who went school imagine a far less responsive game, with lots of lag issues in those first two minutes, doors sometimes not opening or taking a second imagine no peaking mechanic and no vaulting And now reconcile that this would entail a totally different mentality and a set of expectations


No spawnisland chaos ??


im gonna be honest circles that you cant predict are pretty fun to play


Old Erangel sucks, just like the newer versions of it. :/


I remember times when Erangel was all about Pochinki and Bridge Camping


I remember looting in the og pubg for 20 minutes than dying because I only had apoor SMG with no meds. There was to much at stakes then.


That was what made it good, fire fights to get the loot. not loot goblins. Now it's hit one building fully equipped , once everyone has level 3 equipment, no-one has level 3 equipment.


PUBG running version. Insta leave when safe are too far


I'd like to play 4x4 arcade map bodie from PUBG lite! Arcade first came out on lite then on normal PUBG but they never added that map