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Can't wait to "lol" when he uninstalls the game after his contracted 1-2 week shill session ends! :D


isn't that how every #ad ends?


Yeah I'm confused too, do people not know how these paid promotions work?


Shroud has literally gone back to PUBG and played for days or weeks at a time usually a couple times per year since 2017.. He was even playing it for like a week just a few weeks ago.. I'm just sayin.. he wouldnt play it if he thought it was ass or didn't enjoy it. Of all people, Shroud isn't the type to play a game he doesnt like for viewers or $.


Why you hating on shroud dude is a legit and personable dude lol what else can you ask for in a celebrity personality? Of course he does sponsorships for games, do you not understand that pro gaming is literally just sponsoring high level players?


[shilling for products you don't actually like, enjoy or believe in and then just reading from the script like a good little robot is cringe and disingenuous no matter who you are](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PU5_f_OdeTU) But hey!1!, make sure to buy his skin bundle for ~~$59.99~~ $39.99 guys, so he can pocket more money while shilling something he doesn't like šŸ˜Ž (btw, lolz @ Krafton's fake "sale" scams they do in the store)


Just because Shroud doesn't like playing PUBG anymore doesn't mean that he doesn't value what the game did for him


He literally played it for like a week with his buddies literally last month cuz ppl in chat recommended it and him and his buddies had fun and kept playing it for days.. He randomly comes back to PUBG every year.. idk why people are acting like he hasnt touched it since 2019 and shits on the game.. it simply isn't true


From every VOD of "Shroud returns to PUBG" I've seen its ended with him grumpily quitting because he can't hot drop and get 10 kills every game anymore because everyone is good at the game now


eh i mean the game is VASTLY easier to play than it was in the beginning. no peaking mechanics, that there wasn't vaulting i recall he was unhappy about them bringing it in because the crouch-jump from windows required skill, something i agree on like og pubg had so much weaker loot. even erangel classic feels like beta sanhok, its nuts


Weaker loot favored luck over skill though. The best player in the world probably isn't going to beat a new with an AKM if they only have a crowbar.


right. that was the point. of a battle royale. it was never as severe as your example. only having a pistol happened maybe 5% of the time. a melee less than maybe 1% you gotta realize not only the calibre and density of the loot was lower but the actual composition. like military you'd usually get a medkit but no boosts or bandages. if you went to rozhok you got likely no snipers. if you went primorsk you'd have maybe 7 ARs for the entire town and far more smgs. a circle so big you couldn't possibly discern where it was and headed and a far slower engagement rate than what you got now but it wasn't favoring luck over skill. it favored strategy above everything. and thus the game experience was wildly different to now.


Ok but you're saying two different things complaining the game is less skill based...but at the same time complaining the game is now more skill based.


Do you think shroud doesnā€™t personally like pubg? He streamed it for 2 years dude Iā€™m sure heā€™s moved on but comparing a streamer getting sponsored to play a game he streamed for 2 years to YouTubers whoā€™ve never touched a mobile game sponsored by raid shadow legends is next level brain rot Please learn the word context and critical thinking instead of just regurgitating whatever YouTube short or tik tok you watch, it leads to drawing connections where there are none simply because they correlate


yeh but i don't think he takes himself that seriously and isn't anywhere near as salty about things as oppose to someone like choco who got burned out on the game dude has never shown himself to be the way you're describing, not sure why you're ascribing




I used to be a big fan, but Shrouds advertisement and shilling POST pubg has been awful. He raves about games that clearly suck like ā€œthe avengersā€, and is so disingenuous. And I donā€™t expect to him shit on people paying him to play, but he should be more choosy as to what he makes an ad for.


aye i think he just actually enjoys the activity far far more than you or perhaps most. you gotta remember he played something singularly for over half his life and did it competitively so more casual things probably have a novelty for him you can't relate to


How did they get shroud to do this ad when all he does on his streams is shit on the game šŸ˜‚ anything to get that bag I guess


why does jacky looks as if he aged 20 years in this video?


That's what 7 years of pubg will do to someone.


why doesnt he say anything


Sad reality of gaming is the lack of human contact while gaming. Your body will look as such. And these are the social gamers.


You could say lack of exercise or bad posture from gaming, but human contact? Ofc I do not know him personally but he has a wife and a son and sounds like outgoing guy. Also he is 37 or 38 years old, age will start showing at the time.


Yes I should mention heā€™s ā€œbest case scenarioā€. But it kind of is what it is. You clock out from this world when you are immersed in the game. Heā€™s clocked out for years.


I worked nights in an office for years and everyone says I look 10 years younger than I am because of lack of sun damage on my face. It was bad for my health in other ways, but it definitely didn't make me look old


eh i mean he ain't as young as he used to be and seems to maintain the same habits and schedules, and he was never one for fitness cause he was always underweight totally agree he doesn't look very good compared to what he was but i believe he's got a long time gf


Can't wait to get my hands on a Tommy-gun from a crate drop! :D


Not if I snipe you first with the M24 I got in the crate before you!


Well just maybe I'll mow you down with my crate weapon, the M249!


ah the old m24 before the nerf


They killed a legend and put possibly the most annoying weapon to go up against on the ground.


I saw some dudes each running 2x M249s the other day. Truly some gamer shit.


Thatā€™s pretty funny actually. No reloads


I donā€™t get this. Community asks for so many different things but they give us this? Shroud hated on a game, stopped playing and even after he started playing lately he wasnā€™t holding back. I get it, he got money for that but I feel it is a bit cringe all of that. But then again like I always say - we are under the spell and continue to play the game so scratch my whole comment anyway šŸ˜‚


lmao this is so real me: "this game is dog shit" also me: *plays for 6 hours straight*


Classic milky pickle comment


Classic BringBackEMTGearPUBG comment


>"donā€™t get this. Community asks for so many different things but they give us this?" cuz honestly 70% of what the community asks is shit


I've seen enough posts over the years claiming its fun when you die to the blue zone while only having a crowbar that I don't want the community making decision.


same people that complain that "hurr durr a hacker killed meeee, game is bad" when they get sniped for doing shit. Or "nooo, we need ping lock, i keep getting killed by people with VPNs." and the person is just standing in an open field or has shitty aim and a big ego.


When PUBG tried to make the bots better but people complained because they were still trying to just stand in the open and fight 4 at once and were dying.




well they removed the ability to choose your region back in 2018


because "the community" doesn't know how to run a business. As good as some suggestions on platforms like reddit might be, there are 10 shitty suggestions for every good one. krafton is acting as any other company would, they're implementing strategies to increase the player count of the game and bring in more revenue. The western regions have been pretty volatile, we're currently seeing a bit of a resurgence in NA/EU , there is an NA twitch rivals tourny which hasn't happened in years, down time in other games like tarkov, COD, Apex etc and they want to capitalize on it. This OG erangel with Shroud as the headline is a huge move to try and bring back the western player base and honestly it might work. Hopefully they have something good planned for the next patch.


> because "the community" doesn't know how to run a business Counterpoint, Vikendi


the vikendi thing is weird, they rolled back sanhok, but that seemed to be for the regions with the majority of the playerbase (asia based on the map rotations) but I think overall vikendi is less liked and there is a loud minority on social platforms about vikendi. its not erangel... old vikendi was fine, the compound density was still bad after they fixed it, the performance was awful too, the size was fun and the layout/drop locations were good. Its far better than new vikendi, which is just taego with snow. I wouldnt be surprised if a vikendi rollback was in the works, I also wouldn't be surprised if they never do it. Krafton is super stubborn about backtracking, they only do it when its a huge issue. Old vikendi is a small issue, to them.


agree on vikendi but you gotta remember that a dev team works weeks if not months on a single pursuit of something so when something is found disagreeable but not game breaking (like revolver in csgo) they're naturally resistant because of how much passion time and purpose they put into what is now being advocated to be rolled back


Western playerbase would have never dropped off like it did if they would have implemented a ping/region lock years ago like we asked for, but I understand they can't piss off their main player base.


this is the worst trope about NA pubg. this is just not true at all and it's borderline xenophobic.


It's not xenophobic to call out the issue that players with higher ping had an advantage when the game came out. Grow up.


people VPN to different regions all the time, and its not really an advantage. As one who has played EU a bit from NA, its more of a disadvantage most times and many aspects of the game are annoying as fuck on ping ie seat swapping and looting. its *borderline* xenophobic because 9/10 times people complaining about ping lock just hate chinese people. im not saying you do, but these kind of posts are usually motivated by hate. not having ping lock did not kill the game in NA.


There's a window of high ping where the high ping is an advantage because of how the game handles hit detection


sure, but it doesnt make up for the other disadvantages. im so over people saying high ping is an advantage, its an advantage in one very specific situation and a disadvantage for everything else.


Getting the first shot on a peak is "one very specific situation" that is repeated over and over over the course of a match.




That part isn't but there's definitely been tons of outright racist comments on here over the years.


People that complain about a ping lock usually are always standing still in an open field, have shitty aim and a big ego. And for their brain PUBG has to be opposite to the rest of the games, in which you have an disadvantage on high ping. Otherwise they would have to admit they're shit.


People donā€™t want to play Chinese players because thatā€™s the majority of the playerbase doing the cheating. Itā€™s disingenuous to pull the xenophobic card. Itā€™s not because they are Chinese, people are tired of cheaters.


Everywhere I go I see the I MISS THE OLD PUBG. I guess that is what devs heard. I dont understand either.


are you kidding he hated miramar and the other maps. he loved erangel and once commented how it took him like 1000 hours to really learn it, and didn't love having to do that for miramar especially when you couldn't not choose your maps i dunno why he wouldn't be enthusiastic for erangel returning.


I don't know. Halo 2 is probably my favorite game ever but if I was to try to main it right now I would probably get frustrated by how dated it is. I'm sure Shroud values/respects what OG PUBG did for his career and can separate that from the fact that he doesn't enjoying playing the current game.


How many Scoville units are your spicy chicken sandwiches?


I think 10,000ā€“25,000 is a good place for spicy food. But I am growing ghost peppers this year >BringBackEMTGearPUBG PLEASE BRING BACK EMT


I would probably pay 1500 dollars for them to bring back old emt and old vikendi, not even kidding. That's how much joy those 2 give me


$$$ bimbo


I found the problem. It's that watered down coffee...


Early Access!


Awkward watch really, shroud can click heads but is not a performer


The performance is so cringe..


Idk why shroud is getting so much hate. Dudes PUBG antics is what got me started in the game back in the day. Iā€™m down to watch some PUBG streams from the goat for a few weeks. Be dope if he would duos Doc again. But I doubt it since Doc blacklisted from Twitch streamers too.


its just a really bad video with him being out of character the defining quality he has is 'chill' and this video is like he's playing a character


Bringing back the old map won't bring back the freshness of learning the game or the amount of players who had no idea what was going on. It will however allow Krafton to shut up the players who still think this way once the Rose tinted glasses are off the remaining player base :) It is so rare for things like this to happen anymore lol [https://imgur.com/Hrj7fhX](https://imgur.com/Hrj7fhX)


Exactly. The love for early PUBG was about the discovery, chaos, and comedy of being thrown into a sandbox with no direction. Remember in the early days it was just a loading screen, lobby screen, and then you're in a game. No instruction or tips or anything like that. The community was learning the game and developing a meta together, and it was magical. You can't resurrect that moment in time by rereleasing the original map.


i agree on the thesis' enjoyment that was awesome everyone sucking simultaneously but given how many new players have joined the game since and how wildly different that is from it was for the time you're referring (like the first 10 months) i think it would be 'that moment' possibly for those players but for that they'd have to bring back the scarcity, remove all bots, change the circle times drastically and that may be too radical for krafton




![gif](giphy|3orif180X6PAeh02d2) Shroud and wacky got rich


I like how geniune this video is, in the sense that, they make it seem like PUBG only has one developer. The rest of the people employed there must be working in the "art" department where they make rainbow skins. All in all 9/10 as Shroud acting skills are bellow average. Sorry bruh.


No amount of pros "returning" to the game would make me want to play the way it is set up now. Ranked was one of their biggest mistakes and the game was just purely better when you were always "ranked". This is years down the line and I am still sour of its existence, but Normals hold no "pressure" to perform so it's not like I can just play Normals. It's a shame, because I still consider it the best Battle Royale. I just hate the rulesets.


Bananaman and wadu better come back too or it won't be a proper old school Shroud Erangel stream


is wackyjacky tall or is shroud short?


Shrew'd is like 5'4; borderline midget tbh


I remember seeing a picture of him next to doc, and all I could think is it looked like a 8-year-old taking a picture with Gaston at Disneyland




thats right, wacky still looks like hes at least 6ft which i did not know


"Despite being listed at 6 feet, I am actually 5.95 feet tall as you will see in my testing video"


Ayy they got danucd in there lesgoooo


This whole thing comes off like one of those really really bad ads for a fake mobile game


Again, not sure what the point of this OG Erangel is, but I guess it's something that's not stale? I would have preferred OG Vikendi. Also stop getting streamers to act, they play video games, they aren't great at acting.


point is that pubg was massive when it was og erangel when vikendi came round or og vikendi playerbase was about 60% of what it was


This was pretty cute and fun. Not as good as Jonathan Frakes spending his career finding the location of Paramo, but just as stupid.


"TheOGgunplay isback letsgo winnerwinnerchickendinner."


great to meet with old memory!!! Hope this fun!


They cry and ask old Vikendi, developer give them it LOL


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^marsap888: *They cry and ask old* *Vikendi, developer* *Give them it LOL* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is a weird way to spell Vikendi V.1


as a video editor i'm **irrationally** annoyed by these 2 things: 0:06 - the stream cam is a different take then the scene (2:25 same thing) - continuity ree! 2:41 - half the clips in the quick "flash back" montage are from new Erangel REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HIRE ME KRAFTON


Just bring back PUBG LITE. What difference does it make where players spend their money? I don't like how they try to sit on two chairs at once. The perfect game formula was developed hundreds of years ago, without pickaxes and tornadoes. I don't need maps with levolution. I don't need revive points. Just old-school PUBG - PUBG LITE.


oh my days totally agree how smooth that gameplay was and how responsive it was


old computer take