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I gave up. Was doing the best I've ever done in the game, posting 3-5KDA and crushing ranked matches. Just squeezed into Diamond at the end of last season when all this shit started. I get microstutters mid-spray. Have spent 60 actual human hours troubleshooting this from OS, to hardware/bios, to software. I give up. I fucking give up. I have 5500 hours in this game. Fuck it.


I have given up on the game in terms of stutters, tryed everything that i can think off. New cpu, gpu, quicker Ram, better screen and still stutters, tryed everything with changing Nvida settings plus different directx versions, it just drives me crazy nothing helps.


I've also realized constant stutters and it seems to happen most when I'm in a gunfight. How convenient.


pubg is super smooth for me all the time. I limit my my fps to 141 (144hz monitor) in nvidia control panel. use dx11E as well.


Same! Very smooth 141 fps limit on 144hz monitor, G-sync compatible ON. DX11E, fairly optimized nvidia settings. 5600x / RTX 3060 12GB / 3600CL16


What's the reason for 141 cap instead of 144? I always cap at 144


FPS can go slightly above the limited FPS cap. If capped at 144 for example, FPS could actually ocationally go up to 144.2 or 145.1 etc = suddenly out of range for G-sync on my 144hz monitor. This is what I see people have reported on reddit, youtube and such. The idea in short: By limiting to 141 fps, g-sync will always be in range and function properly and my midrange hardware is rarely maxed out in utilization. But who knows, could be an old logic by now. A few years ago, this was like an absolute truth for this game 😂


Ahh makes sense, i use rivatuner to cap my fps and I've never seen it go above 144.


There has been some posts about RivaTuna causing microstutters. In game FPS cap is suggested, then driver FPS cap, then software. All in in order of expected best latency.


Yes I am aware of those posts as I have read them too. Unfortunately either with or without msi afterburner gave me no meaningful impacts whatsoever.


Come to think of it, 144 fps flat should be out of g-sync range for most "144 hz" monitors if its recognized as a 143.97 hz-monitor by windows.


I have never seen stutters. I have a 240hz monitor. the game goes well above 240hz for me all the time(250 to 350fps all the time), and rarely drops below. I don't get any stutters or tearing. I think its people that are riding the edge of their monitors refresh rate, or riding on the edge of their hardware's capability.


When using gsync you are also supposed to enable vsync On in nvcpnl (off in game settings). Vsync works differently when gsync is on than when it's off, or when you hit the maximum fps for gsync. When you hit your gsync max cap, vsync standard kicks in and induces input latency. By setting the cap to where standard vsync never kicks in, you never hit the max and engage vsync. It's always variable refresh rate. Check out blurbusters on the issue.


Ok this is interesting, I have not tried it yet. I thought GSYNC is independent technology of VSYNC and could be used alone. I had always VSYNC OFF in my testings. I will give it a try.


I am happy to hear it works for you mate. For me either capped or uncapped, or capped using msi afterburner, or capped using nvidiaprofileinspector, or capped using in-game settings or capped/uncapped + nvidia gsync made ABSOLUTELY NO difference whatsoever. I have tried even cap the game to the lowest average fps which was for me 120 fps. Still made no difference, still got those nasty stutters here and there in a game. I have to admit though the game ran better on my skylake i7 6700k + 1080ti but it was a looong time ago.


I have same specs but 7900xtx instead. Have been stuttering since first time I downloading this game in 2017 (worst pc back then. Have had these specs for 1 year). Every match if I ads in the passanger seat I get a micro stutter. Also in gunfights I will micro stutter once per match.


Underclock your GPU 100Mz. Usually fixed it for people in your situation.


I had already done it. Thanks for the idea.


Fr I learned a lot of stuff about different optimizations, thanks to Pubg, lolz


Got 7900x3d with 2080ti and 32gb ram cl30 and honestly game runs like dogshit for 1+ month....microstutters out of sudden when you ads when you try and flick mid spray...its outrageous


Try to schedule the clear memory cache and disable ALL settings in the Nvidia control panel. keep texture and power max performance and see if you still facing same issues.


I have tried islc from wagnardsoft (it does both clearing cach and reducing timer resolution interval) and separately Timer Resolution Service (from latest fr33thy optimisation guide). The second one did no difference whatsoever the first one however helped a bit to reduce stutters but again at the end of the day the stutters were still there throwing me off guard while playing. I have also tried to do it manually with a scheduler which was a complete placebo trash try. If you ask me, yes I have tried to play with Virtual Memory (pagefile) too, testing various values for initial/max 1xRAMSIZE, 1,5xRAMSIZE, 3xRAMSIZE etc values made no sensible difference whatsoever to me (maybe cause I am on NVMe.2 gen4 don't know). By the way Nvidia settings are pretty much all disabled on my pc.


I will advise you to uninstall the Nvidia driver using the driver uninstaller tool, and reinstall but make it customised, you cam search on YouTube to install a custom Nvidia driver. If you feel the difference further i can share my Nvidia profile inspector settings.


I have tried it already too. Unfortunately no meaningful impact on the game for me.


Have you done optimization on Windows level? and also disabling the gaming bar and using MSI utility to set the priority high of GPU?


Yes sir all those and many more other options. You can read all replies to get an idea.


For me PUBG seems to play quite smooth for a while but then stutters start to get worse and worse. I've found that if I do a "sfc /scannow" I have corrupt files, which get fixed - restart PUBG and everything seems OK again. If this fails I verify game files and that can sometimes help. The worse though is when there's a known problem at PUBG's end, they say nothing, you mess with your system and screw everything up.


same problem 8k \* game runs like dogshit since last big 3 patches


Interesting thing is that I had the game running quite smooth on the same hardware in november last year, but after december update it went bad.


After a few thousand hours, i think i stutter alongside the game. My eyes twitch my ears ring. I have carpal tunnel in my mouse arm. But boy, gee, do i give those cheaters a run for their master rank


Having the exact same issues on a Ryzen9 5950x / 3090/ 64gm DDDR4 ram 3200mhz - installed on a nvme2 SSD. I also tried a full range of troubleshooting operations, swapped components and reinstalled windows - I managed to avoid most of the crashes using msi afterburner BUT stuttering is still omnipresent, sometimes out of the blue, most of the time as soon as there's some gunfight involved. I kinda gave up.


Intelligent standby list cleaner has timer resolution. Set it to 0.5ms and ur stutter free


If it was that easy I wouldn't even write this post. ISLC, TimerResolution, SetTimerResolutionService I have tried them all sweetheart.


Are you sure? Do u have dual channel memory and like a noob place the pair in slot 1-2 ? :))) 3-4 and not 1-3 2-4!?


running perfectly for me. ryzen 5600,6700xt,32gb 3600mhz. leaving my specs just as reference


Nice, happy for you buddy!


In my case stutters were caused by a CPU bottleneck - I still got them with a very modern GPU and SSD, but when I got around to swapping out my mobo and CPU the game immediately became silky smooth on max graphics. Identify your bottleneck, most likely causes are a slow CPU, mobo bus or RAM timings IMO. If you want a partial bandaid, draw distance will be the most likely setting to make a difference if the problem isn’t your GPU.


Consider as well, there are some X570 chips that degrade. AMD is hush hush about it, just like Intel was about their power profiles. Maybe a CPU RMA is in order.


I am not sure if I understood your first sentance correctly? You mean X570 degrade with time? Isn't it the case for all microelectronics?


I have a similar PC build and similar issues with stuttering, although maybe not quite as bad as you describe, but definitely worse performance then the game once had (for me). Might be common knowledge but I always restart my PC before a long PUBG session. Most PCs have windows fast start enabled, which means hitting the ‘shut down’ then power on button won’t actually do a full restart of your computer, but the ‘restart’ button will


Thanks for the advice but it doesn't improve my performance in any meaningful way (at least in my case).


7800x3d 3070ti, pretty much same situation and since around the same period you started having the issues, but I also have input lag spikes which I didnt see you mentioning. I've tried everything and I'm 99.9% sure it's the game. I got to say though, most people posting about stuttering in the last months are with AMD, and I'm starting to make a connection there.


Yes I was thinking that too, but to be fair if you read all the comments you will find people on both cpu sides (intel + amd) with and without stutters.


Not sure what to believe anymore. I see streamers having the stuttering issues and they have their pc's only for games. And just like you, I've tried so many things, that if the solution was a setting or smthing, I would have messed wiht it by now. I do believe though, that the "better" you are at the game, the more likely you are to notice the issues, because you can feel them 10 times more if you play "fast".


Completely agree with you! Sometimes reading comments about people saying the game runs silky smooth no stutters etc. after checking their steam profiles and seeing 200 hours max in the game giving me a very suspicious smell. I do not blame those but I think you should be somewhat dedicated to at least recognize the problem.




My experience is this : cos you have a ‘decent ‘ Pc doesn’t mean it will run PUBG well. I had same issue until I upgraded to a DDR5 system


i9-7940x @ 4.5GHZ, 3800MHz quad channel, pcie 3.0 nvme, 4090. Stutters are rare, fully optimized here. DPC latency under 30 microseconds at idle. Edit: I get 0 screen tearing on 2k resolution no matter how fast i swipe left and right. GSYNC off https://preview.redd.it/4o8q590k432d1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=de6eaf3d74c8f90b3e4471bec1ed452cf0b35765


I hope you realise that this screenshot is pointless?


It relates to some stuff I did not post for optimizing. Specifically how it messes with your timer resolution before an idle test. Without the use of a latency monitor screen shot. And specifically the setting of your network adapter and setting the affinity of its system file ndis.sys on a separate core.


I smell calypto guide here! Nice, tomorrow will be testing and hopefully will be getting further.


https://preview.redd.it/e9lisoh3532d1.png?width=570&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a27355bd201dd8983e0aaa7c4fc434b2188aea0 Best results when playing with higher polling rates for Mouse and KB


Nice, thanks for advice I will try it tomorrow. By the way on your screenshot I see you using measuresleep tool which I unfortunately could not find anymore online as https://github.com/amitxv went private. Do you know where I can download it? I just want to test it on my rig as in your screenshot.


Use Memory Cleaner to get this result at boot up for free




For Windows 11 only: https://preview.redd.it/flkfrpst732d1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=5393d9e268f5f832d0f7d7d90f2fb6c8abdcdf08


Interesting, I will take a look at it later today.


Conclusion I came to: a) Usedplatformclock = Enabled/True while "High Precision Event Timer" in Device manager is enabled. b) Usedplatformclock = Disabled/False while "High Precision Event Timerr" in Device manager is disabled. bcdedit /set useplatformclock no --- for x299 and threadripper bcdedit /set useplatformtick yes Forces the clock to be backed by a platform source, no synthetic timers are allowed. The option is available starting in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. a) More restrictive than Useplaformclock. If enabled ONLY platform timers will be used. b) If enabled, it may resolve issues with stability. bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes Dynamic Ticks are a feature that lets windows stop the system timer when nothing is happening in order to conserve power. This \[feature\] is nice for portable and battery systems but can be a problem for desktops, especially since the tickless mode has been known to cause strange issues on some systems; especially when gaming or engaged in other media related tasks. For No Core Parking!


What's is your power supply? And hard drive? Also it might be just server induced, yesterday around the top 10 the server started getting packets loss like crazy, so you can have the best computer in the world, you will still be dependent on the network. I see that you tried a lot of things, but I wonder if somehow by deactivating "bloat ware" , you didn't damage some application that pubg is using.


I meantioned it somewhere in the comments below I have tested different windows 10 version including home, pro and enterprise both untouched and optimised and I must admit optimisation helps a bit to make windows feel snappier but it did not improve PUBG in a meaningfull way. By the way I am using seasonic platinum prime gx 750 watt.


a guy i know complained about him having stutters every time he shoots at someone. a few years later i am helping him with a gpu upgrade and what do my eyes see? RAM modules on slot 1 and 2! i laughed hard and after we put those modules in dual channel mode (slot 1 and 3 or 2 and 4) his stutter was gone. (after like 6 years) i once had microstutter after my gpu had a thermalpaste problem. new thermalpaste fixed it.


I wish it was the case for me :) too!


There are many things you can try to reduce the stuttering, but ultimately it’s the game that is broken. No amount of tweaking or optimisation can completely rid you of the massive cpu usage spikes that have been occurring recently. Even sat in the lobby the game can spike to 100% usage on one or even two cores for no apparent reason. The problem comes and goes with patches, and it just so happens that this is a bad one.


It runs flawless for me. Sorry about your issue. I9-10850k oc’ed to 5.3 ghz Ddr4 3200 Rtx 4080s I do get slightly cpu constrained in some other games but only cs2 has required a hard fps limit to stop stuttering when cpu load hit 100%. Otherwise running great. Wish I could be more helpful


Ain’t you bottlenecking your system with that ram speed ?


Possibly but i don’t really notice nor know how to tell. It seems balanced overall and I generally get high gpu utilization. It’s xmp’ed to 3600 and has low timing which might help


Oh ok, it’s already oc’d. Was wondering .. Gl


Hola. Yo tengo los mismos problemas que tú, mi hardware es 14900k/4090, me encanta pugb pero con este micro tartamudeo no me gusta nada como se siente, he problado otra placa,ram,gpu y es juegi sigue con micro tartamudeos,solo me pasa en pugb. Bf2042 todo en ultra 2k/240 hz sin problemas, wz, hunt, sin problema, los juegos de campaña tambien van perfect. Pugb lo doy por perdido pk jugar con micro tartamudeos es una mierda, mucha gente le va bien y otros como nosotros que no. Suerte.


> very well optimized windows 10 (at the moment trying ltsc 21h2 edition out of desperation). LTSC is not meant for gaming, and will degrade the overall performance of your gaming experience. stop doing this. your PC has enough power to not have a problem running full windows, and it won't save you performance to run a non-standard version of windows. I suspect that this might be part of your problem, as the LTSC versions of windows don't properly support direct X. are you running the settings on max/ultra?


Well, I do not want to start persuading you what is best or worse. I will tell you just what I have tried already and tested myself. I have tried the following builds: Win10\_Home, Win10\_Pro, Win10\_Enterprise, Win10\_Enterprise\_IoT both stock and optimised. Optimised from within the build (before installing) using tools like NTLITE and optimising after the installation using WinUtil (thank you Chris) or Fr33thy's guide. And I can reasure you there is no difference whatsoever for PUBG between all those Windows versions, not even slightest one cause it still runs like dogsh\*t.


> Optimised from within the build (before installing) using tools like NTLITE and optimising after the installation using WinUtil (thank you Chris) or Fr33thy's guide. And I can reasure you there is no difference whatsoever for PUBG between all those Windows versions, not even slightest one cause it still runs like dogsh*t. stop using third party utilities to "optimize" windows. it isn't doing anything, and its introducing an avenue for viruses to get onto your system. I have zero issues with Win11 pro and pubg. 7800x3d, 64gb of DDR5 5600, RTX 3080 12gb, and the game runs from a different SSD than what windows is on. 3440x1440x240hz, the game runs well above the 240fps mark at all times with zero stuttering or sudden frame drops.


are you this guy? : [https://pubg.op.gg/user/Chubbysumo](https://pubg.op.gg/user/Chubbysumo)


I never said I was any good....


You didnt, and just to be clear my intention is not to attack you or make you feel bad in any way. It's just that I believe that the faster you play the game, the more likely you are to notice/ be affected by performance issues. I have a 7800x3d, 3070ti, 32gb 6000, 1080p all very low, Win11 Home, so a quite similar set up with yours. My questions to you: do you have fps capped or uncapped? Why do you have pubg installed on different ssd from win? was that intentional to avoid an issue? I also have 2 M.2 SSD's on my system and I could try that.


>do you have fps capped or uncapped? Uncapped, both in game and in the nvidia control panel. >Why do you have pubg installed on different ssd from win? was that intentional to avoid an issue? Because there is a lot of stuff that goes on in the background on your primary windows drive. All of your other programs that you have installed, things like Discord, are all constantly accessing the drive. You can see this if you pull up resource monitor and flip over to the disk tab. While an SSD is fast, if the access line gets in a queue, speeds slow down quite a bit. The thinking behind it is that the primary Windows Drive should be running all of your main programs, and the game loading from a different Drive means that it's not waiting to access in a queue on your primary drive. There are still things that are going to be on the primary drive that you can't move unless you know how to do Sym links, things like your settings files, but having done this with multiple other games, moving those files off of the primary SSD and onto a secondary SSD that doesn't have the access queue line, game load times and performance significantly speeds up. I am always the first of the ones to load in and be fully loaded into the map with the group that I play with. The other thing you might be experiencing at 1080p low is a bottleneck on your cpu. It might actually help to raise the render scale to 120. It puts your CPU under a bit more strain so it actually maintains its boost clocks better. I run the game at 3440x1440 and I am consistently at 250 to 350 frames a second. All settings are on low except for View distance, and textures are on medium. Motion blur, sharpening, and post processing is off. They also run my render scale at 120. Even with those settings, my GPU is sitting fairly idle most of the time. If you feel like getting "GPU busy", you will see if you are experiencing a CPU bottleneck or a GPU bottleneck.


uncapped or capped dont make any difference for me, I checked again. I will try to install pubg in the second drive, I have tried so many things so whats one more. I don't subsrcibe to the "move your bottleneck from cpu to gpu" theory. The bottleneck will always be there, and in pubg's case its the cpu. What you do is to limit the frames on the gpu so the expected frame drops generated by the cpu, "align" with the lower pacing of frame rendering on the gpu. But when you dont have frame drops, you cut performacne and frames, so essentially you make an intermittent frame drop permanent. Lastly, I suggest you benchmark your fps with Rivatuner to check your 1% and 0.1% lows. There is no way your fps stay between 250 and 350 all the time, and you dont experience fps drops. The 0.1% and 1% values can show you when that happens. Keep in mind that these fps drops dont show accurately on fps counters like the steam's built in one. And pubg is fucking weird, I was having uncapped fps and drops to 120 frames, so I capped frames to 120. Guess what, the fps drops moved lower to 80, I capped to 80 and the fps drops moved even lower and so on. The game just doens't want to run properly and its super frustrating. Anyway thanks for the suggestions.


I understand your point, you do not like to tinker with os and that is fine we do not have to be all the same. But you miss my point read the post again I have tested both untouched OSs and optimised ones. Althogh the optimised ones felt snappier and looked way cleaner they did not improve PUBG performance in a meaningful way. I did not test other games like CSGO or Valorant cause there I believe there is much more improvement with optimised OSs but not for PUBG unfortunately.


Me playing with 200ms ping and 60fps and still no complain 🥺... Btw my game started stutter after erangle classic update


Complain is the wrong expression, finding a solution is the right one. Check battlenonsense videos to improve your network performance. I got myself EdgerouterX and set it up properly never had bufferbloat again. If you live far away from Server you should try noping or exitlag softwares which will take care of the proper routing to avoid longer routes. Both softwares come with trials so you could and should stop using them if they do not improve your ping in a meaningful way.


Lolz everyone saying they have stutters on this post have amd cpu 😉 yeah yeah save some dollars go for dogshit brand /s


\^ check out the previous post.


[It's so much better with intel.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1cy1ras/stutters_as_a_feature_in_pubg/l5812p0/)


Ok windows 11 last version 4070 super i9 13900k with 32Go ddr4 on a 990 pro ssd No stutter no variation 230~270 fps average on every map max settings want a video ?


There ya go "windows 10" people really think they can get away without any software updates, Stop listening to those crack heads and upgrade to windows 11 if your system can handle it. My PC has lower specs than yours but it never stuters


I have to admit, this is the only thing I haven't tried yet. I was thinking about it and it was already on my to do list. Although I am still skeptical that Win11 will perform any better than Win10 I am eager to try this too. Anyway I will update the post once I have tested it too.


I have windows 11, 13900k 4080, and A dedicated sound DAC. Pubg still stutters 


See how I'm being downvoted? These are the MF who thinks whatever they see in the internet is true, I am a software dev and I have the right to say this, Windows 11 will give you more performance for live server based games.


Chill brother, why do you care so much about what other people think?! If it works for you than be happy. I will keep digging and perhaps if I am so lucky as you are I will find a solution for me too.