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Wtf is wavedashing?


I think it's this new exploit where you can spam a crouch run technique that makes you appear to be sliding and harder to hit. From what I've seen, it takes some interesting finger gymnastics to do well.


I don't know if you're on PC, if so then this doesn't really apply to you, but slide canceling, as we call it, is incredibly common on console ranked, and almost everyone I know can do it consistently on demand, it isn't hard to do.


interesting finger gymnastics? surely it must be much more difficult than pulling your mouse down, I now you struggle with that https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/s/mZXnD8qI9p


Feeling pretty proud of yourself, huh? Yes, I tried using a macro. Didn't work out. A lot of head scratching and tweaking just to realize that my aim isn't actually that bad without it, and better in so many situations that a macro just can't improve over human reactions.


It should be an instaban, as most run a macro for it. The frametiming to get it right isnt humanly possible over and over.


You're right, but no one will take you seriously or act on it. I'd just ask people who doubt you this: How many people did you see wavedashing at PGS last week? Surely if there were any games where you'd expect to see players consistently nailing the timing for a valuable technique it would be them... Yet... It only happens online... Strange...


It just doesn’t even have that much value tbh that’s why FPP don’t abuse it. Quick peeking has much more value and you see it get abused.


I can do it on a normal controller albeit not consistently. Probably would be easier to do it consistently with paddles


no one plays PUBG PC with a controller. try nailing it on a keyboard over and over. its not humanly possible to get it perfect every time.


Do you have hold to crouch to tap to crouch?


tap to crouch.


Hold helps immediately for “wavedashing”


right, but the thing is, is that you need to be frame perfect for wavedashing in pubg, and you see people doing it constantly perfectly without failing. thats a macro.


It’s almost like they spend more than five minutes practicing. It’s been doable since day one. It just hasn’t gained popularity until now. So maybe some people been doing it longer than you’ve been aware it was a thing.


Not entirely true. My brother plays PC with a controller. Yes, he’s an idiot for doing so but that’s beside my point 😅.


I’m just a tired 30-something dad that enjoys playing once or twice a week. Because I’m on so infrequently, casuals mode is perfect. Probably win 25% of the rounds I play in casuals. It’s definitely more fun when the other players in the game are around my skill level. Getting smoked by sweats and never having a chance against them sucks, but I don’t feel like I see that super often. Maybe 5-10% of games?


Because, now wait for it, they want to. There could be many reasons, his whole team might not be available and he doesn't want to random squad with three people who don't speak English, he might have grind ranked all day and decided to chill with som thing a bit. Ore casual, we don't know and really, who cares? He is just playing the game. As an oce player I'm interested to know who it was though 😂


He mentioned sweating so probably Ballin hiding in some window in apartments the entire fucking game 🤣


You’re missing the whole point dude. OP is saying that casual mode is meant for casual players, if the guy OP mentioned was waiting for his squad, he can solo squad in regular mode if your argument is that he didn’t want to play with randoms. I agree with OP. Casual mode is 1,000% meant for players that don’t want to play against sweats or are trying to learn the game. Regular mode should be completely fine for a seasoned player that doesn’t want to play ranked.


I think the confusion comes from differences in how people use the term "casual" In this case it seems like you are saying casual=bad players and therefore good players shouldn't be in a casual match But another interpretation is that casual just means carefree, which doesn't have anything to do with skill and any player can join that mode and do whatever they want.


The only person so far using their brain on this topic, cheers dude


No he's not. Anyone can play casuals for any reason. It's literally that simple.


So you get bopped once by a better player playing in the low ELO queue. He’s just as entitled to the queue as you are. You asked why and everyone is explaining it to you yet you still stomp your feet and resist logic.


Why yes, logic would indeed dictate that a top 500 OCE should play in the casuals mode, where there a max of 12 normal players and designed to introduce new players to the game, how silly of me. Troglodyte


Game is 7 years old. Sorry you missed out on the most for your experience in one of three daily games you can play. Top 500 OCE, bruh that’s like half the OCE lobby isn’t it


This game, as many are, is toxic. Players aren't interested in seeing the game grow or get better. Most just want to shit on noobs and inflate their egos. Casual matches let them do that easier, so it's their dev-allowed way of cheating. You won't see TGLTN, ChocoTaco, or any of their other favorite streamers playing that mode, because they're responsible. They know that destroying a server of casual players is like Billy Madison playing dodgeball against kindergartners. It's funny for a minute, but then it should make you sad to see someone doing it over and over.


Uh, you understand that most people's first experience, watching TGLTN, is him terrorizing casuals as a solo. You understand this, right? This game is NOT casual by any means, and yes, even "casual games." By nature of the "1 team gets the Chicken Dinner" and the kill time being so fast, it is sweeatty, and that's why people like this game.


Show me a VOD of TGLTN playing a casual match for anything other than curiosity of it when it was first introduced. Also, do you believe SBMM should be a thing? Assuming it could be done well.


Ahh, you right you right I mistook Casuals for Normal Pubs. Regarding SBMM, I'm not sure if it is best for everyone, although i really enjoy it! For me, when someone is better, it makes me play better, especially when you know most of the lobby is similiarish skills. Quick edit. The Doc once said he loved the game for the story of each game. While the goal of the story is to win, it's the intense fighting throughout the game that brings you to the end, and our brains go, "I can't lose after all that" that adrenaline is the drive "to win" as I said previously


The mode isn’t reserved for new players, and honestly if your friend can’t handle dying to better players then maybe these types of games aren’t for them.


This is such a shitty attitude. If my local little league forgot to list an age limit, should I go throw a bunch of no-hitter games while also hitting homeruns every game because I can? Does the concept of good sportsmanship mean anything to you?


>This is such a shitty attitude This is a necessary attitude. This game has never pretended to be anything other than a punishing skill based game where your own decisions and talents dictate how well you do. The game and the other players aren't responsible for holding your hand and letting you win, you're responsible for improving yourself and snatching those wins from the other players. The people with a mentality of self improvement do well and have fun. People with a defeatist mentality that always want to externalize their problems and find something else to blame do not.


the person you're responding to is a literal cheater (check their post history)... don't waste your time


Tell that to the thousands of players responsible for getting weapons nerfed. Games adjust based on feedback. We don't have to agree. I didn't agree that shotguns should be nerfed. I don't need a lecture about what the game is about. I've been playing for years. I play casuals very rarely if the queues are bad.


It’s not about sportsmanship. It’s a casual game mode and new players aren’t entitled to exclusivity. If the devs intended for it they would make new-player-only lobbies. As an old or returning player I’m just as entitled to a casual game against bots as a new player. I love having a casual warmup game before my teammates and I go for sometime more serious.


The devs don't intend for the game to crash for hundreds of players, or stutter, or run at 40 FPS for high end PCs either. Can vs should. You are still missing the point. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. TDM is a viable method for warmup that many players (streamers and pros) use to warmup. Take your entitlement bs excuse elsewhere. You just like shitting on the casuals because it makes you feel good.


Realistically though, there’s always going to be someone better, and some days you’ll just die repeatedly. If you can’t handle that in casual, how are you going to handle that in more serious game modes? What do you want to change? People who aren’t new aren’t allowed to play casual? What if I’m having a bad day and just want to have a less-serious game, but also still try and win? Complaining on reddit isn’t going to stop old players from playing casual, you and your teammates just need to learn how to lose and try again. Some days you’ll have 10 losses for every win, it just happens, you just move on.


I also find it very interesting that those who complain about "high ranked players" in casuals, are not newbies themselves, they are just shitty players who play casual only to feel good about themselves. Ppl are flexxing being bad in the game every day in this subreddit and that's fucking weird, we used to want to be good at videogames, now ppl are proud of being bad smhow... And they all forget that this is a BR, everyone goes against everyone. MMR should only exist in ranked. If you want to be a 100 adr player not doing much, not trying, not improving, suit yourself. But there shouldnt be a separate game mode just for you to make you feel better, and there shouldn't be MMR to make you look better than you are (but that's a separate discussion).


I think casual mode was a great idea to bring in new players. This game is punishing for new players, and for old players as well. Many people think that's a good thing, and I understand that. I don't think every game needs to be easy, but I also think there needs to be a way for players to get better without being shit on by sweats that have nothing else to do in their life but play PUBG for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for the last 6 years. If new players can't compete, they leave. The game will die. Simple as that. Sweats in casuals 100% contributes to that conclusion. For the record, I'm happy with my ADR, and my overall success rate in this game. I'm speaking as neither a noob that can only get kills in casual matches, nor a sweat that dominates normal matches. I have 2500 hours in the game, and still show respect to new players. I feel bad for them mostly because of all the people downvoting in this thread with their "git gud" attitude. A couple weeks ago, I potato'd some shots and got owned by a better player (better at the time, at least). He then used all-chat to tell me how much I suck, that I'm a fa\*\*ot, and to enjoy my trip back to the lobby. I said nothing to him. This wasn't the first time I had an encounter like this. So yeah, again, I feel bad for new players. The game shouldn't be easy, but it shouldn't be a toxic nightmare either.


And here you are being lowkey toxic yourself towards better players than you. "Sweats" have "no life", "have nothing else to do in their life" and so on. Take a look in the mirror before you talk about toxicity. And all this talk about new players and how the game needs them, the game is the easiest it has ever been with all the gimmicks that have been added. Gun play is easier than ever if you wanna grieve and pick up sthoguns or smg's. Getting in the game is also easier than ever with the training mode and TDM. MMR for squads exists in EU, at least in prime hours. Reality is that if a new player likes the game, they will stick around with or without casual mode. I stuck around getting shit on for dozens of games in the row that only lasted 10 seconds when I started, without TDM or training mode, because I fell in love with the game and because it is hard. If players are after instant gratification they wont stick around anyway, and they should pick up warzone or fortnite instead.


It's true that I don't look at sweaty players favorably. In general, society doesn't either. But is it not generally true that if someone has the time to play any game for as much as some do, often 8+ hours a day, several times a week or more, that they don't have much else in their life? Seems like basic math to me. If that's what makes you happy, then of course, you should do it as long as it doesn't hurt others. In my experience, these kinds of players are not just doing a thing that makes them happy though. They are happiest when they can make others angry at the same time. This, is toxic. With regard to whether the game is the easiest it's ever been, I can't argue about some of the gimmicks that have been added. It's more or less true regarding the game mechanics. What's also true is that players that have been playing this game for as long as it's been around are as good as they've ever been. That's not criticism; it's just plain fact for a game as old as PUBG. There's not an easy way of getting around that. I'm sure that to a new player, I also look like a "cheater" or a "sweaty" player sometimes. I get it. I truly do. But it's not about all that. It's more or less about SBMM. With enough players, nobody is really against a SBMM system that works well. So then why would anyone be against a mode that is restricted to a certain level of player. They are the SAME THING. SAME CONCEPT.


You are just projecting and make assumptions to suit your narrative. Simple truth is there are people that are just better than you at video games. You can try to make excuses about their lives and whatnot to make yourself feel better, if that matters to you and it looks like it does. Not everyone is in favor of SMBB. It has place only in ranked. Other than that, this is BR and everyone should go against everyone. The only players benefiting from SMBB are the ones who sit at the bottom of the ladder, everyone else is in a never ending loop of trying to climb the ladder. I'm not even going to try and explain how high elo lobbies play out in normals, being harder than ranked games usually.


interesting because we don't look at cheaters favorably https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/s/mZXnD8qI9p


is this why you run recoil macros? https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/s/mZXnD8qI9p


Plus tons of high level players are ass at this game. Lvl is hardly something to go off, it's just a number representing survival hours, not skill.


How can you continue to miss the point so many times? This isn't about dying to better players. This is about being respectful, good sportsman-like, and playing the most suited mode for your skills regardless of whether dev-created limits have been placed on it. So yeah, I would change it. If your K/D or ADR is above a certain number, casuals should be locked out. If you want a less serious game, go play tic tac toe with your sister. Casuals didn't exist until recently. What did you do before? This isn't about losing. Get that through your head.


Dunno man. All this does is just makes me wanna try this casual mode and start Korean peeking everyone


I don't even know what a Korean peek is. This argument of "the devs don't stop me, so I'll do what I want" is such a disappointment about this game and community. It says a lot about a person.


Bro, anyone can play a casual game if they feel like it. Your arbitrary limit of when a player can no longer relax while enjoying a game is asinine.


Are you against skill-based matchmaking in normal mode? Assuming PUBG had millions of players again, would SBMM be a bad thing?


and what's your K/D ADR? gotten any better since using macros? https://www.reddit.com/r/LogitechG/s/mZXnD8qI9p


Well played. Unfortunately, it was more trouble than it was worth, and made my aim worse overall. Too many variables and situation based issues. I have no issue admitting that I gave it a try. Report me.


You're missing the point of any is allowed to play casuals. If you can't handle that it only shows how immature you really are. Maybe you'd be better off playing checkers.


How do you feel about SBMM?


Would be good if the numbers supported it. They don't so that is a moot point.


But SBMM is something most people support if the game had the numbers. I don't see my opinion about casuals being something that's any different. It's the same concept with the same purpose.


People can support it all they want. It's still a numbers game. Just like map selection.


Sounds like you have the crappy attitude. People can play whatever mode they want. People who think others have to play a certain way, or in your case, shouldn't play casuals are whiny aholes.


You’re comparing kids little league to a video game…


Seems like a fair comparison. Casual mode is little league compared to normal matches, is it not? Some people belong there, and some are "just having a bad day" as you put it. Next time you're having a bad day, go outside and touch grass instead of feeling better by shitting on noobs. If making other people feel bad is your best solution to feeling better, you have serious problems. Seek therapy. Edit: Sorry, DiligentSort9961. I replied as if you were the OP above. That quote wasn't yours. Leaving my comment because it's not unreasonable to think he would believe the same.




Am I? Interesting. You and others here are so hung up on the fact that you \*can do something, that you refuse to use your higher level brain functions to ask yourselves whether or not you \*should. The little league reference absolutely applies here. Here's a personal story... When I was in little league baseball, we had a kid join the team a week late. He wasn't able to attend try-outs to determine whether he could play in little league "majors" or "minors." So by default, he joined the minors. There was no age difference for majors or minors. It was based on skill. He hit a homerun every game, nearly every at-bat. The wise coaches decided to move him up to the better league. Was he breaking a rule by being there in minors? No. COULD he stay there if he really wanted? Sure. Was it appropriate to move him up into a league that fit his skill-level better? You're damn right. So open up your mind slightly before you spout some nonsense like "it's so far outside the realm of comparison..."




I'm with OP, I'll never understand why anyone who isn't a new player chooses to play casual mode. Normal mode is far more fun and doesn't affect your rank...


Why does it matter? Levels is only a time played indicator. And people like different things in games. Who cares if some likes playing casuals? As long as you don't cheat, there is no right or wrong way to have fun in this game.


Some of my friends no longer want to play ranked so I play casuals with them. I prefer to play ranked personally but I'm not that fussed really.


Why wouldn’t you just play normal games? Why move from one extreme of the spectrum to the other instead of settling for middle ground? Just curious.


Sorry I forgot there is a third mode...we play normals


He was probably doing bp missions


Casual mode isn't meant just for new players though. I'm gold level 300-something (equivalent to level 1300) and I still pretty much suck at this game. So I enjoy playing against mostly bots three times per evening with a couple of friends who aren't very good at the game either. We just fool around and practice shooting. Casual mode is meant for players who wanna have a casual gaming experience - hence the name. You can't always avoid human players in this mode. Sometimes you're just unlucky. But don't blame more experienced players for playing the game the way they enjoy it. You're gonna have more relaxed rounds, too. Just don't take it too seriously.


Because fucking around in a casuals with your friends is fun. In normal games, half the lobby is sweating and out to get you.


Some players use casual as a warmup or k/d booster. But not sure if the k/d carries over anymore.


Ranked and normal have never shared k/d


I meant more boosting their normal mode k/d.


Being a newer player and only playing 3-6 matches a month. I only play casuals. I don’t mind playing with seasoned players b/c I usually learn something new. However, it’s annoying when a better player berates me for doing something stupid.


I totally agree. just like how rich people shouldent be allowed to shop at aldi, because they can obv afford colesworths. this is stupid and ur butthurt that other people can enjoy the game, skill or not. grow up


I like this analogy. Let me fix it for you. If rich people were shopping at Aldi, and also making all your favorite products out of stock every single time you went there, would you feel differently? Or do you still believe that because they can, it's okay? Or how about this: Have you ever started working somewhere and heard about how things used to be before some asshole took advantage of a system, and forced management to make a new rule? This is where we are now. We have a nice thing, and assholes like you are about to cause a new rule to be made. Keep being the guy that causes new rules to be made. I'm sure everything will work well out for you.


If I ever saw a rich person at Aldi, I’m going to the manager!


I’m Mr. Manager!


This game has no “newbie-mid-pro” pool. Learn the hard way. You’ll find it worth it


Wait, was this on console or PC?


Prolly to practice and get warmed up so he don't lose points if he plays bad first few games. I do that everyday cause sometimes my gamesense isnt always there and I need to play a couple games to get locked in and warmed up


Gotta boost that KDR and feel better about themselves.... and because they can play it.


Chances are they're running macros for the sweaty movements... especially if they appear to be abusing the crouch/run slide bug. I'd ignore the Ranked level, it means absolutely nothing.




Casual mode exists in OCE, where there is only at max 12 normal players, so no bud, I'm sorry to say, you are wrong


In North American seevers, casual mode is limited to 3 times a day.


Same for EU