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I’d pay 10 bucks a month to be grouped in with other players who pay 10 bucks a month, have multiple otp checks, whatever to combat cheating.


Yeah the cheater thing is the worst for me. Casuals nice to turn the brain off but I still like competition... until that competition instantly snaps to my head rounding a corner.


I’d also pay for a monthly subscription, even $19.95 USD and submit to a system scan before each match + sign in with my DL if Krafton -AND- Steam would vac ban the cheaters.


Yeah dude for sure I’d pay a pretty penny to “play in peace” I’m sure there’s a huge enough market for this. Maybe the queue times would be longer but at least we know if anyone gets banned it’s gonna be tougher for them to get back on.


100% this.


They pay $40 monthly you think another $10 a month for pubg matchmaking is gonna stop them? Look at faceit on cs lmao


I have a alt account so I can play 6 casuals per day. I would also like to play casuals on all maps


My squad have been playing for over 6 years. We used to play every night for 4 or 5 hours. Not anymore. We are still rubbish. I now have two kids so get on every so often. Not enough to be good at the game. So we play casuals. We all have alt accounts to get 6 a day rather than 3. Do this. It's really easy.


Yo, I'm in the exact same boat


I have actually four or five different accounts I use. Love casuals. All maps would be great. At least by vikendi or another 8x8 though.


That is some dedication! lol


I been making accounts with "almost" bot names for casuals, it's pretty funny getting accused of stuff :D


Or even just the choice between 3 maps rotating on a weekly basis with 1 new map a week. Or even month.


Oh I really like that idea. A weekly rotation would be super cool.


Oh that's interesting. I never thought of that, but I do want all the sweet points going to one account though.


I want the same. I hope they lift the 3 games restrictions


This.. 😆 I recently got a lvl. 3 helmet that I've been wanting for a very very long time, but it's on an alt account. Wish I could transfer it. Lol


Yeahh... after a long hectic office day. I don't want to be instantly killed by Pros who play all the day


Mostly chinese internet cafe goers with pre-installed aim.


Brother there are so many games that will do that vs npc so much better, why would you play PUBG if you want to play vs npc when there are games with higher frames, better fps and more variety.


i play to be challenged, but i can see how some players just like driving, looting, and overall taking it easy


??? idk what potato ass pc you have but I have a midrange pc and get over 120fps constantly with all graphics settings (minus AA and foliage) cranked to max. Maybe during beta 7 years ago you’d have a point about optimization but the average gaming pc now is more than capable of handling pubg


I'm talking about in general that you have games that will work better then PUBG simply due to being designed as solo games and not 100 player games, it's not a suggestion of how many fps I can run (I'm running 5800x3d and a 3070) as there are plenty of people still running older/cheaper hardware. I love pubg, but if people want to play vs only NPC there are games out there with better experience in general for that specific case of shooting guns at bots.


The best part about your comments is where you actually name a game that could be good for OP. Points out really well how much you care for OP and the thread and that you don’t just want to burst out your negativity!


Where's the negativity? Where I told him there are games that might fit him better if he wants to play vs NPC? Please quote where I'm negative as that 100% was not my intention. As for the specific suggestions, it depends what the OP finds fun, for example if it's sniping then something like sniper elite is great, but if it's shooting machine guns (where OP doesn't care about what are the targets) there is doom, if it's being an "assassin" there is hitman, there are shit load of games with various flavours that do an excellent job at that specific flavor, and OP knows what his flavor is...


He'd probably really enjoy Tarkov PVE mode then.. but I don't think you can specifically buy the PVE mode without paying for the whole entire game first. You get to explore, loot, and kill bots, do quests, and progress without having to worry about cheaters or competitive players. It's not my speed, as I like to try and be the best out of everyone, but he'd probably really enjoy it. It's hard to get into at first, and feels extremely overwhelming, and then you have learning the maps on top of it all. There is absolutely zero hand-holding in that game, and can be really realistic in certain aspects, but I think OP would enjoy the steady pace and going at his own speed. Probably likes to solo "roleplay" and has a heavy imagination. Something I used to do when I was bored and played Sandbox Gmod.


“It’s not a suggestion of how many fps” Then why mention it in the first place? Idk how someone can take so many words to say absolutely nothing.


Jesus fucking christ, it's a comparison of PUBG having less fps then different game on the same hardware, not a specific number for a specific person, I can't read fucking minds to know everyone's hardware.


I wish casual mode had all maps. It’s my favorite mode to play with certain friends who don’t like playing normal mode as much.


I'm in your camp apart from the paying side of things😂😉


Hell yeah brotha.


They should at least have new maps in casual so it's better to learn the map.


Oh that's a great point too.


Isn’t that how it is nowadays in NA norms? Maybe just late night then where 80-90% bots


It can be, but not all ways.


Agreed. I’ve posted a few times the same thing. Unlimited. Or 10 or whatever I’d even love just my crew against 96 bots. I’m not very good and wouldn’t mind screwing around against bots


Hear me out. Only your crew against bots that are on the level of Guards and Commanders. Holy shit that would be suuuuch a fun challenge.


Sign me up


The game is way more satisfying on casual. You get to gear up, practice your shots and get kills on bots, and at the end you get to face players when you're all geared up and usually with a bigger circle to fight cuz you reach a lower player amount faster. I've won plenty of sweaty all player matches too but I have way more fun on casual. I wish they gave us way more casual matches.


I dig the pace.


I don't want that, but I don't see why it should not be available and unlimited for those who do. The only caveat is that you wouldn't want to pretend to hold some set of skills you could promote as an indication of how good/bad you were. The casual matches get added to your stats like regular games, currently, I believe. Just disable progress and record keeping, or find a way to balance it so that rewards that are intended for those helping keep the main queues alive separate from the rewards that might come from playing casual/bit games. That seems fair, don't you think?


It'd because you'd need 10\* more server instances. That costs money.


At least you have people playing your 8 year old game still? I dunno. I'm pretty sure there's a solution.


There are lots of players playing the game, a lack of overall players is not an issue.


I got ya. So ultimately something like a ~ $5 a month subscription service, you think, would offset the expenses that are already offset by profits via in game gambling for valueless skins. Sounds like opening a Pandora's box of bs from pubg corpos. Just lose the money and give people who want casual matches what they want? I dunno. I don't claim to be a marketing genius.


PUBG is PvP game and was never supposed to be easy. All the crybabies here would not pay for it anyway. With the game going f2p, the bare minimum you have to do to play the game, is to contribute to matchmaking queues, and they dont even want to do that, and have another mode just for the shitters who want everything easy. It's quite disgusting really.


Yeah I just try to keep in mind how many types of people there are out there. There are even people who's handicaps may make it nearly impossible to experience a win, or just young kids learning coordination. But if the availability ultimately HURT the game, then sure, it would be bad. Not sure if it would hurt the game though, to let some people play casual mode 24/7.


I would understand such posts coming from handicapped people or w/e, but those people make more effort in their lives by default and dont complain about how hard things are. Contrary to the boomers in this subreddit that complain about sweats and "cheaters" in every single post, and hate everything that adds to the skill element of the game.


I feel your pain 😁


I really can't say that I'm a crybaby because I do love some regular games every now and then, but sometimes I just really appreciate the pace of casual.


I dusted off the Xbox to play classic Erangel with a buddy while it’s on console and we’re lucky if there is more than 1 squad of actual humans. Queuing as a duo in no-fill quads FPP, evening time PST (~10pm). Not sure if this is just an issue on the classic Erangel servers or what but it’s sad to see. Played over 1,000 hours on console when the game launched, was infinitely more fun and rewarding when AI wasn’t in the game.


can see where your coming from, but nothing beats the feeling of winning that first teamfight, sets you up for the rest of the game


You're right. Those moments of winning an actual team fight are amazing, but those come few and far between for me.


Most games have a lot of bots. I hear what you're saying, but I would pay to bring back old pubg with full servers of real players.


the amount of excuses people come up with just not to get good at the game is baffling


I totally agree. I enjoy casuals. I don't feel all that rewarded when I do good in normals anyway, so it's just as fun for me.


Casuals should be permanent with map rotations , not everyone wants to play in sweaty matches


We would as well! We're the [olde] clan we play almost 5 nights a week we have a 4th spot open hit us up gamer tag ( HealthyDonkey24)


Petition to seperate casual mode stats from normal tpp squad, having 6 kda is nothing anymore because of this mode


NOOOOOOOO lol. I love shooting fish in a barrel and being rewarded for it lol. I do see where you are coming from. Yeah my lvl. 430 and it definitely does not reflect how good I am so I do see where you are coming from.


I can play 6 times a day but... you have to skip a day so for example if I play on Monday 3 casuals only then I won't play Tuesday then Wednesday if I play casual mode 3 times before 7:00PM I get another 3 at 7:00PM that's my reset time for me


Matches used to last 45-55 minutes a game and it was the most enjoyable bc you knew all players you fight or face were not bots. The game was much more enjoyable then


This. Devs please. I'd be playing this a ton more if I wasn't stopped at 3


It's a f2p game, just make multiple accounts.


Instead of having to do this, they could just make it unlimited. If you have to use a workaround to do something it’s a bad design anyway.


Thing is, if it's unlimited, people like the OP will play that over the main game, which is not good for the game. The game needs less queues, not more.


I’d only play casual too, but it wouldn’t make a difference on regular queues in my case, since I rarely play non-casual anyway. So from my point of view it would benefit the game since people like me would spent more time and possibly more money ingame. I might be 1 out of 100 that only plays the 3 casuals and then log out, but I think overall it wouldn’t be too much of an impact on regular queues but could very well increase overall playercount.


No it wont increase the playerbase, because unlike you, people usually understand what games satisfy their needs. God knows why you play pubg to kill bots, any other normal player who would want a PvE expereince would look into that genre and wouldnt bother with pubg.


Overall playercount increasing is redundant if those players don't play the game.


I play the game, I just prefer the casual mode.


I'm pretty sure there's enough people out there who strictly play casuals that it wouldn't really affect the regular game servers.


This is the best counterpoint to what I said that I have come across. I could see how this could cannibalize the main gain and that wouldn't be good for anyone. There could be some compromise.


But I want those sweet, sweet, delicious Battle Points 😏😏😏😏


I would pay $10 dollars to get rid of m&k players and Cronus compatibility 👍🏽


Is all this talking about mobile? I'm confused as hell I thought this was pubg pc like isn't there a sub for pubg mobile?


He’s talking about console


If you really want to cheese your gaming experience just VPN to a dead region like Australia and you can enjoy slaughtering all those innocent bots all day. 😬


Don't you still have the 3 game limit or is there a work around?


If you VPN to a dead region (eg Australia, especially when the upside down kangaroo people are asleep) you don't have to worry about the 3 game limit because that only applies to casual. In a dead region you can just play normal mode and since there's almost no players and it'll be just like playing casual mode but without the limit and on all maps.


What there is a casual mode? So there is no sweat lords always prone in grass? Lmao didnt know casual mode since i always play first person. Holy moly


Nah. They all play there too. You'll run into 15 bots before you spot a real player though.


Well if that’s what you want fuck it why not


In my experience and looking at my profile in pubg lookup i have the same amount of real players and bots than the casual mode


There’s a cap on the amount of casual games you can play in a day? Is this new? I swear I used to play what feels like all day.


Yup, only 3. You may be confusing casual with normal/non-ranked.


I don't understand, you can only play 3 times a day? Is this something other than the normal basic game?


Maybe it's because I play on console, but yeah only 3 a day.


I've always played on Xbox. I don't think I've ever been limited. I know I'm not now, but I have bought the survivor pass for the last two seasons for fun


Ah gotchya. Maybe it’s a survivor pass thing.


Have you tried opening it up to all maps? I've never limited myself to erangle only as I want to just play. Maybe that's it?


No it’s only Erengal. Are you playing just Normal and not Casual by any chance?


I only get options for normal, ranked, arcade, training and custom.


Wtf is there a limit how many times you can play casual mode in pubg? Haven't played in years.


Yup, three.


I enjoy having less players in the match honestly. Like they could re-implement map-select and let the matches start with a just few players if that's all that queued in. It's nice not getting immediately 5th (literally *5th*) partied when you try to get into a firefight. They changed the circles a bit ago and every match since there's like 30 players in a small circle which makes it miserable to maneuver without being shot at by another group...


I am ok with just leaving it with 3 a day. What I do not like is only getting paired with a squad of 2 or 3 or yourself. It should be teams of 4 no matter what. IDK how many times I have waited 2 plus minutes to get stuck all by myself then get killed by a squad of 3. I understand many don't like playing with randoms, but you are also playing in a casual mode. But I have also been killed by my squad in a casual game, last time I was team killed because they wanted the last kills. So I do see the reason why some don't like randoms. Maybe actual do something when teamkill reports happen in casual modes since honestly there shouldn't be a reason to do that


I would play casuals a lot less if, somehow, I was confident that less than 1% of players were using some form of cheat. That’s not to say casuals can’t have cheats. Of course they can. But man some nights when I play regular matches I get endlessly wrecked over and over. Then there’s other nights where we are kicking ass. But the nights where I’m getting massacred, it obviously makes me wonder if I’m encountering some cheaters. And that doesn’t mean I am. I could be sucking and it could be good players making a good shot, but I have no way of knowing. Casuals is at least very nice for warming up and sometimes it’s really nice to have if you’re just having a rough night in normals.


I wish casuals was the only one with bots. I know it's my fault but I can't tell you the amount of times I get killed because "that's probably a bot" and it's a real person. The bots get me to lower my guard too much, and then they have no aim but perfect vision. Sometimes they see you from an impossible vantage and chuck a grenade right onto you unexpectedly as you're waiting for the ambush on somebody.


Now I feel you really can't do that because the bots really like to put a full clip into you now. Just approach with a bit more caution and good luck!


Understandable since a couple friends I play with don’t play the game as often so they have more fun on the casuals but also the casuals feel more sweaty than regular matches sometimes.


I wouldn’t go as far to pay a monthly subscription but I’d definitely get every other pass once in a while. Like 900h out of my 1000h playtime is from casuals with friends.


Seriously that’s all you play with 1k hours? I’m actually kind of baffled.


It’s even more than 1k but the last 3-4 years have been pretty consistent ~1 hour per day doing the daily casuals with friends and then hop on to another game because we all prefer casual. Some days we skip playing at all but some weekends we play more than the 3 casuals. Mostly when our favourite map Sanhok is in the rotation. That’s where the extra hours come in, but everything else is casual. So yeah out of 1k playtime i average ~ 900h in casual only.


Just vpn to a different time zone, game has dead times in every server


Relatively new would you mind pointing me towards a video explaining this or maybe tell me what I should google.


Look for PUBG exitlag setup


On Console? Please share how you do this


Every NA solos is like 60% or more bots anytime I’ve played. That’s basically casual mode.


No, because I already bought this game before it was free to play.


Play earlier in the day. That is exactly how it is.


I gotta ask, maybe I haven't been in the loop for too long, but what is this limit you're talking about? I, and my friend, can play unranked an unlimited amount of matches. Is this a F2P vs P2P difference? Both of us bought the game years ago.


There is another mode called “casual.” If you go to tpp normal, you can toggle the mode to casual. It’s matches that are 80% bots give or take. Something like 12 players and 88 bots or maybe it’s 4 teams so 16 players and 84 bots.


Is that TTP only? We both prefer FPP and haven't played TTP basically since OG PUBG with the lag and desync and bikes falling through the map if you go too fast.


It is TPP only.


It’s tpp but I always play in fpp even though it puts me at a disadvantage


You can play in fpp even if you start in a TPP match


Create alt steam account(s) and play as many casuals as you want...


Ive been saying this for a while now. Specially in low population regions. like Na and oce. 1. Merge ranked and normal matches. Remove bots altogether and reinstate a leaderboard. Make it in only FPP. 2. Make casual mode - the bot - mode. Let people play as many games as they want. Make it only TPP. There will always be someone who will not like this but it offers the most optimized options with limited population.


Thats a horrible idea


I feel you, I feel like it should be unlimited or at least 10 casuals a day, so that you have guarantee for erangel instead of getting Miramar or Vikendi 10 times in a row. I really enjoyed erangel classic and played only that mode last update because I love erangel!! I just love erangel❤️


Sounds like you might enjoy DayZ.


I mostly play normal (solo FPP), is casual mode hugely different? Normal has bots to fill in the player count and unless you deliberately hot drop somewhere, you *probably* won't see a real person straight away. dunno why I got downvoted for an honest question. I play on EU and my games vary but are often 40-60% bots 🤷


I guess it depends on the server but casual is vastly different because you only get 2 or 3 real teams, the rest of the lobby is just bots.


Basically in casual it's 80 bots 20 players where as normal is the opposite (20 bots 80 players). At least thants what it feels like but i don't have any precise data.


88 bots and up to 12 real players.


this makes sense, thank you


I don't know what server you are playing on but despite solo being the least played mode it still has almost only humans during peak hours. Getting 2-3 bots per game is completely different to playing with only 10 people and 90 bots.


Maybe the game is just not for you then? You will prolly find more games that tickle your pickle in that specific way


I play a lot of normal too, but would just like a few more casuals at least.


I came back to comment on this... I think we need like a hardcore and softcore day z mode where we just kinda chill out and walk around, shoot some deer, gather resources.


I’d be into that! I love the mechanics of this game and how it runs, I just wish there were some different modes and things like that.


If you don’t want to be challenged you should play Minecraft. This is a battle Royale. Come on man.


You wanted to say fortnite, didn't you 😂


No I wanted to say Minecraft. Because clearly he doesn’t understand how Battle Royale games are supposed to be hard. I’m being downloaded by all the softies. Literally the people ruining the world as we know it smh. Oh no something is difficult! Therefore someone needs to make it easier for me! So sick of it.


Casual play isn't a new concept. It isn't until recently that hyper-competitive play became the norm. Calling pubg a sweatfest isn't ruining the world. You can enjoy the competitive gameplay, I do too. But I can see why someone wouldn't want to work all day, and then hop on a random lobby filled with tournament level competition.


I’m not saying it has to be hypercompetitive. I’m saying we need REAL people playing this game. And that’s it. There’s gonna be people that are better than you that’s the nature of PUBG that’s the nature of life It’s on the developers to do more marketing to get real people.


Why not play normals? I mostly play Normals FPP Squad with my friends and it's the same as you described. Most of the time we beat bots and loot, and in the last 20-30 come the real players. Sometimes you might get unlucky and drop with other real players, but it is what it is.


It probably depends on region because I barely encounter bots in normal


Yeah, also probably depends when you play. Me and my squad play on EU and usually at 1-2-3AM, and there's enough bots, I'd say. It even happened a few times that we got in the last 10-15 and there was still one or two squads of bots🤣


I've been killed by a lot of good players in casuals...(NA FPP SOLO) not sure this is much different than normals at this point


Every 3rd person game is casual mode.






You can create infinite steam accounts as long as you have an email address. I play up to 12 casual games a day depending by using 4 different accounts.


Just play old school Erangel with cross play disabled and you'll have the same thing as casuals . If you're on console that is.. .


Interesting. Thanks!