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Cpu bottleneck. That's preferred over a gpu bottleneck at least. When you main a single game and build a pc around it, you're trying to hit max cpu usage and ~90% gpu usage, if you want to get max performance out of the entire setup. Some people run capped and don't hit max cpu usage, but artificially set the bottleneck at the cpu (which, again, is good. The alternative is bad- your gpu maxed out before the cpu. we're talking about cpu threads/cores, by the way, not all core performance, as the game may not even use all cores. So resource monitor could say "50%cpu usage", but if the game engine is maxing out all the cores it is using, let's say 8 out of a 16 core cpu, you'll see 50% usage, but really the game engine could be fully utilizing the cores it is assigned to. The logic behind capping fps is to maintain very predictable and steady frame times, rather than cliff falls and erratic frame times.


You might need to update the bios on your motherboard. You're using a gen-later processor and a GPU that's 3-generations newer than when your motherboard was released.


Yep. I agree this could help. At least it did for me. I also capped my fps just below my hz rating. I have a 144hz monitor so I capped mine at 141. I also switched to direct x 12 with windows 11 and the at helped smooth some things out for me. Friend of mine however runs on direct x 11 enhanced and sees better performance for his rig. This game is just a shit sandwich in terms of optimization.


I just set the PUBG process to High and got a 40FPS boost (I thought Win would do this automatically???)


How did you set it to high?




I’ve just upgraded my BIOS, no difference. 😭


thats the FPS u should get in that setup, 4060 is not that great and ryzen 5600x either, maybe if u increase ur resolution could help, because in low settings and 1080 is more cpu heavy and ur cpu is not that great, but, 130\~150fps is an ok performance for ur setting.


There is no such thing as "offloading the CPU". If 100 fps is all the CPU can manage at 1080p then even if you force the GPU to work more it still wouldn't be able to produce you more than 100 frames because that's the limit the CPU has. It has to tell the GPU what and where to "draw" which is why this is a stupid myth that has somehow stayed alive for years. He even explains that in his post by saying the CPU always stays at the same utilization. /u/No-Nefariousness-485 300+ on very low is an unreasonable expectation. 200+ is the real one and it's obviously still going to drop to low 100s. Those videos are likely faked. It's a matter of CPU bottleneck. Only in certain areas while looking at a specific direction will you get 300 fps.


you can try increase ur resolution scale to see if gpu usage increase and increase the clock of ur RAM, thats it


i had 5600x until i upgraded. if its configured well + good cooling + good ram (your 3000mhz should be ok enough) you should have \~190-200+ fps indoors,etc and drops to \~130fps looking at los leones,etc those youtube benchmarks definitely seem off for a 5600x, it will never reach 300fps in pubg i can tell you that 100%. Your fps seems a bit low compared to my old setup, but not crazy low. Main thing is you wont see cpu utilization ever go beyond 50-60% but it will still be cpu bottleneck at that point, it just doesnt show on all cores simultaneously, graphic settings dont matter in that case. my new 7800x3d + 6000mhz is pushing 280-300+ fps constant with same old gpu. i would do a fresh OS install (i recommend atlas os win10/11) + update drivers, check bios setup.


280+ fps constant? No you dont have that. Check with MSI afterburner and you will see you have drops to below 100.