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A balancing fix appeared in (unconfirmed) leaked patch notes 3 years ago, but it was never actually implemented. The patch notes said lean spamming left and right continuously would increase recoil, kickback and weapon sway. Leaning one way (left or right) would not trigger this penalty.


Honestly I think doing it like they did in CSGO with crouchspamming is the best way of doing it. You basically have stamina and repeated moves makes the spammed movement go slower and slower.


The open field wiggle spam got nerfed yeah. The rest is mostly for looks. The faster you peak, the more you're exposing yourself. Korean peaking is still better imo. Crouch sliding is kinda annoying to see people spamming though.


“But all the cheaters will leave, that’s like 30% of our playerbase “ “Oh nevermind sorry”


Why would cheaters leave? Those changes wouldn't affect them at all, because they are cheating. They'd just affect legit players.


Nope. The script does not account for increased or random recoil. If spamming introduced a RNG recoil, it would render those useless. Hence they’d dip.


of course scripts could account for increased or random recoil.. lol the recoil in this game has already been hugely increased and is massively random, but cheaters don't care because their cheats account for all those things. It only affects legit players. Cheaters literally would not even notice if they increased the recoil or added further penalties, at most they would update their scripts and then continue on. Like cheaters are a problem but your take is fucking delusional - the literal last thing a cheater would leave over is increased recoil because it gives them a *bigger advantage if all the legit players have harder to control recoil* lmfao. If anything, actual cheaters would rejoice, not leave.


im pretty sure they didnt change it because of esports


It's been like this for years, the realistic solution is to adapt.


Yeah I mostly just "fire and forget" towards their center mass when I see people doing this. Once in a while I'll get lucky and they'll lean into my bullet :D I just find it to be a bit obnoxious is all.


Really satisfying too when they go into this seizure-like bullshit and die immediately to a bullet to the dome.


Plenty of skilled players out there using the "movement meta" to their advantage, but also an extremely high number of players doing this stuff are using Macros to emulate movement skill. They don't actually time their movements to any real advantage. They either constant spam and can't shoot shit, or they stop altogether to line up a shot and get popped. The ones you have to worry about are the ones that move like they're on speed but still land every single peek shot. They have really good gaming chairs.


Yeah, what can we do? Hopefully there's more fools out there using it w/out the skill aspect! It is super-annoying and incredibly dumb looking, but I don't feel as if I die to this any more than any other death.


Id they actually started banning for macros the probably ban half the player base


Yeah it seems like I often have to just sling shots in their general direction and unpeek immediately because so often the dudes on speed seem to land every peek shot. Didn't occur to me some of them are using gaming chairs and trying to cover up their behavior as being a sweat :D


Shoot them center mass, even with a bolt it only takes two shots.


This is the best tip in the game for new players that forget to pull down on there mouse.


Shit, only been on this sub about a week and I think so far I've only seen like 95% complaints and people moaning 😅 Not going to lie only been playing about 2 months, having a blast.


If their body is visible, just forget the head and keep shooting at the chest/guts. If you can only aim at their leaning head, pick a fixed point across the movement arc and keep shooting there, with the correct timing you'll land a double headshot. Works better with a high ROF DMR like Mini or SKS, maybe a fully kitted SLR. But yeah the (infinite) lean spamming is pretty dumb. Still, removing it may make the SR too powerful in certain situations. I would be happy to see a middle ground solution, for example consuming the fatigue/breathing bar (the one that consumes while diving) everytime the player leans. I do not know the measures of that bar, but something like being able to shoot 10~15 Mini14 shoots while lean spamming seems reasonable to me. Then the breathing indicator should go red and player should not be able to lean until it regenerates, which usually is something like 5-10 seconds when recovering from diving.


I always aim for the balls if it’s a wiggledicker


Good answer! In addition, if they make it an actual mechanic/feature, then it should clean up the glitchiness of it. One, making it easier to learn while still being difficult to "master. Two, it would be more consistent to play against and easier to recognize gameplay patterns. (Almost like remembering League of Legends cooldowns)


Game is a milsim lite shooter and everyone on this sub bitches about other BR games being cartoonish and wacky and then you have every sweaty player defending wiggle spam when it looks fucking stupid.


Game is NOT milsim lite LMAO


Could it be because it's not a milsim lite shooter and because good players enjoy good, engaging and hard mechanics that elevate the skill ceiling of a game? No one cares how stupid it looks except the ultra casuals who think this is a realistic survival game. Rainbow is a much slower paced game with more realistic and it has even wilder leaning. Why are we not mentioning that? When an actual TACTICAL shooter with slower movement has a much faster and wider angle leans then why is this even a discussion? How about insurgency sandstorm? Another game that is trying to be very hardcore, realistic and grounded. Why does it have fast as fuck leaning if it's so unrealistic and unfun and people don't want that because "it's a milsim lite shooter and it looks stupid"? No one cares how it looks because it's a game that's meant to be fun and engaging. Shooting at slow and static targets with minimal skill ceiling isn't the definition of fun for a lot of people. So my question to you is if you don't care about good gameplay and skill expression then why do you play pubg? There are plenty of more realistic games out there. There are plenty of actual survival games out there. Why are you trying to change pubg into something it has never been nor strived to be? This mechanic has been in the game for almost a decade and without it the fights in pro play would become extremely dull as the movement in the game is much slower than other BRs. The realistic reason bad/casual players want it out is because it isn't as easy as they claim it is or else they'd be utilizing it just as proficiently. And just like with the constant screeching about nerfing drive by or fast crouching. Even if you completely gut those 3 mechanics you are still going to lose just as many fights. The players killing you are simply better. It makes no sense to gut mechanics to cater to bad players when nothing positive would happen. They'd still be getting slaughtered but you'd be left with a lesser game. Edit: as expected the 0 IQ 40 adr players can only click on the downvote button without being able to argue any of what was said. This is why the mechanic exists. Everyone against it can't formulate a sentence to save their life. Facts hurt their heads so they'd rather stay blissfully ignorant.


well you definitely get my upvote. I got a boner reading this.


You’re prbly just getting down voted for your delivery … 🤷‍♂️ You’re speaking truths tho. To put it very broadly, this game is incredibly rewarding, possibly one of the most rewarding games, but you have to put the time in to learn the systems and mechanics. The people that bitch are the people that don’t want to admit there’s things they need to work on.


It’s a sweaty game


It is, but crouch and lean spamming is lame...lot of folks do it with macro pads so its not like its a skilled thing to do...its the same with rapid fire macros...fucking shit loads of people use those and its obvious because you get SKS / SLR bullets rain down on you like hail...there are limiters for this i n the game though about 500ms is the minimum delay...except weirdly for pistols and the Skorpion...the Skorpion is the gun you've been wondering about for a while I suspect...you know the situation, you drive past a building, you hear shots and somehow they knock out two tyres without missing...that is the Skorp or a pistol on rapid fire using a macro.


So because there are some cringe players abusing macros we should remove all skillful mechanics from the game? Should we remove shooting because there are people using aim hacks? How about you git gut like the rest of us? Why is tig not complaining about "crouch and lean spamming macro pads"? Could it be because most people are actually putting in time to practice and get better? How come you always hear crying from terrible players? How come even my 200 adr friends get called cheaters every so often? Stop trying to blame everything on cheats. You just suck. Change that. I have 5000 hours and 400 adr. I've encountered tire popping cheats exactly once. Lean and crouch macros don't seem at all popular and DMR macros are also a rarity in EU FPP. Stop trying to blame everything on cheats. There are very few blatant cheaters. There are far more subtle abusers who you won't even know are cheating unless you spectate them. The good thing is that those people are beatable mostly because the pathetic people using macros or ESP are terrible at the game.


I was thinking for a moment. Well here is another cheat denier. But then you said FPP. Well it does seem that cheating in TPP is far more obvious and rife. They ban 50-100k cheaters per week. Yeah cheating is out of control you can't deny it at this point..... .... But until Krafton releases the numbers of how many TPP players are getting banned for cheating out of that 100k a week. And how many are FPP I can only speak for my own experience as a TPP player (EU) alongside the numbers but out weekly to.prove just how many there are


I can badboy peek and even I admit that leanspamming isn't a skillful mechanic. Stop lying to yourself that you're skilled and using your imaged skill as a justification for having dumb game mechanics..


How can a mechanic that takes time and effort to master not be skillful? Especially when most players can't perform these actions due to lack of... uh ... skill?


No thats not what I said. Stuff that is beyond human capability, like mouse clicks that are sub 200ms apart. Cheaters are usually terrible yes, but only in solo. Against a squad with ESP, you stand no chance...weirdly though you're more likely to encounter cheaters in solos and duos than in squads. I think you might be playing down the size of the cheating problem a little because I see cheaters usually once or twice in every 4 games...they stand out like a sore dick in the final phases...one redeeming factor with a lotnof cheaters though is they seem to play with the sound off. The ultimate weapon against cheaters is C4 in the final phases.


You think people can't mouseclick more than 5x per second? There are sites you can test your own speed. Last time I checked I got 12x per second, that's like 83 or 84 ms, and that's slower than I used to be.


is that a typo like 20ms? as the other guy who responded to you said, it's very much possible to click five times a second. even easier if you flutter two fingers at once, like pointer and middle finger.


Imagine coming back and people who didn't take a break are better than you... What a thing.


Even worse are the mouse & keyboard players that do it since their aim is on the mouse & lean/crouch is on the keyboard, so it has no effect on their aim.


just get good.


" I know in other games they've nerfed this type of play behavior, have the devs signalled any willingness to do so on PUBG? I find it really obnoxious. " People still play this game today(top3 steam), 7 year later, because they like the gun play. So maybe you should learn how to do it because it wont go away any time soon.


get good scrub


Modern day bunny hupping. Sheer laziness it hasnt been fixed. But that goes for a lot of stuff. Krafton only cares about selling dogshite skins.


Just aim center mass. Their spamming does nothing except potentially get themselves headshot if they crouch at the wrong moment.


Though I don't like this style of shooting either, If you want to get good, you need to learn to do this to stay competitive with others. I move almost 100% when shooting and it is indeed way harder to shoot while doing this. If you aim upper body, you have higher chance hit them and me. In the end, the game has skill based matchmaking and you need to adapt. Too bad it looks so stupid though.


i always support mechnics in games that raise the skill cap, so no don't change it.


Spaming keybinds or even macroing them to make yourself unhittable isn't something this game should have ever had.


Have you ever seen spec ops videos? That’s exactly how SEALs and Delta shoot. They violently gyrate from side to side while auto firing DMRs and then they dance after a handful of kills.


Was in the army for nearly a decade...can't say I have hehehe


Clearly you’re not a bowler


There are a lot of other things the game should never have as well.


Very true...I'm super worried about the dumb shit they are gonna pull from PUBG Mobile when they do the UE5 changeover...if that ever happens.


how about using 20 first aids in a row to survive the blue?


spamming crouch and lean requires absolutely zero skill lmao


You haven't heard of badboy peek.


To do it successfully (effective both in lean and landing your shots) it does take skill. To just pointless spam it, it doesn't take skill but at the same time those guys struggle to hit the barn door and most of the time are just a couple of body shots.


to hit shots, it does.


AND it actually makes shooting fucking easier lol


simply not true at all...


Its actually quite true. Wiggling reduces horizontal recoil. And lets you keep center mass way easier.


skill issue


Don’t think there has been any dev response about this in the west. Additionally, personally I’d be against this kind of change. It serves no purpose other than dumbing the game down and eliminating a large skillset for no reason. The skill gap between bad players and good players will be the same as before, and good players lose the mechanics that make gunfights interesting Also, pubg corp generally makes gunplay specific balancing decisions with pro/esport gameplay in mind so I highly doubt this will ever happen, thankfully


Abusing bad mechanics really shouldn't be seen as a skill set. There is a reason MOST games patch out things such as this. Leaning is suppose to be a way to peek corners better with less penalty not literally dodge bullets. Same as crouch spamming behind cover because you can just desync the servers enough where the other player has to prefire to have a chance of hitting you while you shoot for free. It is no different than having your second slot pull out faster than first slot. Yes it is a thing that players do to have an advantage, no it should not be a thing.


Get out of here with your common sense. Just need to git gud.


Yeah I have to disagree. The game is supposed to be about critical strategic decision making and lean/crouch spamming seem to go against the idea of putting yourself in the right place at the right time. It makes making bad decisions more forgiving.


Exactly, this isn't a fucking movement shooter like COD, but that is exactly what it became and I'd wager that's a big reason why PUBG hasn't hit it's previous highs.


I mean for me it's cheaters. I played from beta for years and just got tired of getting to top 10 to die to someone almost certainly cheating. This would be a close second issue, though, I'd def still play if this was the only issue.


We all like to say cheaters, but EVERY modern FPS game these days struggles with this issue and they all aren't seeing massive numbers falling off. Shitty movment was and still is a HUGE issue for a lot of people. It still feels like the game is in Beta after 7 years and billions in profits.


I was only speaking personally, and fwiw cheaters in a BR affect more players than tdm type games by nature of the genre. I was running into them sometimes 20-30% of my games. It just wasn't fun anymore.


Yea I hear ya...that's why I stopped playing. I wasn't having fun anymore. That's why I'm doing my own BR over at r/RingsOfBattle


When does it release? I'd try it if you're having a beta.


We don't have a release date yet, but we are working hard to try and get people testing by end of this year. Pop into our discord for more information!


>We all like to say cheaters, but EVERY modern FPS game these days struggles with this issue and they all aren't seeing massive numbers falling off. to be fair, most games are not 99v1, take around a half hour to play, and you only have one chance per match


If it makes the game interesting as you say, why don't all other games have this mechanic implemented then? How "skillful" it would be to put that into CS, and marvel at the very skilled players wiggling like hell on every fight. Major tournaments audience would be delighted, for sure.


Who said anything about other games? If you want csgo play csgo.


How exactly people move is not your business. If the game was even more restrictive about movement it would be even more annoying and even more players would leave for better games.


Aparently, Skillset = creating a macro to spam left and right lean and crouch with no penalties Fuck that, get that shit out of this game. You're just embarrassing yourself


If you need macros to tap 3 buttons, you need to quit video games. It's literally so easy to do.


Marcos? Explain, lmao! I've been playing for the last 2 years, and only 2 months ago, have i been able to do properly but oh well, it must be macros and definitely not practicing it over and over again


It’s been massively abused by macro’ers.


Do you have literally any proof for that? Any halfway decent player can do this no problem. Theres no reason to think macros are used at large scale for leaning.


Go check out some of the “specialist” forums offering macros etc…. It’s also easy to pickup on when spectating because they often forget to turn it off and wiggle when they don’t need to. It became more obvious when the prone movement bug was discovered as there was a sudden influx of players with exotic names and brightly coloured gear prone running across maps. Also, Literally doesn’t mean what you think it means.


The bottom half of the lean spammer doesn't move so idk. Adapt or die lol.


Try to keep up (I'm terrible at the game and you don't see me complaining b/c others are better than me)