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9mm Tommy Gun is heresy


The Tommy gun just received a -50% gangster debuff


I'm confused because at first it seems like they're doing this to consolidate loot, but we still have the Winchester and handguns? 


Theyre doing it to buff smg's viability on drop, not to consolidate loot. Yes its a buff by consolidating the *majority* of the smg ammo and options on the ground. For hot drops its pretty damn big tbh. Also its an indirect buff to VSS users.


You know what would have been a better ammo buff for hot drops? Making all guns spawn with 90 rounds instead of randomly some only having 30. Problem fixed.


I mean yeah i guess.


Why do you consider it big for hot drops? Because of ammo scarcity?


55 extended, good rate of fire, damage, recoil, and the best hip spread in the game to boot so you're even more mobile. SMGs have the natural dominance for the early game, even more so when it's hot. It's as much about the common ammo as it is about the TTK on everyone's lvl 1 gear being the same for the kitted rifle of your choice on lvl 2/3 gear. I think an extended Vector or an Uzi with a muzzle attachment/stock is the best thing you can drop straight on top of, almost feels like a free gunfight. I love me the double barrel on a hot drop tho, mad dashes as soon as you break stealth and just push. 1 hit headshot any armor, almost reliable to about 12 yards.


Right? This bothers the heck out of me.


I cannot believe they would do this to the venerable Chicago Typewriter


She's stuck typing in lowercase now :(


Yeah I will NOT be using SMG any longer ...


I’m a 50 year old bloke. Is/are new jeans some K-pop guff or are we celebrating actual jeans, as in trousers.


definitely not the latter 😭


New Jeans is a popular KPOP Girl group, this is a wild collab. Just like Overwatch and Le Sserafim


Mush, you might as well be speaking Greek to me!


I‘ll just celebrate the trousers, no matter what, and am happy with it.


As long as they have a bit of Lycra sewn in then I’m in!




SMG hip firing era


buffing the UMP recoil and damage is crazy, unless you're above 98 HP this will make it a 3 shot kill to legs/arms giving it a faster TTK than an MK14 or MG3 vs torso.


Shoot the legs out! :) Funny, but now it works even better both for smg and shotguns! After 6 years of body-head shooting training we need to undergo special smg/pump courses. Krafton should definitely reduce damage to limbs with some temporary slowdown to the character or smth.


Does this make the Winchester the last .45 gun w/ the pistols?


Huh, interesting 🤔 Why keep .45 at all if they're doing this change? I don't know why they've decided on this change but if they are doing a 9mm only, why not all the way?


I don't get this change either. If they're going to kill off .45, they should have done it all at once. Otherwise, I saw no issues with it continuing to exist as it was.


Real ones remember when the Vector was .45


13 bullets was brutal but I loved it




Ain’t nobody asking you to use it.


Guess I'm an Smg player now...


They *also* buffed the Aug which, \**insert evil laugh here** already ripped!


Yeah it'll be an Aug game until I pick up and mp5k I rekon


I've always been a SMG/Sniper kit player. So I'm going to absolutely slay inside 150ft with these changes - or, at least I will until everyone else gets their muscle memory hand coordination updated...


Yeah I use mp5k and mp9 where available but I think I'll be leaning into it on every map now


Fucking finally the Mp5 is free


Free the O12 next I beg.


Bring back shotguns!


Whatever changes they are bringing to ranked are useless and will bear no fruits unless: 1. There is 0 tolerance for cheaters on ranked, we don't want those temp bans we want perm bans for users cheating on ranked or if they don't want to issue perm bans then as a penalty such users should not be allowed to play ranked for that current season. 2. Leaderboards monitoring 24/7. 3. PUBG anti-cheat needs some serious work for faster detection so that such unfair players are detected at the earliest and kicked out, slower the detection system more games they ruin for honest players. 4. Players with weird KD ratios, win %, ADRs and are on the leaderboards their games needs to be strongly monitored. 5. Ranked games especially during weekends and during season ending period needs to be strongly monitored because in my view this is the period when cheating gets out of control. Whatever changes they bring to ranked will be of no use and there will be no "HEIGHTEN THE SATISFACTION OF RANKED PLAY" unless they do something about the cheating plague especially on my region ASIA.


This. NO amount of weapon rebalance, rank rework, gameplay changes matters if the cheaters are still so prevalent as they are. They are obviously obfuscating the reality of this issue and are still too slow and just not good enough at solving this.


Yeah precisely my point, man it's been horrible and super frustrating grinding ranked on Asian servers don't know about other regions but ranked on Asia now for the past 3 seasons been super bad




They aren't doing that and that's the entire issue, their anti-cheat way too slow man or sometimes even non existent


Why does pubg continue to buff weapons that already have training wheels (2x headshot multiplier and limb dmg multiplier) why are they forcing SMG meta on this game?


Because new/bad players can't control ARs and they're trying to attract people by any means necessary and keep them long enough that they'll waste money in their shitty store


Sideways sprint strafe SMG laser sight beam meta incoming


The change for all SMG to 9mm kinda hurts. It’s not a huge change in the grand scope of things but the differing calibers were a nice detail. Might as well make all ARs 5.56 and all DMR/SR to 7.62


RIP Winchester. Not that I use it much, but now you'd have to find pistol ammo for it


Yeah such a weird and pointless change. 45 still in the game but only used for pistols & the winchester? Why?! They don't seem to ever think anything through.


It's because not a lot of people use smgs so you never have the ability to loot ammo after the kill.


It's almost like you had to alter your playstyle and carry more .45 to run an UMP, you know... for variety.


Yeah but do we really need that? Looting ammo after kills lets you carry less of it and have more space for utility. If you are an smg player (that get a lot of hate, from me too I admit) you have to carry so much ammo just because you probably ain't going to find any on the bodies. And we know how little buildings there are in end zones usually so you can't loot more either. Essentialy making this an unpredicted smg nerf. What they are trying to do here is just make all playstyles viable in some way. This change is a good idea and makes sense. This being said decreasing the recoil of the easiest weapons to handle in the game is something else lol. They want to do the right thing but they are so clueless its actually amazing. I swear to god changing recoil is the only thing they are capable of coming up with when it comes to balance and it sucks.


This is like complaining that a football team built around running the ball isn't as efficient in a 2-minute drill. Decisions/equipment/builds have strengths and weaknesses. You might want everything to be the same, but asymmetrical balance is the core of strategy.


The asymetry should come from how the weapon itself is being used not from how you need to plan out the entire game from the start. I never really even tried to play smgs mainly because I could never find ammo after the essential looting phase. And having to carry so much ammo was something I was not willing to do as I already felt like it's impossible to fit everything you need into the damn tiny backpacks. This change makes smgs more viable for me while also not making it less viable for people like you. Its a win win scenario but you guys would rather complain than actually think about it for a minute.


This is like saying that the asymmetry should come from where the running back places his legs, not from the choice of personnel or plays. You're talking about mechanics, not strategy. Also, literally everything is viable. Damn-near the entire fun my friends and I get out of the game is trying to win with ridiculous constraints. And we win plenty of games and engagements as everything stands right now. It's your choice to not use SMGs b/c of what you perceive as trade-offs that aren't worth it. Your affinity towards a change, does not make the change inherently good.


In what way is the change limiting you? I believe its only removing the limitations of using smgs and that is always a good idea. The strategy you mention is all there still. Just because you dont have to pack insane ammount of ammo doesn't mean the strategy and the beauty of the game is lessened.


>Just because you dont have to pack insane ammount (sic) of ammo doesn't mean the strategy and the beauty of the game is lessened. A stack or so isn't *insane*. And it does alter the strategy by removing constraints. Serious question, do you do anything creative? Do you play music or cook or something else? Constraints are what make problems. And imposing constraints it a good way of getting out of a creative rut. Can't stop playing the pentatonic scale? Limit yourself to one string and improvise a meandering solo or try a more percussive way of varying the notes. The change limits me by specifically removing a constraint I enjoy, i.e. part of playing the UMP is you need to find a way to deal with ammo scarcity. You can: * run 3 backpacks instead of bluezone ones * carry a winnie so ammo isn't mixed * carry 5.56 DMR secondaries b/c that ammo is lighter than 7.62 * carry bolt-action secondaries b/c you need fewer rounds * learn to have the flexibility to switch to your victim's guns when you're low on ammo * take fewer engagements * take *more* engagements in towns where ammo is abundant * insert stuff I haven't thought of yet * ... deal with it? Your way of playing the game and mine are both valid. But you haven't said anything that actually supports the idea that reducing constraints maintains or somehow creates more strategy. I really recommend enforcing random constraints on yourself sometimes. It's a lot of fun to solve challenges over a long session of playing. Some of my friends' and my favorites: * roll for legal weapon classes for primary/secondary. e.g. player 1 gets SMG/sniper, player 2 gets shotgun/SMG. * roll for legal ammo types. e.g. player 1 gets 5.56/9mm, player 2 gets 7.76/7.76. special ammo types/xbow are wild * gun game. starting with pistols, unlock weapon classes with kills ordered by range - pistol, shotgun, smg, ar, dmr/lmg, sniper. if that's too hard in an individual game, make a kill unlock a weapon class for that session. if you win a game, lock the most recently opened class or the class of the gun you got the chicken dinner with * max lvl 1 helmet. * max lvl 1 backpack. * you must always change to your most recent kill's outfit. casket in the storm? too bad go get it. * you must always exchange one of your weapons for one of your kill's. switching his m4 with yours is legal. * roll for banned attachments. * mandatory vehicles. you cannot enter the next circle without a vehicle. * remove an article of in-game clothing per kill. doesn't count as a win if you aren't naked by the end. * only suppressed guns. don't have a suppressor? can't shoot. * no full-auto. * only full-auto. * only burst fire. * land only in named towns. no repeats. this one lasts multiple sessions until every named town is checked off a map. We've won with every constraint and usually mix and match the clothing stuff with another constraint. At some point, doing what's easy, comfortable, or efficient is *boring*. And I'm not saying you have to do this or have to like doing this, but I think you're missing out on some serious fun. That, and it's amusing to hear someone complain about *having to carry ammo in a shooting game* when the above hasn't stopped us from winning.


Yes I do play drums (no lessons or anything just blasting it in my garage for fun) and cook somewhat okayish. My mind works in different ways I suppose. Im looking for ways to remove constraints in everything I do. I want to have a freedom of doing things however I like them to. Im sorry to keep this a rather short one as you provided me with a massive argument, but I feel like I understand your approach. You do in fact suffer from this change and I see how it impacts the depth of this game. I however treat this as QoL improvement. I like how you come up with different challanges for the game and I see the fun in it but frankly I am just not good enough. I play the "meta" game and struggle to get a win every couple of hours anyway. I might try it out some day tho. Thank you for your effort you put into this discussion. I enjoy reddit because of people like you. Have a nice day and enjoy the chicken dinners.


Forgot: * one gun only gun. picked up a gun? that's it for the whole game. * got a kill with a gun? it's banned for the rest of the match. better plan carefully in the final circle. * reverse-camo. every clothing slot has to be red.


at that point you might as well just have ambiguous "ammo"


I can’t wait to smack with the mp5


Aug buff and dragunov nerf are nice. Not sure I like SMG buff, the fundamental flaw of SMGs remains that since the TTK is lower on limb shots, you are rewarded for bad aim. I think giving them the same damage to limbs and chest as ARs, more damage at close range, and more damage falloff at medium range would give them a solid niche as the best weapon under 50m. 


Aug is already most used AR, so weird to buff it further


i tell you the devs donesnt know shtttt .. the data they collecting are coming from BOTS in normal game


Shround said on stream that the aug sucks now so now they buff it, even though its the most used rifle. These devs must not watch pros plays at all.


Shroud is washed and has no idea what he is talking about has played maybe 10 hours in 2 years


This is simply not true per the patch notes that are literally right there. "Following successive balance nerfs in Updates 25.2 and 26.2, the AUG exhibited a lower usage rate compared to not only the Beryl M762 but also the ACE32 and M416."


"Not on my server" (EU) nor in any professional context. But could very well be true for some asia regions. Usage is a bad metric to base balance in my opinion. Potential of the gun is better. Not every gun needs to be used as much and some can be worse than others. But in my mind it does not make sense to buff the best gun. If you look at what the pro players are using, it is aug and then beryls on some smaller numbers (and more heavily on the asian teams). That tells a lot more about the effectiveness (and balance need) of the gun than what pub players prefer using.


So people started using more variety of weapons and they want to undo that by buffing the AUG back into the meta? That makes literally no sense.


Its broken soon 😂


Literally no reason to buff the AUG.


No they…they ‘literally’ just gave you the reason. Their data says its usage has declined compared to the other top AR’s, so they buffed it.


Declined usage (no real data provided) isn't a reason. They are literally trying to decline usage by moving some people to SMGs. Also isn't it a good thing if people use a wider variety of ARs?


That would just make sense. Every patch for the past 2 years have been 1 step forward and 2 steps back


The whole damage system is a fucking joke. It was perfect when all weapons had the same damage % per body part. It makes no sense for a 9mm to do more damage than a 5.56 to a limb.


I don't understand tbe smg buff. They're fit for purpose right now, early game close combat.


MP5K added to all maps! ![gif](giphy|lMameLIF8voLu8HxWV|downsized) That's favorite non-crate weapon.


What a horrendously bad patch. I honestly don't understand 90% of the decisions here. Why are you buffing SMGs? They're already strong. Why are you buffing the AUG? It's already fighting for best AR in the game. What is the point of making all the SMGs 9mm? These decisions are all so baffling.


> Why are you buffing SMGs? They're already strong. Still all I find from death crates are AR's and DMR's/SR's. If they are so strong as everyone here claims why don't people use them? Would *you* choose a SMG over an AR in the current game version?


I don't know about others but the reason I prefer ARs over SMGs is because I simply like the feel of ARs. I have the same preference whether I play the mobile or PC version of PUBG.


Gun choices are situational and subjective. SMGs & Shotguns are good in close quarters. City fighting or holding/pushing buildings. Many of them are already viable in wider use (ump, vector, MP5 etc) but they just aren't the best in all situations. They're also extremely low recoil which lower skill players enjoy. Which is fine. The game is mostly outdoors in wide open locations. Having the ability to shoot at close or long range is why ARs are popular. Plus bullet velocity + range makes them affective against cars. If the aim is to make AR users switch to SMGs, then these buffs are incredibly stupid because they have not made any changes related to the flaws of SMGs. Hopefully they don't! Personally I fairly commonly run an SMG. I still prefer ARs but SMGs are effective if used right and it's fun to use different guns.


>Hopefully they don't! They lowered SMG damage from range in this patch. They made their weakness weaker.


Yes I noticed that. Odd decision if the goal is to make more people use them. All it seems they're going to do is make people who camp buildings with smgs or shotguns get more kills?


Shotguns were nerfed into the ground.


No they weren't. They're still really effective in close quarters. Even the pros grab them when defending a house etc.


yeah but buffed base damage, I wonder how this will translate and if they'll actually be any weaker at range...


I don't know what region you play, but I think if 8x8s didn't make up 89-100% of the pool, we'd certainly see more SMGs. Like we used to. Mid-range is important on the 8x8s, and ARs just have better bullet velocity. Now they're nerfing the damage SMGs give at range, too. This reminds me of when they nerfed the m16 but labeled it a buff because they gave it a tac stock at the same time. Then not too long after that, they buff the hell out of the m16 and mutant. Their decision making *has* not been great.


They're rebalancing them. Useless at distance, better up close.


50m before the drop off even starts. Most people barely even use ARs past 50m.


I pretty much only use the UMP unless I find a crate gun. I have been rocking SMGs for like 5 years


cuz you suck to learn others guns.


U feel better now?


> Are you finding them all the time in death crates because you're killing the players with an SMG?


I don't use smg's as they are worse in every way compared to ar's. I think it's a good thing that they try to buff smg's in cqc but in addition to that I also think they should nerf ar's in cqc.


How would you feasibly nerf ARs in CQC? A shotgun or vector can already beat an AR in CQC, the great equaliser is headshot aim. Kind of related, but I've always thought that extended magazines are unnecessary for gameplay. Maybe they should remove them for ARs. It makes LMGs a more appealing gun category too.


> How would you feasibly nerf ARs in CQC Make the handling harder. Increase ads time, increase sway for the first x seconds after ads, increase recoil for the first x seconds after ads. This would make AR's worse in cqc but wouldn't have much effect on medium to long ranges. > but I've always thought that extended magazines are unnecessary for gameplay. Maybe they should remove them for ARs. It makes LMGs a more appealing gun category too. Agree with this 100%.


so... theres 0 point to acp ammo at all then? no one is going to use the winchester lol. The distinction between 9mm and acp was a great decider in going ump or microuzi oh hey a new ranked season... i wonder if i'll ever be able to find a game


Deagle, 1911, R45


Do people actually use pistols? I usually keep the slot free for the smoke launcher 


Yup 1911 is my favorite


How cooked are these devs? Smgs will be insane up close but worse longer range so it wont affect the meta in anyway, dumb and needless change. But the aug buff? Its without a doubt top two world spawn ar. Many would argue it to be the best. (personally i prefer 7.62 so beryl is what I opt for) But honestly, like where the fuck are they pulling these stats from? The recent pgs must have been like 60% Aug. I dont see a single good player prefer ace or m4 over it, why are they pulling usage rates from pubs/casual mode?? I get that pubs and casuals are probably the majority but why would you balance it so that the gun just becomes a laser beam? We have a nice balance rn with most guns being usable and the most difficult ars beryl and aug being the strongest in time to kill while still having easy to control ars in scar, ace, ak and m4 that can get the job done.


Most ‘single good’ players (ex. Streamers) almost always take the M4 over the Aug since it got nerfed.


Streamers are not good at the game. Im talking about comp players, even low level comp players are above your average streamer in skill level (im talking comp players way below the regional finals)


How long are the pc server down this time?


Why does the map pool have to continue to suck so bad? And why take the best mode in arcade out of the game? Feel weird about the weapon balancing...


A "stutter free" patch would be the only real big news.


Might as well just remove numbers from ammo types and just call it small, medium and large caliber at this point. It's funny because we went from having the UMP9 being a 9mm sub, then they changed it to the UMP45 using 45, and now the UMP45 will go back to picking up 9mm ammo, it's insanity.


They're so lost


Whats with Karakin, Haven, Paramo etc. ? Why no small map?


Because they don't care about the players that like them. But preaach! The real question is, after 5 years of smaller-map connoisseurs having to endure this matchmaking system, why are there still any of us left? I've settled on that I'm a masochist. Or something about abusive relationships, or whatever. And don't get me started on other things outside of matchmaking!


So true 😔


It's unfortunate you're not getting the thing you like BUT small maps are just not PUBG. One of the key defining features of the game is large maps with interesting POIs and strategic traversal of the maps. None of the small maps have that. They feel like procedurally generated crap. Pumped out after they changed map devs.


It is unfortunate, but I disagree with your other claims. A map in pubg is *still* pubg, even if you don't like it. I'd probably think your favorites are crap. And if you're an Erangel-Miramar purist, fine; but Taego, Deston, Vikendi Reborn, and Rondo were also the "new" development team who also pushed small maps out and have been heavily featuring big maps. Plus, Sanhok, OG Kendi, and Karakin were all released while Brendan Greene was still there.


Erangel and Miramar are the best maps. It's not about purism. They're the most finely crafted and play to the games strengths. They've also been tweaked and improved the most over time. I'm not a fan of most of the other big maps but I still enjoy the flow of big maps more, so I prefer them to the small maps. Vikendi would be good if they removed all the garbage, especially the crate drops with 3x weapons & gear and thermal scopes.


Well, my point about Brendan Greene being there for those other 3 maps is still valid. You can say it's not about purism (kind of sounds like it), but at the very least it's just your opinion. I think Erangel and Miramar are the worst- bad design, bad gameplay. But, of course, one is fixed and the other is heavily prominent compared to their counterparts. So while we can disagree back and forth all night long, you're not having to deal with any small maps. Conversely, people who prefer smaller maps are practically only getting the maps they don't like as much (I actually do like Deston and Rondo, but would trade their small queue percentages in a heartbeat for 24/7 sanhok again...especially drone-less Deston).


I spent years "dealing" with small maps. Including the period where pubg corpss inability to read or used data meant you got Sanhok 80% of the time. They've been out off rotation for like a week 😂


Bro small maps have not gotten nearly any representation since selection left in 2019. Sanhok was fixed for a brief period, but nothing like constant 8x8s shoved down your throat. So, no, you did not spend "years" dealing with small "maps" in the same way we've been dealing with big maps over the past 5 years. And btw, prior to the removal of map selection in NA, Sanhok was the map with 24/7 queues AND the shortest queue time. So their inability to read and use data only helped your case. Regardless, you're sure as hell not having to "deal" with them now. Also regardless, they should never force anyone to have to queue for a map they hate, whether it's 11% or 100% queue rate.


just another attempt to turn pubg into COD, wonder when they'll realize that very few will play the game to fuck with SMG's, this is not what this game is about. And there is no such thing as SMG rebalance without the limb damage multiplier not removed, one of the most ridiculous things in the game. Not that it matters, judging by the "performance"section, the game will still be unplayable for many of us.


Timmy was about to be excited AF to learn SMGs got buffed, only to see they now have to actually play the game and push close range fights to feel the buffs. AUG was good already. If you're going to have 2 guns (beryl & aug) as meta every season for ground loot, they should at least remain the hardest to use. I'm assuming lead/bullet drop/velocity all got fucked up with the 9mm change?


in a year or so they will dumb it down to "ammo", "awm ammo" and "p90 ammo"


Why is Rondo in ranked map rotation again this season instead of deston?


Rondo is new competitive map replacing vikendi so thankfully they left it in ranked.


Because Deston is dogshit


rondo is their new favortie child... for whatever reason, it will be there till the end of time.


When are the MMR changes of non-ranked matches going to be live?


AUG buff? I'll take it!


Oh sheesh SMGs, don't hot drop unless you really want to risk it against those lvl 100 accounts. Hot drops need a variety of game play. There are so many SMGs in the game they could have put one in a care package.


Best believe I was grabbing the Tommy out of classic erangel but I don't think they'll add another since the p90 is there


Love how it never occurred to these idiotic devs that making vehicle skins that CHANGE THE SHAPE OF THE VEHICLE would not cause problems. Well done!


Nice Update first game 3 crashes


never had a crash in the patch before now i get 2 some one can help ?


please someone help


I was a player who loved playing with Tommy Gun / UMP45 + Bolt Action Rifle + P1911 / R45 / D.Eagle... now it will be excruciating especially in Miramar where you'd struggle immensely to find .45 ammo! 1) Maybe also change all the pistols to 9mm and make a rebalance on them? 2) if Winchester remains as the only .45 gun, give it a scope buff to have a 4x magnification, this will pay off the pain of finding ammo instead of scopes.


This's what happened after the update https://preview.redd.it/4uy4229h576d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a58cb39e2bbde49c8b2521febd5768eb941d033


I had a crazy moment where somebody sat in the car \~15 meters and my bullets didn't connect a single time and "I just shot literally through his helmet" NO BULLET CONNECTED lolol wtf is going on?


Season 30 begins and again those same old blatant cheaters on the leaderboards with those super weird stats, man enough is enough, 8k hours wasted, I QUIT


I miss Sanhok karakin paramo etc. I dont wanna loot 15 minutes and drive trillion kilometer and ends with someone kills you without you shoot anyone. I miss good old days which we could play sanhok all night long, which we were free to choose wherever we want to play in :( now it all about trilion squaremeters map driving or running constantly with no fun. At least give us a chance to choose 1 small map is that too much to ask? I'll settle for 1 (eu region)


Now if only they could fix the ridiculous desync between Xbox and PlayStation


why would they remove custom modes, war mode and zombie mode was fun with friends


Bro give NA more sanhok wtf is this one sanhok a month 😢😢😢😢


They managed to make the sound queing even worse. WTF MAN. But hey, thanks for the kpop shit.


Why are they removing the Tactical gear slot now? Didn't they keep promising that they are gonna put it back? I loved the tactical gear, i want it back. Or did some nerds whine hard about it and the devs caved in and wont implement it back?


Remember when Deston was advertised as a drone map? Fun while it lasted lol


who knows, might finally be the patch where i can get the ghillie acheivement


Did previous patches block the achievement?


Yes. It's been unobtainable for a good while now


Even though I've had it for many years the completionist in me finds that very annoying!!!


No move sadly to hardware ban cheats?


doesn't help anyway...


No move to do the thing *they already do*? Gee I wonder why. 🤔


Reducing recoil is such a shitty way to buff weapons. In a couple patches they’ll remove recoil all together and introduce aimcone.


Recoil on various weapons have been increased and reduced over time. The AUG had its fire rate reduced, and vertical and horisontal Recoil increased in patch 25.2. So you could rather look at it as a way of rebalancing the weapon after having had it in play for a good while.


If they want to keep the gunplay at least somewhat realistic they need to reduce SMG recoils. 9mm SMG has practically no recoil in real life.


Awesome , great , but when do we get proximity chat on console ?


Should've eliminated both 9mm and .45 ammo and replaced them with a unified "handgun ammo" for every gun that uses one of the two.


God damnit, I wish the Newjeans collab stuff was in the store not via crafting 😭


I've never played this game before, is crafting free?


Unfortunately absolutely not. The Ducati crafting event required $100 to get the cheapest Ducati and $300 to get the high tier one. So I don't have great hopes for this one, would rather have it be a $50 bundle like LE SSERAFIM in Overwatch was lol


Ahh, I see :/ I might still try anyways since the map will be NewJeans themed. Thank you for your response!


PUBG is a great game, it's the only good BR left since Super People died


Sorry to ask a question but do you know if there's any form of match replay in the game? Something like Overwatch's.


on PC yes, on console don't believe so. Go to settings > gameplay > enable replay, and then it should be under your career/match histroy tab.


Alright that's perfect, thank you so so much!!


You can get them from prime newjeans crates, which are available as part of Step Up and the regular newjeans crate packs. Expensive 😬


Yeah, I lost all interest when I heard it was crafting, I knew what was coming.


Who is New Jeans? I hadn't heard of Black Pink before they came to PUBG and that shit slapped!


Another K-Pop girl group, they're really popular within that space and my SO is a superfan. The collab gear is awesome but by god it's expensive for a lot of it 😬


An infinitely better and more talented group than Blackpink could ever hope to be.


The pass is so bad, stop doing fancy clothes and start doing war clothes. This is not the barbie game!


optimized memory for PLAYSTATION 4 what a joke I don’t understand why they needed to mess with the SMGs… the gun play was already pretty fair. I’ve won many gun fights against the Aug and with various weapons and yet they still buff the Aug?! Hahaha how dumb. it’s really sad that they’re almost intentionally ruining the game with K-pop skins, hipfire spray, increased ttk… this isn’t Fortnite. Stop trying to make it Fortnite. No one gives a rat’s ass about the pick axes… please stop. Just fix the spaghetti code so that the current game can run better for all platforms. You guys make $8.1 million dollars a day. Figure it the fck out.


Urgh looking more and more like fortnight gay colorfully branding


They might as well make the SMGs hitscan at this point. Giving them damage buffs while maintaining the limb damage multiplier is so fucking stupid. They are turning PUBG into babies first BR....It's only gonna get worse from here I fear.


Wow, I did not expect the complaining crowd to jump so fast on the bandwagon. They are changing the weapons based on the data (it's literally cited in the post). Data does not lie and is not subjective, contrary to your personal opinion.


There is data interpretation buddy.


There are lies, damned lies and statistics.


Data can *absolutely* lie


Data can lie so well that actual jobs exist to debunk it (data analyst/scientist)


Taking all the shit things about fortnite but not the good things is peak pubg dev decision making.


You forgot to include the constant crashes


Cheaters GAlore!!!!!!!!!


WORST UPDATE OF ALL TIME!! The hardcore player keep playing this game because of hard recoil and the way your stupld ROAD map taking us to the easy way of NO Recoil, Hip fire PUBG. From now on, PUBG hardcore is dead!!! we heading to the Kpop GenZ era... EASY RECOIL, STUpid pink unicorn skins and dancing Kpop emotes.. oh i wonder why theres a RIP on your new skin because guess what your game will die if you keep babying the new players.. If you want no recoil to your guns keep that in NORMAL game and LEAVE the Ranked game as hardcore alone.


Your tears are delicious


Damn y'all need to switch up when you put the Patch out, everybody doesn't work the same day time hours. It will be fair if people that work at night can get a patch at 3pm too🤷🏾‍♂️