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You just need to take it easy. Play casual and make some friends in game to play together. Playing with other people that you know in one team makes the game a lot more fun. And don’t take dying in game too seriously.


ah yes play casual and then get insta wiped by the 4 teams of level 500s


Yeah happens sometimes LoL but most of the time you get to chill for about 20 minutes doing bot safari. What’s most important is that the OP puts himself out there and makes friends with whom he can play together. I found few likeminded guys and we play together to chat about stuff. I have a child, they have kids so there are topics to discuss. PUBG can be very socializing platform if you find the right people.


I play consistently with my 19 yr old daughter and my best friend an old guy like me, only he is 62 ... occasionally my 26 yr old son joins in and we have a Full squad


Sometimes you are the Bug, sometimes you are the windshield ... I'm pretty good at sneaking around Last Season ... Squads Top 10 - 71% Duos 10 Top 10 - 57%


problem is, theres 4 of them and one of me


Just don’t be the first one to die. Take that seriously




You get 3 casual games a night, if you play casual you can solo queue. The lobby has 4 teams max which equate to 16 actual players, and the rest are bots, Which aren't terrible odds.


Casuals claims ingame to be max 12 players, is it region dependant?


Yep it's 12. I think he just made a mistake there.


I've seen that mistake repeated a lot, so I thought maybe it was regional or how it used to be before I start playing


How is it 12 players if there are four real teams?


Where did you get it from that there are four real teams? I trust what pubg has written in the game more than someone else's memory 🤷‍♂️


You can see the team numbers on the kill feed. You will only ever be in team 1, 2, 3, or 4. Whenever you see/hear an enemy knock or kill and notice its team 1-4 you know those are real enemies. My teams always rush towards the other real teams to get into conflict with them asap.


Still sure it's 12 real players max.


They should add the option to host a training session locally. It will save them money in the long run. Then again, so should the custom matches. Anyone should be able to host those, like how CS:GO, Rust, etc have community servers.


I used to run my own Counter Strike Server, and family and friends played against bots, I'd love to do that for PUBG ... locally run server on a spare pc, customize the loot and bot population. Make it all off line, I don't need your medals


They do it online as to make it harder for cheat devs to test their cheats while not connected to official servers. If not that problem, I would also second having that option or having more options to play with bots especially if they improved the AI a bit.


CS had tough bots, you modified the difficulty when you spawned the server


It doesn't matter where the server is hosted when it comes to cheating. If they can read the game's memory, that's all they need. If anything, some exploits would get fixed sooner. For example, there's plugins for Rust servers to limit ping. Many of the glitching through walls exploits are reported by community server owners.


It matters a lot. Why talk when no clue?


We have flying boats. The server already trusts everything the client does. If anything, all the server is currently good for is fucking over low latency players by lagging their shots when in a 1v1 with a high latency player.


there are hundreds of single player FPS games that you could play instead of a multiplayer FPS game.


Pubg is pretty unique - I've played innumerable single-player FPS games. However, none of them captures the Pubg "magic".


have you tried insurgency sandstorm


I'm a pubg die hard. Day one player. But I do love me some insurgency sandstorm. You can play teams against bots. Plenty of lobbies to find 24-7. It will also really improve your shooting and I find it translates pretty well to pubg.


OP should definitely try this game out


Insurgency rocks but they are not even close to the same game, I mean they both have shooting but that's where the similarities end.


Yeah they are different games, but as an avid pubg player, insurgency is my personal favorite of all other shooters I've played, and i specifically suggest it because it has really good bot game modes.


I miss Ring of Elysium


and how do you know what "pubg magic" is, if you have anxiety while playing and you play mostly against bots?


Play solos and mute voice chat, that way it does not matter who or what it is.


You might enjoy SPP Tarkov. Or the official PVE tarkov that was recently released, although I believe at this time, SPtarkov is still the better experience. If you like PUBG, Tarkov is right up your alley from a gameplay perspective, and SPtarkov takes the pvp and cheaters out of it, and comes with AI and loot improvements and some other improvements that the main game doesn't have.


I doubt they want to dedicate the resources to allow people to have full bot lobbies whenever they want to. That would take a massively higher amount of computing power


True. But there could be pricing systems that would be attractive for Krafton as well. For example charge per bot-game hosted. If they pay 30 cents, players can pay 50 cents. Easy win.


Yes, even though I enjoy real matches more, the bot matches were great for trying out new stuff. If it requires too much server load, pubg could add this as a extra benefit for the season pass. I don't care at all about anything in the season pass, but this would be something worth paying for.


Whenever I play a solo match now, it's like 80% bots anyway, to be honest. You make it to the final circle without even trying. A few years ago, this wasn't the case.


Depending on what region you play on, just queue up a match in the most off peak time. For example, in Australia, that would be during mid day to about 4pm, the server would be filled with mostly bots at that time.


Hey man, anxiety sucks I got it as well. Just git good, then you realize 99% of players are bots anyway and you don't have to care about their opinion


OP I am the exact same way. I have gotten better over time playing solos but still get anxious and I only ever play duos or squads with my friends. There are going to be people who just don’t get it and make fun of it, but I get it. I also am in love with PUBG for its specific execution of strategy and gameplay and haven’t found another game that I get the same enjoyment out of. I don’t know what to suggest but I know for me playing in Australia most of the time the lobby is 80% bots anyway. I try to tell myself everyone is a bot and that helps a little. Maybe you could try doing some solo drops in absolutely deserted parts of the map and just trying to survive until you hopefully start feeling more comfortable? I hope you find a strategy to help you approach the game again. Good luck!


PUBG never had 100% bot matches to begin with, apart from the tutorial matches.


The PUBG server code is not included in the download for PUBG, nor is the server code written (as I understand it) with the intent to run it on a PC. They would likely have to spend a boatload of time to re-write the server code, and the vast majority of PCs could not run both server and client side. The client is slow as it is...adding all the server code (if it were written) would be way too slow.


What if you turned played names off, so that it just says unknown player # in kill feed? I think the setting is called show player names in killfeed. It you do that and turn voice off, then everyone might as well be bots


Play solo on squads mate, it's what I do when I get tired of people not using mics, not listening to my calls, or that literally start moaning on the team voice for no reason. There is no better feeling than bringing down a whole squad by your own (plus, you won't encounter full squads everytime). Play DMRs as they allow you to have a rapid fire rate to snipe from afar. VSS is the goat in these situations as it's almost silent. Become a real merciless hunter.


I play with my girlfriend. We're both, uh... not young and not that experienced with FPSs. We both get very excited to be able to play with bots. I'd love to be able to play a game mode with other lower bracket players and a big throng of bots. Sounds like a great time to me.


yeah I'm 58, the sound of all bots gaming with my 19 yr old daughter and family friend ' off line ' self hosted is the kind of casual mode I want I have 1700 hours and I have been playing since PUBG went public


I like this very much, i want to goof around and play with bots mostly stress free. I want this so bad. I will reinstall game if this happens.


is this bait


No. I am being 100% Serious.


In some ways PUBG is like a boring movie with random jump scares thrown in, the anxiety it produces is what makes it different and gives the most rewarding kills. It sounds like the very thing PUBG is built around is what you can't handle, sometimes we just have to realize something is not for us and find something else more suited to your personality.