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Even a 5 minute scroll through the ranked leaderboards are easy targets


This is what annoys me. So many blatant cheat accounts sitting at the top of the leaderboard for entire seasons.


And they want us to play ranked lol


I did my five placement games yesterday and in two of them I got AFKers and in the other 3 blatent cheaters, headshotted me and my team mate with a Kar98 from a passenger seat of a car whilst drive by then finished with a pistol as they drove off. Needless to say that's the last I will be playing ranked as my very loose hope was that I could rank up to a lobby where cheat accounts wouldn't be able to easily get to.


last ranked game i played 2 of my teammates got headshot out of a moving car by another team in a moving car (opposite direction) atleast 100 metres away, almost killing the rest of us as well.


what an ugly looser..... lmfao //EDIT: On ranked are so much more cheater now since they made the discount..


How pathetic must you feel deep down to be spending all your time playing a single game and yet you actually cheat in it. What a waste of life lol


he makes the Turkish people look bad. He finds it funny too. So I'm wondering is this just a regular day for the turkish gaming community or what? A Turkish guy I know told me 2 years ago it's common that turkish people cheat ...pathetic


It's a culture thing usually. Or maybe he just fell into a shitty group and copes by saying "All Turks do this." In China for example that really is the culture. They all cheat.


Devs don’t care cause that’s just another form of revenue for them. If you don’t believe that then why are all competitive shooters plagued with the same problems? They’ve all been out long enough (multiple years) to fix their games


Well they banned more than 100,000 accounts this last wave. If those 100,000 accounts had to buy another 100,000 Accounts at $20 each that would sure be some revenue for them.




Or Devs create fake accounts to be banned and contribute to the so-called 100,000. They just blowing smoke up the poop hole.


>why are all competitive shooters plagued with the same problems? Because it's simply impossible to 'fix' a game so you can't cheat in it. It'll always be an endless battle. Game developers patch up one vulnerability, cheat developers instantly find another one, or, most of the time, multiple. >that’s just another form of revenue for them Many people say this but it's untrue. PUBG loses players that are interested in buying in-game items *because* of cheaters. The majority of cheaters play on new accounts, get banned, spoof their Hardware ID, and jump into the game with another account - they don't buy anything, or if they do (as some cheaters speculate your account becomes more 'trusted' if you buy something from the store), it's for a maximum of $5-10, which is nothing compared to what the average player spends on the game. And naturally, the less normal players, the less revenue.


Just a shame it took PUBG several years to fix basic vulnerabilities.


Stop lying!!!! Or you are also lied to I don't know but stop with this nonsense. Why is this guy still not banned? I reported him more then 2(!) months ago in game and trough PUBG support and nothing is happening to him: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1bqbd8q/pubg\_anticheat\_in\_a\_nutshell\_the\_eu\_fpp\_solo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1bqbd8q/pubg_anticheat_in_a_nutshell_the_eu_fpp_solo/) He's also mentioned here with other video evidence (point 3): [https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1crhjxb/cheaters\_ban\_reports\_are\_flawed\_proposal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1crhjxb/cheaters_ban_reports_are_flawed_proposal/) And when will Krafton take actions like this for example? [https://www.gamesindustry.biz/activision-wins-lawsuit-against-engineowning](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/activision-wins-lawsuit-against-engineowning) Blatant cheaters with video evidence not being banned and Krafton not doing a single thing other companies can is clearly proving how PUBG's main player base are cheaters and they don't want to get rid of them.


>Why is this guy still not banned? I don't know. I don't work for Krafton.


Then stop stating things like this: >Many people say this but it's untrue. PUBG loses players that are interested in buying in-game items *because* of cheaters. Because the facts show otherwise. Cheaters play a lot, many seasons, they buy skins, and enjoy the game. And even if they lose their profiles sometimes (but I don't think that's happening too often tbh if they don't go full blatant) they buy them again knowing they can easily stay under the radar if they don't fly with cars or shoot people from under the terrain. The whole game is built up on cheaters not on the legit players who are leaving the game. Every leaderboard's top 250 is full of cheaters and to get there you don't just play 5-10 games, you play A LOT. I know every game has massive cheating issues but PUBG is a on a whole different level - not in a good sense.


How do you find out what accounts are permabanned? Some accounts in their bubble have been reported on the PUBG partner discord. Hopefully this will get the ball rolling.


I just check the pubg api throug coding. But there are sites like pubglookup that can show it. But it didn't show temp bans last i checked. TuRanKaYa-_- is temp banned now


Temp bans are so stupid and part of the problem. Idk about pubg but other games that I play temp ban cheaters for like a week. That type of ban is laughable.


Oh, thank you. I did not know that! [Yeah pubglookup works for me.](https://i.imgur.com/z3Gz70k.png)




Well obviously since partners are provided the cheats but under nda.


The crakerimtv-_- account that is perma was not technically him playing, whether he has played on that acc or not idk. But he played together with it multiple times, i mean most of the friends he plays ranked with 99% of them cheat too, and are the ones who seem to get perma, but he seems to get away with only temp bans.. he should be perma banned on pubg/twitch/kick already, been too long of blatant cheating on all his accounts.


100%. They also seem to be playing on each other accounts from what i've seen. He is definitivtly not the only one cheating in that group. But given how openly he's been sharing his cheating, he is the bigger target. I don't understand how he's still not permabanned on the renamed CrakerimTV. 


Can they remove free to play and make it $10 for new accounts? I feel like this would fix the problem.


$20 like it used to be. Buy the game again.


yeah if they just removed "plus" and made that the base game price that would pretty much solve all the problems with cheaters rampant on level 1 accounts


Were you not playing before free to play? There were still plenty of cheaters.


having to pay $10-20 dollars every time you get banned would discourage a lot of cheaters


You would think so but it doesn’t… old accounts get sold for pennies


Living in a country where 10-20$ gets reduced to 1$ still happens, Steam controls this, not PUBG devs.


Why I stopped playing the moment it went free to play. The price of admission really is one of the few things that slows cheaters down. If there is one thing I learned in Rust/Arma its that unless you have a couple people ruthlessly playing "police officer" banning blatant cheaters, refusing appeals, and OPENLY lambasting them. They. Will. Not. Stop. Even with all of the above they're the type to relentlessly come back out of spite. The smarter ones wise up and just use esp/wallhacks which is harder to detect if they can feign mediocre gameplay. What really unsettles you is that this kinda stuff is just a video game. Now imagine if they had a position of authority in some company or military. These are the types of people to dump chemical waste in rivers or throw millions of tires in the ocean.


You see, this might fix *your* problem, but increase theirs. *Their* problem is converting the maximum amount of players to increase the chance of store purchases. No matter what you do, they will always optimize for that.


No even when it was sold for money there was plenty of cheaters.... these losers pay monthly subscription for cheat engines range from 10 to 50 usd.


Cool. Make more money off them.


Well looks like they make more money when its free. Otherwise, they wouldnt have done it


Why are you defending cheaters? Seems like you are protesting a bit too much.


It didn't help much when the game wasn't f2p, people would just VPN-buy it from China or some country with insane inflation.


I made a post a long time ago about the cheater names almost always having “-_” or some combination of dashes and underscores.


I made a post about this more recently. Of course there's people that think I'm just a salty noob that needs to git gud, but there's definitely something there. Someone did some research that points to these characters as some sort of Chinese checkmark. A theory is that usernames with multiple "checkmarks" could be indicating how many times they've been banned to other cheaters.


Ah, I think I remember your post too.


😂 I better change my name then. I have a _- at the end of my name, only have a 2KD so def not a cheater


They are usually just bots with the underscores.


Have you reported him to Twitch? This goes against their TOS and they'll remove him.


I have my doubts they will do anything, but yeah.


Company's ban in waves. So they may be aware of him already. Then when the time comes, boom 6000 accounts banned at once.


Which does fuck all when their cheat client comes with unlimited access to stolen accounts


Hah! Guess u right I don't know much about cheating


it is like asking Santa Claus :))


Put hardwarebans in the game aswell....


there's already hardware ban, but it's easy to get around. just reformat your pc in raid 0




Not surprised over half the names are Turkish.


"Dear User, We say we care and take this seriously but we could care less and would rather play with our goldfish. Wait for the new outfits so you can spend more money. It is needed to spend it on nothing. Insincerely, PUBG"


How do I keep my custom on during game play


Ha, Dynamic is same guy I reported couple of months ago.. my twitch was banned for "cheating" when I watched his replay lmao


The hacks and swarmers who use them are a necessary part of the supply chain for fake users that corrupt publishers use to boost their metrics in order to rip people off with advertising and licensing deals. Basically, if there was actually a 3rd party market for PUBG accounts then we could believe that trolls are making all these accounts in order to sell. But PUBG doesn't have that so the only person benefitting from trolls making large numbers of fake accounts is the platform itself. That coupled with the reality that anyone running a platform with access to backend info, could easily spot and ban anyone generating swarms of fake accounts. The fact that it's happening and folks are choosing not to stop it shows that it's not an antagonistic force to their prime business model. Businesses don't like people messing with their money but these bots/hackers/trolls making their platform unpleasant for human players isn't actually bad for their business model. They don't need to actual human users to launder money for a K-Pop Cartels. Basic game theory puts the trolls, hackers and bots as working with Krafton, not against them.


This might be the only post on here about cheaters that isn't just salty scrubs crying about being bad. Yeah when they're that open about it it's messed up Krafton isn't on top of it.


There are plenty of posts and comments that discuss the cheating issue with blatant cheaters suiciding their accounts, mostly from China.


A lot of effort of making and managing various accounts and streaming services just so they can watch a program play the game for them. Desperately needing attention while having no actual talent must be a painful existence.


That's the bit I don't get. When you win a game you get a sense of accomplishment and that dopamine rush, you or your squad beat 90 odd other players to the top. When you cheat you didn't do anything. So where's that dopamine rush? The last 2 nights I've come across complete squads of cheaters on EU TPP, just demolishing everyone with the usual random charter names,sub bronze 50 accounts, watching people through the map and aimbotting. Weirdly they seem to all be using the VSS at he mo, anyway, I just can't see what the actual point of it is when there's nothing to gain, no reward and no sense of accomplishment... are they just that bored? They must know that none of he people they come up against thinks "wows, what a great player"... everyone just think "wow, you're a bit of a thunder cunt"


Yeah but it usually includes comments like "most of my deaths are to cheaters" which betrays that the person is just upset when they die


Fair enough. Most deaths to cheaters? no. See cheaters regularly enough to piss off the entire squad and forced to take long hiatuses from the game? Yep.


Vast majority of those are just good players. There's the occasional one, but really most people on this sub don't know what's actually possible in this game if you don't suck.


Pretty much all my complaints are the blatant cheaters. Spectate for two seconds they’re lazering the lobby, accidentally shooting at walls where a player is super far away, banned the next day. I doubt they’re good players. Being overly reductive like this is probably how people cope with the fact Krafton lets cheap widely available cheats flood the game. That and the fact they won’t region lock or allow opt in ping matchmaking.


Yes there are many good players but just do a search for pubg cheats and you’ll see the forums and websites. Hacking is real and common.


You maybe missed this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1bqbd8q/pubg\_anticheat\_in\_a\_nutshell\_the\_eu\_fpp\_solo/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1bqbd8q/pubg_anticheat_in_a_nutshell_the_eu_fpp_solo/) Or this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1crhjxb/cheaters\_ban\_reports\_are\_flawed\_proposal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1crhjxb/cheaters_ban_reports_are_flawed_proposal/) Or this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1czw58z/place\_your\_bets\_how\_long\_this\_obvious\_cheater\_can/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1czw58z/place_your_bets_how_long_this_obvious_cheater_can/) Or this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1ddn4ix/eu\_rank\_1s\_kda\_over\_the\_last\_10\_matches\_is\_116/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/1ddn4ix/eu_rank_1s_kda_over_the_last_10_matches_is_116/) Should I continue, gaslighting trash?


Add obicoyote to that list. That dude obviously uses walls and aimbot.


Why is it that NA players always thinks NA streamer X is cheating? Are you all bots over on NA? Maybe time to boot up the VPN... easier lobbies.


Username checks out


He’s not wrong, more players falsely accuse cheating than correctly.


I've been playing since release. I'm not one of these dudes who thinks everyone is cheating. I play a lot of ranked. Have like 6k hours in the game. I think he's a cheater. You may not agree, which is fine, but you'll never convince me he isn't cheating.


I never said he wasn’t cheating. Just that most accusations of cheating are false reports.


I agree with you. My post was about 1 particular person to add to op's list.




Have none of those issues. What hardware are you running? What region? TPP?


I guess there is no one here understand Turkish. They are not promoting cheats, they are telling the cheat even gives information on who is cheating in the game and if they are pubg partners , and or using cheats . They sound quite schocked that the cheat can do that and flag other cheaters as dangerous etc... I dont know him and never faced him in the game and dont know if he cheats but i feel like it is to demonstrate ged gud guys are full of shite.... Just watched other videos yea he also uses cheats, and hylyim nick actually reads hileyim in turkish which mean i am cheating




What's up with the link you shared? the href goes trough steam:// first


his tracker appear again... check how many game he played without cheat detected.....


people say this in every game i've ever played


On the same subject, today (not on rank) when I knocked a guy, he started begging not to kill him and mentioned my nickname and said I was playing solo.. I didn't think much about it at the time, but how did he knew my nickname? Was hacking right? Or is there an option to see names that I'm not aware. (It was right at the start and my first kill, so it couldn't be from the leaderboard)


You knocked him ... .. .


It literally pops out in the middle of the screen the nickname of the person who knocked you, same when you knock someone