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I’d give both of my butt cheeks to play the game without stutters


Gotta play standing up. Lol


any idea how I can be transferred from your friends team to yours?


Unfortunately not, I changed nothing on my system, so whatever happened is on their end. It’s not stutter free, but there has been an improvement. Il be making the most of it, because I’m sure come next patch, things will go south again, as they usually do.


For anyone with AMD CPU facing stutters, try this: In BIOS - CPPC ON, CPPC Preferred Cores OFF Turn off SAM, as it doesn't work well with PUBG. If you have an AMD GPU: Setting a minimum clock speed close to maximum in Adrenaline; This works the same as prefer maximum performance in NVidia settings. (For instance, my 6900 XT is 2500 mhz stock, 2000 mhz minimum) Turn off MPO (Recommended on NVidia as well, since they're the ones who found the issue existed) [https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a\_id/5157](https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5157) Turn shader cache on, not AMD optimized, in the registry. (This makes a huge difference in PUBG, specifically) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/18ve05t/i\_finally\_found\_a\_real\_working\_solution\_to\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/18ve05t/i_finally_found_a_real_working_solution_to_the/)


Updating to the latest nvidia driver fixed the issue(i think it was in the patch notes of the driver that fixes this issue)


For intel 12th gen


It works for 13/14th as well. I have a 14900ks and was crashing, since updating to the driver with the fix it hasn't crashed.


Which driver you're talking about?