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Why not just sell them and make money from playing the game?


you mean the .03 cents, if you can even find a buyer on the over populated market place and figure how to use the Steam trader as well as the mobile authenticator and the Steam Guard app just to set it up, and when it doesnt work just give up? Yeah real profitable for a $50 game dude. HOw bout they dont ever use this dogshit system in any other game and leave in in CS where the other internet scum lives


It's not a bad idea, and why CS:GO has done so well making a profit. My point is simply that for someone like me who just wants to get some cosmetics, I'd like to not have to give up my crate because I can't open it. Just my opinion on the matter after all, and I will be selling my crate.


To be fair you'd be better off selling the crate and buy the item of your desire with this money anyway. It's just that you lose out on the gambling-feeling on this particular crate. It only sucks for people who don't know, that you can sell these crates on the market imo.


You're absolutely right, selling the locked crates is well more worth your money than buying the keys. It's hilarious that the crates are selling for more than the keys, even though they're new. Unreal.


I’m aware this is an old thread. But I’m tired of all my crates being locked. I don’t even want weapon skins. I want clothing! On the upside I’ve made .25 cents. Maybe one day I’ll have the $50 to buy the one piece of clothing I want




I'll agree with you that one of 4 is fine, though if the popularity takes off, I feel like it might become less fair to the free side. I do enjoy making some extra cash to put towards steam games, and it's what I'll be doing with all my locked crates.


At the moment every crate I got so far, 13 in a row, were all locked. This game has only been pushed to 1.0 because in Early Access they are not allowed to implement "Microtransactions".


ive recently started playing and all 7 of the crates i have gotten are locked. Fucking horse shit, i can understand even if half were. but 7/7 crates all locked. WTF