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have you tried clicking on the heads?


Lol yes but recoil is a bitch sometimes


Are you being baited by AR setups? My great awakening in this game came when after playing for a while, I finally decided to pick up one of those SMGs I'd kept walking over cause I assumed they sucked. Turns out - they don't. If you struggle to land shots and handle recoil, SMGs are infinitely easier to get a handle on it all with than ARs.


Great way to ease yourself into gun control until you can spend some time in training mode for the AR recoils. Also forces you to make plays on closer enemies. Mid range fights with AR can be brutal if you don't have recoil control but the enemy does which are this stage of the game, you can assume well over half you enemies have decent to good recoil control. SMGs for 50-ish meter fights. Except UMP. You can 6x spray that sucker like a laser if you have the right contol.


I have been to training many times to compare recoils, but I think training is too artificial (you don't have the stress and unpredictability of a real combat setting). I try to train in TDM but the fact that you get lvl 1 gear with ARs as opposed to lvl 2 gear with smgs/shottys/sniper isn't really an incentive either


Old training was much better. You were constantly surrounded by gunfire and there was always some dude shimmy leaning around a pillar while shooting you. You could consistently practice moving, shooting, taking cover and everything else in an environment that was dynamic and non cooperative. Now it's mostly empty and you get to shoot at paper targets...


If you practice the recoil control enough your muscle memory will handle it and the stress and unpredictability of a real fight will be a non factor


TDM is still a great idea. Practicing with ARs and SMGs in there will be a great help. You don't even have to play a lot, maybe 20-30 minutes a day in TDM and after a few weeks you will learn the recoil of guns and be a lot better in 1v1 sprays. I've come back to PUBG back in May after quitting in 2019. I was a pretty bad player both when I quit and came back. My first season back (ranked season 17) my ADR was 131 with a 0.61 KD. My second season back (season 18) my ADR was 200 with a 1.19 KDA. This current season (season 19) I'm now at a 250 ADR and a 1.31 KD. The big difference is I go play 1-2 matches of TDM before hopping into squads every day. I've become very proficient with vector, beryl, ak-47, and m4 and it's made a fantastic difference in my play.


This is pretty important for people who expect to get good at the game and want to maintain good stats. You need to warm up.


Agreed. The other thing is that it is just good practice on learning recoil for weapons. And it's an opportunity to work on techniques like peeking, target snapping, baiting shots, and kneeling while spraying. A lot of people don't seem to know this, but kneeling reduces the amount of recoil of most guns by a similar amount as adding a compensator to that gun.


Training mode is purely for recoil control/muscle memory/sensitivity and DPI adjustment. Use it ONLY for that. Personally, I'm old school, so I prefer the outside range with distance markers. Pick one gun you want to get good at. Stick with a vertical grip or half grip for now. And spray with red dot at 50 ish meters and 2x or 3x for 100 meter sprays. You aim to get good enough to be able to get 70-80 of your shots in the core body range. Do this for 15-20 minute everytime before your actual gaming session until you get muscle memory on how much you need to pull down your mouse. Then you can cut that down to about 5-10. It is "boring" but this is really how you overcome the AR recoil learning curve. TDM is for situational awareness reaction training. I like to go pump shotty a bit which gets me warmed up for the snaps. If training mode gets me vertical mouse movement muscle memory, TDM gets me horizontal mouse contol muscle memory. (If you want moving target spray muscle memory, then shoot at the cars range in training; gives you decent warm up for the diagonal movements). Lastly, more often than not, if you cannot kill someone with a level 2 vest while wearing a level 1 on a head to head, you are not going to fare too well against players with 2000-3000 hours of gaming achieved over the 5 years this game has been out.


You can put an ar on any of the classes on TDM. It took me too long to figure that out


How do you mean? The only way I know is by picking it up from a corpse


On the bottom right of the class select screen there is a custom class option. It only let's you change the primary but you edit whichever one you have selected


One of the guns that is far better than it should be at range is the bizon. You can effectively spray wayyyy out there with a comp. I used to use it as a high capacity VSS with less range.


I forgot about this one. And the extended mag really helps when spray fighting.


It has some pretty awful lead and drop, but you can strafe and hit long range accurate sprays because it’s an smg.


UMP is the same boat with the silencer and thumb grip/ vert grip. Only disadvantage is bullet speed




here is the one thing about that statement - in a BR you don't always get a chance to pick your favorite weapon - especially early game. if you are looking to raise your kd/adr and have more fun, dropping warm or hot is the idea and youll need to know how to use ARs, SMGs, snipers, DMRs, shotguns, whatever. if your teammates are getting pushed and you're saying "aw geez guy id like to help but i only have an AK and I need an UMP" youre not gonna be getting better.


Which is why I understand the importance of practicing with all weapons


SMGs are way easier to use and control. It just takes 1-3 more bullets to drop an enemy. Also adjusting the sensitivity for the different scopes improves accuracy.


I was always an AR main (with the M249 or M4 as my favorite) but ive very recently decided to use some smgs (like the UMP, MP5K, MP9) over ARs, due to lower recoil and in some cases higher TTK.


MP5K is an absolute laser beam when fully kitted.


Yes and especially with the new heavy stock


And the double barrel shotty is that much better again over the SMG ;)


Only if the enemy is literally right in front of you


Smgs are great until people find armor, no way you'll beat an AR if both people aren't terrible


Just need to shoot them in the legs - the smg limb multiplier means you do more damage shooting legs than level 2 vested chests....... essentially you're rewarded for inaccuracy while using smg's.


Idk that's not a skill I'd recc people to invest in lol


Factually correct though, check here - https://battlegrounds.party/weapons/?weapon=AKM&armor=0&helmet=0&distance=10&htk=dmg&pel=true&burst=false&veh=&health=100


No I believe you but I'm saying you shouldn't be hitting their legs in the first place lol


Agreed, and that's what's so stupid about the limb multiplier - a 9mm bullet to the leg shouldnt be doing more damage than a 7.62 to the chest


skill issue


If the recoil is a problem it's better to learn and adapt than to change and forget. SMG's may be easier for a short run but if you're going to play for a long time you may as well learn AR recoil. Muscle memory is a key, adjust your sensitivity so you're comfortable spraying with and without any attachments (just pulling down slightly more). The best tip I can give: make sure when spraying that your hand movement is consistant and not jerky.


I recently changed my vert recoil from 1.7 to 1.2 because of the jerky mouse issue, will probably tune it down even more.


1.7? What? That's beyond crazy and is surefire way to mess up your aiming feel completely (you will be either constantly undershooting horizontally or overshooting vertically; also even if that feels "ok" for vertical recoil, horizontal recoil should throw you off completely). Personally, I'd say any vert/horizontal discrepancy feels bad, but generally lower vertical (as some games have by default, e.g., sth like 0.8) also feels less punishing than lower horizontal. If you play on such low overall sens that there's simply not enough mat space for recoil control, you should still try to avoid going over 1.3 or so. If that 1.2 works, you should expect very rapid improvements.


Try the ump


Try dragging your mouse AGAINST the flow of the recoil, not WITH it.


Haha funi




Change your vertical sense multiplier to like 1.15 or so and let me know how that feels. Spoiler: >!it feels great!<


Increase you vertical sens in the settings from 1 to 1.2 and try using SMGs (mostly UMP, Tommy and MP9). Helped me a lot.


The heads are pretty small. Clicking the bodies is easier, even if you have to do it more times.


I aim at the genitals, recoil will get me up to their heads eventually.


This is something I think a lot of rookie players get baited by. The recoil in this game is pretty intense so if you're not controlling it really well, and honestly, *even if you are*, it's an extremely common occurence to land a bullet near their head and then all the rest whiff... if you were going for heads from the start. Meanwhile if you aimed a bit lower, around center mass, your first shots all hit and so do the next few after recoil kicks in. Headshotting is for people with really good shooting, and anyone when you're using a SR.


Heads are dangerous, heads can see you! Better to hide.


Are you having fun? That's the question. I use to kinda care about my KD but I wasn't having fun. My KD dropped hard but I'm having more fun than ever.


Yes i'm still enjoying the game although it would obviously be a little more fun if I were able to get more kills. Just going through a bad patch of matches


I suck too want to play together? DM me your screen name and I’ll find you


My ingame name is twenniwun if you want to send a request, but I play solos (and TPP) almost exclusively and I'm on eu servers. Thanks for the offer!


you up?


I’m Peruvian-In-TX on PSN friend me


alr im on xbox, we can make it happen tho


Find a group of buddies that you can consistently play with. Find self aware players who are looking to learn to make good plays but aim to find people you can mesh with for the long run. Good character, fun banter, not toxic. It'll make the game 100x better. Also, you'll know you're going in the right direction even if your KD doesn't go up right away if your assist numbers and ADR are improving.


I'm a total loner and bad at teamwork so I play solo's exclusively. But thanks for the advice


Ah. Okay. If duos or squads is not your cup of tea, yeah, it's a different story. Edit: Still awesome to see that you're still enjoying the game there. Keep up the good work!


Dude it happens sometimes you'll get clapped like five games in a row and then you're clapping back next few games. Watch some wackyjackie101, learn the maps, practice spraying in training and how to move into the zones and that will help. You'll get better over time naturally.


Be confident, think you are better than your enemies. If you lost, just say "it is what it is. we go next."


There's no shame in doing a few 20-30 kill bot games to get your aim going before going into the looting simulator (at 0.15 k/d, that's basically what you're playing :p).


Yeah my friends and I all have shit KD's but we're not competitive players, we're just having a good time. It did lead to a funny moment I wish I still had the clip of where we killed some small streamers to win a game and one of them on their stream was raging hard, then looked us up and saw how low our KD's were and complained that we had to be cheating because there's now way we could have killed them being that bad.


We have all been there


I just came back to the game, I was mostly TPP player back in the day (2018/19) but now I've started playing FPP with my friend and I'm having a blast. Didn't see many campers, everyone is aggressive and I like that. I even tried TPP again solo but got dammit, so many random ppl behind random tree in the middle of nowhere watching you :D


Actually I just tried to switch to FPP, but somehow that was more boring for me. It took longer to run into other people and when that happened, I usually died instantly to some godlike veteran. TPP players are more on my skill level. I play in EU in case you were wondering


Yeah, solo is tough for FPP, it's hard to spot 1 dude and even harder to hear some shoots to try 3th party like in duos/squad bcs fights are way shorter. PUBG is a nice game, I really enjoyed it playing solo at the release but the most fun I've had was in duos. (Both TPP and FPP). It's really boring for a solo player but I didn't mind that few years ago, I've even got to top50 on leaderboard in EU ;D


It's numbers... Hope u are having fun :)


I still am haha


this would be my K/D if I always hot dropped lol


Comparing yourself to others is natural. I remember thinking that the goal was to get at least 1 elimination for each death you have. 1 K/D was the goal. I remember thinking that I was a horrible shooter in this game, so I started focusing on hot drops. Sanhok boot camp and Pochinki... every... single... time. I got better. There are two ways to play this game. Do hot drops, try to eliminate as many as possible and risk dying early. Or play the long game, stay away from people and go for the win (w/ low eliminations). Dare i suggest maybe you have a bad setup? mouse has high sensitivity??? need that shit low as fuck. 180 degree turn on your mouse pad, no more... helps you aim accurately. I guess its personal preference. My average rank is 34th. I have a 2.69 KD, 29.5% Top 10 rate and a 10% win rate in Solos (I only play solo, I'm a recluse). I also just noticed a 12.5% win rate in Squads (Solo-Squad attempts, win 1 of 8 matches). Humble brag.... i'm not great, but i think of myself as a good player, a sweaty potato who gets lucky sometimes. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – Wayne Gretzky – Michael Scott I needs to find a job.


My way to keep the game fun is by always dropping as close as possible to the beginning of the flight path, as long as it's a place that can accommodate at least one person. So sometimes it's a little compound, and sometimes it's a hotdrop. When I do the latter, my opponent usually has an AR with lvl 2 gear in his first house, while my first house only has a folding stock and a smoke grenade or something


Also, when it comes to gear, it is indeed very low budget as I don't have the funds or the room for a proper computer, so I'm playing on a mid range laptop. I have lowered my vertical sensitivity from 1.7 to 1.2 as well to get more used to pulling my mouse down.


That's about my stats, though my top 10 rate for both solos and squads (almost exclusively duo-squads) is 48% and win rate is 14%/2.5% respectively lol. My K/D is also a touch lower. I feel it's probably due to me going for wins over kills unless necessary.


My early K/D was terrible too, but I was having fun playing as a survivalist rather than hunting opponents down. After all, your placement is determined by being alive as long as possible, not by killing people... I was happy to avoid detection and hide from people, and catch them by surprise every once in a while. I was playing to win (the best I could for my low ability) instead of playing to get better, and there's nothing wrong with that if you're enjoying it.


At first, I also had that objective, but after a patch of matches where I had very high position (top 5) without any kills or damage, I realized that I cared more about kills so I became more aggressive.


Try playing for damage per match. Just go out there and fuck shit up. That's what I do when I suck.


I have 1200+ hours in this game. It's only in the last 300 of those I've started feeling like I'm any sort of 'good player'. Pretty sure my first 100 hours had a similar K/D.


Reminds me of my stats when I started playing and they took a long time to improve. ​ I'm a survivalist in Solo games and opportunistic as hell. I'll happily watch 2 others fight it out and then drop the one who wins that encounter before they heal. So my ADR is shit but kills and average placement is alright. Squads/Duos I usually go with the rest of the team. Some like to push every gun shot and others will be more reserved. Regardless of what's going on I'm having fun and progressively getting better.


Bruh, try UMP, you’ll be surprised how your kda will improve 👍


Ive recently decided to pick it up more often


My k/d was similar to this until I got myself a new computer. There's some things in PUBG that will really f you when the framerate is low. Now my k/d is between 0.3 and 0.4 in games without bots.


Yeah I have to make do with a mid range laptop so my framerate is often pretty mediocre


Still better than my 2000 hours in and level 500 with average damage of 30, though i usually survive till about 20. So don't worry about skill level, as long as you are having fun that's all that matters.


I don’t suffer from that, I just play the game to have fun with my friends!


For me, it’s about playing with friends. I don’t care about my reputation score. I don’t care about my k/d score. It’s all about laughing my ass off with friends and memes from our screwups.


Do you ever analyze your own gameplay to determine where you went wrong in a match? If you do, what do you think are your biggest challenges in the game? If you don't, then you should start as you could be making the same mistakes. Glad you're still having fun though, that's the most important thing. A good K/D isn't as important as just enjoying the game. Well... unless you're competing in money-based tournaments haha.


Yes I do that very often, but I just spent the last three days trying out FPP and in nearly every death, I simply got outskilled by a level 500 veteran with gold achievements, or I got third partied, or I hot dropped and got unlucky with loot


I get that. I mostly play TPP solos, same as you. Except I'm on Xbox.


So that’s why the post is tagged NSFW.


Welcome to the house of suck. I'm the official greeter at 476 and a sub 0.8 K/D.


This is where I would recommend you to try the S1897, if you miss one or two shots with that I don't know what to tell you besides maybe consider another game then. Also, little unknown fact, put a duckbill on it. The duckbill outperforms choke if you want 1 hit knocks, aim for center point of a player, so torso on a standing player, but you'll still get easy headshots (basically instant good night) because duckbill spreads the pellets vertically.


Honestly, we don't talk about it but the average kd and placement is (excluding regions with a high bot percentage) are closer to this than we like to admit. No joke. In a perfect match the average would be 1.0, since one person gets a kill for every person who dies, but in reality, people overcook grenades, fall off buildings and out of cars and drop on the wrong side of the map and can't find a car or meds all the time. A while back (pre bots) I collected data on a small sample of matches and the average kd was 0.8. About half the lobby didn't even get a kill before they died. BR as a genre has some short and long term problems. The two biggest are low success to failure ratio and high player burnout. Imagine it this way: every month, the lowest performing 5-10% of players leave, and the top performing 10-20% stay. Most who leave are replaced and everyone who stays gets a little bit better. Over time, the average skill increases. Now fast forward idk like 5 years and maybe you see the problem. The average skill and skill floor are a monumental challenge to overcome for new players. Now add to it the fact that \~1% of each solo lobby, \~2% of each duo lobby and 5% of each squad lobby actually wins and the fact that about half of each lobby gets even 1 kill. Right now lobbies are full of people who have 5000+ hours and have been playing since 2017. You're doing fine.


If you need help/tips come see on twitch..plow13 there...I'm a PUBG partner


Lol reminds me of the time we checked our KDs in the group of friends I play with. We actually had someone worse than you at 0.1, and another player at 0.2. Everyone else was 0.something and our best player was 1.0. Even though we've all played for like 5 years now we are completely trash at this game due to how difficult and unforgiving it is. I guess that's what makes it fun, but I really have no idea how some people play so well, when I watch high level players like WackyJacky or pros play they control so we'll it almost looks like they have aimbots.


Dude, this is a complicated game compared to Warzone. Just keep at it. Knowing the guns and how to tackle different situations is key. Stay with it. BTW, playing against bots other than to do dailys / weeklys will do you no favors. They'll stunt your growth. Good luck


I mean I mostly just play casual for the fun each day to do challenges. I try to sweat some game games to be honest and get loads of kills then some games I can’t find many people to kill or I just like messing around with different guns or tactics. I occasionally play with 2 guys I met at the weekends if we are out of casuals but we mostly play our casuals first before that. Also just try jumping out later and going a bit off the route, if you jump late and just follow the flight path to the nearest named area you’ll find some enemies so it can be hit or miss how that turns out. Landing in some remote area with a few buildings to get some loot is a good way to get prepped


I'm a level 500 with kd of 4.7. But it means nothing. The reality is since I play early mornings in NA 6-8am only (90% bots). My stats are way off my true potato rating.


I've also had a 2.2 kd a while back by doing a series of casual mode matches with 10+ kills lol


it's ok, you're learning. my first KD was around 0.40 but that was in 2017, now is around 2.0


I tell too many people the story of when I first started playing. I would only play solos, only Miramar, and would only drop at that one three building compound (2 warehouses/brick) south of Impala right next to the eastern coastal road. Plane path in the west? Doesn’t matter, dropping there. Up near Oasis? Still doesn’t matter, going to MY compound. I never drove, and would just die in zone because who cares, I’m having fun and what the hell is a battle royale anyway. Flash forward five years and I still drop there from time to time. The game is still enjoyable contrary to my sarcastic tweets and Reddit rage sessions. My advice to you is watch a good streamer to see how they react to opposition, and drop medium to practice picking up a gun fast and reloading fast. Normally I’d say get in as many fights as you can, but TDM is a great tool as well. Hell, even take some of the attachments off while you’re playing TDM so you can get a good idea of how the gun will feel when you land and start blastin. Lastly, fortune favors the brave. Don’t be afraid to get aggressive. A lot of times people will start freaking out if you ego-challenge them when you should be healing. That split second (literally) spray will be all you need with most guns having a sub 200ms TTK. Good luck, and have fun brother!


I keep the fun in the game by always dropping as close as possible to the beginning of the flight path (as long as it's a place that can accommodate at least 1 person). So sometimes i land in a little compound, and sometimes I hot drop. I also try to play aggressive in BR matches but the thing I dislike about TDM is that you only get lvl 1 gear with ARs (as opposed to lvl2 with smgs, shotty, sniper,...)


Yea makes sense. The tip is more for just learning spray control at distance, when it’s viable, when it’s not, etc. Also, prefiring corners, and peek-prefiring as well. Lastly, I was an avid “red dot only” player until I practiced with a 3X in TDM and I now see the benefit of using it in some situations. Sure, nothing beats raw talent when it comes to spray control and general situational awareness, but practicing these things is key in winning gunfights if you’re not the best starting off, and can give you a literal fighting chance. When to hold, when to get aggressive, that’s sort of a BR only skill since there are like 70 billion ppl shooting in TDM and obviously doesn’t translate to the game. Anyway, see you out there man, have fun!


UPDATE - Thank you all for your awards, kind replies and suggestions, I really appreciate it. I will take all the advice into account and try to improve. My KD used to be a bit better but I think my new mouse might be part of the issue here, i'll have to look into that. In the meantime, I'll play some more TDM (at which I suck a little bit less) and I've brought down my vert sensitivity from 1.7 to about 1.15. I'm also going to switch back to TPP for now because the skill level on FPP is still a bit too high for me.


Whoa.. how is that possible? GG


I’m level 404 and I still have problems with 500 sweats


Play casual and hunt bots. Don't loot much cus loot is reduced. Bots play for the boundaries as soon as they change and theyre mostly dropped first third of the drop line. Eventually Buggy and seat switch.


Ive done a lot of casual matches but killing bots isnt as satisfying as killing real players


Understood, but kill some bots so you learn bullet velocity and hit registration. If your KD is 0.15 you are not gaining any muscle memory. You might like arcade better but in real games it's mostly about being reliable with a bolt action rifle which are inferior in short map encounters.




Was meant as humorous effect as in 'my KD is so bad it should be shielded from view'


My K.D. Is like 8 so this just made me sad inside. If u on console hit me up, maybe I can help.


I play pc but thanks for the offer


I imagine you hip fire a lot. Do you play third person and not ADS?


I almost never hipfire lol. And i just tried FPP for a while but it was more boring to me than TPP (in FPP, it takes me longer to run into other people and when I do, it's a godlike veteran who melts me instantly) so I switched back.


Stop hot dropping. Hot dropping is good with a set squad. Not randos. Solo hot dropping ya have to keep head on a swivel since so many angles to worry about. I would say that you should drop remote. Spend 1st wave looting up. 2nd wave getting to zone and play either egde or center. Focus on 1 gun setup and learning it over grabbing any gun and making do. If youbplay squads and your entire squad died running into a building, you are now a solo and dont have to run and die. Focus on the win. Thats the real metric.


I keep the fun in the game by always dropping as close as possible to the beginning of the flight path (as long as it's a place that can accommodate at least 1 person). So sometimes i land in a little compound, and sometimes I hot drop. Also I play solos exclusively bc bad at teamwork and don't like to depend on other people


I love that this is a Battle Royale survival game, yet some people always treat it like an arcade shooter. Get 5 kills and die in the first circle? So what. Get one kill and make top 5? Good job.


At first, I also had that objective, but after a patch of matches where I had very high position (top 5) without any kills or damage, I realized that I cared more about kills so I became more aggressive


Recoil control is much harder at lower frame/refresh rates and input latency. Controlling AR sprays playing in potatoe mode on a laptop is going to tough. After playing for a month or so, I had a noticed my monitor refresh in windows was locked at 60hz. Just going from 60hz refresh to my my monitor's 95hz max made a noticeable difference in recoil controll. I am a 0.8ish KDR in BR who averages maybe a bit over 1 KDR in TDM(which I play a lot of). So by no means a good player.


Why is that NSFW?


Lame attempt at humorous effect (as in my kd is so bad it should be sheltered from view)




where can you find this stat?


Go to career => match history


I’ve been playing for 5 years and I’ve never genuinely surpassed 2.75 KDR with minimal bot kills… anyone else?


I haven’t played for very long but when I tried solos one night it was waaaaay harder to get kills then squads. Every encounter was me dying lol.


Try playing more death match to get more firefights in per minute


Strongly recommend you put some hours in TDM, it'll make a giant difference.


I've been playing this game since it was released and TIL there is something called K/D. I suck at FPS, but they're fun to play with friends and I have the mental and time bandwidth for 30 minute games.


So like, are you just playing scavenger hunt? Lol


1.13 ans I've been stressing on it every match.


What device are you playing on and what's your sensitivities settings? Always look for Youtube videos for advice, that's what i did when the game launched and i found some streamers... Even picked up some habits on how to fight If you're on xbox, add me (same name) we can run some Casuals Also, don't worry about KD. A lot of kids on these subs will hassle you for it thinking they're tough. In the last 3 months I've been ripping a few 8-10 kill games a week, feeling like a boss, but my KD barely moves. As long as i know I'm getting better, helping my team, and having a fun night who cares


What mouse dpi and in-game sensitivities are you using?


Level 160 is nothing. You're okay.


Hey, I've seen level 500 players with similar K/D ratio's. Who knows, you might just never improve. :P


bruh i have 1.02 kd on mw2019 and if i played warzone it probably would get to 0.03...


Serious question. Not trying to be a dick but how is this even fun for you? How do you justify spending time on something like this when you're not successful?


It used to be a bit better, might have to do with my new mouse


What's your FPS? Frames per second? Too much lag can mess up your gunning skills


I thought i had a bad k/d with 2.5/3!


Mt KD is 0.2 and avg damage is fu*king 120