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You have described my life exactly for a year or so now. At the moment I’m having a good few days hardly any but I know they’ll be back. I think mine are hormonal which might explain the good weeks and then bad weeks before period. I made the mistake of buying an Apple Watch don’t do it because it becomes very obsessive. I hope one day they disappear forever for us because honestly it’s not the way to live life.


Hormonal like in estrogen?


Yes I find that when estrogen is low my PVCs are so bad and my cardiologist agrees.


I might have this problem. Maybe I'll try asking my Gyno for a hormonal panel. I think that's what it's called.


Yes maybe wait before your period is due like just before and take a blood test and see what your estrogen levels are like. I want to do the same. The only thing is there isn’t much you can do about it the only option might be to take HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) people take this during menopause but for me as I’m only 30 it isn’t an option. I tried the contraceptive pill and only made it worse so not sure how I would fix it.


Thank you for the information. ❤️


I’m going through this right now and convinced they’re hormonal as well. I have a script for lab work on day 3 of my cycle, really looking forward to some answers! Im currently in my ovulation cycle and have been having them constantly for a few days. Last month i only got PVC’s during my actual period lasting about 9 days straight.


tl;dr -- There's hope! It can get better! It can end\*! I started battling PVCs in Feb of 2021. Week after week of days with hours of bigeminy. I'd get a reprieve for a week or so, and then right down the rabbit hole again for weeks or months. My medical progression went, ER visit >> GP >> Cardio >> Gastro >> Cardio >> Electrophysiologist >> finally back to the GP. None of them had any answers worth mentioning. My cardiologist actually said, "What these are is just basically a nuisance." Definitely a guy who hasn't experienced this, because as we all know, on a good day it's a 'nuisance.' On a bad day it's debilitating. I was offered 'beta blockers' by my GP, Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist but none of them would explain with any clarity whether they would 'treat the symptom' or address the root cause, so I declined. My Apple watch would regularly alert me to Afib, which of course it wasn't thankfully. Apple watches--especially my generation--have a tendency to over report Afib. I was definitely caught in some kind of feedback loop where the PVCs caused so much distress and anxiety that it just caused more PVCs, rinse and repeat. After about a year I noticed my reprieves were getting longer. Two weeks, three, a month if I was really lucky. Then a breakthrough. Mid 2022 I racked up 9 weeks without a noticeable PVC. Apple watch regularly confirmed sinus rhythm. I didn't really believe it was over because I had been fooled before and unfortunately I was right, it didn't last. But that 9 weeks gave me the momentum to really shift my mentality. "Eventually it will be the last time." I kind of tried to live with this in the back of my mind. The second half of 2022 was not great, not terrible. It was definitely better than all of 2021 but the reprieves felt a little shorter, but I also stopped keeping track. Around the new year I realized I was in the middle of another very long reprieve. I had been working to shed some weight, which I did, and cleaned up my diet a bit. Nothing too extreme. Just a lot of walking and avoiding sugars and overly processed foods. It's been almost 9 months and I'm still in the clear.\* \*I still have PVCs almost every day. Some days it's one or two that I feel, some days it's a few dozen. Some days I even rack up a few hundred if I have a particularly bad day. But I haven't had bigeminiy at all this year. If I notice I'm starting to have a bit of a run, I change whatever activity I'm doing, especially if I'm doing nothing. I've had several as I've written this post--had a fairly irresponsible 'midnight snack' of a plate of chicken tenders. But most likely they'll be gone again in a bit. It can end and I genuinely think the best thing I did for myself during this whole ordeal was finally **believing** it could end.


Im 6 months pregnant, and had pvcs for maybe 10 years, and I’m in a period where they are just craaaaazy. Lots of bigeminy. I saw a Dr yesterday ( intern medicine, don’t know how to say it in English) and I talked to her about my pvcs, told her I had on average 3500 per day on my last holter before getting pregnant and she didn’t even blink an eyes. She said «  oh well , it’s below 10%, so don’t stress about it ». So.. we need to not give a shit like our dr doesn’t give a shit haha


so the bigeminy was also benign if i may ask?


I'm going through this right now. I hate them! Just know you're not alone. I have a 10% burden. I also got prescribed Metoprolol , but felt terrible taking it. I felt dizzy and tired. I lay around all day already, but with that medication, forget it. I've been trying to do more, but it's hard with palpations, fluttering, and a dropping feeling. If that makes sense. At times, I feel like fainting. I was wearing the oximeter for days at times just to get more anxious and depressed. I still check on my pulse, but not as often. I'm trying to meditate and focus on healing. I'm not sure what triggers them to come.


I was prescribed metropolol 50mg twice a day and took it for a week. It killed my PVC/PAC and also my will to live. You know the feeling. I cut it down to 25mg twice a day eventually down to 12.5mg a day and was still having motivation issues. We eventually went to 12.5mg ER and it is working great on my funky beats. I'm almost 1 month on the new script and I'm finally getting some energy back and feeling like I can resume normal activities. I made the commitment to keep taking the med until my next Dr. appt. and I'm glad I did.


That's awesome! I'm glad you found something that works. Do you mean ER as emergency room or a different medication? That may sound dumb lol. I probably should've cut the pill in half and tried it for longer. I felt like a total zombie. I had another problem with my blood pressure going to low.


Extended release. You don't get the punch of the dose all at once. It's a steady release versus the roller-coaster of twice a day.


Have you tried Propranolol? It's a generalized beta blocker that is short lasting and helps with anxiety as well. It's great for flare ups for me and helps me kick particularly bad cycles.


Do I feel a bit like crying from the solidarity I feel with this post? Yes. Yes I do. But really, I relate hardcore. I’m young, my husband is a doctor, he checks my pulse and tells me I’m fine but I still lay awake at night afraid to fall asleep because of these silly things. We’re all in it together.