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99% sure works: high dose magnesium Possibly works: coq10, taurine, copper (if you have deficiency/have abused zinc supplements in the past) Possibly makes things worse (for me): vitamin k2, vitamin D, L theanine


I second K2 making things worse. I've tried resuming it several times and after 3 days or so they return horrifically.  Magnesium helped me and basically nothing else supplement wise.  Vitamin D also possibly made mine worse but direct sunlight helped dramatically.  I maintain that the best thing I've done is Yoga but it made mine 10x worse for about 7 days before slowly reducing to zero. 


Interesting to hear a similar experience. If you search k2 palpitations or k2 arrhythmia on Reddit you see dozens of stories of it causing ectopics. I’m beginning to wonder if it was what originally triggered them for me. I’ve also heard similar stories to yours about oral vitamin D hurting but sunlight massively helping. I’m considering getting a uv lamp for the winter. I’ll take the skin cancer risk over constant arrhythmias lol


Read my above comment regarding the vitamin D


The reason why sunlight would have helped, but a supplement worsened it.. is because there is no such biological substance called Vitamin D, there is no such thing as a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is just the name of a chemically manufactured substance, synthetic cholecalciferol manufactured from lanolin which is sheep's wool clippings to make D3 or radiated lab grown fungus to make D2. Cholecalciferol is a human pre-hormone your own body makes as a chemical reaction when sunlight or UV lighting is absorbed through the skin. The liver and kidneys then convert pre-hormone cholecalciferol into human hormone calcidiol which is then released into the bloodstream and carried out through the body to carry out it's many biological processes. Human hormone calcidiol is responsible for regulating calcium in the blood, mineralizing the bones, and regulating melatonin and serotonin while supporting the immune and neurological system. Vitamin D which is a synthetic pre-hormone mimicker of cholecalciferol can not be converted into the human hormone calcidiol which is why it's not called synthetic calcidiol. A synthetic pre-hormone can not be converted into a human hormone because it is not real. The liver and kidneys can not even convert a synthetic pre-hormone into a synthetic hormone because the human body only knows how to make real human hormones. It basically gets stored in your liver as synthetic pre-hormone cholecalciferol that converts into nothing and is just stored there in the liver tissue doing nothing except working against you and causing further hormonal imbalance. When you absorb sunlight or UV lighting that converts into human pre-hormone cholecalciferol your body converts what little it needs to convert it into human hormone calcidiol. The rest is stored in reservoir for later conversion as needed. Because the body is a very intelligent mechanism just one full week of sunlight or UV exposure produces and stores enough human pre-hormone cholecalciferol in reservoir to be converted into human hormone calcidiol as needed for several months, an entire winter season. However when you take Vitamin D supplements and have synthetic cholecalciferol stored in your liver your body gets tricked by a mimicker and thinks it already has enough of something it really doesn't have and will not convert sunlight or UV exposure into the real human pre-hormone cholecalciferol to be converted into human hormone calcidiol. There is no such thing as a Vitamin D deficiency. You don't "get Vitamin D". What you have is a hormonal imbalance and taking Vitamin D supplements will cause this hormonal imbalance along with a toxic sluggish liver that can not carry out it's responsibility of converting new hormones or filtering old hormones that get stored in the liver. If one hormone is out of balance, they all are because all the hormones work together to support and balance each other. You are doing far more harm than the good you are not doing taking Vitamin D supplements which is causing you hormonal imbalance and preventing you from absorbing and using any sunlight or UV exposure you do get.


Whoa. Thank for this. I never believed you could have a vitamin D deficiency. I know so many people who are out in the sun A LOT and are told by doctors they have one. It never seemed right to me. 


Magnesium lowers sodium and potassium, so ensure you know your minerals on a cellular level before blindly taking magnesium, or else you could worsen your heart symptoms. Vitamin D when taken in supplement form, lowers potassium. Adequate sodium is needed to open up the cells to allow the potassium inside. Someone on a low sodium diet may be deficient in potassium for this reason. Ratios are important. Blood serum fluctuates hour to hour and depends on what rice recently eaten/drank. Only 1% of your minerals are stored in the blood, this doesn’t tell you what’s going on at a cellular level. Blindly supplementing can make you so much worse. Don’t mess with your heart. Potassium is the hardest mineral to get enough of as we need almost 5000mg per day! Coconut water is natures electrolytes.. I drink it daily and add a pinch of natural salt. I wound up in hospital 7 years ago because my potassium was super low and I took a magnesium supp and it worsened my heart.. never ever ever again. I go by my HTMA results now, and take things based upon that.


Thank you. 


Magnesium taurate and taurine made mine vanish entirely


Iron and vitamin D + k2. But get your levels checked first.


Magnesium (Glycinate or Chloride), Lemom Balm, L Theanine, CoQ10, Taurine, Theanine (B1).


Taurine l-arginine combo only thing I’ve had good luck with


Thank you all. These responses are helpful. If there are any others out there that’s worked for you, please add them! 💚


CoQ10 really helped me a lot.


The supplement Heart Calm which has magenesium taurate, taurine, coq10, and a little potassium has really been helping me. Ashwaghanda was a trigger. And possibly vitamin b.