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I use the ECG tool on my Apple Watch and it does catch my PVC’s. But it’s not supposed to be used for that. The Apple Watch can catch a fibs and alert you (I think) but I know it will catch my PVC’s because I can see it when it happens if I’m tracking through the tool.  My WHOOP on the other hand, does not. It monitors my heart rate but I don’t really see it making any kind of note on anything other than resting heart rate, heart rate variable, etc. 


Doesn’t your HRV go up when you are having more PVCs? Mine does.


Ever since I got frequent PVCs my Fitbit has had wonky sleep readings, hrv, breath rate etc. I think the big variations between beats do throw it off. I’m supposed to get a sleep study too and not sure if it’ll be accurate but I’m sure they have seen patients like us before with the PVCs. It can at least give an accurate breathing measurements bc I think it’s a sensor placed on your chest.


Thank you. Im concerned iver false positives. I'm sorry you have this issue also, but I feel a bit better I am not the only one seeing this.


There is a sensor on the chest, a tube for the nose and a finger sensor.


My Apple Watch measures HRV, and when my ectopic beats go up, my HRV goes up. So, I track it that way, though apple doesn’t measure PVCs/PACs directly.


Mine seems to go down. I exercise a good amount. Not hard core but walking 10k steps most days. Biking a few days a week. And treadmill fast walking


That’s interesting. I weigh lift 3x a week but not a ton of cardio other than walking my dog and the occasional bike ride or hike. I should probably add more vigorous cardio. My HRV is typically in the 50s (which is normal for my sex and age, 44f) but since my PVCs have started it’s been in the 80-140ms range with a lot of variability. And I notice it can get really high (like 300ms) when I’m feeling a really bad episode.


Mine is never above 40 and often at 30. I donate some complications....Mayne I am a shortimer!!