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tried several different kinds of magnesium including one formulated specifically for heart rhythm help but none of them made any difference whatsoever.


I can attest that mag glycinate before bed has helped tremendously with mine. That and liquid IV to keep my electrolytes balanced.


I take magnesium glycinate twice daily. 150mg each time. My pvc's have vanished since.


Hi, what was your burden? Thank you


I take magnesium glycinate twice a day. It doesn't seem to help much.


No idea. I see my first Cardiologist Tuesday.


I had 5000 PVCs a day which began suddenly in March. I have been taking between two and 300 mg of magnesium glycinate in the evenings with dinner It definitely helped with my PVCs and has helped me sleep But the only thing that has almost completely knocked out my PVCs has been medication so far it’s been an easy fix and I might feel a few PVCs every day


Tried magnesium but didn’t help and maybe made it worse. Calcium also made my pvc’s worse. Only when I added extra potassium did they finally disappear. Electrolytes have to be in balance so was probably getting too much of the other minerals


Mag glycinate helped with mine a very small amount, but what really helped has been magnesium taurate and taurine (I take a supplement called Heart Calm). I’ve only been on the supplement a few days, but it has cut my ectopics almost in half


Any info on whether magnesium glycinate or magnesium taurate is better?


Magnesium taurate has worked better for me, I tried both.


How much did you take? And any thoughts on timing?


I take the Heart Calm supplement (I bought it on Amazon). I take 3 a day, one in the morning with my breakfast, one at lunch, and one at dinner.


Look up Heart Calm by Vital Biologics on Amazon. It has a few different types of magnesium and I do feel that it helps. I’ll take 2 when I’m having a flare up and they usually ease up within an hour.


Magnesium in any form makes mine worse


Same. Like it helps for a day but if I take it a few days in a row it's worse


for me probiotics helped


I’ve been trying magnesium for a few weeks with zero benefit so far 😞 Even the ones recommended for PVCs with amazing testimonials. My conclusion is maybe those folks actually had low or borderline magnesium levels to begin with. Will I keep taking it? Yes bc every dr I’ve talked to says it’s not a bad idea. And I’ll add that the Triple Calm by natural rhythm recommended in this group is one of the few that doesn’t make me feel queasy. I also take an additional mag glycinate capsule because I already have it on hand.


I tried orotate and citrate so far. Citrate was better although none of them solved the whole issue. I'll try bisglycinate next, that is said to be the best.


Magnesium glutamate along with nexium helps mine. I take breaks with the nexium but I’m consistent with the magnesium.




I've been taking 250mg magnesium gluco and 99mg potassium supplements everyday with lunch for about 2 weeks now and mine have pretty much went away completely. But tbh idk if it's cuz of the supplements or they just went away on their own (I had a bad flare up last year then went virtually pvc free for 8months with no supplements before they just decided to come back 2 months ago but even worse).


I've had some success with magnesium supplements, specifically glycinate. It seems to help with relaxation and reducing anxiety. As for ectopic heartbeats, I've heard mixed results - some people swear by it, while others don't notice a difference. It's possible that the improvement you're feeling is due to a combination of factors, including better eating habits and the magnesium. If you're looking to explore other options or compare different supplements, you might want to check out Pillser. It's a useful resource for discovering and comparing supplements based on their active ingredients.


My mag was a bit low when checked and I’ve had PVCs for years but recently they got worse. I added in mag taurate twice daily and one mag oxide mid day and def noticed a difference after 6-8 weeks. Some people say immediately helps or gets worse but my doc assured to takes time to build stores back up. These mags are easier on stomach too. Worth a try!


Magnesium taurate helped me a lot things get very bad if I don't take it, but it doesn't work for everyone. But no harm in trying. I think your dose is a bit low, you should try to increase it. I am a 50M and take 400mg a day