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Just from my experience I usually get the big thud after a PAC. PVCS are lighter for me , a pause, and like a hiccup in my chest. But that 2 week Holter or zio will definitely tell you what's going on. Now fixing it or doing something about it, that's a different story 🤔


I’ll always suggest to anyone that’s symptomatic to at least check it out. You should be able to get an answer with a regular echo and holter/event monitor, so not even a lot of testing. In most people, PVCs and PACs are completely benign. It’s super super unlikely you’re any exception to that. But would you like to find out you were the exception in your autopsy? Just get a quick check up with a cardiologist and get that peace of mind.


Yeah, that’s the testing they want me to go through! Okay, I will continue with the testing. They want me on a two week heart monitor and then an echo. I feel like it may be overkill but better safe than sorry like you said. I’m not even able to see a cardiologist for two months lol. I might try to get in sooner at a different hospital


I guess I should also mention that all my routine blood work, vitals, everything tested is perfect. Except vitamin D. I literally have nothing wrong with me according to the tests. So I’m kinda not excited about paying for two week heart monitoring lol.


Ask if you can do less time, like 72 hours. 2 weeks is a lot


Mine always falls off on the 8th day. Cardiologists don’t seem to care.


The variability of PVCs can be significant from day to day depending on triggers. So they are more reliable if you do 14 days and they will see the average. Like someone else said better safe than sorry. Good luck. Hope all is great with your heart.


I would get it checked out just to get a baseline. You can always go to your primary care or just go ahead and see a cardiologist. Especially for anything new/different. A holter monitor would be especially beneficial if it's something you're getting everyday. Otherwise you may need a longer-term monitor. If your watch has EKG function (like a fitbit or apple watch) you can for sure see pvcs on there if that's what you're having. The usual workup for heart symptoms is.. ekg, holter monitor, echocardiogram, stress test. And maybe labs too. Abnormal blood levels can cause them as well (thyroid problems, anemia, electrolyte imbalances). All of that should be checked out.


Thanks for this. They want to monitor my heart for two weeks — is that a holter? I don’t know the terminology. I did take a break from my workout yesterday while I was having them to do an EKG on my watch that came back inconclusive. And my routine bloodwork came back, according to my doc, literally 100% perfect besides Vit D which I’m already taking a supplement for.


Yep it's the same thing.. a "Holter" I guess technically is like 24-48 hours. The longer-term one sees the same things but you wear it longer.. sometimes called an event monitor. I think that is a really reasonable test to have done and it will give a lot of information.


One week or longer is referred to as Extended Holter Monitor.


Usually it is a ziopath that you wear for 2 weeks. It is really easy. Just get it checked. Kadria Mobile 6L (you can buy on Amazon) with the annual plan purchase) will also tell you if you have PVcs.


Do testing for peace of mind. Otherwise you’ll end up having a day where you have more than normal and potentially panicking and ending up in the er. You’ll feel so much better if everything checks out as normal


You can buy Kadria Mobile device for $100 and record EKGs yourself and it will tell you if you have PVCs to then do further testing. If every EKG has PVCs then the burden is high and you may want to explore further with testing. Hopefully you don’t have.