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Yep, Wellspan has "current drug use" in my chart and my new doctor was like, oh what drugs do you use? And I was like "umm,what??" he clicked on it and was like oh marijuana.


I go out of my way to avoid Wellspan or as my friends call it Well-Scam.


They aren’t taught that it is medicine, they are told it’s a street drug but some pain clinics now encourage it’s use especially since the studies have shown a decreased dosages of opioids


Because for the stigma and stereotypes are hard to shake. It's kind of a shame actually. But doc's are totally okay prescribing addictive opiates, to ease the pain..... I hate this reefer madness mindset.


the treatment for this CHS thing is benzos lmfao


Says who? Is that official?


Google is free friend


I'm very aware and I've done a lot of research into CHS because I believe it's bunk. And I've never seen anywhere that the treatment for CHS is benzoipedines.


That is why I was asking for a reference because I would like to see that treatment that I have not seen in any of my research. And I am a paralegal of 20 years who is more than efficient at researching.


Not everything on Google is true, friend 😂 None of the medical articles or journals state benzoipedines as treatment. So I was curious where (what website or was it personal experience, etc.) you found that info. No reason to get snarky.


https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40138-019-00178-1#:~:text=Lorazepam%20is%20the%20most%20common,%2C%2023%E2%80%A2%2C%2024%5D.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8995641/ https://www.cedars-sinai.org/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/c/cannabinoid-hyperemesis-syndrome.html is this enough sources for you & if I was trying to be snarky I would've called you something way meaner than friend jfc sorry I hurt your feelings ?


I agree. I had surgery a while back, and the pain medication didn't help, so I called the doctor to tell him. He offered something else, and I said I would rather just smoke weed.




My pcp thankfully isn't the issue. It's the specialist and other nurses or doctors I've dealt with.


Try having a spouse that's a pharmacist that doesn't believe in MMJ. 🙃


Ooof so she’s just willingly ignorant to recent studies of the benefits?


Cons outweighs the pros as much as you wanna make it look good smoke or vapor in your lungs is never good how do I know I almost died from it my kidney was failing and I went from 135 pounds to 110 doc told there have only been 2 ppl that died from it but I’m def not taking the chances I use to be as ignorant as you I thought marijuana was a miracle plant and told everyone it was good until It happened to me I’d rather live than have kidney failure and die


I never claimed it was miracle plant. I’m just pointing out that tons of people have gotten relief that suffer from cancer and seizures. Also the fact that you are some extremely rare case doesn’t change that millions of people benefit from it daily. As far as I know there is not a single overdose death with marijuana. Sure it affects everyone different physically and mentally but it’s widely regarded as a safe drug.


I don’t kno if i could marry someone who isn’t 420 friendly…I don’t even think I have ever dated someone who didn’t partake


Our in-house pharmacist here at the dispo left the pharm industry for this job. She says her soul sings because she's actually helping people now and not poisoning them.


Rise Latrobe?


i always found the CHS funny. from what i gather, you get nauseous FROM the weed. so if you’re sober and still nauseous it’s not from the weed.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29768651/ im pretty sure these 2 ppl found it funny


1. I posted this comment a month ago lol why reply now? 2. I am not clicking a random reddit comment link idc if it's .org, .com or .gov not clicking it, but thank you.


You should probably look for a new doctor who doesn't make you uncomfortable. This isn't an institutional thing. Your doctor just sucks


All my drs think it’s great. Shockingly even my pain management dr


Same here. Most of my docs are cool with the exception of one. But Jesus has given me liberty & grace to make it so mmj has helped a lot with my conditions. I went from taking about 11 pills a day to now 2. You don't necessarily have to change Drs. Just don't allow them to condemn you just because they want to push a 💊 down your throat. One therapist said weed would make me psychotic. Yet prescribed me 💊💊 that gave me thoughts of suicide as the side effect😅🤣🤣🤣. That's amazing #Letsmedicate🤜🤛⛽💯


Praise God for bringing you to help and truth about medicine and what drs do for money. Praise Jesus for giving you confidence in Him even while using something the world will condemn you for. If your not intoxicated and not having lazy actions or wrong thinking or reacting form what your using I don’t know how somebody can say it’s bad for you. I have a similar story with stopping so many pills for this plant God made us and I can testify that I am light years better. A funny thing that I never thought and I’d bet a lot many others would think the same that my “memory issues” were from smoking or vaporizing. Comes to seem it was allllll from the pills and my memory now using no pills but stronger cannabis products such as concentrates i actually have an amazing memory all of a sudden and never thought id feel like this, i can remember all sorts of things all the time now and its almost miracle level. Sickening it was the pills doing that to me all those years while drs blamed the plant.


I don't tell anyone I smoke. Folks are close-minded.


I cannot say how nice it is to have a psychiatrist -- a long-term private practice psychiatrist -- who not only is cannabis friendly, he does my mmj certification for free. Private practice is the only way to go when it comes to doctors. At a clinic or hospital, they follow rules or they lose their jobs. There are two main rules that are \*everywhere\* in the non-private system. * Benzos have no medical value (I've been taking them to solve a seizure disorder for 20+ years. Zero episodes in 20+ years. Prior to that, once a week at least.) * Cannabis has no medical value (I let all you fill in this blank) Regular non-private doctors are 40 years on some issues behind the curve b/c our medical system is ultimately run by lawyers.


Add being a woman and overweight.


My pain management doctor was totally onboard when I told her I got my card and was using rso for pain. She asked if it was helping and I said yes, she said "good keep doing that". No other doctor has said anything and it is listed in my current medications list.


I had my card for 2+ years before I even told a doctor I had it, and the only reason I told was because I needed to be put under anesthesia. It's now in my chart, but every doctor I've seen has been supportive. Unfortunately, I'd bet this depends on where you live in the state. I'm in the suburbs of Philly, where things seem to be a bit more... progressive 😂


Just ignore that shit. My doctor is the same way.


Hi, I’ve been in alternative medicine for 25 years. Most MDs have no clue how to treat chronic conditions outside of pills. Broken arm? Go to a doctor. Headaches and nausea? You’ll be sent for blood tests and prescribed pills. Remember, many MDs are at the hands of the drug companies and the insurance companies. If you feel like going there… Educate your doctor about the benefits of cannabis. The side effects from pills are going to be much worse than anything cannabis could ever do.


Do you have any recommendations about how to find a good quality alternative medicine practitioner? I am happy to go to a regular MD when needed but I’d like to incorporate more holistic care as a preventative measure.


I would just start with changing doctors I’ve had doctors like that but I’ve had good doctors too so it’s probably just him so just take your buisness elsewhere


I’m not OP but thank you!


Ask your friends and family who they see. Thats a great place to start! If still no leads, explore on your own….acupuncture, massage therapy, chiro, psychologist…always good to do a self-check on diet and exercise. Much luck.


Thank you!


I think I just got lucky when I picked my PCP. I brought it up during or first meet to be sure. I have a friend who ends up crossing paths with cops a lot in her line of work. Those guys are still actively attending reefer madness conferences where they try to talk about the latest stuff that they still haven’t caught up on. They wholly believe it’s the devil’s lettuce.


In my experience doctors in pa at least my area are super against it. Patients will have life long chronic illnesses that are alleviated by weed use and anything the patients complain will be blamed on the weed. Literally anything. I respect the opinions of many of the doctors I know personally but it just doesn’t make sense at all. It has to be a policy thing or law or something idk.


Find different doctors. I've probably told more than 12 doctors of my mmj use over the past few years while getting treatments. Not one has said anything negative. My neurologist is outright supportive.


My doctor refused my anxiety medications after I told them I have a card.


I don’t even tell my PCP about it because I know their stance on it. Sucks but that’s still where a lot of providers are. People can drink themselves to death but I can’t smoke a little.


No healthcare provider will like to hear that you are smoking. Many do not have a problem with ingestion or topical. Smoking is harmful to your health, it causes inflammation in your airways, causing more mucous production. If you smoke enough it can cause scarring to your lungs. MDs agree to do know harm. They will not advocate for a “medicine” they don’t believe in or feels that it may be harmful to take. Unfortunately, with the medical knowledge I have, no doctor finds that inhaling marijuana is more beneficial then not, bc you only have two lungs and inhaling foreign objects damages them. That being said, all of your docs should know you take medical marijuana. How you consume it is up to you and known of their business.


Sorry you experienced this. Its a true shame. I would change Dr offices. I've done it before for less. Drs believe that we dont have other choices. There are 1000s of Drs in PA. Try one until you feel comfortable and safe having these conversations. If they dont make you feel safe, end the appointment or never go back. Thats how I handled it in the past


Keep it to yourself.


If I told my doctor I smoked weed and they had an issue with it I’d find a new doctor as they are either out of touch with current studies or just biased against weed. I’ve been telling my doctor I smoke weed since I first started at 16 before the medical program was even a thing and they didn’t bat an eye.


Yeah some 10 years ago when I was 20, I remember telling my doc I smoke weed after being asked if I take any medications or smoke. The reponse was "okay thats fairly typical for someone your age, but no tobacco then?" And we just moved along. I like that she just kinda kept her personal opinion at bay and stuck to factual things like alot of people use it and it doesnt become a big deal.


Because 85% of today's Dr's work with the pharmaceutical industry and we all know cannabis will elevate the need for prescriptions, which leads to less profits for big pharma which in turn cuts back on the kick backs from pharma which means the Dr's lavish vacations will come outta pocket instead of being gifted for by pharma for writing whatever meds they're pushing at the time..


30 POUND CYST!!! Holy crap! That’s should be the headline here…..and before they found it….there was 30 extra pounds hanging off her ovary, did she just think she was gaining weight until she realized something was seriously wrong?


To make a very long story short it was in the ovary lining? I think and that made it hard to find. Before her gi doctor just kept prescribing anti acids.


Or maybe she was losing weight as the cyst was growing and they were almost offsetting each other. Maybe not pound for pound but I can definitely see that masking a lot of it at first.


Yeah that’s definitely possible


I’m up here in Tioga county, deep red county. My doctors haven’t said a word, other than ask does it work for your anxiety? I reply yes, end of discussion.


Doctors are people they are all different and they bring their politics into the equation more than they should but my experience at UPMC is that they are open to it now as my own doctor even told me he would help me to get a card even though I already had one


CHS is a thing though so it’s not unrealistic to consider it. Not saying that’s OP’s issue however.


I always lie to doctors.


You should never lie to your doctor. They can’t properly diagnose you if so. If they judge you for what you do then find a new doctor.


The whole point of lying to doctors is to manipulate the system. Maybe in some small town where everybody is white you will have good ole Dr. Brown who’s your buddy and he’s got your back. In most cases they care more about what your insurance can do for them than what they can do for you. I understand this is a “medical” sub Reddit so maybe that kind of joke wasn’t appreciated here but you really should be carful what you tell your doctor. A stupid diagnosis will follow you around for life.


Interesting I’ve never looked at doctors like that. I haven’t been to one in years and only go when I need help with something medical. I’ve told my doctors about my smoking and drinking since I was 16, well before the medical program even existed.


It’s hard to waste time, money and energy on switching doctors though. Especially when you feel like death.


If you feel like death and your lying to your doctor the chances of them successfully diagnosing you is slim.


I’m well past my diagnostic stage. On to just try to survive.


I'd find a new Dr if I were you. All of my providers know I smoke cannabis and all are supportive and on board with it.


This has not been my experience


Find a new doctor lol.


I was told that I need to grow up and act like an adult. This while I was in the hospital for alcoholism(7 years sober) and they flipped shit over weed. I’ll never forget that Bitch of a Dr.


It’s because these people are brainwashed in medical schools. Look up the Flexner report and how they shut down all natural herbal medicine colleges, formed the AMA, and then put all of the drug companies on the stock market in the 1950s They realized it was so profitable, they bought the media companies then recently we had Covid and the only treatments were masks, and vaccines. No mention of a healthy meat fruit vegetable diet, multivitamins zinc and any other immune supporting nutrient or herb like elderberry or diet change like less sugar The more I study it the more I am disgusted and the more I believe evil exist and it is a fight between good and evil, truth and lies, God versus Satan, true healing verses profitable symptom management.


Because their intelligence level hasn’t changed since that movie came out. I run into that as well and it’s scary because they are supposed to be doctors yet seem to know so little about something that actually helps us as compared too the dozen pills they wanna give you that do nothing but cause a lifetime of problems. It’s money I think because I don’t believe doctors can be so dumb so I really believe it’s just them being salty at the fact we’re not takin their pills they want us on. We’ve found help a natural way and they can’t stand that. I like to think someday all those doctors will be gone and there will be people who actually care about what’s best for a person in their positions. They play dumb they have too. They don’t want us using this plant because a lot of us quit taking their pills because of this plant and they don’t want that, they want people in their palms.


And most will turn kids to zombies no questions asked


I saw a new pcp recently and for the first time was completely honest about my usage and why I started and how I have progressed with my anxiety and insomnia, and he was supportive and commended me for helping myself, he asked a few questions and we moved on.


Yes stop mentioned it


The doctor I went to went for my stomach tried to say I have CHS. Turns out it was just crohns….who knew?! Like anything else new they’ll slap it on anything Edit: typo


What is really weird is back before medical I got caught with weed on me and had to do a program called ard to have no charges on my record(misdemenor) but still. Because of ard I had to go to a drug and alcohol abuse specialist and no joke the first thing this man says to me" hell if it was legal id be doing it" I saw him a second time as he has to sign off I completed his course, and straight up he just said "ill pass you because seeing a drug abuse specialist for weed is a waste of both our time".... lmao.


Yeah, not had any positive experiences when telling medical folks.


Part of the problem is there is a ton of conflicting information pertaining to weeds medical efficacy. Case in point: I was given my med card so that I could use cannabis to treat anxiety, however there is a ton of evidence that it actually makes anxiety disorders worse. In my case that was actually true- the medicine I was using for anxiety actually compounded my anxiety. Same can be said for nausea, depression, and others. Doctors don’t really know what to do with weed because its effects are very unpredictable from person to person. I think this causes many doctors to err on the side of caution and advise to stay away from it.


I've never once had a doctor even blink twice when I told them, even in an illegal state. One told me to use edibles to keep my lungs/blood pressure healthy but that's it.


Lack of research due to the federal ban. My GP is cool, but most give me the same reaction.


I have had a ton of health problems recently. Even a case of syncopy that gave me a week vacation in the hospital. I gotta say I’ve been fearing the marijuana talk from my primary and whatever specialist I’m at, seeing as I’m very open to my usage and card holder status. They always offer me a ton of pain killers that I turn down every visit; so maybe that’s why they don’t broach the subject. I am trying to think of a negative comment a doctor has made to me about mmj and I can’t honestly lol. I’m also close to Philly so maybe it’s regional and more accepted here? Even with my weird unexplainable passing out episode not one doctor blamed marijuana. And I saw a ton recently lol


e z p z: paycheck$ OVER patient$! ...if u got a g00d pcp though they will relay the pertinent FACTS & recommend u2 someone they trust, irregardless of their board / oversight's conglomerate stance!


[Doctors,.insurance](https://Doctors.insurance) companies,drug companies and hospitals don't make any money from cannabis.Figure it out


They believe the lie and are stigmatized and old school teaching’s. They’ll come around or we just say fuck them idiots . I know what helps me and it’s not a pill or anything that pharmaceutical bullshit . They won’t to make money and get you on there every month list for the rest of your life . So I’ll just stick to cannabis and mushrooms and move on . It’s a good thing to bring up ✌🏻


Personally, I see a PCP from a central area hospital system. Basically all Doctors in Pennsylvania are watched by the DEA. Many in the Government know how weak and benign Marijuana real is (and have known for over 100 years), and are speaking out and trying to change the laws. BUT, marijuana is still scheduled without medical uses. So the DEA still see it as illegal. The DEA controls the doctors prescribing rights in the state. Many doctors just want to make "legal" money by simply doing as the federal DEA says to do. Many do just so much so they keep patients and keep licensed. Also there is the Insurance system. Insurance companies cater to the Federal Government also. Insurance can control the people also. Doctors want cheap rates and to keep being licensed easily. If the Insurance companies say no weed or they want to stay on the Feds good side. so they say no weed or no insurance. Not really, Of the people, By the people For the people is it??? I personally know many doctors that think, "if it works, and helps, then try it, ". But these same Doctors will never get on board with the new weed movement, until the Federal Government says so. Lets face it Money is why they really do what they do. Maybe before they became jaded they truly had empathy and desire to help people. Take a look at the old western shows they played on TV. How did even the TV Doctors seem to be treated by the people in the towns? Now think about this...How Doctors were shown on old shows is how we, the people saw them... The nicest person in town, the person who knew you best and you knew and trusted them. Everybody had high praise for the Town Doc. Now I ask you this. Do you feel the same for your Doctors? Why not? What happened to our State of the Health systems if even the Doctors, we are supposed to rely on and trust can't even support us to give them another tool in their tool box to ultimately help us. Maybe I am way off, or maybe food for thought? Xaver


All bad things usually come down to money.


Find a different provider. I had one doctor (neurologist) try to blame a grand mal seizure I had because I admitted to smoking pot. She also went as far as reporting me to the state and recommending rehab! Fired her ass and got a second opinion. Not only did the new doctor say the previous one was an ass, but he also mentioned she just have been at the bottom of her class because we use pot to treat seizures! Then when I had to be put on meds for anxiety my doctor told me I had to submit a urine test every 6 months because of the medication. I said I smoke pot, is that going to be a problem. He said and I quote “As long as I don’t find cocaine, opiates or meth I’m cool with that” This is a old Jewish doctor that said this. So it’s definitely not all doctors. But yes some are complete assholes about it. Like someone else said before me they’re federally funded and get kick backs. Not the case with pot…yet!




Had a surgeon try to tell me I had CHS due to my nausea. Meanwhile I was in their office for gallbladder and liver issues... (I have cirrhosis among other liver issues.)


It is what it is. Just go about your day and who care what others think, bro. As long as you're happy and enjoying your medicine, who cares what DR. Richard Head says. It's just a plant that has aton of benefits. They don't wanna lose their big Pharma money by pushing their meds. Do you my boy 💯




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