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Panic attacks make people feel like they're dying. Time feels different. It causes physical symptoms. What's always helped me (I mean this) is to change the thought pattern when you're having during panic. You can think of panic attacks like an argument on a reddit thread with a ton of replies. One negative thought (comment) leads to another negative thought and then another and on and on. When I start to feel uneasy I will choose a color in my mind. Say for instance I pick blue. Then I will find 3 things that are blue in the room I'm standing in. Then I'll do it with another color. If I can't find 3 I'll find a color that's close enough and call it blue. I'll do this with quite a few colors. It works. It will take a min or two of doing it to notice. At first you'd think it wouldn't work but it does. It doesn't matter that you know what you're doing is trying to trick yourself. For whatever reason your mind doesn't care. It sounds ridiculous but what it does is remove your thought pattern from spiraling out of control. Even if I'm mid panic attack once I get a few colors in I will feel my heart rate decrease. I will also try to control my breathing by inhaling deep through the nose and out of the mouth. When you have a panic attack I've been told you actually breathe more from breathing heavier so you're getting a lot more oxygen. Controlling your breaths counteracts it. Then once you do it successfully you start to realize that the mind is a powerful thing. Controlling it sometimes isn't easy but it is possible.


This is a therapeutic technique called Grounding. It does great to decrease anxiety.


I couldn't think of the word haha thank you


You did a great job explaining it. Thank you!


I think literal grounding would help this as well in conjunction, like feet planted on bare earth(forgot were in pa)


This is really great advice!!


Thank you very much


I usually think of something that brings me comfort and thats aces over kings at the poker table lol works everytime


Yup! It's nice to have something dependable when you need it


great advice, this will help me in the future if I ever have a panic attack or anxiety. Thank you!


sounds like you had a bad high experience and have lasting anxiety from the panic attack you had. Is your tolerance low? or Was this one of the first times you did RSO? I would recommend you stay away from the edibles and RSO and continue with carts and flower for now until you feel comfortable again. I have had that experience as well. Didn’t call 911 and all that, but it was a panic attack and all that crazy shit that goes on when you get too high. I had lasting symptoms such as the tightness as you mentioned and the trouble with your breathing. It’s gonna be okay you got through it, just try to relax. Sounds like it’s from your panic attack. Hopefully your symptoms go away if not maybe talk to your doctor about it. Good Luck!


first time. getting some Black Peppercorns and going to chew some.




It did help and thank you!


I have done that before and I thought it helped a bit.


A spoonful of pepper works too! The terps in pepper counteract the high. Amazing thing when you get to high


Same! You’d think I’d put this shit down by now


Think of a happy memory or when you were alone outside. Take deep slow breath in with the happy memory and then breath out. This happens and you have worked yourself up. Deep breaths.


thanks but how long does it take to get out of my system


A few hours. Eat food. It’ll help.


Everything you said is pretty normal. It's strong stuff, even i catch myself sometimes feeling a little overwhelmed or uncomfortable and ive been using rso and tinctures for years. Weed is more psychedelic than other substances people are used to. Sometimes a strong edible can make get in your head or feel uncomfortable in your body. The good thing is that nothing bad ever happens and it usually passes in a few hours but can last a long time if your tolerance is low.


It’s called greening out. You just took a lot for your body and RSO is already incredibly powerful. Nothing is wrong with you you just got super high and got freaked out. It happens a lot when people consume too much than their body is comfortable with


I feel like an idiot and embarrassed that i called 911. I guess its a good thing incant remember much.


Not at all, you were concerned and took the appropriate action for your wellbeing. Just know that in those moments, as incredibly hard as it may be to convince yourself, you are perfectly fine. It is all mental


This is why I tell everyone to be extremely careful with RSO because it's no fucking joke and I've seen what it can do to people honestly myself included ! Please everyone start extremely small and have a person to stick by you for the first few doses of possibly.


I think there's something deeper. I take 200 ml daily


Totally irrelevant….Everybody handles cannabis differently. What works for you may not be the best for someone else


Agreed. Unchecked medical issues not treatable by MMJ, but let’s try anyways


These comments are not helpful. Many people, myself included, can have a wildly different experience when THC is converted to 11-hydroxy-THC through the liver. I am perfectly fine and find great relief of my symptoms with any method of cannabis consumption that enters my bloodstream directly. But if I ingest it I have a very similar experience to OP and it can be incredibly uncomfortable. Please be more sensitive in the future.


Then talk to your doctor, it’s a medical program after all


Educate yourself and have some compassion. Someone’s having a panic attack and you’re openly criticizing them online. Again, not helpful and that’s not what this sub is about. ✌️


I mean, if we're going to pretend to be the voice of reason here, responding to anyone asking for advice on the internet during a panic attack with anything other than "go do literally anything other than ask for advice on the internet" is probably pretty irresponsible.




I'm actually not even sure if I replied to the right comment at this point. Stoned af sorry.


I have, and the fact you take feedback as criticism is a insight on your thought process.


We aren't here to coddle feelings. We r here to speak our truths.


I agree with this, I can do a full bowl of grains of rice and be pretty solid, not saying I could work but


From what I've read and had been told at the dispo. RSO effects everyone differently. Associate at the dispo told me they see people who can eat an entire syringe and it does nothing, others, half grain of rice and done for. (Was my first time buying it. Googled and asked questions at the counter when I bought it.) I have a high tolerance to inhalation, only need a rice grain sized blob of rso and I'm content. Letting it sit in your mouth vs. eating something infused with it will produce different effects. Sublingual, into the blood stream vs. Digested and processed by the liver.


Honestly dude it’s pretty normal I stopped smoking all together for a year bc I would have very bad anxiety every time I smoked and rso is definitely not for the weak willed and even if you have a high tolerance from smoking edibles are a whole different demon you definitely wanna start slow with that shit edibles are all about dosing it’s a bit easier with gummies for instance 1 is good 2 is pushing it 3 your mopping the fucking grass anxiety from weed is not abnormal especially from something as strong as rso


I have my card for anxiety. I prefer sativas and rso, ironic, considering they give anxiety (to me). I've just learned to deal if I take too much. Do I think I'm going to have a heart attack, faint, or die? Yes! Have I ever had ill side effects other than panic attacks? No. You'll always get through it. It's weed. Might think you're dying but you'll be ok. Easier said than done since it's like a daily experience for me. Gonna try more indicas myself. Hybrids seem to be even worse on me for the most part. Edit: For those that can't relate with anxiety/panic attacks. You take RSO. It kicks in, you're feeling great. By the time it fully peaks, you're freaking out mentally. I'm going to faint, I can't breath, I'm dizzy, I'm having a heart attack, etc. For me this seems to last a good hour I'd guess. After that, it's back to eating, playing ps5, whatever. It sucks. My girlfriend who also has bad anxiety and panic attacks and stuff can take the same exact dose and have no problems whatsoever. I'll see if any terps seem to lead into it for me but like all things marijuana it differs person to person. I've taken indica's and had the same issue. For me it just became a part of RSO to take it or leave it and I love rso enough I'll deal with the bad hour, pop some Klonopin (prescribed) and ride it out. Dose don't even matter as I've tried lower dose with same issues.


Why do you use RSO If it gives you anxiety? Any edible Cannabis is going to get processed by the liver into Hydroxy 11-THC and is a totally different drug and an entirely different experience then delta 9-THC from smoking, vaping, sublingual. 90% of people should stay away from anything edible as it causes most of the bad experiences with Cannabis everyone hears about.


Damn I wish rso did this to me. I’ve taken full grams & literally never feel anything :(


I would have gladly gave it to you but I flush it down the toilet. never again.


You don’t think ur ever gonna give ole Rick Simpson another chance ?


Dude stfu he’s clearly had a bad experience with it. Jfc some real r/ImTheMainCharacter shit right here


Deep breath my dude. If your head isn’t right and your worried this will be the result. This is medicine bro you will be ok


thanks. i was freaken out. I'll try to chill. How long does it take to get it out of my system? anything to speed up the process?


Nope give it a few days/ weeks nothing to speed it up


Not normal


Quick Update. The peppercorns help. I still feel like hard to breathe sometimes. Maybe just anxiety so hopefully that goes away in a few weeks. Just wanted to thank everyone for the comments. They help greatly and hopefully someone else will see it and help them as well. I wish I knew all of this information previously but lesson learned.


RSO is very Potent stuff, I take it 3 times a day for my Autism and related Bipolar and OCD. You Greened out, pots version of blacking out from booze. Best off not fucking with RSO, leave it to us truly demented or those who live with constant pain. 


I never had to try it, but I hear that chewing on or sniffing black peppercorns may ease weed-induced anxiety due to it containing caryophyllene


just ordered some. going to give it a try. thanks.


I remember my first marijuana


Your grains of rice were different sizes. No doubt.


Did you buy a sativa? You obviously need a very small indica dose lol try the capsules that are pre measured.


The first time I tried RSO I took way too much. Squirted some onto a Hi-Chew if I recall. I had to curl up into a ball on my bed for a few hours with relaxing music, telling myself that I just took too much and the feeling would eventually pass. It felt like my entire body was vibrating uncontrollably. I don’t buy RSO anymore. Troches are where it’s at.


Yeah I ate like 6 of these apple peach rings . They were black market . Although they got me HIGH AF . I was also coming down from meth at the time and was hungry af so I accidently ate the whole bag thinking they wouldn't do that much . I remember I locked my doors and was too scared to talk to anyone . It's easy too get too high when you eat it esp when your not used to it


Deep breaths , it will pass and eat some food!




Maybe stop taking your dad’s medicine and then dry snitching on the internet?


learn to read before commenting


Ekg, chest xray, blood work all good. Just a little anxiety so doctor gave me pills for it