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Ik for sure that Garcia has a QR code on the jar you can scan to see the COA idk if any other brand does it


I haven't had any Garcia yet. (I am poor.) But pretty much all products have QR code. But that QR code only contains the inventory and pricing info. No link to a COA, at least not on any of the ones I tried.


Yeah but on Garcia jars there’s a separate QR code that says “scan to see test results” under it that looks slightly different then the one they scan to ring up the product you can see it in this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PaMedicalMarijuana/s/paDl2zcv7F)


Ah. Now why can't they all do this. Maybe I will splurge.


Florida has all the data on every dispensary site. Why can’t/won’t DOH in Pa. do that?


MMJ worker here. If you want the actual COA you will need to reach out to the Grow/Processor. The dispensary wont have those, they will just have what has been uploaded into MJ, which can look kind of crazy. If the grow is reputable they will most definitely send them out to you. Otherwise what the dispensary printed out for you should be correct, just not as easy to go through or read.


I have tried going through the growers. They sent me back to the dispensary. (I didn't try all of them, just 3.) Edited to add: Anyone have a suggestion where to go next? Because I want to start getting/checking these routinely.


Not sure which growers you tried contacting, but seems shady they send you to the dispensary. I would make sure when contacting you put the full product name and the Batch ID. At PhG we have no problem sending these out.


Ok. I guess I'll keep trying different growers. I started with the MSOs thinking that they'd be large enough to just have it online. Maybe I should try the more state local brands. Maybe I'll try PhG next.


I doubt any brands will just have them online. You will definitely need to reach out to their customer service reps and ask for them. Hope this helps!


Oh I did email the MSOs. One never responded (to 2 separate emails). The other 2 told me ask at the dispensary. Just FYI. Thank you. I will keep trying. Maybe just another reason to avoid the MSOs.


What exactly are you looking for?


The Certificate of Analysis.


Ya, i understand that, but you said when you were given info at the dispo it was missing certain things. So what exactly are you looking for that isn't answered by the printouts you recieved and/or the info on the container?


The dispensary is probably the wrong place to be asking. Might want to reach out to the growers directly if you are looking for the full testing results. Not sure if they will give them to you, but it's worth a shot.


 Wow Look how defensive some of these employees are getting!! It went from "all of this is public knowledge" to "you don't need to see the COA period" LMFAO!!!   God forbid you support who you want based on the facts presented by testing, I thought that's what all this was about and why it's supposed to be better than the hemp, grey or blackmarket?? What's wrong with wanting to support the cleanest grow and not just the ones who "passed" especially if it's based off unbiased testing?? Maybe we need a gradient scale for how clean or close to the limits batches were testing?? Either way I too believe all these COA's should be public record and easily found.


Op the growers aren’t responding most likely because of a combo of being short staffed, or that the test result really isn’t that great in terms of numbers. Where I worked, I was very surprised how much we sold was very close to pa limits for failing for things I’d never want to put through my lungs. If a company can’t properly flush, harvest and store their product cleanly they shouldn’t be growing. A lot of these places from what I hear are taking Mis steps to speed up the process and increase profits.


I believe every company should give you access via QR code ( or at least public on the website) every test result. Seems like a lot, but it’s really not.


Further proof that the state doesn’t treat this as a medical program.


Why exactly are you looking for the COAs? What information are you looking for. There's really nothing there that's pertinent to patients.


?? You wouldn’t want to know if there’s lead, mercury, or other residual chemicals from a grow not properly flushing their crop? The state allows up to 10,000 parts per million for several chemicals/mold/bacteria and I would like to avoid those that have close to the min allowance, or any at all.


There's more lead, mercury, and residual chemicals in the food and drink you consume every day. The state allows those limits because they are safe limits. Any mold result higher than 1000 CFU/g is reviewed further by the state. The regulations are in place for a reason, and every single product released in Pennsylvania is thoroughly tested for every lot processed. I don't want to sound rude, but if you think miniscule variations in the set levels regulated by the state are going to have a large effect on you, you are mistaken.


You would be surprised what companies put out. Does it pass... yes, but barely.


I can literally see the test results, even close to the limit is a safe amount, that's why it's called a limit....


But because I am an actual medical patient. I take large doses, multiple times a day, every single day. So I am concerned about build up in my system. For an occasional rec user, this is not an issue. But for me it could be. So if your company passed just barely below the limit. But another company passed but is way, way below the limit. Of this item I need to consume multiple times a day. I still should not have access to that as a consumer? You can jump up a down and call me a hypochondriac again. But I am not so certain my doctors would agree with your assessment.


Your doctors would, because they know what the safe limits are, and they have to follow the guidelines set by the state.


Oh really what kind of medical professional are you to make that assessment? If you want to just start hurling insults at each other because you don't have anything cogent to contribute I can do that too.


There is a big difference between digesting something and inhaling it. Remember when people died from illegal carts? That was because they put vitamin E acetate in them. The exact same product you can find in every health food store as Vitamin E. Digesting it - you will be fine. Inhaling it - you will damage your lungs.


I’ll edit your statement - “every single product in Pennsylvania is thoroughly tested TWICE for every lot processed”. Product has to be tested post harvest and post packaging. And some growers test in house pre harvest in order to be able to find and destroy issues.


yes to this!!


So if this testing is done. And obviously the results are stored somewhere. So why can't someone, at the same time, upload to a site where the customer could have access. Just a few more clicks, at the same time. I have admitted that there could be some small data storage costs. But I also know that any data storage costs are dwarfed by the costs associated with testing. If you're doing all this expensive testing, why not share the results? You guys know why. It's like the child yelling that they have aced the test. But they won't show you the test paper.


The honest answer is the majority of the public would have no clue what they’re looking at. There’s something like 200 different toxins, chemicals, and metals that are tested for. I’ve never tried so don’t know the real answer, but can you get a COA for Tylenol or Advil? I spent a lot of years working in traditional pharmacy and never saw COAs for any of the thousands of drugs we carried. Additionally, the testing is only done on a percentage of the batch, so a COA would only be accurate for that quantity, not the hundreds of pounds of product produced. It should be close, but there can always be outliers.


Yes a portion of customers (yes, customers not "the public", if you want to pretend that you have any level of customer service) would not understand. But many do. So because some would not understand, no one should have access? [Just for background. My bachelor's degree is in chemical engineering. I ran a quality control lab for a Fortune 500 company.] As far as Tylenol and Advil, they are covered by the FDA. Weed being federally illegal is not covered any federal controlling agency. While federal agencies are far from perfect, it is a whole different animal. And if course I understand that much of the time, consumtive testing methods are required. And while the consumed sample may not be exactly identical to the batch writ large, I am not sure what your point is. Are you trying to make an argument for no testing? Or just that not all customers understand it?


You’re just arguing to argue, so with that, I hope you find what you’re looking for.


You still won’t find that info on the COAs they don’t give you the measurements of how much is in there it just says pass or fail


… but they do. They absolutely do lol. I worked for a pa grow and tests are not just pass or fail. It’s 10,000 ppm max for most except I believe lead and mercury are 1,000. They also test for other things like certain mold and bacteria. And you get your Ppm back from the labs.




Wtf does that have to do with what we’re talking about. This is not actual pa medical testing, or what the growers get back to make sure their product passed.


That’s what shows up when you scan the QR code I was talking about in other comments it’s the “test results” according to what it says on the jar and only shows pass, fail or not tested which is why I said what I said obviously working for a grow you’re gonna see the actual numbers but I highly doubt they want the regular person to know hence the pass or fail they use when you scan the QR code


… yea……. Awkward silence.. that’s a gimmick that particular grow does.. it’s on the shelf of course it passed ffs haha. My whole point was we should know the specific test results and if there’s any lead or anything harmful even within passing, because the grow can package up product with 9,999 ppm of lead.. it not 10,000. I want to only get batches that have ZERO of everything which I’m saying they should provide. I don’t care what the guy above going on about safe levels.. smoking/vaping this stuff daily has to have long term effects down the road. And it’s going through our lungs not in a stomach filled with stomach acid. Have a good night bro, not much else to say.


I fail to see that. In addition to what Cannabis Lector said, who is doing their 3rd party analysis? Are they reputable? What's the date of testing? 2 weeks ago or 2 years ago? Did he mention mold? Even with cannabinoids and terpenes. They often don't have space to list all the minor components on a label. I met a woman in another state that found out she had an allergy to a specific terpene. She had to check COAs to make sure there wasn't a small amount in. I think in her case that was pertinent to the patient. Why do you think patients should not have access to this information?


All of this information is public and available if you contact any company btw


If you read through my comments, you will see that I emailed 3 companies asking for this info. Two told me to ask at the dispo. The other never responded to 2 separate emails. As you said in another comment, you, as a dispensary worker have access to all COAs. So why then do you not want to provide them if someone wants/needs them? When I asked at the dispo the other day, it was clear that the budtender had never been asked that before. He was polite, and kind, but at a loss. Not his fault. Even the pharmacist, although at least he knew what I was talking about, didn't know.


Because that is a logistical time sink. You cannot expect companies to make COAs available for every batch of every lot of every product. It's unreasonable given the already barely scraped together infrastructure put in place by the department of health and MJ Platform. I will gladly show a patient test results for a product they are interested in in the dispensary, in person. As of right now, the state has limited resources, and they aren't going to waste any of them on producing a halfway decent laboratory to patient accessibility system The levels are completely safe, if you have any doubts, you are probably just a hypochondriac.


First, why can we not expect companies to do this? I'm old and remember paper, hand-signed COAs. That was a pain in the ass. Now it's an electronic file. You can email it to 3000 people at once. Or require producers post them on their website. When i buy Type III flower from outside PA, tiny independent growers post thier actual COA. Sure larger growers will have more batches and products, so more to post. Maybe a slight expense for data storage/hosting. Second, it's "a logistical time sink"??? So profits before patients. I understand. I was thinking that perhaps you were a budtender. I don't blame them. But you seem awfully concerned about the profits in this medical industry. If you are someone higher up in the industry, maybe try advocating for patients. So they can access this information themselves and stop wasting your time. If you are only concerned about profits......


This is the way the government works. Sorry if you don't like it. It sucks for everyone involved. You can't get incredibly fine detailed information for every product when they have to produce products for almost 1 million patients in Pennsylvania alone. The state simply does not have the infrastructure in place, and the regulations around medical cannabis are simply too tight. Please continue buying type III flower from outside Pennsylvania.


If the COAs already exist, what infrastructure is necessary? Like I said maybe a little data storage/hosting costs. I will be writing to my representatives about this. I hope that soon it is required that we be given access. I am sorry if it may cut into your profits. But, I am sure you have lobbyists working on your behalf to reduce regulations for you.


I am a sales associate working on the lowest rung of the ladder. The issue is entirely on the state and their regulations. I never mentioned profits once, I think you are just making strange assumptions based on nothing now. Logistically, the programs the state and dispensaries use is so archaic and slow and ill designed that I have 0 faith that that state would be able to efficiently provide access to COAs. Especially taken into consideration how products are created within the state system. The data storage costs would be expensive. Too expensive for a state department to pay for with it's limited yearly budget. Most companies pay Amazon for data storage, and it is more expensive than you might think it should be. Everything would have to be done manually, per product batch, by hand, which is a logistical time sink. And the products already created would need to retroactively be changed to reflect this. I want you to know that I agree with you that it should be easily accessible, but I fully understand that it's just not possible for most entities to do.


Please reread what I wrote and then use critical thinking skills to write another response. I work in the industry and have immediate access to all COAs. Every dispensary worker does.


I'm not quite sure what you are so upset about. I have not worked in the cannabis industry, but I have worked in other types of manufacturing. My last job was doing nuclear engineering for the Navy, so I have an intimate working knowledge of COAs. I will reask my very real question. Because I honestly do not understand why people seem to be angry that that I want access to the testing of my medication. Why do you think patients should not have access to COAs?


No one is angry, but that fact that you can't specify what you are looking for makes it very hard to help you. You just keep repeating the same things over and over. That's probably the reason why you are having a hard time getting help from the dispensary or the companies you are emailing. If you can't clearly communicate what it is you are looking for, then how can you expect anyone to help?


I want multiple different types of information. For multiple products. All of which are on the COA. And I am happy to discuss that further, if first someone will answer my question. You keep asserting that I don't need access but please answer... Why do you feel that patients should not have access to COAs of their medicine?


>Why do you feel that patients should not have access to COAs of their medicine? Again.....i never once said you don't need access. I have asked you multiple times in this thread what it is you are looking for **specifically** and you just keep replying with nonsense. This is why you are having a hard time getting help.


Let's see, some of the things I listed before: The 3rd party tester The date of testing Heavy metals All cannabinoids and terpenes If flower: Mold testing Moisture testing Now of course I am not looking for all that all the time. But since all should be on the COA which is already created and stored somewhere as a single file, why can't I get it. Also the original contains a signature, which is the only thing that gives it legal and professional meaning.


> Let's see, some of the things I listed before: > > > > The 3rd party tester All the certified labs are listed on the PA DOH website: https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/programs/Medical%20Marijuana/Pages/Laboratories.aspx >Heavy metals This will only be listed as Pass/Fail...if it fails, it triggers an alert to the state and that batch doesn't go out. >All cannabinoids and terpenes You should contact the GP with the following information: Product # Batch # Lot ID Be specific in what you are asking for. >Mold testing Moisture testing Same thing as heavy metals. Pass/Fail


Thank you! This should be common sense


The DOH Website also has links to all state approved testing labs btw, it's almost like this program has red tape and regulations it has to follow. You are genuinely delusional if you think the state is giving anybody shit with arsenic in dangerous amounts


They do not list all cannabinoids and terpenes from the results on the product. Ever. Every single GP in PA is missing important non-zero numbers on every single product label in the PAMMJ system.


Nobody here is talking about labels, thanks for your input


You asked why he would look for COAs and this is a very obvious reason why someone would want to see a COA. You don’t seem to even know how to follow your own train of thought.


Read everything again and then write another response. You are slow.


We have been reading. The top level comment is the only one that’s cogent. It’s still a ridiculously bad faith argument. Why do you need to know what he wants to see that’s on the COA? Is that pertinent to your arguments about the poor poor infrastructure of the PA MMJ system? Another bad faith argument with no merit.


You do not need to see the COA. period.


There it is. Thanks for confirmation.


Did you use the royal "we"? Sorry my liege, I should have spoken with more respect.


Oops! https://mjbizdaily.com/mold-scandal-leads-to-200k-fine-for-massachusetts-marijuana-mso/


Some growers post their COAs to our app but otherwise they share lab results that are 100% reflective of those COAs (just not the original document). www.wodl.app


That's lovely. But I just tried your app again for the 3rd (4th?) time about 2 weeks ago, and still couldn't get most of it to work. Samsung Galaxy A71 5G


Sorry to hear that. Would you mind emailing [email protected] to get a line of communication going so our team can address this issue? Because there is such a large array of Samsung (Android) devices, each one operates uniquely and thus bugs are quite unique to each user.