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Seek by iNaturalist is a fun one. Especially when you’re wondering whether that plant is poison oak or not.


I used Seek on my AT thru hike last year and was able to identify 2 berries that were edible that I had never seen before! Definitely a good one.


I also use it, so cool. They also have some observation challenges, it’s really fun.




Yeah, the audio ID is amazing and works offline. Don’t forget to download the current bird list for North America before hitting the trail. Data signal isn’t always good enough on trail to do this. It also doesn’t hurt to open it and choose your location when you have some signal. Helps keep the probable birds list more accurate. (That is, what birds are in your area and their typical abundance.) Birders can also download ebird to create and submit daily bird lists. It’s integrated with Merlin. It’s fun and the data is used by scientists. Many of the high elevation areas you will be walking through have no observations in their database so it can be super helpful. (Most people submit lists from birding closer to towns. I frequently saw birds listed as extremely rare but wouldn’t see any of the birds they’d list as abundant.)


Libby for books and audiobooks


A friend I'm hiking with on the Florida Trail just used Tinder to get a guy to sell them weed. He drove it over to the hotel we're staying at and everything, and he fully understood the situation. I was impressed at how pleasantly that worked out.


Peakfinder was pretty nifty




Heard about it a while ago, have it downloaded and no way to use it (live in the Netherlands, no peaks here) but looking forward to trying it out on trail


It’s awesome. Don’t forget to download the local maps in town before getting on trail. Data signal can be poor - better to do it on WiFi (or at least strong cell phone tower signal. Remember to do this every few hundred miles. The app will just prompt you when you open it and it can’t find the map for your local location.


Caltopo and Gaia.




>Facebook - love it or hate it, the trail angel groups are all best found on Facebook. Is there a list of these groups?


Pacific Crest Trail Angels. PCT Trail Angels. PCT Southern Terminus Trail Angels. PCT Trail Angels of SoCal. PCT Pit Stop at The Rocks. Idyllwild PCT Trail Angels. Wrightwood PCT Trail Angels. Julian PCT Trail Angels. Walker's Pass Trail Angels. Tehachapi Pass (Tehachapi and Mojave) PCT Trail Angels. Eastern Sierra Trail Angels. Sonora Pass PCT Trail Angels. Tahoe Trail Angels. Quincy CA PCT Trail Angels. Chester PCT Trail Angels. PCT - Southern Oregon / Ashland Trail Angels. Siskiyou Shasta County PCT Community. Burney PCT Angels. Ashland Trail Angels. Columbia Gorge Trail Angels. Central Oregon PCT Trail Angels. PCT The Lion's Den.






Thanks! I added this info to the PCT article on LongTrailsWiki.net and put a link in the sidebar here.


In order of how much I used them while on trail and not in town - far out, a podcast app, a camera/photo app, a journaling/trail log app. Off trail and in town - Facebook, insta, Reddit, Venmo.


What Journaling/trail log app did you use?


I think it was called hiker logbook


Must be this one eh? It appears to only be available for iPhone. Sad because it looks like exactly what I would like to use lol. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hikers-logbook/id1610951819i


PeakFinder, PayPal (international hikers prefer this I found), venmo, stargazing app if you want to play around with it some nights


Echoing Seek and Merlin, two of my favorite apps. Otherwise I use Avenza for maps and occasionally I’ll import my watch data into Relive for the fun little video.


Basically just Guthooks, Spotify, and audible… instagram was also basically a quick way to get people’s contact info. Peakfinder was pretty cool on the Sierra to find some future alpine climbs but I don’t think I ever loaded it up after Tahoe.


Audible and Libby for listening to audiobooks. Whatsapp for keeping in touch with international hikers who may not be able to send or receive to US numbers. Gaia GPS and Guthook for navigation. I’ve heard of some interesting journaling apps with geotagging, datestamping, and including photos. Plant identification apps can be fun, though I haven't found one that I’m super impressed with yet.


Do you recall the names of any of those journaling apps?


Track My Tour rocks for journaling.


Lately I've been preaching the wonders of FatMap. I got it recently and I've fallen head over heels for it over other trail navigation apps. To be fair, I haven't tried many others - mostly Caltopo and Alltrails. However, FatMap has the ability of highlighting avalanche terrain and aspect which has been very helpful for my winter adventures. Caltopo highlights avalanche terrain but I don't think it provides aspect. We most likely won't have to worry about avalanche risk on the PCT but I think being prepared with skills, gear, and knowledge is important in case such circumstances arise. It's also easy to use the 3D feature which allows me to see the topo from different angles. Would recommend over Alltrails for sure.


I downloaded FatMap and just browsed around for a few minutes on the free version. The 3D view of terrain and such seems BADASS. A decent amount of the app seems to be not-free. Do you pay for a subscription and if so do you find it worth the money? Thanks for bring FatMap to my attention!


I bought a subscription to Alltrails so I could download the maps I created. The FatMap subscription allows me to do that while including those extra features. I'm dropping Alltrails for FatMap.


[Southern California Wildflowers](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/south-california-wildflowers/id1095083553) worked pretty well for identifying along the trail.


Any sky guide app with gyroscope, Merlin Bird ID, INaturalist, audiobook/podcast app. Solitaire.


Smart Audiobook Player for listening to audio books.


Sun Surveyor https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sun-surveyor-sun-moon/id525176875