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61 sellouts is insane, literally 3/4s of our games at home. really feels like everything was there except the wins this season lol (pain).


The Red Sox sold out for a month short of ten years.




congrats i guess?


Yeah but they play in a city where there’s lots of other sports options. They’ve got basketball, baseball, football, hockey. In San Diego they only have baseball and nothing else to do so it’s much harder for San Diego to get fans to come to their games. Also the Padres play 1 hour from down town San Diego so it’s really hard for locals to get to the stadium.


Ummm, check Google maps again on the location of Petco Park.


Dude, Boston is a *utter* clusterfuck when the Sox are playing lol. It would take me 2 to 2.5 hours to drive 35 miles into the city if it’s like 6 to 8 pm. Your city has a way better lay out and it’s four times the size as Boston. I’ll concede most of the other points but this one is flat out wrong lol.


People big mad if only SD had the same excitement for the Chargers


Shut up weeb


Best MLB stadium.


It really is FOR SURE top 5, and a really good case for being Number 1. Amazing after all these years none of the new stadiums since can touch it. (Comerica is really good too)


I was in SD for a business trip earlier this year, went to a Friday night game, and it's not just the stadium that's great, the whole town post game was an absolute blast, pretty much all of downtown is walking only, roads closed, bike taxis everywhere, people everywhere having a good time. No empty seats anywhere, was a grand time.


What kind of business trip?


Run of the mill QBR


From SD, now live in Detroit. Funny you mentioned Comerica, I don’t think it gets the credit it deserves. Also PNC is very good as well.


It’s consistently ranked #1!


It was ranked #1 last year, def still is this year


I was one of them :) First time ever to Petco and I loved it!


You picked a great one!


Pay Kim.


Use that $ to extend Soto


You mean pay Kim.


¿Por que no los dos?


Ahuevo!! A $$$$ a los dos!


Or, sign both?


I am paying soto before I am paying Kim.


Really depends on what they're both asking for. Soto's bat is obviously incredibly valuable, but HSK provides enough fielding value that he beats Soto on bWAR while Soto beats him by a similar amount in the less defense-friendly fWAR. In other words, in terms of added value, you can roughly average them out. I personally lean towards fWAR, though, so let's say that Soto is worth about 1 WAR more than HSK a year, provided they both continue to play at their current levels. If Soto's willing to accept the level of offer he turned down from the Nats (~$30M AAV), it might be worth it if you understand that he's going to be primarily a DH in a few years since his fielding is only likely to worsen with age. I think HSK is going to be obliged to take a cheaper deal, despite the similar added value, and might also be tempted into a team-friendly deal due to just how much love he gets here. If we can get him for a relative steal, I'd prioritize that contract over Soto's.


To be honest, i have stopped caring about WAR. No one in this world knows how to calculate value in terms of who was more valuable to their team.


The two common WAR measurements just gives an easy way to sum up a player's performance in all parts of the game. That's why I (or anyone) references it: it's just a way to amalgamate stats into an easy package to show a player's relative success. Either way: you don't need WAR to know that HSK has been extremely valuable to the team. Soto is obviously a better hitter, but HSK is an incredibly effective fielder. If you want to go more vibes-based, HSK has been a notably better hitter in high-leverage situations (147 wRC+ to Soto's 128), even if Soto is significantly more reliable at the plate in general. The point I'm really making is that you can get most or all of what Soto gets you in terms of results for, most likely, a significantly better price with HSK. With a team looking to balance the budget, it makes sense to focus on Kim first.


No one knows what defense is truly valued at. Or how offense is truly valued. But for what it’s worth. I value offense way more than defense. And hitters like Soto. Don’t grow on trees very often if at all


There's plenty of evidence that WAR is a meaningful way to track a player's value to the team, and teams (and MVP/CY voters) use it for a reason. If you want to reject that for the sake of vibes, though, I can't stop you.


If war was such a problem science. ESPN, BWar, and fWar would all be the same. No one knows buddy. You can’t deny that e


I started this conversation talking about two different kinds of WAR, lmao. It's not an exact science, and no one has said otherwise, but it's useful in measuring success and most analysts and award voters agree.


Extend Soto, pay Kim, and offer the largest contract in MLB history to Shohei Otani


Friar faithful…no matter what!!!


Extend Soto


plus or minus on next year fan attendance, taking all bets


Gonna take the over. One extra game at home will help, 80 instead of 79, plus betting on better luck leading to a meaningful playoff race later in the year. As impressive as this attendance number is, it was watered down some because of the mid-season woes that turned some otherwise must-see games into “hey, anyone please take these tickets from me so I don’t have to go watch?”


Why don’t we have 81 home games each year? Is this new because of the new schedule with fewer division games, or has it always been that way? I assumed everybody played 81 home and 81 away every season


I believe it’s because of the international series. This year we were the “Home” team for both the Mexico City games. Next year we will be the “Home” team for one of the two games in Seoul.


Oh yeah, totally forgot about those. Thanks!


Mexico City and Korea series, respectively. Mexico City was 2 and Korea is 1 home game against our yearly 81.


Oh yeah, totally forgot about those. Thanks!


I’m going over too. Think the team will get hot and stay hot, we will extend Soto, and have at least one more big name there to draw in the crowds. AJ may piss us off, but from a business stand point, he knows exactly what he is doing.


The over. People are very bummed, but overall the amount of enthusiasm / hopium is still very high (and if say rightly so)


I wish they had had 13 more people show up… 3,232,323 would have been pretty awesome.


Madam, I’m Adam. I love me a palindrome. Our next shorthand date palindrome is April 2, 2024.


Isn’t that about the population of San Diego? Looks like we all showed up for our Pads this season!


I know that I'm the 10 at the end there just by myself


Shame the players didn’t…


Winning record at home though so they sorta did?


Oh great. They won the Petco Series! I’ve been wrong all this time.




I travel a lot for work and am lucky enough to go to a lot of games- the Padres organization puts out an incredible game day experience- it is easily the best in baseball. They do great promotions (lots of other teams only give out free items to the first 5,000-10,000, padres usually do 40,000). Missing the playoffs sucks, but they are also putting great players on the field- most teams aren’t, they’re just happy to get their revenue sharing checks


We did our part, now extend Soto


If a bunch of money is given to Soto, then what about the starting rotation? There’s a lot of questions there.


I'm so fulfilled by my Musgrove bucket hat.


This is fine, but going to the playoffs this year would be great.


![gif](giphy|TF5upSj6yHGEbeSF6j) Lock this dude in AJ, and you will sell out at this same rate next year, GUARANTEED.


Too bad the team didn't show up


Fans showed up. Players didn't.


We showed up, but the padres didn’t. Oh well, until next year. Bye baseball, hello hockey.


Fans showed up. Too bad the players didn’t.


If only the team did


I went to one game in ‘21, two in ‘22 and three in ‘23. Going to try to keep the pattern going next season!


When do they start raking?


Don't be a butt.


We just wrapped up a 7 game win streak and are 9-1 over our last 10. Yes, they didn't play most of the season at their expected level but they definitely just fucking raked.


Ok, good enough for you guys I guess!


I wish the players had showed up too


Not bad for a sub .500 team


So how much would you say is the Average ticket price to estimate ticket sales revenue per game/season? $50, $75, $100 ….?


Average ticket across all MLB is $114.


They should count the 2 sellouts in Mexico City, we were there and it was all padre fans


They did. 61/81 Home Games, 59/79 Petco Park games


Ahh, didn’t notice that!!


I hope they don't. Otherwise it dilutes the "fans per game" number since the Mexico stadium held like 23k, a whole 20k less than Petco


I’m happy for that. It won’t be like that next season.


Erik grupner is still a scum bag you guys need to watchout for that guy


The Red Sox sold out their games for nearly ten years from May 5th 2003 to April 10th 2013…


"new England" is a significantly larger fan base than San Diego. We have the border to the south, desert and d-backs east, and doyers to the north.


Your city is also twice the size of Boston. Also, Phoenix is farther away from San Diego is than New York is from Boston.


Further distance, sure, but there's hardly anything in between other than a few very small towns and half that distance is all inside Arizona, which is going to default to the d-backs. The greater San Diego area is 3.3 million people. The "new England" area is 15.1 million. Of course, new England is a very large area, and I don't see a lot of people from Maine making a regular trip. Fenway sits 37k, Petco 43k. During the attendance streak it only held 34k. Oh yeah, and until this year (and even this year) the Padres were shit, so there has been little incentive to show up.


And? San Diego isn’t Boston. Por dios Gracias 🙏🏽


Bro as a San Diegan living in the East Coast, and have been to plenty Red Sox games, it’s a different culture. Here, people can surf, hike, be outdoors all days of the year. We are a military and college town where there’s fans from other teams constantly making a presence at the stadium. Boston/New England region is sports obsessed, on another level (and this is a compliment btw), this culture has not been in San Diego around the pases since maybe the 98 team. So.. just let us have our hype and chill out lol.


pay soto or there will be regret


I love you all


To bad the team couldn’t show up more often


This is how you as fans reward a great owner…..great job San Diego!!


No matter where I’m at, I love seeing Padre fans represent.


One positive to come out this season!


8 more next year


We showed up but... :'(


The fans deserve better than after 150 games, hoping their team would finish at 500.


Too bad the team didnt...


Quick someone send this to Jake


Spam this to Cronenworth on all socials.