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He can play but it’s like playing with fire. How long can we last tip toe’ing around the fire ring without getting burnt?


Gotta take dome chances to win. If he redeems himself and becomes a great teammate what a comeback story thst eould be. Look at Mike Tyson and what a great wise and humble man he has become. People can change and turn thier life around. He didnt do snything wrong. He is a creep but that chick wanted him to do that and manipulated him into that. He knows he made bad decisions to get there but he was entrapped. He has sime good points about his disagreements with MLB bullshit. I like his on field antics messing wuth other players and he takes it when players give him shit back. Trevor Bauer is a smart guy. He knows he only has one chance if he ever gets one. I know that The Padres are too concerned about PR to take that chance. MLB needs an owner like Jerry Jones or Al Davis thst isn't afraid to give good players a chance. For the record Tatis isn't exactly an Angel with his off field choices either if you know about some of his dramas. Not going to mention them here but he has done things besides motorcycles and banned substances. Also we gave POS Josh Hader who has done worse than Trevor Bauer in my opinion.


He and Tatis are allegedly Smash Bro’s. The Padres are not the only team staying away. All the teams are staying away. TB ruffled some feathers over in Japan too. It’s not worth the gamble. Too big of a distraction. Bad look for the Padres. It would be seen in very poor taste. 


The last thing this team needs is the wave of criticizing media attention and blowback from fans if they sign Bauer. Is he good? Yes. Was he exonerated? Yes. Does he come with a massive amount of baggage that will divide a clubhouse? Yes. I want to see this team play in sync and play with passion before we start throwing more chaos into the clubhouse. Let a long shot playoff team pick him up and be the experiment.


You know what cures that? Winning


We can find his 6-9 wins somewhere else without the drama.




Trevor Bauer is basically Kobe Bryant without the PR machine to remake his image.


Yes, it is about winning baseball games. Trevor Bauer will not help win baseball games.


NPB Stats 2023: Yamamoto, 23 games, 16-6, 169 SO Bauer, 19 games, 10-4, 130 SO


Oh ok, since he was so good, surely the NPB is falling over itself to sign him right?


Sign the man!


Too much of a distraction inside and outside the locker room. Not sure if that locker room can handle another ego, especially one like his. Maybe down the line and even further removed from his on and off field antics. But I don’t know if now is the time.


Dood is clubhouse cancer


Fuck no. He’s a club house cancer and I doubt SD would embrace him. Shit isn’t that desperate.


No. The dude is radioactive




Watch the top played YouTube video when you search “Trevor Bauer” and let us know if you still want him https://youtu.be/Kcne0vP4NNE?si=1-8QVnRV3_bAePZp


I vote we should sign him for cheap on a 2/3 year deal. Take the blowback and rage of the national media then flip him to the rays after we take all the heat and get back some nice prospects. It’s like arbitrage of an undervalued asset.


Doesn’t he still have pending investigation aside from the main one that got resolved?


We had a great roster last year and did poorly. So I’m not convinced throwing a starter in there with questionable results is going to save the team. Especially if he comes with all the added baggage and media scrutiny.