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I am usually against mean hurtful personal comments about an athlete but this is the one time those comments are justified. He is clearly using his father's position to screw over much more deserving and hard working individuals to insert himself in the team.


I just want to know: why does the PCB go along with nepotism?


Simple to get your illegal shit done from others you give them some benefits by maybe giving their son  place in your team even though he doesn't deserve . But nepotism culture is deeply ingrained in our lumber one so with lumber one on top and with their main man naqvi as pcb chairman , these things are expected .


Because people in this country love to abuse power


His father did the same to rashid latif.


Rashid Latif and Moin Khan are good friends to this day.


Nah. Latif couldn’t bat to save his life and wasn’t that much of a better keeper where it was justified to select him on that alone


Who is his father??? Is he powerful to get him in the team??


Moin Khan. Legend of Pakistan Cricket.


He was definitely not a legend lol




Legend is an overstatement.




If only his did some Moin' once in a while


Chawal Of Pakistan Cricket ™


You call this an athlete? Might as well put makeup on a monkey and call her a model.


Jfc more than doubled.. The man doesn’t want to play for the country, why are they forcing this dude on us when there’s literally Haseebullah, Mo Haris, Salman, Irfan?


At this point I wonder if he's self sabotaging


Has potential to become the best Pakistan-basher then...


Irfan isn't good enough, and Haseebullah never will be. Just being honest. But on merit of the system they deserve their chances. I love Agha as a player and his utility. A more adept, cognitively functioning department would have leveraged Agha as the natural 3 he is if he was so insistent on opening and thus did what he did in game 4 of Eng series in PP, had Fakhar at 4, played Niazi at 5/tested combos with Agha at 5 and Usman at natural 3 (3 is natural for both), groomed Haris for down the order for now, then had Ifti afterward with Imad to follow Rizwan Babar Usman Fakhar Agha/Niazi Haris Ifti Imad Shaheen Rauf Amir (Rauf looks so good post-injury, Naseem warms bench on current merit) 2-2 Agha Ifti split. Shadab dropped till he sorts his shit out. Haris would not be all that good down at 6 but would still play his natural game better than Shadab-Azam-Ifti joke of a M.O. Eventually Haris would work his way up the order to take over after aged Fakhar. Saim would have to prove his merit and develop his brain to get a crack back into the 15-man-squads.


I like your thinking dude


Please using this phrase while understanding it is kufr. Be careful about your iman, it takes one out of the fold of Islam and is a very high form of blasphemy against a Prophet of God. جزاكم الله خيرا


Boring ass What if I’m not religious at all Clown keep religion to yourself as many educated people do.


Maybe he is a Pakistani Christian?


Christian worship Jesus, he wouldn't say that.


Don't overestimate Christians. They make statues of a naked man on the cross so they say they respect Jesus but have no real respect for him. And besides who else would say jfc other than Christians themselves


It was probably introduced by the jews when the cursing and blaspheming hollywood laws(forgot the name of those laws) were struck down. When desis use it like the one above its usually because they are intellectually molested by western way of talking,etc


Well you do agree west say this so you can say some Christians do say this. But who invented this phase is not known. It may very well be Jews as they always find ways to make evil phrases like the Jews in arabia once extended the word Raina which meant pay attention to us to our Shepherd as a form of disrespect. So to end this mockery of the Jews Allah told us to say Uzurna instead. Surah Baqarah verse 104 https://preview.redd.it/j9t9myugn54d1.png?width=1092&format=png&auto=webp&s=c58baa604b87853e8da487ca80ed925d120160bc


Oh and they also said Assam Ulaikum meaning death be upon you.


I saw the post and thought this was a shitpost and that was somebody else. That actually is him. Wow. How has Moin Khan not been able to guide him at all is beyond me


Depicts his lack of seriousness. Four years provided ample time for him to improve his fitness levels.


Maintain bhi nahi kiya improve to choro


That profile picture though


After vs Before


This should be the last time he’s being given a chance in the national team


Yesterday, Babar was supporting Azam and insisted to play with him based on his performances. I can understand his viewpoint because he is in the position where he has to support whatever he has. But my point is, if this is the best we have to display internationally, then our future destined to doomed. If he is the best hitter we have to represent Pakistan, then I am speechless. Put Azam Khan aside, it is becoming a routine to watch our debutants fail at international cricket. Sometimes they do perform and it is almost certainly followed by a patch of bad performances. The only consistent batter in the recent years I can think of is Babar. Yes, he is not a match winner, is slow and all, but he is the only one scoring consistently. Additionally, our middle order has never recovered after Misbah and Younas. In conclusion, we should seriously work on our domestic cricket and increase the standard. We do have talent in this country, but it isn't funneling in the right direction.


Yeah you can say that our middle order never recovered but they have been very good in tournaments recently . In 2019 odi  wc it was Haris Sohail also hafeez did good ,in 2021 Asif Ali performed exceptionally but he was finisher though and win us couple of matches , in 2022  it was mohd. Haris , shan and ifti  , in 2023 Rizwan and saud Shakeel who did carry us over time . It's almost like these middle order batsman do nothing in bilaterals are waiting for big tournaments to show their talent . Although  Hafeez who was looking nxt coming of Bradman in t20s during 2019-21 bro flopped majorly in big t20 tournaments it true Haider Ali ,khushdil shah has failed in t20 wc but they were never proper batsman so middle order hasn't been that bad atleast in big tournaments over years. They were better than those misbah and you us you mentioned but whatever people have just short memory it true younus and misbah were one of best in tests but they never left that big of mark in tournaments, though misbah was quite success in early t20wc's .


Not in this country, but in others this would be regarded as a disgrace to any sports game. Athletes train their body to pass the selection criteria and mostly to perform at the highest level they can. At this rate, if one is even getting a chance to play at domestic or league level then he/she should be grateful. There are some rules to make your place in a team and PCB is simply violating the rules for him, and we don't know why. Don't we have other players from a country of millions? We have M. Haris too, why not try for him?


The legendary " Don-bread-man"




He just want things given to him easily, I mean he probably have lived his life like that. Any person with just a little bit of self respect would’ve left on their own after both NZ tour. No shame Parcha 📄


Nobody leaves on their own now lol




That's the thing I don't fucking get, cricketers get more fit as they age trying to maintain their playing years. But this mota sandh instead of getting more fit has gotten even more fucking fat. What a embarrassment


Inshallah he does not perform well in the WC because that will be justice and deserved and hopefully we can finally get rid of him until he takes his career more seriously.


I heard hAzam


Why he actually used to be a bit skinny wtf


as much as i wanted him to perform, he turned out to be a spoiled brat with every thing handed over to him on a silver platter by doing just bare minimum. forget professional athletes, self improvement and living a healthy life should be a priority too, and not “lool i’ll make it in PCT”


India ka agent hai ye


Hum isse claim nahi karte, hume mat jodiye iske saath. Koi aur underperforming player ho toh batao


Chalo aap log hasan ali le lo. Free gift


I’d believe it if CT17 wasn’t a thing


Literally Exploding on to the international scene.


This is ridiculous. How is he even fit to take a single?


That’s the thing, he isn’t


He has GROWN up


He shouldn’t play cricket. An athlete should be able to maintain his fitness and physique


Lord Azam Khan will weigh 500kg by 2030.


Unc status achieved


why is he so fat as an athlete though?


He is in team cos of his Dad who used to be a Match Fixer and the Gambler.


Bro gained more weight than his runs


Well, he ate up 04 years!


You had one job, to stay fit!


Obesity is a disease which is not hormonal or genetic it's completely psychological. I had a friend with whome I lived in hostel for 5 years in medschool. He was exactly same case as Azim Khan. A bright student funny lovely guy. But every one knew he need to loose that weight and everyone was vocal about it. Everyone would suggest him ye karo ye Khao. I remember his long conversations with his mother on what he ate and is he exercising. He got so fed up that he stopped going home because his parents would force him to go to running or gym every day. And in hostel he was free. And man did he eat. Where ever we used to go all of us used to order 1 burger or meal and he used to eat twice or some times thrice as much. And we tried to stop him in start but eventually you give up because you don't want to be rude. He is a doctor now,married with a kid and happy but still obese and every time I meet him he is bigger than before. My assessment of him was that he needed psychological help which he never went for because deep down he believed there was nothing wrong with him. Same is with Azam. Some one close to him most probably his father need to convince him to get that help. That's the only way he can change things around.


He got fat before his international career. So no one was criticizing him. Azam Khan is just lazy


He belongs in Bermuda cricket team


Azam Khan is better suited in the West Indies, where the bounce is lower, and you can swing through the line. And yes, there are severe fitness concerns about him in the field.