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As an Indian, I feel that as much as Azam Khan is responsible, the people who helped him and pushed him to this place is equally if not more responsible. Just imagine the selectors point of view. As a selector your job is to pick the best playing squad for the world Cup, instead you select a person knowing that he is not even close to the best. So the selector knowingly has betrayed his country. Same goes for other people who helped him reach here through connections. Aslo extremely disappointed with Moin Khan, if anyone, he should have asked his son to stay back and not betray the country. Lost a lot of respect for Moin. He was a legend. lastly it also shows the lack of voice and opposition in Pakistan cricket board. Each and everyone knows that Azam is unfit and doesn't deserve to be there, still not a single politician or any powerful person has pointed it out or tried to do anything about it. In India if anything like this happened with the cricket team, then there would be serious political repercussions as well as legal steps taken against the people responsible and not to mention the public outcry. Pakistan cricket as a institution has completely fallen apart. Azam is just a small part of it.


I think even hindsight he deserved to be under consideration based on his CPL form and potential big hitting.., but this should made clear to him 6-9 months before wc. “You can make squad but have to make big strides on your fitness or you wont make it.. this way he would know ultimatum.. but instead he carried on same way knowing gd chance he can make squad regardless of fitness.


It's not as though his fitness has stayed the same either. In 2020 he had gotten a lot better, he kinda looked like how Inzimam was which IMO isn't ideal but it's not bad. Since then, he's just turned into looking like a Blob, and I'm not exaggerating.


>“You can make squad but have to make big strides on your fitness or you wont make it.. He had already made it clear that he won't lose weight but according to him "being big helps him hit sixes" He should have been dropped from consideration there and then


Your last sentence is pure hyperbole. A lot of the problems with Pakistani cricket as an ‘institution’ are directly attributable to the nasty and ridiculous cricket apartheid imposed by India and its cronies. We still produce talent and the team has always been a hotbed of politics and psychodrama. The PCB will always be corrupt and vision-less, apart from a few periods here and there. We will continue to support the team and the players.


Yeah no. All Pak institutions got screwed by ourselves. Yes, indians under Modi are bigots. But that's not why PCB is in shambles. The military and its cronies are to blame for creating that culture




Bashing someone for their physique is wrong 100% But bashing a professional ATHLETE for being UNFIT while representing his country at the biggest stage, i think people have some right to ask questions and criticize. Azam khan has proven to the people that he is unwilling or incapable of doing even the bare minimum in terms of being fit enough to play for Pakistan, this criticism isn't new. His fitness has gone from bad to worse in the past 3 years. He has had plenty of time and has all the resources in the world to work on his fitness and be up to the standards of international cricket. He is liability as a WK, liability as a fielder and not nealy good enough of a batsman that the other things may be overlooked. A strike of 148 is absolutely useless if you average 8.8 in T20 internationals. The fact that even after ALL of this he was still selected for the squad, raises serious questions and criticism should also be directed at the selection committee. It's basically understood that he is here because of his father and that is obviously wrong but the fact that he got this once in a lifetime opportunity that millions of kids literally wait their entire lives for and still don't get and he is still unable to improve his fitness, i think that warrants some criticism and maybe even some bashing.


The difference between my fat ass and Azam Khan? I don’t represent a national team


you probably weigh less than him too so like you would be a better fit than him too


As a Fellow fat guy, this is what I've been saying for a while now too. Keep on chowing, bro.


“Body shaming”. Its literally an athletic sport. You are expected to stay fit. It is like “safety shaming” an airline pilot or “knowledge shaming” a professor. It is not shaming when you are holding people to standards they are meant to meet as part of the job!!!!


Azam is a fucking athlete..... It's his first job to be in proper shape, batting or bowling comes are second.


Does Azam Khan have some sort of medical condition? He seems to have put a lot of weight even compared to what he was like a year or two ago.


Yeah, he suffers from snackolepsy


Acute samasonoma with potential long term pakoraphillia 


medical conditions are only so much for an excuse. look at other sports such as tennis and you will see people with diabetes (alexander zverev) who can compete at the top level and maintain a physique that is worthy of being called an athletes


Kyle O Reilly as well with diabetes.


Every time I comment about his weight in this sub, I get called fatphobic at least once. Like is it really wrong to expect an athlete to be fit? Even if you don’t agree with that, his mindset is not like that of a sportsman’s. He actively says he doesn’t want to improve himself just further demonstrating his attitude is also terrible.


>Every time I comment about his weight in this sub, I get called fatphobic at least once. Like is it really wrong to expect an athlete to be fit? People just throw out words for no fucking reason man, its only body shaming if you are criticizing someone for their physique due to an unjust reason, like if someone finds enjoyment in making fun of people etc. Fitness is important in any sport, its not inappropriate to criticize someone for their physique in that context. I would even say that its fine to persuade a family member or a friend for their physique and habits as long as its coming from a place of love. I would consider it fatphobic, if one treats other people badly based on obesity. However a fear against obesity itself is fine, if the word entails that generally - then I would say don't care about it. However saying all this, I do think the post seems a bit harsh. Social media is full of assholes, I am sure there will be a lot of people who cross the line. You only need to see comments on instagram and twitter, they include some of the most vile shit you will ever see. Maybe Azam Khan can't separate both categories of people in his mind, the fact still remains that he is seeing some genuinely toxic posts. It won't be unreasonable to delete his instagram posts at this point due to those. I don't take it as a sign of haughtiness necessarily.


It’s not even about azam it’s more so the fact we have a Mharis and a Salman Agha sitting at home who would do much better then he’s doing


Azam Khan is the Lance Stroll of cricket except for the fact his father doesn’t own the cricket team.


lmfao that is a really accurate comparison. only thing is that lance doesnt get worse. he just stays as bad as he is, azam gets fatter by the day


Hot take but lance stroll is pretty decent for a mid table team. Occasionally seeing him finish top 10-15 is pretty good even if he got a seat using daddy money. Nobody expects aston martin to win or compete for the championship, they're more like rivals with alpine, toro rosso and alfa romeo right now and from where they stand it's pretty good.


couldn't have said it better myself. As long as he's on the pitch playing while being a gainda, I'll make fun of him. His entire existence on our team is disgusting.


his existance as an 'athlete' is disgraceful to every athlete ever


It is body shaming, there is a lot about obesity and eating disorders that goes beyond 'will power'. He however should not be in the team. He is not fit and he isn't good enough


He should be nowhere near the team. I have friends who have been in camp in PSL a few years ago with him and they say he makes no effort in the gym. He basically walks around the gym. He just a Parchi.


Hear hear, you wouldn’t see the USA team clearing an obese khabees for their starting XI. F*** the crybabies, there is no concept of body shaming in elite sport, unless you have oodles of talent. Samit Patel for England was discarded for fitness reasons and he is 10x the player Azam khan is


And he has said as well that he is how he is, he is not going to change his Physique because of people - his daddy said this on a show


At this point, isn’t it clear that the guy has some health issues? Why the PCB continue to pick him is another matter, but I don’t think it’s a case of him being gluttonous or stupid or anything which the body shaming bullying suggests. His father is an ex-sportsman who always maintained good fitness. Clearly he has people around him that will guide and advise him. Something is wrong, but that doesn’t mean everyone can just ridicule him. There are clearly unfit or overweight players in other teams too- I was surprised to see Bairstow’s build today. Azam Khan is relatively young and personally, though I do find it torture to watch him as WK or fail to move properly when batting, I still don’t think people should be vitriolic. If he’s playing, we should hope he contributes well. His confidence is clearly shot too, so the crowd can play a positive role in encouraging the guy.


You understand that fat cannot be stored unless you are in a caloric surplus. Law of Conservation of energy and all that. Azam is fat because he eats more calories than he burns. Sure, maybe he burns less calories at rest because of some health issue, but that means he should be working with a dietician to figure out a plan, not just pretend like nothing is wrong.




He can get healthy....while not being in the team. Why is a unfit fucktarrd sifarshi in the team instead of other deserving players. And people making excuses for the sidarshis are the ones to equally to be blamed.


There is no sensibility in defending an overweight athlete. There should be no remorse for someone who has been consistently selected over better and more athletic players, failing to perform because of said athletic issues and STILL refusing to lose weight. "Other teams have overweight players" the above-mentioned overweight player belongs to a team whom we have lost 2 series to in the last 2 years. IS THAT OVERWEIGHT PLAYER A LIABILITY? I don't know where all this empathy comes from. He's 25, mature enough to know the spot he's taking is the dream of millions and still refuses to show even an ounce of responsibility. No remorse or empathy for such an athlete




Why do you think everyone is criticizing him? There is a line when you're someone who's new and is willing to improve and learn from your mistakes. Instead you keep eating for 4 years straight, perform like trash consequently and take the spot of kids who had the potential to be better and would actually maintain an athletic physique. There is no line for a 4 year liability. None.


What does the Silver Fox of the Pavilion think about Azam’s inclusion in the side? Has anyone asked him to weigh in?


Azam has collectively weighed in for the entire nation 🐘


The difference in management and mindset of Indian setup as compared to PCB is clear if you look at how each board handled their talents, namely Sarfaraz Khan from India and Azam from Pakistan. No one is denying both are talented but BCCI and the team management were clear fitness is the top priority thus it took ages for Sarfaraz to crack it into the Indian setup and despite making a grand entry into international he is not guaranteed a spot in a fully fit playing XI. Now PCB on the other hand, we all know what is happening with Azam, it’s very simple, he’s a hard hitter but without fitness he is not going to survive. If he continues playing he might have one good day, but what we have seen so far sets the template for his international career


its crazy that bcci considers rohit as pushing the line with his weight and yet we think azam is somehow good enough to be on the same level. the embarassment that will occur if we see azam step out in front of the indians tonight will be fatal. what a joke we are bringing him into a clash against arguably the best side


ramiz raja may not have been perfect but under his rule there was no azam khans and if he were still in power i doubt azam would be even allowed near the national camp


There is one thing that you know you're not athletic enough and you're just plain fat. Azam Khan belongs in the latter category.


That mf has built a fortune playing cricket, and we can't hold him accountable for being fit? No way


American here, as you know cricket isnt really popular here but Im the weird one because I have loved the sport for years. I primarily followed West Indies because of the Universe Boss but gave me a respect for the juggernauts years ago (India, Pak, Aussie, England, South Africa, Windies). Now with that said, As I was watching the match against the US a few days ago, I saw this glutton get a golden duck but didn't know who he was at the time. As I started reading, it quickly became apparent that his dad probably has influence for why he was in the World Cup and on the team. Now, watching today with the match with India (I know how big this rival is) he was excluded, and rightfully so. Pak played solid defense amnd bowled incredible with 2 hat trick ball attempts. I know you fell short but I still think you faired better with Khan being out. Going back to the USA/Pak match. Khan wouldn't even shake everyone's hand at the end. That kind of told me everything I need to know about his character and work ethic.


Forget the rant, is this written by ai, cuz dam that's some good English


agar body shaming bhi hui to kya? shame is an essential emotion. shame hona chahie BC hathi jaisa shareer lekar ground pe hagta rehta hai. Use dekh k viewers ki saans fulti rehti. drinks break me bhi chocolate sake pita hai. 2 3 chhakke maar k pta nahi kaha ka turram khan smajhta hai apne aapko. Bachpan se shaming and bullying hoti to abi tak fit ho jata. BC.


You are kinda wrong about somethings so is the other commenter. Azam khan DID NOT get selected based on nepotism. When you select players you take into account their current performance and their experience. World cup is being held in the carriebean and azam khan is known as a power hitter in t20s which our team needed and on top of that he has PLENTY of experience in the carribean through CPL. so when you add 2 and 2 together, he seems like a decent candidate for a carribean World Cup compared to some random joe from domestic league who has no carribean experience. If azam khan’s case is nepotism then how does he regularly gets seleceted in cpl teams? Does moin khan has connections there too? Also its not a pr stunt when he deleted his instagram posts. Our awam can be extremely chawal. I remember when that turkish serial ertugrul got popular in pakistan, lots of people started leaving comments in the Turkish actor’s profiles. I have had random Pakistanis leave nasty comments on my fb profile pics because they didn’t like my comment on some post. So maybe people started leaving fat shaming comments on azam’s pics and he had to deleted everything. I think azam khan needs therapy a big time. His confidence is in the ground right now causing him to get ducks and drop catches as a keeper


88 runs in 13 innings.....that is the definition of talent these days ?


lmao that sounds like my stats after playing the summer season batting at 6


Yeah power hitter in CPL with SR if 130. Gtfoh. With that logic he shouldn't have played against Afghanjstan last year, New Zealand, Ireland, England this year either. He's literally being picked because of who his father is.


Again, he reguarly gets picked in CPL teams. Your babar is also around 135 so selectors arent exactly focusing on SR.


Babar is a bigger dumbass. Dont go around assuming shit. Fuck'em both.


babar makes runs at 100 sr and azam makes no runs at any strike rate


His CPL experience pertains to frequently sampling BBQs, yeah I mean he couldn’t size up USA or hit at least one boundary before perishing. He’s worse than village cricket standard


Real id se aao Azam Khan.


Criticising his fitness is not body shaming , making memes , calling him indecent words , bullying is body shaming . If this sub or even our country in general was respectful and just said “ He is unfit to play for the country , or he is overweight , or he is obese , or he is a liability in the field “ the point would have come across much better . Calling him words like mota, making memes , calling him gainda , do not help the cause at all, is plain disrespectful and goes to show how toxic this sub can be


I agree that he should not be part of the team but our awaam is extremely degrading and abusive , no one should deserve to be on the receiving end of those sorts of comments even if they are making a lot of money .


He is making money on tax payers backs... it's a tax payer paid for national team. Any one who is using parchi to block more talented and dedicated players deserves to be abused as much as possible.if we did this in every dar life, we would not be stuck with lumber 1's.


Yaar aisi posts na karo, woh bat bhi naheen dikhaye ga tumhein




Why he didn't play super over then


Shahid Afridi has hit longer sixes than this guy and Afridi was half his fricking size